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HOUSE OF COMMONS. * Sept.27. After the return of the members from the Upper House, Lord F. Campbell rofe to move the appointment of a Speak


attend for the purpose of receiving his Majefty's approbation of the Speaker.

The motion was agreed to, and the House accordingly adjourned.

Oct. 6. After the King's fpeech was> read in the ufual way, Lord Morpeth rose to move the Addrefs. His Lordfhip began by congratulating the House and the country on the fentiments contained in the fpeech, which had juft been read, and anticipated the unani-> mity which he conceived it could not

The Commons, he began by saying, were now met to chufe a proper person to fill the high office of Speaker of the Houfe; and this duty they had to difcharge at a time when the being of Great Britain, perhaps the quiet of Europe, depended upon their deliberations. He looked around him, and faw men of eminent abilities, of diftinguished talents, fail to produce. To gentlemen who of talents certainly as great, probably had uniformly opposed the war, whos greater than any that had ever adorned had contended that it was a war of age any nation; fo fituated, there could not greffion on our part, and who had re be wanting perfons fit to fill the chair of peatedly brought forward motions for the House with advantage to the country, the re-establishment of peace, these fenand with honour to themselves. But timents must be peculiarly gratifying. happily, in this hour of difficulty, there Gentlemen who have refifted those mo was no occafion to have recourfe to con- tions, because they did not conceive jecture; experience was a safe, an un- the government of France fufficiently erring guide, and, fortunately for the ftable and pacific, must also rejoice to nation, a gentleman had been returned learn that the government of France is who had fhewn himself to be capable of the high office. After a warm panegyric on the late Speaker's abilities, he concluded by moving," That the Right Hon. Henry Addington be called to the chair of the Houfe of Commons.”

Mr Powys afferted, that he had never on any occafion risen with such fatisfaction as he did now, to fecond the motion of the Noble Lord.

General Tarleton profeffed his entire acquiefcence in all the fentiments which had been expreffed by the noble Lord who propofed the motion, and almoft in every thing that had been said by the hon. gentleman who feconded it. He was happy alfo to add another point which had not been mentioned, and which to him was not the smallest of his recommendations: His impartial attention to that fide of the Houfe on which he had the honour to fit ; a circumstance which was their best defence against the pride of office, and of infolent majorities.

Mr Addington made a very handsome and elegant reply, after which he was conducted to the Chair by Lord F. Campbell and Mr Powys.

Mr Dundas congratulated the Houfe and the country upon the choice which they had juft made. Upon that choice, he would not hurt the feelings of the right hon. gentleman by dwelling more at large, but he knew that it would be received with univerfal approbation. He moved that the House fhould adjourn till to-morrow, and that it fhould then

difpofed to treat for the re-establishment of peace; and that a paffport för carrying that defirable object into effect has been received from the Executive Directory.

Sir W. Lowther feconded the motion. Mr Fox rofe to explain his reasons for not giving a filent vote for the addrefs. The ftriking and prominent feature of the fpeech is, that "his Majefty has been advised to fet on foot a negociation for reftoring peace and general tranquillity to Europe." This was precifely what he had repeatedly proposed in the course of the war, and it was not to be fupposed that he would now withhold his moft cordial fupport; but it was impoffible not to regret that the mea fure had not been adopted before millions of valuable lives had been loft, and before millions of money had been fquandered for the attainment of an object, which to him had always appeared impracticable. For his part he thould be the laft person to say any thing with refpect to the particular time of applying; for all times appeared to him wife and falutary, and the laft to retort the animadverfion on his conduct, when he brought forward a fimilar propofition. It was, in his opinion, always laudable and dignified to make the firft overtures; and those who maintained the doctrine of the laft Parliament, that" to open a negociation is fuing for peace," would be recommending a perpetual perfeverance in war, and depriving mankind



for ever of the enjoyment of tranquil- had mentioned the Executive Directory lity. The fpeech contained one expref- this was treating the government of fion, which, he said, he muft confider France with appropriate respect and ci differently from his Majefty's minifters. vility. It would have been no degrada"I have used every endeavour to fet on tion if his Majefty's minifters had fet foot, &c." He understood "I have him the example. He fhould have exlately, &c." for during this unfortunate pected that his Majesty would have menconflict, no fuch endeavour had been tioned to whom, or to what country he manifefted by his Majesty's minifters. made the application. If he had been The omiffion of the opprobrious ex- confulted, he should have recommend, preffions which had been applied to the ed " To the Executive Directory of French nation at the outfet of the war the French Republic." [This produhad, he thought, been very properly ced a fmile from the Treafury Bench.] omitted, as their infertion might have Mr Fox afked the gentlemen, whether provoked diffention, and checked the the Directory was fo obfcure in the progrefs of negociation. The ftate of world, or was the fuperscription omitthe revenue, of commerce, and manu- ted through inadvertency? Great advanfactures, he touched upon very flightly, tages refulted from fuch a recognition as the Houfe would have opportunities during the American war, and the omifhereafter of difcuffion on thefe topics. fion might hurt the pride of perfons in The right hon. gentleman now ani- particular fituations, and embarrass the madverted upon the expreffion, "the operations of negotiation. It was not endeavours of fome perfons to introduce his intention to propose any alteration, anarchy have been repreffed by the wif for he was aware, that whether the omifdom and energy of the laws." He had fion was the effect of accident or design, never been convinced that any ftate pro- his amendment would not be readily afecution had been worthy of the atten- dopted, and chiefly because he wished tion of his Majefty or of that House, and to give full effect to the negociation, he knew not a fingle inftance where the With respect to Spain he could fay noexercise of the law had fuppreffed any thing.-He cautioned minifters, howeferious defigns "to introduce anarchy.' ver, against extending the flame of war, If Miniflers would impute the tranquil- and hoped they would profit by the felity of the country to the excellence of vere leffon in the event of the American the conftitution, he fhould grant it, but war. Experience had taught them that if they meant to afcribe it to the two moderation and forbearance were the horrid bills, he fhould deny it. Inftead moft befitting characteristics of magnaniof exulting in this species of tranquillity, mity. After a few general obfervations he thought it rather matter of alarm, for on the war, and stating the difficulty to if treasonable defigas were ever enter- hit on the exact line to be obferved in tained by any of his Majefty's fubjects, negociating a peace, he said he should they were only fuppreffed, and not ex- find lefs fault with terms founded on motinguifhed by the operation of those acts. deration, than breaking off abruptly the He declared he was attached to the Con- negociation; but these were confideraftitution under which he was born, and tions for future difcuffion. In appreciatnot to the Conftitution made by the laft ing the Auftrian fucceffes, we ought not, Parliament, who had more disgraced he said, to forget that the whole militathat ancient fabric than any of their pre- ry exertions that have been made were deceffors, for a feries of ages. He next for the purpose of regaining what was adverted to the principle of the war, loft in the prefent campaign. Succeffes and the mode of conducting it, both of muft be confidered with a reference to which he had frequently had occafion the whole, otherwife the computation to pronounce faulty, and expreffed a will be fallacious. Sanguine, indeed, are hope that the fame fyftem of policy the coalefced powers, if they expect the would not be adopted in negociation. At all events peace was defirable. In one cafe it might be a palliative, under a different regimen-a remedy, either of which he thought preferable to the fcourge of war. He complimented Lord Morpeth on the neatnefs and propriety of his addrefs. His Lordfhip, he faid,

French to be deprived of an equal extent. of territory: the Austrian fucceffes, therefore, did not appear to be matter of exultation, except as far as they tended to accelerate a peace. With respect to the fucceffes of our fleets and armies, it fhould seem remarkable, that, in the courfe of four years, they had not at


chieved any thing to effect a triumphant he contended, had been omitted to treat peace; but this he attributed to the incapacity of the conductors of the war, into whofe conduct he fhould, at a future day, propose an inquiry.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer congratulated the Houfe, that the difference of opinion between his Majesty's minifters and the right hon. gentleman was only on collateral points, and that no oppofition whatever was offered to the great and fubftantial queftion. This coincidence of fentiment gave the most flattering hopes, that the means used by adminiftration would conduce to an honourable and durable peace. The affurances of co-operation in accomplishing the great object of their wishes, was the fubject of congratulation to the country, and left no doubt of the propriety of the line of conduct they were pursuing. It had been ftated, with great truth, that the prefent was not the period for difclofing the terms of negociation. It was impoffible for any man, even a member of the council, to anticipate the enemy on the fubject. In either alternative, the refources and the phyfical power of the country, he had the fatisfaction to ftate, were adequate to curb the ambitious views of the enemy, and to preferve our liberties and independence, or to retrieve the losses and expenditnre of the war. Having agreed on the moft prominent feature of the fpeech, Mr Pitt faid, he wished to dwell as little as poffible on the fubordinate points to which Mr Fox had alluded, as he had intimated his in-, tention of bringing them specifically under difcuffion in a more vifible fhape. With refpect to the internal management of the State, he rejoiced to find, that the exifting conftitution, that is, all the laws that had from time to time been incorporated with it, was fufficiently energetic to fupprefs the machinations of feditious and traiterous individuals, and he defired no gentleman to vote on any other conftruction of it; but it would, he admitted, be unfair, if he omitted to ftate diftinctly his conviction that thofe laws were in conformity to that conftitution, and fo blended and interwoven with it, as to preclude the poffibility of difcrimination. By referring to dates, it appeared that thofe acts were paffed at a period of turbulence, and the address did not pretend to ftate how much of our fecurity was attributable to the ancient fabric, and how much to the buttreffes which had been erected for its or nament and fupport. No opportunity,


for peace. The declaration of the right hon. gentleman, "You are now doing what we recommended feveral years ago," he said, was a felf-evident propofi tion, and fignified this-" You must make peace the very day after you go to war, or never make peace at all," a principle which, if adopted by statesmen, would extirpate the human race. The right hon. gentleman next adverted to the financial and commercial state of the country, which he described to be most flourishing, and equal to the most productive year preceding the war. Thefe he contrafted with the refources and commerce of the enemy, and pointed out our superiority in these respects to the enemy, whofe commerce was annihilated, and whofe expedients formed a complete system of oppreffion and peculation. From the paffport, the hon. gentleman might have inferred, that the application had been properly made; and he could affure him, that no point of etiquette fhould form any obstacle to peace. What leffons we were to learn from experience, and what state of adverfity we were in beyond the calamities inseparable from war, he was at a lofs to conjecture. We had been fuccefsful in every quarter of the globe, we retained all our foreign poffeffions, and had got a confiderable acceffion to them, and if we had not made a "triumphal peace," it was because we could not feparate our caufe from that of our allies. That adverfity had been experienced by the French, who had carried defolation to the heart of Germany, but who now left nothing behind them but the memory of their wrongs. There were leffons to be learnt from adverfity, befides moderation and forbearance, and that was for titude and perseverance, which were exemplified in the conduct of our allies. The minister concluded with a high eulogium on England, whofe public fpirit and legitimate refources ranked her the firft among the nations of Europe, and need excite no alarm either with respect to our prefent measures or future fecurity.

Mr Fox explained, after which the queftion on the address was put, and carried nem. con..

A committee was ordered to draw up the address, and such members as are members of the Privy Council ordered to take his Majefty's pleasure when he will receive it.-Adjourned. MONTH

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Downing Street, Sept. 21. Difpatches of which the following are copies, have been received from Capt. Anftruther by the Right Hon. Lord Grenville, dated, Head-quarters of his Royal Highness the Archduke Charles, Zell, near Wurzburg, Sept. 4. 1796.


Your Lordship is acquainted with the unfortunate circumftances which have obliged Colonel and Mr R. Craufurd to remain for a time at a distance from the scene of operations. The abfence of these gentlemen, at a moment so particularly interesting as the prefent, muft be regretted, as a lofs to the public fervice, which, though at their request I now attempt to detail to your Lordship the late proceedings of the army, I feel myself inadequate to fupply.

every nerve to reach Wurtzburg, before the main body of the Auftrian army fhould come up; and, by forced marches, arrived at Kornach, within three leagues of the town, the fame day on which General Hotze took poffeffion of it. Next day (the 2d) Jourdan attacked, with the utmoft impetuofity, the corps under General Stzaray; but, though he fucceeded in forcing fome of his posts, he was not able to make any impreffion on the main pofition, and retired in the evening to his camp near Kornach. There he refolved to abide the event of a battle, and, in that view, posted himfelf in the following manner.

His right wing, extending to the Maine, a little below Wurtzburg, refted on a very commanding eminence, in front of which a deep river renders the the accefs extremely difficult. The first line of his centre occupied a long narrow wood, skirting the bottom of a Your Lordship is already informed of chain of heights, on the ridge of which the movements of his Royal Highnefs his fecond line was pofted. His left the Archduke up to the 31ft ultimo, at wing, confifting almoft entirely of cawhich period the right wing of the army valry, was placed in the fpacious plain was affembled in the plain betwixt For- in front of Kornach, but confiderably cheim and Bamberg, and the left, con- thrown back, in order to receive the fifting of upwards of twenty battalions more effectual support from the infantry and fifty fquadrons, under the command in the wood. A numerous artillery was of Lieut. General Stzaray, had reached diftributed on the most effential points Eberach, and threatened at once, by detachments, the points of Schweinfurt and Wurtzburg.

along his front. The divifion of Lefevre remained pasted behind Schweinfurt, to cover the great road to Fulda, and a small intermediate corps maintained his communication with the army.

Early on the 31ft the Archduke entered Bamberg, and, from the information there received of the movements of the His Royal Highness halted the 2d in enemy, determined to push on with the his camp of Ober Schwartzach, whilst whole army towards Wurtzburg, as a bridge was thrown on the Maine, near being the point on the occupation of Dettelbach, which was not finished till which depended the poffibility of forcing late in the evening. General Kray reJourdan to abandon the Maine, and to mained at Geroltzhoffen. take his retreat through the country of Fulda, on the Lahn. His Royal Highnefs proceeded in the evening to Bourg Eberach. General Kray took poft at Eltmann, and General Stzaray advanced to Klofter Schwartzach.

General Stzaray, in the mean time, judging from the force and usual conduct of Jourdan, that he would foon renew his efforts to render himself mas ter of Wenfbourg, embraced the fpirit ed refolution of rather advancing againft On the 1st September the Archduke him than waiting for him in his polition. marched to Ober Schwarzach, General The Archduke approved of this idea, Kray to Geroldfhoffen, and General and determined to facilitate the execu Stzaray to Kitzingen, where he paffed the Maine: His advanced guard under General Hotz, took poffeffion of the town of Wurtzburg, the French garrifon retiring into the citadel.

In the mean time the enemy ftrained

tion of it, by making a combined attack on the enemy, to take place early in the morning of the 3d. The intention was, that General Stzaray fhould move for word against the corps that was oppofed to him; that the main body, under the


command of General Wartenfleben, paffing the bridge at Dettelbach, should attack the centre of the enemy, whilft General Kray, croffing the river at the point nearest Geroltzhoffen, fhould turn his left wing.

ground he had lost, but began his retreat on every point; this he for fome time condusted with much regularity; his cavalry preferving confiderable countenance, and forming repeatedly,"under protection of their light artillery, to check the pursuit of the Auftrians. At length, however, continually barraffed by the huffars, and overpowered by a prodigious fire of artillery from the heights, the confufion became general; the exceffive fatigue of the Auftrians and the coming on of night alone faved them from total deftruction.

Soon after day-break accordingly Gen. Stzaray advanced and drove back the pofts of the enemy; as, however, the other two columns had a confiderable march to make, and met with much unexpected delay in the paffage of the river, he foon found himself engaged alone by very fuperior numbers, and was obliged not only to relinquish the ground The lofs of the Auftrians on this occahe had gained, but had much difficulty fion amounts at most to eight hundred in maintaining his original pofition. At men, amongst whom are no officers of this critical inftant his Royal Highnefs fent orders to General Wartenfleben to ford the river, with the whole of his cavalry, and to advance directly againft the left of the enemy. This judicious manœuvre had the defired effect. Jourdan, seeing himself menaced in the most effential point of his pofition, withdrew from his right the troops with which he was preffing General Stzaray, who thus gained time to re-establish himself in his post.

The cavalry now charged the left of the enemy, and drove it from its ground: But the enemy retiring behind the wood, the Auftrians remained expofed to a fire of mufquetry and grape, which obliged them to abandon the advantage they had gained. A fecond attempt of the fame nature had a fimilar fate; and, after fruitless endeavours to draw the enemy into the plain, his Royal Highnefs refolved to await the arrival of the reft of General Wartenfleben's column, without which it was evident the pofition of the enemy could not be forced.

At length the infantry appeared advancing from Dettelbach, and General Stzaray moving forward at the fame time, a combined attack was immediately formed against the wood which covered the enemy's front. Eight batta1ons of grenadiers advanced for this purpofe with equal order and impetuofity, regardless of the swarm of trailleurs who harraffed them, they gained the wood without firing a fhot, and in a few minutes drove the enemy not only from the wood, but from the heights beyond it. This advantage, and the appearance of General Kray's column on the right, decided the fortune of the day. Jour dan made no attempt to recover the VOL. LVIH.

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diftinction; that of the enemy is by far more confiderable. Two thousand pri foners are already brought in, and the number of killed and wounded cannot be smaller. One colour, fix pieces of cannon, and a great number of ammunition and baggage waggons have fallen into the hands of the conqueror.

The fuccefs which on this occafion has attended the Auftrian arms is to be afcribed chiefly to the perfonal conduct of his his Royal Highnefs the Archduke. Prefent every where, where the danger was the moft preffing, he animated the troops by his example, and preserved them in order by the coolness and quicknets of his manoeuvres, and at length feized, with infinite judgment, the true point of attack which decided the victory.

The army paffed the night on the field of battle, and the next day croffing the Maine at different points encamped near this place. I have the honour to be, &c. ROBERT ANSTRUTHER. Captain 3d Guards. MY LORD, Sept. 5. Yesterday the citadel of Wurtzburg capitulated; the garrison, to the number of 700 men, furrendered themselves prifoners of war. General Belmont, chief of the French artillery, is amongst the number.

A prodigious quantity of ftores, of amunition and provifions, has been found in the town and citadel, partly left there by the Auftrians, partly collected by requifition from the neighbouring country.

Intelligence is received that the enemy has abandoned in Schweinfurt 70 pieces of artillery, which he was unable to tranf port.


From the reports of the corps in front, there is every reafon to believe that the 5 G


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