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Wright was accufed of forgery; but
fome material witnesses being abfent, the
Advocate Depute deferted the diet a- No Tenpenny Bread to be allowed.
gainst the pannel pro loco et tempore.

9. The Circuit Court was opened at Dumfries by the Right Hon. Lords Efkgrove and Methven. Ifobel Fead was accused of child murder, and petitioned for banishment. The Advocate Depute stated, that, in the particular circumftance of the cafe, he was induced to confent to the prayer of the petition, and that the pannel be banished from Scotland for 14 years; and the is sentenced to be banished accordingly.

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14. The Circuit Court was opened at Ayr by the Right Hon. Lord Methven. There was no business before the Court. 9. The Circuit Court was opened at Inverary by the Right Hon. Lord Dunfinan; but there was no bufinefs to come before the Court at that place.

14. The Circuit Court was opened at Glasgow by the Right Hon. Lords Swinton and Dunfinan, when the following bufinefs came before them: William Jackfon, portioner of Milnton of Kilbride, accufed of murder, was fugitated for not appearing.-John Tweddale, tenant in Nemphlar, accused of theft, not appearing, fentence of fugitation was pronounced against him.-John Carruthers, or Crothers, foldier in the firft battalion of the royal regiment of foot, accused of theft, and of being habit and repute a thief. The Advocate Depute paffed from the charge of habit and repute; and Carruthers being found guilty, by his own confeffion, he was fentenced to be whipped through the ftreets of that city on Wednesday next, and and thereafter banished Scotland for life. 18. The Circuit Court was opened at Stirling by the Right Hon. Lord Swinton. There was no bufinefs before the Court..

May 16. The Magiftrates of Edinburgh fet the following table of affize of bread for the city and fuburbs, and to continue till a new order:

Price of Wheat per boll, L. 2 O o
Allowance for manufacture, o 6.
Table of Affize. lb. oz. dr.

Penny Loaf Wheaten,
Ditto Household,

Twopenny Loaf Wheaten,

Ditto Household,

Threepenny Loaf Wheaten,

Ditto Household,

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о 5 5
O 7

O 14 2
0 15 15

I 5

The Quartern Loaf to be fold,



THE progrefs of vegetation has been very flow during the whole of this month. The mornings and evenings have been in general cold and frofty. A good deal of injury has been done to the flourish, and to the small fruit. The wheat has loft its colour, and the hay crop appears to be greatly ftinted. The range of the barometer in the fhade was from 40° to 51°. On the 9th, 11th, and 31st, there were showers of fleet, accompanied with fome hail. The markets have kept very high, beef from 5d. to 8d. per pound of 17 oz.; mutton from 6d. to 8d. do.; veal from 4 d. to 7d. do. ; pork from 44d. to 6d. do.; lamb from 2s. 6d. to 3s. 6d. per quarter. Potatoes, rod. per peck-Afparagus, from Is. 4d. to 4s. per hundred.

Fresh butter, Is. to 16d.-Eggs, 6d. per dozen-Pigeons, Is. per pair-Best oatmeal, rs. 5d. per peck.

THE English report for April ftates, that the prefent, on account of the mildnefs of the weather, has proved an uncommonly favourable feafon for every operation in hufbandry. Little rain having fallen fince the month of February, the fields plowed fince that time have benefited much by the dry weather, which, with the seasonable frofts in March, have reduced the foil to a powder, with small labour to the harrow. The wheats throughout the kingdom exhibit a degree of ftrength and forwardnefs very unufual fo early in the feafon; and fhould the enfuing month (generally the most trying) prove mild, with moderate fhowers, there can be little doubt of a moft abundant crop. In Scotland, particularly, fo great an extent of wheat was never before feen, which, in general, looks well, and far fuperior to the crop of laft year. The fpring feed-time has been remarkably good. Great part of the grain is beginning to appear, and it looks very regular and promifing. In the northern counties, the fields intended for barley are in a forward preparation; what has been fown begins to peep through the foil. In ftiff foils in the western diftricts, the barley fowing goes on with difficulty, through the want of fpring showers. The rye-grafs and clover are generally good, and very early, a circumstance much in favour of the fine lambing seafon, as they afford plentiful food to the 3 C


ewes, instead of turnips, which have this feafon gone off fo early. In the north of the island the appearance of the clover and rye-grafs is, however, not fo flattering, the plants of clover being very thin in moft places. There is a fine profpect of apples in the western cyder counties. It is at length afcertained, and the fact is confirmed by fome of the beft informed perfons, that no real fcarcity has ever existed in this country, and that the late high prices of wheat have been the fole work of monopolifts. The corn-markets have never been more plentifully fupplied than during the laft month, and the profpect of large importations, added to the alarm that has taken place among the fpeculators, will, no doubt, keep the prices moderate till after the enfuing harveft. Cattle and fheep are higher than was ever remembered; and, from the great demand, it is to be feared will continue fo. From the great flock of laft year's hay on hand, and the promifing appearance of the fpring, the price of that article has fallen confiderably.



bat, of Prefton, corn dealer, a daughter. It is Mrs Abbat's 20th child, and only the 21st year of her marriage.

The wife of Ifaac Hainsworth, of Cockridge, Leeds, of three fons. They were baptifed Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

At London, the Lady of Claud Ruffel Efq; a for

4. Mrs Rooch,wife of Wm Charles Reoch, Efq; a fon.

6. At Cullean Caftle, the Rt. Hon. the Countess of Caffilis, a daughter.

Allardyce, Efq; M. P. a daughter.
At Aberdeen, the Lady of Alexander

9. Mrs Grant of Congalton, a fon. 16. At Balgonie in Fifefhire, the Rt Hon. Lady Balgonie, a daughter.

20. The Lady of Lieut. Colonel Macdonal of Lochgary, a daughter.

23. Mrs Wemyss of Wemyfs, a fon.

The Countefs de Welderen fifter of Lord Howard de Walden, and Lady of Count de Weideren, formerly Ambaffador to this Court from the United Provinces.

At his houfe near Dorking, John Eld, Efq; aged 92.

At his feat at Whitewell, Sir Bellingham Graham, Bart.

On his paffage to the Weft Indies, Lieutenant Colonel James Smith Baillie, of the 99th regt. of foot;

At Martinico, Lieutenant Rofs Gillespie,

At London, Sir Thomas Liddel, Bart. to of Gen. White's regt. fixth fon of Dr.ThoMifs Maria Simpson.

At London, the Rt Hon. Lord Porchefter, to Mifs Acland, riece to the Earl of Ilchester.

Earl Temple, eldeft fon of the Marquis of Buckingham, to Lady Ann Elifabeth Bryd ges, daughter of the late Duke of Chandos.

Wm Barnet, Efq; of York, to Mifs E. C. Markham, fecond daughter of his Grace the Archbishop of York.

Sir Hector Mackenzie of Gairloch, Bart. to Mifs Chriftian Henderfon.

May 3. At London, the Hon. and Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of St David's, to Mifs Penn, daughter of the late Hon. Thomas Penn, proprietor of the province of Maryland.

17. Henry William Hardy, Efq; to Mifs Eleanor Douglas, niece of the late Sir James Douglas of Kelhead, Bart.

20. At Edinburgh, James Pierfon, Efq; to Mifs Margaret Oughterlony, fecond daughter of the late John Oughterlony, Efq; of Gwynd. 23. At London, Nathaniel Bishop, Efq; of Gloucefter Place, to Mifs M. E. Douglas, daughter of the late Sir James Douglas. BIRTHS.

Her Grace the Duchefs of Leinfter a fon. Lately, Mrs Abbat, wife of George Ab

mas Gillespie, Phyfician in Edinburgh.

At Grenada, Mr Richard Muir, Surgeon. On his paffage to Barbadoes, Mr James Smollet, mate of the Phoenix Eaft Indiaman, fourth fon of Alexander Smollet, Efq; of Bonhill.

At Madras, Dr Andrew Ponton, Surgeon, in the Eaft India Company's fervice, fon of Mr Alexander Ponton, architect, Edinburgh.

In the East Indies, Mr John Clidfdale, Affiflant-Surgeon in the Eaft India Company's fervice.

At the manfe of Kippin, Mrs Chriftian Innes, spouse of the Rev. Mr John Campbell, minifter of Kippin.

Alexander Ferguffon, Efq; of Craigdar. roch, Advocate. He was unfortunately killed by the overturning of a chaife on the road from Drumfries to Craigdarroch.

At Tain, Bailie George Millar, merchant there.

Mrs Chriftian Crawfurd of Crawfurdsburn, in the 91ft year of her age.

Lately, at Hallow Park, in Worcestershire, Wm Weaver, Efq; aged upwards of 80 years. He had formerly been Captain in the royal regiment of horse-guards, and was at the battles of Dittengen and Fontenoy. He had two brothers killed in the service.


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At Whitehaven, Mrs Jane Tweedie, fpoufe to Robert Tweedie, Efq; of Antigua freet, Edinburgh.

6. At Aberdeen, in the 77th year of his age, George Campbell, D. D. F. R. S. Edin. late Principal and Profeffor of Divinity in the Marifchal College and Univerfity of Aberdeen, and one of the Minifters of that city.

7. At Glasgow, John Ferguffon, Efq; merchant, formerly of the island of Jamaica. At Edinburgh, Mifs Nancy Rebecca Kerr, daughter of the late Wm Kerr, Efq; of

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Mrs Mary Turner, of Church-Linch, Worcestershire, aged 110.

At London, the Right Hon. James Lord Somerville. He was one of the fixteen peers to reprefent the peerage of Scotland in parliament. His Lordfhip fucceeded his father in 1766, and is fucceeded by his nephew, who will be the fifteenth Lord Somerville. Their ancestor came over with the Conqueror, and at one period enjoyed very large eftates both in Scotland and England. Their progenitor was the famous Sir Philip de Somerville, proprietor of the lordship of Whitchnour, who bequeathed a flitch of bacon to every husband and wife in the manor, who could fay they had no difference for a year and day after marriage; and at this day the claim is often made at Whitchnour Floufe The family enjoyed, at one time, the barong of Carnwath and Linton, Gilmerton, Drum, and Goodtrees, in Scotland; but the eighth Lord dying without heir male in 1618, the eftates went to his daughter, and the honours to his brother, who having no fortune to fupport the dignity, the titles lay dormant until reaffamed by the last Lord in 1722.

The Right Hon. Lady Ann Maria Montague, aged 19, fifter of the prefent Duke of Manchester.

Dr Harris, of Doctors Commons. He has left a large fortune, chiefly to charitable purposes.

20. At Edinburgh, George Douglas, Efq; Marchmont Herald.

21 At Pimlico, Mr Yates, comedian, aged 84. He has left property to the amount of 36,0col. in different legacies.

23. At Edinburgh, Mr John Johnston, wine-merchant.

May 1. David Carnegie, Efq; late in the fervice of the Eaft India Company.

2. At Hope Park, near Edinburgh, James Ogilvy, Efq; Deputy Receiver General of the Cuftoms.

3. At Edinburgh, John Ruffel, Efq; Clerk to the Signet.

Alexander Pott, Efq; of Borthwickfhiels, late Surgeon in the hospital in the West Indies.

4. At Blackadder, Mifs Mary Boswell. -Henry Lumsden, Efq; of Auchindoir, 5. Mr Win Watson, senior, mauufacturer in Glafgow.

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Lockhart, eldest fon of Mr Walter Lockhart writer in Edinburgh.

8. At Bath, Kenneth Murchifon, Efq; of Tarradale.

9. At Newton, Enfign Philip Thomfon, fecond fon of Colonel Thomson of Charleton.

At Corstorphine, Mifs Ann Austin, daughter of the late Hugh Austin, Elq; of Burdwan, Bengal.

II. Walter Scott, Efq; of Wauchope. 11. At Glasgow, Mr Alexander Grindlay merchant.

13. The Hon. James Erskine of Alva, one of the Senators of the College of Juftice, in the 73d year of his age. In 1748, he was appointed Sheriff-depute of Perthshire; in 1754, a Baron of Exchequer; and in 1761, a Lord of Seffion.

14. At Edenfide, Mrs Agnes Martin, daughter of the late James Martin, Efq; of Clermont.

At Edinburgh, the Hon. Mifs Marianne Semple, daughter of the late Hugh Lord Semple.

21. Mrs Grizell Baillie, daughter of Hugh Baillie, Efq; late of Monkton.

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Lady Charlotte Finch,

At Edinburgh, Mrs Calderwood Durham of Largo.



At Oldhamstocks, the Rev. Cochran, minister of that parish. 23. At Edinburgh, the Rt Hon. Lady Lovat, aged 86.

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25. At Edinburgh, Mrs Smith, relict of Mr William Smith, merchant, aged 90. 27. Dr Alexander Eafon, Phyfician in Manchester.


The honour of Knighthood on George Pownall, Efq; Secretary of the Province of Lower Canada.

Wm Adam, Efq; to be one of the King's Counfel.

Alexander Allardyce, Efq; of Donnattor, to be Lord Rector of the Marischall College, Aberdeen.,

Rev. Leflie Moodie, to be minifter of the parish of Newton,

The degree of L. L, D. on Robert Townfon, Efq; F. R. S. Edinburgh, by the Univerfity of Edinburgh."

The Rt Hon. the Earl of Leven, to be his Majesty's Commiffioner to the General Af. fembly of the Church of Scotland.

Rev. Dr Wm Greenfield, Moderator of the General Affembly of the Church of Scotland. Earl of Kinnoul, and Sir Grey Cooper, Bt. fworn of the privy Council.

George Cranston, Efq; Advocate to be Af feffor to the burgh of Canongate.

Sir Walter Farquhar, Bart. London; Dr John Hutton Cooper, Stamford; and Sir A

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Jan. 16.

Major General his Royal Highness Prince Edward, to be Lieutenant General in the army.

5th foot. Major T. Talbot, from the 85th, to be Lieutenant Colonel, vice Smyth.

60th foot. Licut. Col. Martin Hunter, to be Lieutenant Colonel, vice Ritchie, deceased.

Rothfay and Caithnefs Fencibles, 1ft bat. Major David Rae to be Lieutenant Colonel, vice the Earl of Glafgow. Capt. James Moodie to be Major, vice Rae.

Reay fencible Highlanders. Col. Mackay Hugh Baillie, from the half-pay of the late 94th, to be Colonel. George Mackay, Efq. to be Lieutenant Colonel. Capt. Robert Honeyman to be Major.

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Sold by JAMES WATSON & Co. No 40. South Bridge;
And by the Principal Bookfellers in Town and Country,
By ALLEN & WEST, No 16. Paternofter-row;

And MARTIN &BAIN, No 184. Fleet-street, London.

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