Abbildungen der Seite

portunity occurred for it to act. The Duke D'Enghien's corps was pofted on the heights in front of the right of the pofition, and General Viomenil in the fame manner on the left, occupying the road that leads from Southeim to Mindelheim. The referve was posted on the heights in front of Mindelheim, and a detachment of betweeu five and fix hundred men in the valley of Mindelheim, in such a manner as to prevent the enemy's coming quite round the left into the rear of the pofition, which otherwife was much to be apprehended from the great fuperiority of their numbers, and from the country being extremely woody.

As the republicans did not venture to the attack across the plain which separates the wood of Kamlach from the villages of Upper and Lower Aurbach, the remainder of the day of the 12th paffed in a distant and unimportant fire of mufquetry. In the evening, however, the Prince received repeated and positive information, from his reconnoitring parties and patroles, that ftrong columns of the enemy were advancing on his right and left. He therefore judged that his only chance of maintaining his pofition was by beating the corps in his front, before those which were moving towards his flanks could approach near enough to annoy him; and though his Serene Highnefs knew he fhould have to do with in finitely fuperior numbers, he boldly determined on the attack, the difpofitions for which were nearly as follow:

The right, under the Duke D'Enghein, was ordered to carry the village of Lower Kamlach, and to penetrate through the wood, if poffible, towards Erckheim. The centre, in two columns, was to attack the enemy in or near the village of Upper Kamlack; and the left, under General Viomenil, to advance on the great road to Southeim.

fore them the troops that attempted to defend Kamlach, they foon arrived at the bridge on the other fide of it.

Behind this bridge feveral battalions of the enemy were regularly formed, and the fire now became fo fevere as to render the fuccefs of a further attack very uncertain; but the Infanterie Noble advanced against the enemy with fo much impetuofity, that the latter gave way, and retired into the wood of Kamlach. Here these brave gentlemen again attacked the republicans, and notwithstanding the great fuperiority of numbers, and confequent long and bloody refiftance, drove them quite out of the woods, and on to the heights behind them. In the mean time, the Prince of Conde was informed, that the Duke D'Enghein, after carrying the village of Lower Kamlach, had found the woods beyond it fo ftrongly occupied as to prevent his advancing; that General Viomenil was fimilarly fituated; and that the enemy was attempting to come round the flanks of the Infanterie Noble, and cut them off from the bridge of Kamlach. His Serene Highnefs therefore found himself under the neceffity of ordering the different corps to retreat to the pofition. The enemy followed to the edge of the wood of Kamlach, but did not come to the plain. Arrived in the pofition, the Prince found it totally impoffible to remain there, without risk of being entirely cut off, not only on account of the numerous reinforcements which he faw advancing to join the enemy in his front, but ftill more on account of the ftrong columns that were marching round both his flanks. He therefore, on the morning of the 13th, began his retreat to Kildefingen, which was almost undisturbed, his rear-guard, commanded by the Duke D'Enghein, being followed only by the enemy's light infantry.

The Prince's lofs in this affair was aThe inferiority of his force, and the bout feven hundred men, and a great apprchenfion of the enemy's receiving number of officers killed, and three ftill further reinforcements, determined wounded. The two battalions of Infànthe Prince to march against them in the terie Noble loft between four and five hun night of the 12th. The two battalions of dred gentlemen. The enemy's lofs must Infanterie Noble (compofed entirely of alfo have been very confiderable, and gentlemen, formerly officers inthe French one Lieutenant-Colonel, and one Comfervice, and great numbers of whom are mandant of a battalion, with about fixty Chevaliers de St Louis), began their at- men, were made prifoners. I have the tack on Upper Kamlach. Having re-, honour, &c.ROBERT CRAUFURD. ceived the fire of a battalion that occuHead-quarters, Raftadt, O&,6. pied the gardens, they immediately pur- My Lord, I have the honour to infued it into the village, and driving be- form your Lordship, that General Mo

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On the 27th, General La Tour advanced to the Iler, and Lieut. General Frolich to Leutkirch, the latter pufhing forward his advanced guard to Wurtzach, where it took fome baggage and prisoners.

On the 28th, General La Tour advanced from the Iler to the Rottam in two columns; that of the right commanded by himself in perfon, that of the left by Lieut. General Mercantin.

On the 29th the advanced guard of General La Tour's corps (under Major General Baillet) drove the enemy out of Biberach, and pursued them to Groth, where, after a fevere cannonade, it took its pofition. Major General Klinling, with three battalions and four fquadrons (forming an intermediate corps between Generals Mercantin and Frolich), advanced to Wolfseg, and General Frolich towards Wangen.

Whilst thefe operations were going on upon the right of the Danube, Major General Naundorf was marching on the other fide of the river from Ulm towards Heckingen, in order to come into immediate operation with Lieut. General Petrafch, who, preceded by a corps of feveral battalions and fquadrons under Major General Meerfeld, was advancing towards Rothwell and Villingen.


the advanced guards of General Lar Tour and Mercantin's columns were in march towards Schuffenried, they were attacked in the neighbourhood of Steinhaufeg, &c. by above three divi fions of Moreau's army. An obftinate engagement took place; but, as Gene. ral La Tour moved forward with his whole corps to fupport his advanced guards, the enemy was repulfed with very great lofs, and the Auftrians maintained their position.

The advanced guard of General Mer cantin's column, confifting of a detachment of the Prince of Conde's corps, and commanded by the Duke D'Enghien fuffered principally in this action. His Serene Highnefs' conduct was very brilliant, and that of his whole corps extremely gallant.

The lofs of the Auftrians amounted to about 600 men, 420 of whom were of the D'Enghien's corps.

From the reports of the fpies it ap pears that General Moreau has began to let part of his army defile without arms through Switzerland.

His Royal Highnefs the Archduke marched on the 3d inft. from Schwetzingen to Graben, on the 4th to Carulfrube, and yesterday to this place.

Major General the Prince of Lichtenstein paffed the Rhine on the ad inftant at Manheim, and took poffeffion of the posts of Germersheim, on the fortifications of which the enemy have beftowed fo much time and labour. He is destroy.

has fent detachments as far as Weiffenbourg, which the enemy abandoned.

Lieut. General Kray drove the enemy out of Neuwied on the 29th; ince which nothing material has happened between the Maine and the Sieg. I have the honour to be, &c.

Berne, October 1.

By these movements the Auftrians being the works of this strong post, and came masters of the highest parts of the mountains of the Black Foreft, where the Danube takes its fource, as well as those rivulets which, running weftward to the Rhine, form the only paffes whereby an army can defcend from thefe mountains to the Brifgaw. General Moreau had now, therefore, no other alternative than either to attempt the dangerous operation of attacking Generals Petrafch and Nauendorf, in order to gain the Val-d'Eufers, which defcends into the Brifgaw by Fribourg, or to take his retreat by the Forest Towns and the territory of Swifferland; and finding himself at the fame time clofely pur fued by General La Tour, he deter mined, by a vigorous attack, to endeavour to give the latter a check, by which he might gain time fufficient to effect his retreat without great lofs. Accordingly, when, upon the 30th inftant,

Large bodies of the enemy's army con tinue to arrive every day at Shaffoufen, where they are difarmed and sent thro' the cantons of Zurich, Berne, and Soleure, to Basle.

As yet we can learn nothing pofitive as to the caufe of this deroute. It is certain that it has been confiderable in fome one point, as the fugitives continue to arrive every day in ftill greater num bers. It is probable, alfo, that the e, nemy has fuffered in more quarters than one, as it is obferved, that those who

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arrive belong to fo many different corps, that they could not poffibly have ferved together. It is difficult to learn any thing from the fugitives themselves (fo very confused is the account they give), excepting the fact, that a general pannick prevails throughout the whole army; fome of those who have arrived in this disorderly ftate having come from General Moreau's head-quarters, which they left at Ulm on the 21ft.

It is difficult to learn with certainty any thing relating to the number and ftrength of the peafants under arms in the Black Foreft: All that we know is, that fome fmall corps of Auftrians have penetrated from the fide of Offenburg and Friburgh, and are dispersed among the valleys and woods about Do nefchingen, Tengen, and Engen, and that the alarm bell is conftantly ringing in every village within hearing of the frontiers of this country. The republi cans, however, are still in poffeffion of Frickthall and the three adjoining Forest Towns, Rhinfelden, Lauffenburg, and Seckingen. The rage and hatred of the peasants against the French paffes all belief, and is only equalled by the terror they have inspired in the republican


Downing Street, Oct. 29. A difpatch has been received from Capt. Anftruther by the Right Hon. Lord Grenville.

My Lord,

Offenburg, Oct. 13. In confequence of the affairs which ħad taken place between the van-guard of General La Tour's army, and the rear of the enemy on the 29th and 30th ult. the Auftrians had advanced to Groth and Steinhaufen, and the French maintained themfelves between Schuffenried and the Feder See.

General Petrasch, in the mean time, had taken post betwixt the fources of the Necker and the Danube, when be more effectually covered the paffes of the Black Foreft, and his parties ince fantly haraffed the rear of the enemy.

Preffed in this manner, General Moreau faw the extreme danger to which his further retreat was expofed, and he refolved to rifk a general action as the only means of extricating himself from the difficulties by which he was furrounded. Early on the 2d, accordingly, the left wing of his army croffed the Danube at Riedlingen, and repafling it at Munderkingen, turned and defeated the corps

which General La Tour had posted be twixt the Feder See and the river.

As foon as General Moreau was affured of the fuccefs of his left, he advanced from Schuffenreid to attack General La Tour in front, and the action was main tained during fix hours with the utmolt obstinacy. At length, however, General La Tour, finding that his right flank was totally uncovered, and that his rear was menaced by the progrefs of the enemy, was obliged to abandon his ground, and retire behind the Rifs, and ultimately behind the Rothambach. His retreat was covered by the corps of Conde with a degree of bravery and steadiness which, reflects upon them the highest honour.

I am forry to ftate, that the lofs of the Auftrians on this occafion has been very confiderable.


On the 3d General La Tour occupied a pofition behind the Rothambach, extending from Monchrod, by Erlenmoos, to Laupheim.

General Moreau, having thus fucceeded in gaining fufficient freedom for the future movements of his retreat, recommenced his march on the 5th following, with the main body of his army, the route of Stokach.

On the 6th two divifions of his left paffed the Danube in feveral columns between Redlingen and Sigmaringen; and, having re-affembled in the neigh bourhood of Veringen, proceeded upon Beuren and Friedingen, in a parallel direction with the main body; and, in proportion as it retreated, covered its march from the attempts which were to be apprehended from the corps of Ge, neral Nauendorf and Petrafch.

On the 7th General La Tour advanced to Burhan. General Moreau was in the neighbourhood of Stockach, and had detached General Desaix, with 300 men, to occupy Engen.

On the 8th the head quarters of General La Tour were transferred to Oftrach; those of General Moreau to Stokach; and General Defaix, advancing from Engen, drove in the pofts of General Petrafch at Duttlingen, followed them towards Villingen, and took poft between Hohen, Emingen, and the great road from Villingen to Schemberg.

Next day, being joined by the two divifions which had marched on the left bank of the Danube, he attacked General Petrafch at Schweningen, diflodged him from thence and from Villingen,


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General La Tour, in the mean time, had transferred his head quarters to Mæfkirchen; those of General Moreau were at Engen.499400

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The head-quarters of his Royai Highnefs will be transferred to-morrow to Mahlberg.

Lieutenant-General Hotze, who commands the corps of light troops which paffed the Rhine at Manheim on the 2d, has taken poft at Schweyenheim, from whence he has pufhed his parties to Weiffenbourg, Seltz, Haguenau, and almoft to the gates of Strafbourg, in one direction, and to Keyferflautern and Baumholder in the other. They have levied contributions, taken hoftages, and spread the utmost confternation throughout the country.

So great are the apprehenfions the enemy entertains of this corps, that the troops, which had been left to watch Mentz, have been withdrawn to reinforce the garrison of Landau. General New, profitting of the opportunity, has D advanced to the Nahe with a part of his garrison, and, after defeating several fmall corps, which the enemy had left on that river, threatened to advance into the Hundfruck.

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der the command of Generals La Tour, Nauendorf, and Petrarfch, down to the 9th inftant. On the roth General La Tour followed the enemy towards Sto kach and Engen; but finding that their retreat through the Val D'Enfer could no longer be prevented, he difcontinued the pursuit; and marched by his right towards the Valley of the Kinzig, in or der to form a junction with his Royal Highness. The Archduke arrived with his main body in the neighbourhoody of Hornberg. On the 5th Generals Nau endorf and Petrarsch preceded him early in the fame direction. The former took poft at Eltżach on the 14th, and the lat ter at Kintzigns On the 15th the corps of the Prince of Conde and General Frolich alone continued to follow the enemy through the defiles of the Black Foreff.

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In the mean time General Moreau loft no time in profiting of the advantages which his van guard had gained on the 9th and 10th inftant. Her paffed, with his whole army, through the Val D'Enfer, and arrived at Fribourg on the rath. Next day he occupied Waldkirch, and his pofts extended along the heights on the right bank of the Eltz.

This menacing movement of the enemy, and the extreme difficulty of making an immediate attempt on Kehl, determined his Royal Highnefs to defer the execution of that enterprize. Leaving therefore a fufficient corps to obferve the place, he marched, on the 16th, to Malborgen, and affumed the immediate command of the army of La Tour, I have the honour to be, &c.

ROBERT ANSTRUTHER, Captain 3d Guards. Head Quarters Fribourg, 08. 21. My Lord, I have the honour of informing your Lordship, that, on the 19th inftant, his Royal Highness the Archduke attacked the enemy, and, after an obftinate combat, made himself mafter of all the pofition, on the right bank of the Eltz. E

The troops deftined for this operation marched from the camp near Kentziagefl' before day-break; but fuch were the difficulties of the ground and the badnefs of the roads, that it was near e leven o'clock before they reached the different points at which they were to affemble; they were then diftr buted into three different columns, of which the right, under General La Tour, was deftined to attack the village of Kindringen;


the center, commanded by General His Royal Highness determined immeWartenfleben, was to carry the heights diately to attack him; and for that pur behind Maltertingen; the left, under pofe ordered General La Tour, with the General Petrarfch, was to proceed along right wing, to crois the Eltz at Deninthe road from Heimbarch, towards Emen- gen, whilt he himself, with the left, dingen, whilft Major General Merfeld, and the corps of Nauendorf, advanced with one brigade, attacked the woods along the plain towards Fribourg. The on his left, and Prince Frederick of O. advanced guard of the Archduke's corange, with another, endeavoured to lumn diflodged the enemy from Dentzpafs over the highest parts of the moun- lingen without difficulty; but as Genetains, fo as to turn the right of the ene- ral La Tour met with confiderable oppamy. General Nauendorf, from Elkach, fition, and was obliged to re-establish had orders to attack at the fame time the bridge of Deningen, under the fire the poft of Waldkirch. of the enemy's artillery, it was evening before he was able to force the paffage of the river; fo that his Royal Highnes did not judge it expedient to bring on a general affair, in which only one part of the army could have been engaged. The Prince of Furstenburg, however, who commanded the right of General La Tour's column, found means to diflodge the enemy from Riegel, from whence he menaced the great road to Brifach.

About noon the action began: The column of the right met with a moft obftinate refiftance; it was repeatedly repulfed in its attack upon Kindringen, and the fuccefs remained for fome time doubtful, until his Royal Highness, putting bimfelf at the head of the grenadiers, they returned with fury to the charge, and drove the enemy awith great lofs from the village. Major General Merfeld had no iefs difficulty in making himfelf mafter of the wood above Keimbach; the ground was extremely favourable to the enemy, and he defended it inch by inch; nor was he completely driven from it, until the Prince of Orange, after a most laborious march through a country, which feemed impenetrable for troops, appear ed in the open ground above Emendin. gen, and began to attack his right flank. From that moment the victory became decifive. The enemy repaffed the Eltz at Emendingen and Deningen, defroy. ing the bridges in order to cover his re


General Nauendorf, mean time, had been no lefs fuccefsful towards Waldkirchen; at the moment his column were affembled he found himself attacked by a large body of the enemy, com-, imanded by General Moreau in perfon, whom he not only repulfed, but drove beyond Waldkirchen, and made himself master of that poft, and of the paffage of the river. On this occafion three battalions of the enemy were furrounded, one of which laid down its arms, and the other two were dispersed in the woods.

Early on the 20th the van-guard of the army passed the Eltz at Emendingen, and found that the enemy had taken a pofition immediately behind the village of Dentzlingen, with his right to the mountains, and his left to the marthy ground beyond the village of Verftelten,

The whole ariny paffed the night within half cannon, shot of the enemy's advanced pofts, and every thing was prepared for renewing the action early this morning.

The enemy, however, did not wait the attack, his main body retired during the night, and the rear-guard followed at day-break. A fmall corps only took the route of Brifach, where it paffed the Rhine, and destroyed the bridge; the reft of the army directed its march upon Huningen, where a large Tete de Pont is faid to be eftablished.

During the operations of the main army, the corps of the Prince of Conde and General Frolich were extremely active in the mountains. On the 18th the Prince af Conde drove the enemy, with very confiderable lofs, from the ftrong polis of St Megers and St Peter, in the valley of that name, and General Frolich forced fome of the most important paffes of the Val d'Enfer. On the 19th and 20th they continued to drive the enemy before them, and this morning appeared defcending from the mountains above Fribourg at the moment that the Archduke's van-guard en ered the town, and contributed much towards preffing the rear of the enemy,

I am not at this moment able to ftate to your Lordship, with any degree of accuracy, the lofs of the Austrians in the different actions fince the 17th, but am confident that it does not exceed a thou


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