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in their Approaches. Every Month, almost every Week, has its peculiar Ornaments; not fervilely copying the Works of its Predeceffor, but forming, ftill forming, and ftill executing fome new Defign. So lavifh is the Fancy, yet fo exact is the Process, of Nature!

HERE, let me ftand awhile, to contemplate this Diftribution of Flowers, through the feveral Periods of the Year.-Were they all to bloffom together; there would be at once a promifcuous Throng, and at once a total Privation. We should scarce have an Opportunity, of adverting to the dainty Qualities of Half; and muft foon lose the agreeable Company of them All. But now, fince every Species has a feparate Poft to occupy; and a diftinct, Interval for ap pearing; we can take a leisurely and minute Survey of each fucceeding Set. We can view and review their Forms; enter into a more intimate Acquaintance with their charming Accomplishments; and receive all thofe pleafing Services, which they are commiffioned to yield. -This remarkable Piece of Oeconomy, is productive of another very valuable Effect. It not only places, in the most advantageous Light, every particular Community; but is alfo a fure provisionary Resource, against the Frailty of the whole Nation. Or, to fpeak more truly, it renders the flowery Tribes a fort


of * Immortal Corps. For, though fome are continually dropping; yet, by this Expedient, others are as continually rifing, to beautify our Borders, and prolong the Entertainment. WHAT Goodness is this, to provide such a Series of Gratifications for Mankind! Both to diverfify, and perpetuate, the fine Collation! To take care, that our Paths fhould be, in a Manner, inceffantly ftrewed with Flowers! -And what Wisdom, to bid every one of these infenfible Beings, know the precife Juncture for their coming forth! Infomuch that no Actor on a Stage, can be more exact in performing his Part; can make a more regular Entry, or a more punctual Exit.

WHO imboldens the Daffodil, to venture abroad in February; and to truft her flowering Gold, with inclement and treacherous Skies? Who informs the various Tribes of Fruit-bearing Bloffoms; that vernal Suns, and a more genial Warmth, are fitteft for their delicate Texture? Who teaches the Clove to ftay; till hotter Beams are prepared, to infuse a spicy Richness into her Odours, and tincture her Complexion with the deepest Crimson?



* In Allufion to the celebrated Practice of the Perfian Kings; "who maintained, for their Lifeguard, a

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Body of Troops, called Immortal; because it perpetually fubfifted: For as foon as any of the Men died, "another was immediately put into his Place." ROLLIN's Antient Hiftory, VOL. II.

Who disposes these beautiful Troops, into fuch orderly Bodies; retarding some and accelerating others? Who has inftructed them to file off, with fuch perfect Regularity; as foon as the Duty of their respective Station is over? And, when one Detachment retires, Who gives the Signal, for another immediately to advance? Who, but that unerring Providence, which, from the highest Thrones of Angels, to the very lowest Degrees of Exiftence, orders all Things in Number, Weight, and Measure!"

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THESE, O my Soul, are the Regulations of that most adorable, that most beneficent Being, who bowed the Heavens; came down to dwell on Earth; and united the Frailty of the mortal Nature, to all the Glories of His Godhead. All the Honour of this admirable Eftablishment, belongs to thy Ransom, thy Surety, thy Saviour. To HIM it belongs, who sustained the Vengeance, which thou hadst deserved, and waft doomed to fuffer; who fulfilled the Obedience, which thou waft obliged, but unable, to perform; and who humbled himself (flupendous, ineffable Loving-Kindness!) humbled Himself to Death, even the Death of the Crofs. -HE formed this vaft Machine, and adjusted its nice Dependencies. The Pillars, that fupport it; the Embellishments, that adorn it; and the Laws, that Govern it; are the Refult of his unfcarchable Counfels. O! the Heights of

His Majefty, and the Depths of his Abasement ! WHICH fhall we admire moft, His effential Greatness, or His free Grace? He created the exalted Seraph, that fings in Glory; and every the minutest Infect, that flutters in Air, or crawls in Dust. He marks out a Path, for all thofe Globes of Light, which travel the Circuit of the Skies; and difdains not to rear the Violet from its lowly Bed, or to plait the Daisy which dreffes our Plains. So grand are his Operations; yet fo condescending his Regards!--If Summer, like a sparkling Bride, is brilliant and glorious in her Apparel; what is this, but a feeble Reflection of his uncreated Effulgence? If Autumn, like a munificent Hoft, opens her Stores, and gives us all Things richly to enjoy; what is this but a little Tafte of his inexhauftible Liberality? If Thunders roar, you hear the Sound of his Trumpet: If Lightnings glare, you fee the Launching of his glittering Spear: If " the perpetual Hills be scattered, and "the everlasting Mountains bowed," you behold a Display--No, fays the Prophet, you have rather * The Hiding of his Power. So Q3


*Hab. iii. 4. Nothing can be more magnificently conceived, than the Imagery of this whole Chapter; and upon the Foot of our Interpretation, nothing was ever more delicately and nobly turned, than the Sentiment of this Claufe. Other Senfes of the Paffage, I acknowledge

immenfe is His Power; fo uncontroulable and inconceivable; that all these mighty Works are but a Sketch, in which more is concealed than difcovered.

THUS, I think, we fhould always view the vifible Syftem; with an Evangelical Telescope (if

may be affigned with equal Propriety. But none, I think, can be imagined fo majestic and fublime. As the Original will fairly admit of it; as it carries no Difagreement with the Context; and expreffes a moft important, as well as undoubted Truth; I hope, I may be permitted to use it, at least by way of Accommodation. -Efpecially, as it fuggefts one of the fineft Mottos imaginable; wherewith to infcribe all the visible productions of the Creator's Hand. When, ftruck with Astonishment, we confider their Grandeur, Beauty, and confummate Perfections; let us, in Juftice to their Author, apply the exalted Reflection of this facred Ode: “ In all thefe is the Hiding, rather than an adequate Difplay, of his matchlefs Power. Tho' they challenge our Praife, and furpafs our Comprehenfion; yet are they by no means the utmoft Exertions, but rather fome flighter Effays, of omnipotent Skill."-Milton, relating the Overthrow of the fallen Angels, introduces a grand Circumftance, not much unlike the preceding. Meffiah, unaided and alone, had routed an innumerable Hoft of apoftate Spirits. This was great and marvellous. But to create a jufter Idea of the illuftrious Conqueror, our Poet beautifully adds;

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Yet half his Strength he put not forth.

If we forget to make the fame Remark, when we contemplate GoD in his Works; we muft neceffarily form very fcanty Conceptions of that SUPREME. BEING, before whom all Nations are as a " Drop of a Bucket, "and are counted as the fmall Duft of the Balance.'

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