Beckford 578 567 Geary 144 Landale 506 Dalgarno 577 Gellatly 865 Lawfon 865 Dalgleish 72 Gibfon 143 Dalrymple 577- Gillies 290 Bell 433. 577 Brifbane 792 Butler 577 792. 865 of 794 Douglas 72. 143. Legard 650 Lewis 650 Lichtenftein 71 Lindfay 577. 794 Lifton 143 Kelly 71. 218 Lockhart 143.361 71 Manningham 71 Martin 362 Maxwell 289.290. 506. 577-793. Menzies 72 Millar 360. 792. Milligan 144 Moir 432 Molle 433 Morris 218. 792 Moubray 793 Moyften 577 Murray 72. 289. 650. 865 506.577. 865 Orrock 577. 794 Lyle 72 Lucas 361 Lumfden 361 Pallifer 289 Palmer 361 Pardoe 361 M'Dougal 433 Paterfon 433. 794 Halliburton 762 M'Innes 361 Patifon 433 794.864 Mouat 432 DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. CUT away all the Blue Covers, and place the Title-page, Addrefs, the Recapitulation of Principal Events, and the Print of Adam Smith, LL. D. before the Magazine for January. |