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took fhipping as fast as they could, and 1 fled away for Jerufalem, not fo much as one of them being detained by the magiftrates, or any further inquiry made by the king, into fuch a fanctified piece of villany. Internal trade must at that time have been chiefly conducted by the Jews, fince they were affembled in fuch numbers at an inland fair. They had probably too bestowed, ere this, upon commerce, the important improvement of inventing bills of exchange, as men- to have been done by the bishop of Nortion feems to be made of them, by the wich. Perfons unacquainted with the name of Starra (from the Hebrew nature of false zeal (continues Tovy, p. Shetar) in certain Latin documents of 83.) when backed by authority, will this æra. The Jews were still admitted fcarcely believe that the Jews had been to the liberal profeffions, as the cruel in any great danger of starving, though edict of Richard I. for regiftering their the king had not interpofed in this matproperty, orders that their "contracts ter. Yet Rapin tells us, that when the hould be made in the prefence of two affigned lawyers who were Jews, two who were Chriftians, and two public notaries." This king appointed Jufticers of the Jews, whofe office it was to collect and pay into the exchequer the taxes affeffed upon that unfortunate Be it remembered, however, that the fect. Benedict de Talemunt and Jofeph prior of Dunftable, much about this Aaron were the two firft of thefe Juf- time granted to feveral Jews free liberticers. ty to refide within his lordship, and to enjoy all the privileges of it, in confideration of the annual payment of two filver fpoons.

of their upper garment two broad ftrips of white linen or parchment. In this reign, Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury, and Hugo de Velles, bishop of Lincoln (in hopes to drive them a way by want of fuftenance) published injunctions throughout their refpective diocefes, that no Christian should prefume to have communication with, or fell them any provision, under pain of excommunication. And the fame feems

The intolerant policy of Richard I. occafioned the emigration of all the wealthier Jews, and a confequent de falcation of the revenue; which was fo fenfibly felt, that John, in 1199, ufed feveral arts to bring them back into his kingdom; not only confirming their ancient, but offering new privileges, and particularly that of naming a high-prieft by the title of Prefbyter Judæorum. Many Jews upon this returned, and -were afterwards more cruelly plundered Our Great Charter fanctions an injuftice to the Jews, by enacsting that," If any perfons have borrowed money of the Jews, more or Aufstand die before they have paid the debt, the debt shall not grow whilst the heir is under age," &c.t

than ever.

Henry III. liberated fuch Jews as were in prifon, ordered them to be protected against the infults of Jerufalem pilgrims, and to wear upon the fore-part

Gerhardine heretics made their appearance in the time of Henry 11. and or ders were given not to relieve them; the prohibition was fo punctually obferved, that all thofe wretches miferably perished with hunger.

During the funfhine of the King's favour (in 1330) the Jews erected a very stately fynagogue in London, which furpaffed in magnificence the Chriftian churches. But the people petitioned the king to take it from them and have it confecrated; which accordingly he complied with. In the 18th year of his reign, upon a petition of the inhabitants of Newcastle, he granted them the unhofpitable privilege that no Jew fhould ever refide among them. This prince was not free from the confifcatory policy fo common in the dark ages, but fre quently pillaged the Jews: his necefi ties, however, would have continued to tolerate them, had not the Pope fent over the Caurfini, Christians and Lombards, who were gradually to fuperfede the ancient practitioners of usury, by


conducting it in a manner not difapprov- Hebrew books were bought by the fa

ed by the church. To fuch a pitch of hatred was the prejudice which had been gradually instilled into the people against the Jews, arrived during this reign, that in 1262, when the king, refufing to ftand to the agreement lately made with the Barons at Oxford, withdrew into the Tower, and threatened the Londoners for taking part with his enemies; the Barons fuddenly entered London with great forces, and (to keep the citizens more strongly in their intereft) gratified them with the flaughter of feven hundred Jews at once, whofe houfes they firft plundered, and then burnt their new fynagogue to the ground. It was however, rebuilt; but, in 1270, taken from them, upon complaint of the Friars Penitents, that they were not able to make the body of Christ in quiet, for the great howlings the Jews made there during their worship.

mous Roger Bacon, who, by a short note written in one of them, declared they were of great service to him in his ftudies. This expulfion was fo complete, that no further traces of English Jews occur until long after the Reformation.

It was referved for the generous policy of Oliver Cromwell to attempt reftoring to Great Britain the industry and wealth of the Jews. During ages of unrelenting perfecutions, they had, however, loft many of the virtues of their early character. Oppreffion had imprinted an air of meanefs, and of fervile timidity, upon their demeanour. The undistinguishing contempt of men, who ought to treat them as equals, had lef fened the importance, and, therefore the frequency of refpectable character among them. This inferior degree of delicacy in point of reputation, occafioned their being employed in ufurious, and other illegal tranfactions: and these practices kept alive the prejudices of the magiftrate. Scarcely allowed a home, they contracted the habit of all itinerant pedlars, who never expecting to see the fame customer twice, having nothing to apprehend from making an exhorbitant gain upon each fingle tranfaction. Schools, fynagogues, and other inftitutions of public inftruction, were so unwillingly allotted them, and their appearance in Christian schools fo fhamefully refifted, that they were funk into a degree of ignorance, which increased to themfelves and others the difficulty of bettering their condition.


In the third year of Edward I. a law paffed the Commons concerning Judaifm, which feemed to promise a qualified fecurity; notwithstanding which, in the year 1290, and the 18th of his reign, the king feized upon all their real eftates, and the whole community was for ever banished the kingdom. Yet no fooner (adds the hiftorian) was the inventory made, and every thing fold to the best bidder, than the whole produce was unaccountably fquandered away, without one penny being ever fet afide for those pious ufes, which the king had talked of. From fifteen to fixteen thoufand Jews were thus ruined, and then expelled. During the preceding century, they must conftantly have been in The first intercourse between Croma ftate of rapid and progreffive diminu- well and the Jews was managed by tion: neither is it probable, that the means of one Henry Marten, upon more respectable portion of them should whofe intimations, a deputation from have put fo much confidence in edicts the Jews at Amfterdam waited on oft recall, thus frequently and perfidi- the English ambaffadors there, whom oully revoked, as to have been found they entertained with concerts of mufettled in England. Yet even thefe left fic in their fynagogue, and by means behind them feveral valuable libraries, of whom they obtained permiflion from one particularly at Stamford, and ano- the inftrument-parliament*, to send a pusher at Oxford, which laft being pur* The leaders of the Independents held a chafed among the sebolars, most of the convention, at St Albans, on the 16th of VOL. LVIIL 5 M



blic envoy with propofals. After fome the kings, against fo innocent a people,
deliberation, they fixed upon Manaffeh would happily be repealed." He al-
Ben Ifrael, a divine and doctor of phyfic, fo prefented, printed, and difperfed,
as he stiled himself t; in reality, a prin-
ter and a bookfeller; and of whom
Huet tells us, that he was a chief
ruler of the fynagogue, and married to
a wife who was related to the family of
the Abrabanels, which pretends to be
of the tribe of Judah, and of the house
of David, by which wife having feveral
children, he would fometimes boast of
having raifed up feed unto David.
feed unto David. He
was a man of great modefty and mode-
ration, a perfect master of the letter of
fcripture, and very little addicted to
the myftical fuperftition of the Cabbala.
He was much acquainted with the
younger Voffius, with Blondel, and
with Bochart. The profeffor Gafpar
Barlous addreffed to him the following
lines :

Si fapimus diverfa, Deo vivamus amici,

Doctaque mens pretio conftet ubique fuo.
Hæc fidei vox fumma mea eft; hoc crede

Menaffe ;

Si ego Chriftiades, fic eris Abramides.

a declaration to the commonwealth, and a treatife containing feveral arguments for toleration, addressed to the juftice of the principled, to the prudence of the reflecting, and to the prejudices of the multitude. On the 4th of De. cember 1665, Cromwell summoned a convention, meeting, or privy council, confifting of two lawyers, feven citizens, and fourteen noted preachers, to confult upon this requeft of the Jews. Among the latter, Mr Godwin and Mr Peters (whofe works were burned along with thofe of Milton at the Restoration,) and Mr Nye (of celebrated beard) particularly exerted themselves in favour of putting the Jews upon the like footing with other fects. So many fymptons of prejudice and intollerance escaped from others, that, after a conference of four days, Cromwell began to think the measure would not be introduced to the people from the pulpits, in a manner to affift its popularity; and therefore difmiffed the This Manaffeh, on his arrival in Eng meeting, faying, they had rendered the land, prefented an address to the Lord matter more doubtful to him than it was Protector, recognizing his authority, before. On the 1ft of April he took and foliciting his protection: "For leave of Manaffeh, by a polite, but evaour people (fays he) did in their own five answer. Whilft this affair was pendminds prefage, that the kingly govern- ing, the Rabbee Jacob Ben Azahel proment being now changed into that of a feffed to entertain fufpicions that Crom commonwealth, the ancient hatred to- well was the expected Meffiah, an opiwards them, would also be changed in- nion propagated, no doubt, for the purto good-will: that thofe rigorous laws, pofe of attracting a vast concourfe of if there be any yet extant, made under the lower claffes of Jews into England, Nov. 1649, at which Fairfax prefided, and in cafe the political equality, for which they drew up a plag of conftitution, confon- Manaffeh petitioned, could have been ant with their republican notions, which they obtained. Some few muft, from this publifhed under the title of "The Agree- period, have fettled in London by conment of the People.' This conftitution was afterwards realized. The nation having been nivance, fince, in 1663, their register called upon to choose a legislature, conform of births contained twelve names: and ably to its provifions, by that proclamation during the whole reign of Charles II. of Cromwell's, known by the name of the who introduced the fale of patens of Inftrument of Government," the first par- denization, their numbers increased. liament which met under this proclamation, is called the "Inftrument Parliament." The convention, vulgarly called Barebones Parliament, appears to have been a fecond meeting of those who affembled at St Alban's.

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Manaffeh's pamphlet on this occafion, has been preferved in the Phoenix: a long #alogue of his writings is annexed to it.

The notorious pamphlet in favour of fabbatizing, declared by the votes of the house, in March 1649, to be erroneous, fcandalous, and profane, does not appear to have had the flightest connection with the views of Maz naffeh and his employers.

cheer," they were naturally very glad to fee the number of candidates leffened for the advantages they were thomfelves striving to obtain. After the Revolution, this order was fuperfeded, to the great joy of the Chriftian merchants.

In 1684, James II, (who loft the affections of the bigotted people, as much by his difpofition to tolerate both Catholics and Diffenters, as by his political intolerance to the adherents of Monmouth) remitted the alien duty upon all goods exported in favour of the In the first year of Queen Anne, a Jews. This was univerfally refented detestable statute was paffed, to encou by the English merchants, who were rage the converfion of young Jews, by apprehenfive that the fame duties would emancipating such converts from all deallo be remitted upon all imported goods, pendence upon their parents. And, in Petitions from the Hamburgh company, the fixth year of George II. Reasons from the Eaft-land company, from fifty- were offered to the Lord Mayor and feven of the leading merchants in the Court of Aldermen, for applying to parcity, from the west, and from the north, liament for the fuppreffion of Jew.browere offered to the king againft this e- kers. No public proceeding, however, quitable regulation. Thefe illiberal be enfued: equity for once overpowered ings were glad, under any pretext, to felfishness: it feemed the dawn of rifing defraud fome of their neighbours of the liberality; but, like the twilight of a privilege to trade upon the fame terms winter's morn within the arctic circle, with themselves: remembering the was to be fucceeded by no effectual funhomely proverb, "the fewer the better shine.

(To be continued.)


I OUGHT to except the prefent Emprefs from any fhare in the cenfure which I think due to the fovereigns of Ruffia, for having neglected the mafs of the people, in their endeavours to civilize their empire, She has bestowed her chief attention on the lower or ders of her fubjects. The inftruction of the higher claffes had already been fufficiently provided for: But it remained for her to procure the means of improvement for those who had neither money nor leifure to attend the femina ries which had formerly been instituted, Accordingly fhe has established a number of fchools, in various parts of her dominions, at which the children of the lower claffes are instructed in the elementary parts of knowledge fuited to their station.

Many circumstances, however, make it probable that, with all the fupport government can beftow, the progrefs of knowledge will not speedily become extenfive in Ruffia. The state of the country is highly unfavourable to its geeral diffufion. The flavery in which


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the peasants are held checks the spirit
of improvement in that numerous body
of men. A man who can gain nothing
by becoming wifer than his fellows,
will hardly be tempted to take much
trouble in acquiring fuperfluous accom-
plishments, or in bestowing them on his
children. A Ruffian peafant has no-
thing that can stimulate him to the pur-
fuit of knowledge. He fees himself
fixed to a particular fpot, from which
he can have no hope of removing; and
furrounded with beings ignorant and
brutish like himself. His industry, if
he has any, is strictly and permanently
appropriated: So many days in the
week, and fo many hours in the day,
he knows he must labour for his master!
and, be his own neceffities what they
may, he is fenfible that this portion of
his time must not be encroached
If he poffels horfes or cows, or inftru-
ments of his occupation, a large por-
tion of what he can earn by them goes
to the ufe of his mafter. If he has a
wife and children, thefe alfo are but
partially his own: his mafter may com-
5 M 2


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have no will but what he dictates, no induftry but what he inspires, no emulation but what he excites.-I will not indeed fay, that this is the univerfal character of the Ruffian peafantry (for the peasants of a few noblemen, as well as thofe of the crown, are fortunately an exception): but I may fay, with truth, that this character is very general, through this miferable race of beings.

mand their fervices whenever, and in the hand of their master, who ought to whatever manner, he pleafes. He is hardly permitted to ftir from his hut without his master's leave, nor can he earn a fingle morfel of bread without his permiffion. If his children are to be taught any trade, it is the master who orders what that trade fhall be, and who is to be the teacher: if they are to go to school, the mafter fends and removes them at his pleasure; and if they wish to marry, they must do it agreeably to his commands. In a word, a kuflian peafant depends on his mafter for every thing. He cannot, it is true, be fent out of the world without the forms of law; but, by the negative which every mafter poffeffes against the marriage of his people, he may be prevented from coming into it; and when once he has got in, his life may be made as burdenfome as tyranny and caprice can defire.

The great body of the peafantry being thus completely fhut out from the paths of knowledge, not only is the general progrefs of improvement retarded, but the chance of the appearance of indivi dual talents is alfo extremely narrowed. In every country, the number of men of genius who arife to refine the public tafte, and improve the national charac ter, will be in proportion to the number of those who have the means of know. ledge in their power; together with the profpect of extending their reputation, and improving their fortune by their ac quirements. In Ruffia this number is extremely small. Hence Ruffia has produced very few men of diftinguifhed abilities in any line. Her moft cele brated academicians have all been foreigners. She has produced hiftorians, and poets, and painters; but their works will not bear a comparison with the first of the fame kind, which most other na tions in Europe can boaft.

It is to be expected that a power thus fhamefully unlimited will be often as fhamefully abufed. Accordingly, the dominion of the nobles over their flaves is least pernicious when it is leaft active -when it leaves the peasant to vegetate in hopeless indolence. If it is exerted to infpire him with induftry, it confiders him merely as a machine which does more work according as it is impelled with a greater force: or as a beaft of burden, which is forced to exert its ftrength by the fpur and the whip. The improvement of the minds of the pea- It would feem that, in the progrefs fants is a project which has not yet of fcience, the acquiring of a just con entered into the plan of the Ruffian ception of the proper object of literature landholders; it is a project that would is not one of the first attainments of the be generally confidered by them as chi- learned. Great literary labour, and merical, if not pernicious. The vil- that too fuftained by confiderable talents, lainous policy of defpotifm has com- has been wafted, by fome individuals in monly laboured to degrade thofe whom this country, on fubjects of fingular init would govern; and to guard, with utility. the most jealous circumfpection, every A Ruffian bishop has spent a great approach through which light may break part of his life in tranflating the Eneid in on thofe whom it dooms to bondage into Greek verfe. Had he tranflated and darkness. In confequence of this it into Ruffian verfe, his country would odious fyftem, the peasants are trained to confider themfelves as beings of an Soferior nature; as mere inftruments in

have been indebted to him: but little praife, furely, is due to the efforts which aim only at erecting a monument to


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