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the hero both of the tragic and comic to it. It has been already obferved, part, is a young man of great abilities that nothing is more productive of danand violent paffions; whofe fentiments gerous confequences in life, than the are right, though his actions are wrong; method taken of difguifing the nature whofe virtues are obfcured by negli- of vice, in its various branches, by the gence, and whofe understanding is dif- use of palliating phrafes. Under whatfipated by levity. In his idle hours he ever form and of whatever degree, vicę is rather loofe than wicked; and when may be purfued, its influence, in its the occafion forces out his latent qua- very nature, is contaminating, degradlities, he is great without effort, and ing, embruting; and the thoughtless brave without tumult. The trifler is youth too often terminates his career in transformed into a hero, and the hero irritrievable destruction. Memorable, again reposes the triЯer. This charac as an inftance, will be the recent history ter is great, original, and juft." of a virtuous and beneficent monarch, who loft his kingdom and his life, through the boundlefs extravagance and abandoned profligacy of his brothers, who appear themfelves to be now condemned to perpetual exile, the objects of univerfal contempt.

That this character is original and juft is certain, because it is the faithful delineation of what has actually exifted; but that it merits ardent commendation, or fhould be exhibited as an example, cannot be fo eafily allowed. It equires a greater degree of refinement and acuteness than falls to the lot of ordinary minds, to mark the delicate boundaries between idle or diffolute manners and uncorrupt morals, between deofeness and wickedness; to fettle the exact quantum of vice of which a young man may be guilty; or to explain the compatibility of justice with injuflice, of duty with disobedience. The reformation of our heroic Henry the Fifth was, Indeed, an illustrious event'; but as an example, it ought ever to be quoted with caution. Sir William Blackftone having mentioned that George Nevile, Duke of Bedford, was degraded from the peerage, by act of parliament, on account of his poverty, which rendered him unable to fupport his dignity, adds, "but this is a fingular inftance; which ferves, at the fame time, by having happened, to flew the power of parlia ment; and, by having happened but once, to fhew how tender the parliament hath been, in exerting fo high a power." In like manner, the example of Henry the Fifth is a folitary one; which ferves, at the fame time, by having happened, to fhew the poffibility of fuch a reforma tion, and, by having happened but once, to fhew the extreme danger of trufting * Commentaries, Book 1. ch. 12.

But on this fubject, we have been anticipated, in a manner, by Dr Knox, who, in one of his Effays, has the following excellent remarks:

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"There are thofe who confider early profligacy as a mark of that fpirit, which feldom fails to produce, in the fubfequent periods of life, a wife and a virtuous character. The example of Henry the Fifth is often cited in confirmation of their opinion. Shakespeare has indeed reprefented his errors and reformation in fo amiable à light, that many are not displeased when they see a young man beginning his career in riot and debauchery. While there is an appearance of fpirit, they regard pot the vice.

"The example of Henry the fifth has been applied particularly to heirsapparent of a crown. If the future king is found to be early initiated in the exceffes of fenfuality, it is a favourable prefage, and we are referred to the example of Falftaff's Hal. If he devote his time to drinking, and be actually involved in continual intoxication, it is all the better, for do we not recollect Hal's exploits at the Boar's Head, in Eaftcheap? Dame Quickly, Doll Tearfheet, are illuftrious inftances to prove what company a prince fhould keep, in


It is in the haunts of intemperance and vice, and in the company of fycophants and knaves, that he is, according to the vulgar phrafe, to fow his wild oats, to fpend the exuberance of his fpirit, to fubdue the ebullition of his blood, and to acquire a valuable species of moral experience.

order to become hereafter a great king. tinent, to skulk in the garrets of blind alleys, to spend their days in gaols, or are early carried to the church-yard, amid the thanks and rejoicings of their friends for fo happy a deliverance from fhame and ruin. But if one wild youth becomes but a tolerably good man, we are ftruck with the metamorphofis, as we are with every thing uncommon, We exaggerate his goodness, by comparing it with his previous depravity. We cite the example, as a confolatory topic, wherever we behold a young man, as the fcripture beautifully expreffes it, walking in the ways of his own heart, and in the fight of his own eyes. We talk as if we almost congratulated a parent, when his fon has fpirit enough to violate, not only the rules of decency, but also the most facred laws of morality and religion.”

"It is true, indeed, that Henry the Fifth is a remarkable inftance of early profligacy and fubfequent reformation. He is a remarkable, because he is a rare inftance. For one who fucceeds as he did, a thousand become either in curable debauchees, drunkards, and rogues; ruin their character and fortunes; or die under the operation of fo rough an experiment. We hear not of thofe who are obliged to go to the Eaft Indies, to hide themselves on the Con


ON THE PLEASURES OF A WELL CULTIVATED MIND. THE benign hand of Providence in every fituation, but in the walks of has scattered flowers, as well as thorns, literature? "Thefe ftudies," fays in the road of life; and the great skill Tully, in a paffage which cannot be too requifite, is to select those which are often repeated, "afford nourishment to perennial; thofe which do not bud, our youth, and delight to our old age. blow, and wither in a day, from thofe they heighten the enjoyments of profpewhich fhine with tranfient luftre, or rity, and, in adverfe circumftances, conceal poisonous qualities under the fupply refources and confolation at beauties of a vivid foliage and variegated home they are an inexhaustible fund of tints. pleafure, and are unattended with in

Among the many arguments for a convenience abroad: they are our comdue cultivation of the mind, by the pur- panions at night, our fellow-travellers fuits and acquifitions of literature, few on a journey, and our fociety in rural merit greater attention, than the con- retirement *." "With the fame fentifideration, that a well-cultivated mind ments he elsewhere afks, "What then enables those who enjoy the advantages are all the pleasures of the feftive board, of it, to derive the pureft, the fweeteft, the most elegant, and the leaft injurious pleafures, from themfelves and from re flection. The man of tafte and learning creates, as it were, a little world of his own, in which he exercises and improves his faculties; and he feels the most exalted fatisfaction arifing from things, the exiftence of which is fcarcely known to a vulgar mind.

Where, indeed, fhall we find objects, capable of attaching the mind in every period of life, at all times, and VOL. LVIII.

the magnificence of the public games and exhibitions, and the fafcinating: charms of the fair, compared with the enjoyments we derive from the studies of literature? ftudies, which, with men of fenfe and education, ever increase in attractions, as they themselves increase

Hæc Andia adolefcentiam alunt, fenectutem oblectant, fecundas as ornant, adver fis perfugium ac folatium præbent, delectant domi, non impediunt foris, pernectant nobis cum, peregrinantur, rufticantur. Arcbia, cap. 6.

3 T

Cic. pro


-What though not all
Of mortal offspring can attain the heights
of envied life; though only few poffefs
Patrician treasures or imperial state;
Yet Nature's care, to all her children juft,
With richer treasures and an ampler ftate,
Endows at large whatever happy man
Will deign to use them. His the city's pomp.
The rural honours his. Whate'er adorns
The princely dome, the column and the

in years *.' Such were the fenti- day is ufhered in by a fplendid luminary, ments of this illuftrious philofopher. whofe beams expofe to view the beauHe had roved, with pleasure, through ties of the world, and gild the face of all the various walks of learning; in nature; and when the curtain of night every period of life, they were his fa- veils terreftrial objects from our eyes, vourite haunts; and, as Time moved the wide expanfe appears fpangled with on in rapid flight, he beheld Study his stars, and opens the profpect of innunever-failing companion, and scattering merable worlds. Spring, fummer, auher sweetest flowers on his hoary head. tumn, prefent us with natural beauties, In the idea of learning, as a fource in the fucceffive periods of their growth; of unfailing intellectual pleasures, we and even ftern winter leaves many obare not to confine ourselves to claffical jects undestroyed, from which a vigoftudies, or to thofe abftrufe inveftiga- rous and well cultivated tafte may extions of fcience, which require uncom- tract no inconfiderable degree of entermon powers and extraordinary efforts; tainment. not to thofe fubjects only which exercife our reason, but those which are the proper objects of the faculty we call tafte, and which give rife to an infinite variety of the most pleafing fenfations, as well as to the most fublime reflections. This effay would be too diffufe, were I to point out the innumerable inftances in which this obfervation may be exemplified. Let us advert only to the beauties of the creation. That tafte, which is most commonly the refult of a wellcultivated mind, fills us with admiration of the ftupendous magnitude of the mundane fyftem. It is charmed with the regularity, order, "and proportion which every part of it difplays; with the beauty and variety of colours which tinge the face of nature; with the fitnefs and utility of all its productions; with the inexhaustible diverfity, and endless fucceffion of new objects, which it prefents to view. Flowers difclofe a thoufand delicate or vivid hues : animals apIt is difficult to be attached the pear in comely fymmetry. Here the ocean expands its fmooth and boundless common objects of human purfuit, withfurface: there the earth spreads a ver- out feeling the fordid or the troublefeme dant carpet. Mountains rife with regMountains rife with reg. paffions: but, in the purfuits of learnged majefty; the vallies wear a pleasant ing, all is liberal, noble, generous. Bloom; and even the dreary wilderness. They require and promote that compreis not destitute of auguft fimplicity. The henfive mode of thinking, which overlooks the mean and little occupations of the vulgar mind. To the man of philofophical obfervation, the world appears as a theatre, in which the doctrinæ. Que quidem prudentibus, et the bene inftitutis, pariter cum ætate crefcunt. toil and weary ment. He fees the emptinels of many

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Quæ funt igitur epularum, aut ludorum, aut fcortorum voluptates cum his voluptati -bus comparanda? Atque hæc quidem ftudia

De Senectute, cap. 14.

The breathing marbles and the sculptur❜d gold,
Beyond the proud poffeffor's narrow claim,
His tuneful breaft enjoys. For him, the Spring
Diftils her dews, and from the filken gem
Its lucid leaves unfolds: for him, the hand
Of Autumn tinges every fertile branch
With blooming gold, and blushes like the


Each paffing hour sheds tribute from her

And ftill new beauties meet his lonely walk,
And loves unfelt attract him. Not a breeze
Flies o'er the meadow, not a cloud imbibes
The fetting fun's effulgence, not a strain
From all the tenants of the warbling fhade
Afcends, but whence his bofom can partake
Fresh pleasure, unreprov'd. Akenfide.





objects which are ardently pursued; he is acquainted with the falfe glitter, that furrounds him; he knows how fhort and unsubstantial are the good and evil that excite all the ardour of purfuit and abhorrence; and can therefore derive a degree of delight from reflection, of which they who are deeply and fuccefsfully interested in them, can never par ticipate.

"It is true," fays an elegant writer, "that learning thould be purfued as a qualification for the feveral profeffions

of civil life; but excluding the motives of interest or ambition, it is to be culti vated, for its own fake, by those who understand and wish to enjoy, under every circumftance, the utmost attainable happiness. Next to religion, it is the best and sweeteft fource of comfort in thofe hours of dejection, which every mortal must fometimes experience. It conftitutes one of the most folid pillars to fupport the tottering fabric of human felicity, and contributes as much to virtue as to happiness.". C.


THE extent of this County is, in G. Robertfon, that we shall almoft copy whole, about 360 fquare miles, contain it verbatim. ing 230,400 English, or 183,240 THE various and particular fituations Scotch acres. One third part may be of the different lands in this county reckoned hill, or ground incapable of make them applicable to different pur tillage, the other two thirds, or 120,000 pofes. The value of ground within Scotch acres, are in tillage, pasture, or half a mile of the fuburbs of Edinburgh, wood. The pafture on the Moorfoot for raising nursery and garden stuffs, hills, comprehending about 50 fquare miles is, in general, good and healthy; the Pentland are bleaker, and do not yield fo fine pafture. A circumftance holds true here, as well as in most other diftricts, that the north fides of the hills are the most fertile. The farms of this county are from 100 to 300 acres in extent, of arable ground. The climate, though in a pretty high latitude, nearly 56°, is upon the whole healthy, and not unfavourable to vegetation. Its greatest drawback is the unftability and uncertainty, often all the seasons are ex, perienced in one day: the cold east winds which generally prevail more than two months in the fpring, are a great hindrance to vegetation, as well as deftructive to fruit, and injurious to health. There is feldom any fall of fnow before December, in the low grounds, and rarely any after Christmas, though it often lies till the end of February.

The progreffive ftate of the agriculture of this county is fo accurately given, in No I. Appendix to the Agricultural Survey of Mid-Lothian, by Mr

for butchers to reft their cattle on, for pafturing at hand horfes by the night, and cows that are milk'd twice a-day, is far beyond any thing that could be made by tillage. Pafture grounds in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh have peculiar advantages. They are made uncommonly rich by numerous herds of cattle, being often more like a fold than a grazing field; and from the great quantity of fmoke conftantly hanging over them, the grafs is not only more plentiful, but comes earlier, and continues longer, than where ground of a better quality is in a different fitua tion.

The value of the fields from the immediate vicinity, till three-fourths of a mile farther from Edinburgh, decreases greatly, and, they are but in part occupied in the fame way as the former. The demand, as yet, for grazing purpofes, not having extended fo far, a great part is kept in tillage; and tho far from being well farmed, lets 15s. or 20s. higher than can be afforded for land lefs than a mile further diftant; fuch a difference does the command of 3 T2;


dung and expence of carriage make. of manure, but the carriage of fome of thefe articles is fuch an object, that, excepting in times of fcarcity, there is little cut grafs brought above three miles.

The crops in general are potatoes, wheat, fown grafs for cutting, and oats. When a field is broken up that has been long in pasture, potatoes and wheat alternately for years are not uncommon. The occupations are fmall: few exceeding 20 acres.

From a mile, or a mile and a quarter beyond the fuburbs, to the distance at which ground can be kept in good heart with Edinburgh dung, or otherwife, excepting a mere trifle, it is, and has been, kept conftantly under tillage. Notwithstanding that a great part of the ground has been inclofed for many years paft, fome of it in a most substantial manner, without any other advantage being derived hitherto from those costly fences than what has been gained by pafturing, the foggage, and protecting winter crops from the depredations of the farm-cattle, and on the road fides from that of travellers; fuch a value does the farmer in this part of the country put upon raifing grain, hay, and cut grafs, that few of them referve fo much in pafture, as is fufficient for grazing the young ftock they rear; which tends not a little, at times, to rife the rents of grafs parks let for the feafon. These grounds, notwithstand ing the fhow of yellow weeds that at tract the attention of ftrangers, are, in general, in a high ftate of cultivation, and have as much made of them as can be done any where, That part of the them lying within three miles of the town, and even fome farther diftant, excepting a few fwampy fpots, and fmall fields of inferior foil, have been in tillage from time immemorial, and the greateft part of them was in wheat every fourth year, until fown grafs was introduced, which, for thirty years paft, has occupied fully a fifth of the whole, Potatoes, wheat, and cut grafs, are the crops of greatest value, and the nearer to Edinburgh, can be raifed more fre quently, and to greater advantage, than where removed to a greater diftance; not only from having a greater command


The cultivation of the lower part of this county has been progreffiyely improving for more than half a century; tenants were then beginning to inclofe their farms upon long leafes, rye grafs and clover, in fmall quantities, were fown, and potatoes planted in the fields. One (named) Prentice, à ftrolling gardener, who had refided a few years England, was the first who did fo, and being found a profitable crop, where the ground was light and dry, and a good preparation for wheat, they were in a few years raised in fuch quantities by the farmers near the town, that they be-.came a drug; and being an article that would not keep beyond the feafon, difcouraged raifing of them to fuch an extent for fome time, till the price getting up for a year or two, afterwards led many again to plant more than the market called for, which, of course, brought on the fame confequences, and in this periodical manner hitherto, have they, every four or five years, been a crop difficult to difpofe of, and little to be got by them. This limited confumpt precludes the planting of potatoes univerfally in large quantities, from being a general article in the fyftem of farming. The confumption of hay being then but fmall, the fowing of rye grafs and clover was little attended to for ten or twelve years; when the demand for hay increafing, the fowing of grafs feeds foon became general, and great crops were produced. Levelling the fields, and straighting the ridges, became very common. This, with ftoning and preparing the ground for fowing grafs feeds, introduced a better cultivation, and the finishing of the fields in a neater man. ner.

A fpirit for improvement was confpicuously diffufed, through the lauso dable exertions of the Edinburgh Society, who gave premiums, and published works, that roufed the attention, and excited emulation among all claffes.



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