thus called thrife by an herault at armes, at the thirde call he cometh armed likewife, and ryding on a courfer trapped with trappes embrodered with his armes. At his approaching to the lyftes he alyght from his horfe, leaft, according to the law of armes, the coneftable shoulde have challenged the horse, if he had entered within the lyftes, but his fhifting nothing avayled him, for the horfe after his mafter was alyght befide him, ranne up and downe by the rayles nowe thrufting his heade over, and nowe both heade and breafte, fo that the Earl of Buckingham*, bycaufe he was high coneftable of Englande, claymed the horfe afterwardes, fwearing that hee woulde have fo much of him as appeared over the rayles, and fo the horie was adjudged unto him. But now to the matter of the combate (for this challenge of the horse was made after) as foon as the efquier was come within the lyftes, the indenture was brought forth by the marshall and coneftable, which had been made and fealed before them, with consent of the parties, in which were conteyned the articles exhibited by the knight agynft the efquier, and there the fame was read afore all the affembly. The quier whofe confcience was thought not be cleare, but rather guiltie, went about to make exceptions, that his cause by fome means might have feemed the founder. But the Duke of Lancat ter hearing him fo ftaye at the matter, fware that except according to the conditions of the combate, and the lawe of armes, he would admit all things in the indenture compryfed, that were not made without his owne confent, he fhoulde, as guilty of the treafon, forthwith be had forth to execution. The Duke with thefe wordes wanne great commendation, and avoyded no fmall fufpicion that had beene conveyed of him, as partialle to the cfquier's caufe. The efquier heeing all this, fayd, that he durft fight with the knight, not onely in these poyntes, but in all other in the worlde, whatsoever the fame might be, for he trufted more to his ftrength of of bodie, and favour of his friendes, than the caufe which he had taken upon hym to defende. Hee was indeede a mightie man of ftature, where the knight among those that were of a mean ftature was one of the leaft. One of the King's fons, afterwards Duke of Gloucefter. Friendes to the efquier in whom he had great affyance to be borne out through their affyftance, were the lords Latimer and Basset wyth other. Before they entered battalle, they took an othe, as well the knight as the efquier, that the caufe in which they were to fight was true, and that they delt with no witchcraft, nor arte magicke whereby they might obteyne the victorie of their adverfarie, nor had about them any herb or tone, or other kind of experiment with which magitians ufe to triumph over their enemies. This othe received of either of them, and therewith having made their prayers devoutly, they begin the battayle, firft with fpeares, after with fwordes, and laftly with daggers. They fought long, till finally the knight had bereft the efquier of all his weapons, and at length the efquier was manfully overthrown by the knight: but as the knight woulde have fallen upon efquier, through fweate that ran downe by his helmet, his fighte was hyndered, so that thinking to fall upon the efquier, hee fell downe fideling himfelfe, not comming near to the efquier, who perceyving what had happened, although he was almoft overcome with long fighting, made to the knight, and threw himfclfe upon him, fo that many thought the knight shoulde have been overcome: other doubted not but that the knight woulde recover his feete againe, and get the victorie of his adverfarie. The king in the meane time caused it to bee proclaymed that they should stay, and that the knight should be rayfed up from the ground, and fo ment to take up the matter betwixt them. To be fhort, fuch were fent as should take up the efquier, but comming to the knight, hee befought them, that it might pleafe the king to permit them to lie ftill, for he thanked God hee was well, miftrufted not to obteyne the victorie if the efquier might be layde upon him in manner as he was earft. Finally when it would not be so grantcd, he was contented to be rayfed up and was no fooner fet upon his feete, but he cheerefully went to the king, without any mans helpe, where the efquier could neyther ftand nor go without the helpe of two men to holde him up, and therefore was fet in his chaire to take his eafe, to fee if he might recover his ftrength. The knight, at his coming before the king, king, befought him, and his nobles to graunt him fo much, that hee might be eftfoors layde on the ground as before, and the efquier to be layd aloft upon him, for the knight perceived that the cfquier through exceffive heat, and the weight of his armor, did marvelously faint, so as his spirits were in maner taken from him. The king and the nobles perceyving the knight so courageously to demand to trie the battel forth to the utterance, offring great fummes of money, that fo it might be done, decreed that they should be restored again to the fame plight in which they lay when they were raised up; but in the meane time the efquier fainting, and failen down in a fwoone, fel out of his chaire as one that was like to yield up his last breth prefently among them. Thofe that food about him caft wine and water upon him, feeking fo to bring him againe, but all would not ferve, till they had plucked off his armor, and his whole apparel, which thing proved the knight to be vanquisher, and the efquier to be vanquished. After a little time the efquier began to come to himself, and lifting up his eyes, began to holde up his hed, and to caft a gaftly looke on every one about him: which when it was reported to the knight, he commeth to him armed as he was (for he had put off no peece fince the beginning of the fight) and speaking to him, called him traiter, and false perjured man, afking him if he durft trie the battel with him again; but the ef quier having neither fenfe nor fpirite whereby to make anfwere, proclamation was made that the battel was ended, and every one might go to his lodging. The eiquier immediately after he was brought to his lodging, and layde in bed, beganne to wax raging woode, and fo continuing fill out of hys wittes, about nine of the clocke the next day he yeelded up the ghoft. This combate was fought (as before ye have heard) the viith of June, to the great rejoyfing of the common people, and difcoragement of traytours." The Loufad. Canto V. and laft. By Peter Pindar, Efq; 4to. 2s. 6d. Walker. AT length this whimsical ftructure of the brain,, this comical fomething built upon nothing, which has been fo long unfinished, feems to be completed. In bis "unravelment of the plot," we were Firft, in the argument to the poem. A great perfonage exulteth in his victory over the cooks; endeavoureth to prove the property of the loufe; alfo the certainty of its being a real loufe; and fheweth the little animal by way of conviction. The poet exhibiteth biblical and claffical knowledge in an account of anials that have spoken, in order to reconcile the reader's revolting mind to the fpeech of the loufe. The loufe giveth a wonderful history of himself, his family, &c. and proveth the fuperior antiquity of his race to that of kings; the great perfonage, in wrath, giveth loufe the lie, and endeavoureth his deftruction; but zephyr fuddenly beareth him off to the celeftial region, and converteth him into a ftar; which was difcovered foon after by Doctor Herfchell. Name of the ftar, &c. Secondly, in the conclufion of the poem itself: A pill box then he ope'd with eager look, And fhew'd the crawler, to convince each cook. The long car'd beaft of Balaam, lo, we find, Sharp to the beaft that rode him fpoke his mind; The mournful Xanthus (fays the band of old). Of Peleus' warlike fon the fortune told: Thus to the captive loufe was language giv❜n, Which proves what intereft Juftice holds in heav'n. The vermin, rifing on his little rump, Know mighty · —, I was born and bred From From whence we crawl'd (and who's without ambition? Who does not wish to better his condition?) To you, dread Sir, where lo, we lov'd and fed, Charm'd with the fortune of a greater head; Where fafe from nail and comb, and bluft'ring wind, We nestled in your little lock behind; And with you gallop'd in the glorious chace; Die with! for midst my travels, urg'd by From you, O, I fell upon your plate! Groan for my presence, and lament my fall, Such is the hift'ry of your loyal loufe, Whofe prefence breeds fuch tumult in the houfe-" The poet then notes the ill reception which this fpeech experienced; infomuch that the life of the little orator was endangered; when, lo! Zephyr, fo anxious for his life, drew near, The Art of War; a Poem. By Jofeph THE following defcription of fhips of war is a favourable fpecimen of the poem: Whose wondrous road is through the world of waves; That give to eager man the morning's wings; Whofe cordage complicate and canvass-craft Compel the air to push 'em on their way, And make the winds their spur? Mansions immense ! Whose swelling walls a multitude inclose, In beauteous amity commute, and make Letters and Papers on Agriculture, Planting, &c. felected from the Correfpondence of the Bath and Weft of England Society, for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Vol. VII. 8vo. 6s. Boards. Dilly. THE original papers in this volume, are as follows: On the management of wood, by Mr Davis. On the ftate and cultivation of timber, by Mr Wimpey. On the ftate of naval timber, by Mr South. On the American Buffalo, by G. Turner, Efq; of Philadelphia, Judge of the Western Territory. On the method of making Parmesan cheese, by Mr Pryce, (written from Italy in 1793). Six papers, on mangel wurzel, potatoes, poor rates, and poor laws, &c. by Sir Mordaunt Martin, Bart. On the abufe of fpirituSix (uninteresting) letters on smut in ous liquors, by Dr Fothergill of Bath. wheat, by anonymous writers. On refervoirs in farm-yards, &c. by Mr Pew. : On the conftruction of cottages (with plans) H plans) by Mr Davis. On fatting with potatoes, by the Rev. H. C. Clofe. On the value of land, with the rise and fail of the public funds, by Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart. On planting chefnuts, &c. by Mr Pugh. On reclaiming a bogg, by Mr South. An improved pedometer, by Mr Tugwell. On turnip cabbage, by the Rev. T. Broughton. On preventing curl in potatoes, by Mr Chapple. An experiment on fheep-feeding, by Mr Billingfley. Lastly, a general index to the feven volumes by Mr Croker. We shall present our readers with two extracts. ACCOUNT OF THE BUFFALO OF AMERICA. The American Buffalo is, if I mistake not, the bison of Buffon. Immenfe herds of this animal roam at large, in Interior America, From Green River to the Miffiffippi, the fhores of the Ohio are lined with them. The hunters are too apt to deftroy them wantonly: a circumftance much to be regretted, and not to be prevented. Frequently have I feen this fine animal killed; and, excepting the tongue and the tallow, left on the ground, a prey to the tygers, wolves, and eagles. The bofs on the shoulders of the buffalo is, as well as the tongue, extremely rich and delicious,fuperior to the beft English beef. It is ufual to cure the tongues, and transport them to New-Orleans; where they are fure to meet with a good market. There is a fingular, an affecting trait in the character of the buffalo, when a calf; and my feelings have feverely felt it. Whenever a cow buffalo falls before the murdering lead of the hunters, and happens to have a calf, the helpless young one, far from attempting an escape, ftays by its fallen dam, with figns of strong and natural affection. The dam thus fecured, the hunter makes no attempt on the calf, (knowing it unneceffary) but proceeds to cut up the carcafe: then laying it on his horfe, he returns towards home, followed by the poor calf, thus inftinctively attending the remains of its dam. I have feen a fingle hunter ride into the town of Cincinnati, between the Miames, followed in this manner, and, at the fame time, by three calves, who had lost their dams by this cruel hunter. Since I have expreffed a wish to fee the baffalo domefticated on the English farms, I will now mention a fact con cerning it, within my own knowledge A farmer, on the great Lenhawn, broke a young buffalo to the plough; having yoked it with a steer taken from his tame cattle. The buffalo performed to admiration. Enquiring of the man, whether he had any fault to find with the buffalo's performances, he answered, there was but one objection to i: the ftep of the baffulo was two quick for that of the tame steer. "My friend," faid I," the fault lies not in the buffalo, but in the fteer: what you term a fault in the former, is really an advantage on its fide." Till this moment, the man had laboured under one of thofe clouds of prejudice but too common among farmers. He had taken the ox of his father's farm, as the unit whence all his calculations were to be made, and his conclufions drawn: it was his unchangeable ftandard of excellence, whether applied to the plough or to the draught. No fooner was my obfervation uttered, than conviction flashed on his mind. He acknowledged the fuperiority of the buffalo. But there is another property in which the buffalo far furpaffes the ox:-his ftrength. Judging from the extraordinary fize of his bones, and the depth and formation of his cheft, I should not think it unreasonable to affign nearly a double portion of ftrength to this powerful inhabitant of the foreft. Reclaim him, and you gain a capital quadruped for the draught and for the plough: his activity peculiarly fits for the latter, in preference to the ox. ACCOUNT OF THE MODE OF MAKING PARMESAN CHEESE. AT ten o'clock in the morning, five brents and a half of milk, each brent being about forty-eight quarts, was put into a large copper, which turned on a crane, over a flow wood-fire, made about two feet below the furface of the ground. The milk was flirred from time to time; and, about eleven o'clock, when juft luke-warm, or confiderably under a blood-heat, a ball of rennet, as big as a large walnut, was fqueezed through a cloth into the milk, which was kept stirring. This rennet was faid to have been purchased of a man at Lodie, famous for the compofition; but that it was principally made of the fame part of the calf as we ufe in England for that purpofe, mixed up with falt and vinegar: it appeared to me to be alfo mixed with old cheefe. I much doubt whether there was any great fecret in the compofition; but it feems to me that the juft proportion of rennet is a matter of confequence, which is not generally fufficiently attended to. By the help of the crance, the copper was turned from over the fire, and let ftand till a few minutes paft twelve; at which time the rennet had fufficiently operated. It was now ftir red up, and left to ftand a fhort time, for the whey to separate from the curd. Part of the whey was then taken out, and the copper again turned over a fire fufficiently brifk to give a ftrongifh heat, but below that of boiling. A quarter of an ounce of faffron was put in, to give it a little colour; but not fo unnaturally high as fome cheeses in England are coloured; and it was well ftirred from time to time. The dairy-man (this is not women's work in Italy) frequently felt the curd. When the fmall, and, as it were, granulated parts, felt rather firm, which was in about an hour and a half, the copper was taken from the fire, and the curd left to fall to the bottom. Part of the whey was taken out, and the curd brought up in a coarfe cloth, hanging together in a tough ftate. It was put into a hoop, and about a halfhundered weight laid upon it, for about an hour; after which the cloth was taken off, and the cheese placed on a fhelf in the fame hoop. At the end of two, or from that to three days, it is fprinkLed all over with falt: the fame is repeated every fecond day, for about forty to forty five days; after which no further attention is required. Whilft falting, they generally place two cheeses one upon another; in which state they are faid to take the falt better than fingly. The whey is again turned into the copper, and a fecond fort of cheefe is made; and afterwards even a third fort, as I was informed;—a piece of economy which I have not known practifed in England. The Hiftory of Poland, from its Origin as a Nation to the Commencement of the Year 1795. To which is prefixed, an accurate Account of the Geography and Government of that Country, and the Customs and manners of its inhabitants. 7s. Boards. Vernor and Hood. IF the unjuft dethronement of an emi nently virtuous and once powerful monarch; the fubjugation of a numerous and once patriotic people; the partition of a fertile and wide-extended country; and the fatal error of placing any reliance on the profeffions of amity made by rival and ambitious princes, can, amidft the prefent convullions of Europe, ftill excite the curiofity, alarm the fears, or inform the understanding of a contemplative mind, thefe pains or pleafures will be amply gratified by the prefent hiftoric detail of the most material and interefting events, which accompanied the rife and fall of the kingdom of Poland. The prefent work is the only one upon this fubject now extant, under any regular divifion or connected series; and it is, indeed, as the Author obferves, a little remarkable, that, interesting as the affairs of Poland may have been for fome years paft, no hiftorical account of that country has been lately published, to enable Englishmen to trace the progrefs of its political ftate; and, by connecting caufes and effects, to account for the phænomena there recently exhibited." As a fpecimen of the ftyle and manner in which this faithful and important Hiftory is executed, we fhall clofe this article with the Author's account of the conclufion of these important events. "THE Polifh patriots who refused to accede to the capitulation of Warsaw took their route toward Sendemir, under the command of Wawrzecki. Their number was 30,000. In want, however, of provifions, and preffed by the Ruffians and Pruffians, they were foon forced to difband, after spiking eighty pieces of cannon. The Pruffian General Kleift took twenty-two pieces, nineteen waggons of ammunition, and 3000 ftand of arms. The remainder of the booty fell into the hands of the Ruffians. A corps of 6000 men ftill remained under Wawrzecki, who, accompanied by the Generals Madalinski, Dombrowski, and Zajonczek, the chancellor Kallontai, the prefident Zakrezewski, and several other members of the fupreme council, took the route toward Gallicia. tablished in the city of Warsaw, by means The utmoft tranquillity was foon efof 9000 Ruffians, who were conftantly the artillery of the infurgents; and on guard; 18,000 in Prague, with all 10,000 in the same position on the Viftula, which was occupied by Kofciufko |