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20. Batavia taken from the Dutch.--22. Admiral Pringle's fquadron fails from Leith roads, and falls in with the Dutch fleet, of fuperior force, a few days after, which proceeds on its courfe without attempting to come to action.-23. The Weft India fleet fails from Cork:---26. General Stofflet, the chief of the Chouans in la Vendce, with some of his principal officers, fhot at Angers. March.

1. The British troops, engaged in the unfuccefsful expedition to the coaft of France, returned to Portsmouth.---5. Advice received of the departure of the daughter of the unfortunate Louis XVI. from Paris for Vienna-6. Intelligence received of Trincomale, in the island of Ceylon, being captured by the British forces, under Colonel Stuart and Admiral Rainier.---7. The Count D'Artois (Monfieur) arrives at Edinburgh. The 1. The Dutch National Convention orgaPrincess of Wales delivered of a daughter, nized. Intelligence received that the King who is christened Charlotte Augufta.----8. of Poland was, by order of the Empress of The Diomede frigate loft off Trincomale.--- Ruffia, compelled to fign the papers of his 9. An armistice concluded upon the Rhine, abdication and refignation of his kingdom, after defperate fighting, by which both ar- which he did on St Catharine's day.---2. Ofmies were rendered incapable of continuing ficial advice received of the capture of the the combat.-10. Various outrages commit- ifland of Ceylon, with its valuable fettlements ted by the Irish defenders.---13. Intelligence of Malacca, Cochin, Columbus, and Janerareceived of a very extraordinary deluge in patam; and of the death of the Nabob of the inland of Barbadoes.---14. Advices receiv- Arcot.---9. A general faft throughout Enged of the princess Maria Therefa having been land.--10. The Archduke Charles fetsout from exchanged at Bafle, for the French deputies Vienna to take the command of the army given up to the Auftrians by Dumourier.--. 19. Several depredations and acts of violence wallis unexpectedly returns to Spithead in upon the Rhine.---14. Vice-Admiral Corn committed by the Orange Boys of the North the Royal Sovereign, not being able to proof Ireland, against the Roman Catholic inhabitants. The Goldsmiths Hall, Affay-office, and feveral fhops in the Parliament Clofe, Edinburgh, burnt by accidental fire.-23. A violent hurricane, accompanied with high tides, by which confiderable damage is done at sea, and in various parts of England and Scotland.---25, The Dutton Eaft-indiaman loft near Plymouth, together with feveral

of her crew.-28. The Triton East-Indiaman
taken by a French privatcer, and the cap-
tain and feveral of her crew treacherously
killed by the enemy.
Mr Stone tried in the
Court of King's Bench for high treafon---Ver-
dict, Not Guilty.-29. The greater part of
Admiral Christian's fleet, defined for the
Weft Indies, driven back to Spithead, after
encountering the storm for


weeks. 7

1. Intelligence received that the enemy had poffeffed themfcives of the whole ifland of Grenada, except the town of St George, and the important post of Richmond Hill. A daring infult offered to their Majesties in returning from Drury-lane Theatre, a ftone having been thrown into the carriage, which nearly Aruck the Queen.---A reward of 1oool. offered for discovering the offender.-7. Advice received of the opening of the Corfican parliament; of the people having refused to pay the impofts levied upon them; and that they had maffacred feveral of the English in habitants.---15. Mr Grey brings forward a motion for peace, which is negatived, 189 to 50.-18. The Houfe of Commons, on the motion of Mr Wilberforce, agreed to abolish the Slave Trade, by a majority of 26 votes.--

ceed on his voyage to the Weft-Indies on account of the damage fuftained by his ship.--17. Sir Sidney Smith failed into Herqui bay, and destroyed feveral armed vessels, &c.--24. Gen. Pichegru refigns the command of the army of the Rhine and Mofelle, and is fucceeded by Gen. Moreau. A correfpondence between Mr Wickham and M. Barthelemy takes place in Switzerland, relative to overtures for peace.


2. The impudent forgery of Vortigern received the general condemnation of the public, at Drury-Lane theatre.---5. Accounts received of the Dutch fettlement of Malacca having furrendered to the British troops. Sir Sidney Smith, commanding the Diamond frigate, reconnoitering in a boat near Havre de Grace, is made prifoner (with three officers and 16 feamen), and fent to Paris.---8. ViceAdmiral Cornwallis tried by a court-martial, at Portsmouth, for difobedience of orders, and acquitted ---12. Government published a note, expreffive of the failure of a pacific application made to the French directory, through Mr Wickham, at Bafle.---16. Intelligcace received of the capture of the Dutch fort of Quilon, and the factories of Porca and Quilon, in the Travancore country.--17. Intelligence received of Sir Edward Pellew having deftroyt 1 a French fhip of war and feveral merchantmen on the French coaft.---18. Mr Pitt brings forward a fupplementary budget---The taxes on wine---hats-and dogs. The campaigi. opened in Italy. The French army, commanded by Gen. Bounaparte, obtains two fignal victories over the

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Auftrians under Gen. Beaulieu. Thefe are followed by many fevere actions, in which the French claimed the victory. A gallant ftand is made by the Auftrian army under Gen. Wurmier. Bounaparte's army overruns Piedmont and Savoy, and dictates a tributary and disgraceful peace to the King of Sardinia.


S. Kidd Wake, convicted of having infulted his majesty, when on his way to parliament, fentenced to the pillory, and five years imprisonment in Gloucester goal.---10. Mr Fox's motion for an enquiry into the ftate of the nation negatived 216 to 42.-11. Crofffield, Le Maitre, Higgins, and Smith, arraigned of high treason, in confpiring to kill the King by means of a poisoned arrow.-13. Information received that the king of Sardinia had concluded an armiftice with the French.---20. Parliament diffolved, and a new one called to meet on the 5th July.-.---21. Accounts received of the capture of Milan by the French, and that Bounaparte had driven the Austrian army into Mantua. 25. The account received of the ratification of peace between France and Sardinia. All the French garrifon at St Lucia taken by General Abercrombie; under whofe direction the campaign is in general fuccefs. fui; our troops fuffering more from the climate than the enemy.---31. The armiftice between the Auftrian and French armies on the Rhine terminates. The French armies penetrate into Germany; that of the Sambre and Meufe, under Jourdan, into Franconia; that of the Sambre and Moselle, under Moreau, by Suabia. The Auftrian army difputes every inch of ground, but is compelled to give way to fuperior numbers.


tadel of Milan furrenders to the French army; who foon after form the blockade of Mantua. 30. The election of the Sixteen Scotch Peers takes place at Holyroodhouse.


1. Action at Edingen, in which the Auftrians were forced to give way, and the army of Conde was routed.---3. Major Forbes arrived with intelligence of the capture of Morne Fortune, in the island of St Lucie, on the 26th of May.---6. Porto Ferrajo, in the island of Elba, occupied by the British troops.---7. Marthal Wurmfer made a fortie from Mantua; by which the French loft 3,000 men and 17 pieces of cannon.---9. The French army of the Sambre and Meufe crofled the Lahn, after an obltinate contest.--1 2. Louis the XVIIth fhot in the forehead by an unknown perfon, Dillingen, near Ulm... 16. Capt Trollope, in the Glatton of 54 guns, engages and beats off a French fquadron, confifting of eight hips, one of 50, two of 36, three of 28, one of 18, and one of 12 guns 18. Sufpenfion of arms agreed to between France and the Duke of Wurtemberg. The Stadtholder's property fold at the Hague.--25. Armistice concluded between the French Republic and the Margrave of Baden.---27The circle of Suabia make peace with France.-31. The fiege of Mantua raised by the Auftrians, and the French defeated with great lofs in feveral of the neighbouring pofts. Auguft.

A reverse of fortune attends the French armies on the Rhine. Jourdan, after being defeated by the Archduke in feveral fevere engagements, retreats with precipitation towards Duffeldorff. Moreau's army being left uncovered by the defeat of Jourdan, is in hazard of being entirely cut off; retreats through Suabia, and after tuffering great lofles, effects its elcape, and croes the Rhine at Kehl; to which place the Auftrians fome time after lay fiege.-3. Buonaparte routes the Auftrian army in Italy.---13. The Archduke defeated near Donawert, that place taken by the enemy, and his royal highnets forced to crofs the Danube.-17. General Washington refigns the Prefidentihip of the American States.---12. The united armies of the Archduke Charles and General Wartenleben, attacked the army of General Jourdan, which they defeated, with the lofs of near 7000 men, and obliged it to retreat from..

4. Loretto and Ancona, both belonging to the Pope, taken by the French ---8. The Jafon, a Dutch frigate of 36 guns, with 200 men, brought into Greenock by the crew. -II. St Vincent's and Grenada retaken by General Abercrombie.-15. The Archduke Charles attacks the van of the French army of the Sambre and Meufe, under Le Fevre, on the Upper Lahn, and totally defeats it; upon which the enemy falls back on the Sieg-18. Great part of General Jourdan's army retreated by the bridge of Neuwied to the left bank of the Rhine. ---22. The Chouans, in la Vendee, furrendered their arms, and acknowledged the French the Nah; Col. Crauford was wounded in Republic.-23. The French army under General Moreau croffed the Rhine near Strafbourg, and took the fort of Kehl.---27. The French entered Leghorn, previous to which the greatest part of the British property had been removed.--28. Advice is received that Commodore Nelson, in the Agamemnon, takes and deftroys four armed fhips of the enemy under the batteries of Laona.---29. The ci

this engagement.---23. General Jourdan's army was driven from Amberg to Forecheim, with confiderable lofs. General Moreau obtained an important victory near the Lech ---24. Augfbourg and Munich eutered by the French army. The elector of Bavarja fent a minifter to Moreau to negotiate a peace.---29. A treaty of alliance, offenfive and defenfive, concluded between France and

Spain. Much damage done to the fhipping upon our coafts by a violent gale of wind.


2. General Moreau gained a victory over the Auftrians upon the fer.---3. The Archduke again defeates the army of General Jourdan, and obliges it to retreat to Hamelberg, with the lofs of 4000 men.---4. Wurtzburg retaken by the Auftrians. Roveredo, ́in Italy, taken by the French, and the Auftrians defeated with confiderable flaughter.--6. Bounaparte defeated the Auftrians at Ca. vela, took a great number of cannon, &c. and made four thousand prifoners.---8. General Warmfer made a grand attempt to cut off Bounaparte's army, but was completely defeated in all points, and narrowly efcaped by flight. Frankfort retaken by the Auftrians.---9. A dreadful nfurrection at Paris; the infurgents attempted to poffefs themselves of the camp at Grenelle, but were difperfed, after the lofs of fome lives.---The Imperialifts, commanded by Generals Frolich, Hotze, and the Prince of Furstenberg, defeated the French army of the Rhine and Molelle, under Moreau, and obliged the enemy to raife the fiege of Ingolftadt, with the lofs of 2000 men killed and wounded, and 1500 prifoners.---15. An order iffued for laying an embargo upon all Spanish fhips.-17. A dreadful fire at Liverpool, by which feveral people were burned to death. The Batavian convention publifhed a proclamation, prohibiting the importation of English goods into any of their ports.-22. The Amphion, of 32 guns, accidentally blown up at Plymouth.---The new Parliament meets---Mr Addington chofen Speaker, Two rich Spanish merchantmen taken by the Seahorse and Cerberus frigates, and carried into Cork. The Leeward illand ficet arrives at Crookhaven in ireland.


6. His Majefty makes a moft gracious peech to both Houfes of Parliament; the addrefs is carried without a divifion. A moft fhocking murder committed at Giafgow, by James M'Kean on James Buchannan a carrier.---M Kean afterwards tried and fentenced at Edinburgh, to be executed at Glasgow on the 25th January 1797.-10. Peace concluded between France and Spain.---11. Spain declares war against Great Britain.-15. Lord Malmesbury fets off for Paris as Minifter Plenipotentiary to treat for peace; arrives there on the 220.-17. King of Sardinia died.--15. Mr Pitt brings in a bill for auginenting the army and navy, as an additional protection to the country, in the event of an attempt at an invafion, which is threatened by the enemy.-21. The Auftrians attempted to carry by affault the Tete du Pont of Neu

wied, in which they were repulfed, with the lofs (according to the French accounts) of four thousand men.---22. The French repoffeffed themselves of Corfica, which had been haftily evacuated by the British, and took fome prifoners and cannon.


4. Intelligence received of Admiral Elphinftone having captured the Dutch fleet under Admiral Lucas, at the Cape of Good Hope (Auguft 16.), without firing a gun.-14. The republican army, commanded by Vaubois, attacked by General Davidovich, on the heights of Rivoli, and defeated, by which the blockade of Mantua was uncovered.---16. General Alvinzy, at the head of 40,000 men, advanced to Arcofa, on the Adige, where he was attacked with the greateft impetuofity by Bounaparte. At length, after a moft fanguinary conteft of three days, the Auftrians were totally defeated, and obliged to fall back on Vicenza.---17. The Emprefs of Ruffia dies at Petersburgh, and is fucceeded by the Grand Duke, Paul Petrowitz.--28. Intelligence received from India, of the Mollucca or Spice iflands, including Amboyna, having furrendered to the British arms. December.

5. A loan of 18 millions raised for Government by voluntary fubfcription in London in a few days.---7. Mr Pitt opens the budget.---Taxes on tea, fpirits, auctions, diftilleries, bricks, fugar houses, receipts, poftage of letters, ftage coaches, parcels, inland navigation, &c. In confequence of an intention on the part of the French to invade Portugal, several emigrant regiments, commanded by British officers, are ordered to embark for that country. The Re-union frigate, of 35 guns, loft on the Swin, the crew, except three, faved.-12. A mcffage from his Majefly delivered to both Houfes relative to the rupture with Spain.-14. Mr Fox makes a motion, that advances of money to the Emperor, without the previous confent of Parliament, are repugnant to the conftitution negatived 285 to ST.-15. A formidable French fleet put to fea from Breft, with feveral thoufand troops.---20 The executive directory of France require Lord Malmesbury to give in his ultimatum; and immediately, on receiving his Lordfhip's answer, break off the negotiation, and order his Lordship to quit the territories of the republic.---26. Advice received that the elector of Saxony, and all the princes of his houfe, had acceded to the convention of neutrality, and that an armiftice had been concluded upon the Lower Rhine.---Intelligence received that the new Emperor of Ruffia had fet at liberty the brave Kofciufko and two other Polish patriots,

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OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS of the Negotiation for Peace between Great Britain and France; as presented to the two Houfes of Parliament. See p. 833. THE former part of the correfpon- mit to the Minister of Foreign Affairs dence it is not necessary to reprint, as it is fo nearly the fame as the notes which the Directory have published, and of which our readers are in poffeffion. We begin where these publications end. The laft was dated the 27th November. Nothing further paffed till the 17th inft.

the inclosed memorial, containing the propofals of his Court, with respect to the application of the gencral principle already established, as the bafis of the negotiation for peace.

He will, with the utmoft readiness, enter with that Minifter into every explanation which the ftate and progrefs of the negotiation will allow, and he will The underfigned is charged to tranf not fail to enter into the difcuffion of YOL. LVIII.



thefe propofitions, or if any counter- mands, that there be reserved to her Maproject which may be tranfmitted to him jefty the Emprefs of all the Ruffias, a on the part of the Executive Directory, full and unlimited power of taking part with that franknefs, and that fpirit of in this negotiation, whenever the may conciliation, which correspond with the think fit, or of acceding to the definitive just and pacific intentions of his Court. treaty, and thereby returning to a state of Paris, Dec. 19. MALMESBURY. peace with France.

Gonfidential Memorial, on the principal objects of reftitution, compensation, and reciprocal arrangement.

The principle already established, as the basis of the negotiation, by the confent of the two Governments, is founded on restitutions to be made by his Britanic Majefty to France, in compenfation of the arrangements to which that Power may confent, in order to fatisfy the juft pretenfion of the allies of the King, and to preserve the political balance of Europe.

In order to accomplish these objects, in the manner the most complete, and to offer a fresh proof of the fincerity of his wifhes for the re-establishment of general tranquillity, his Majefty would propofe, that there should be given to this principle, on each fide, all the latitude of which it may be fufceptible.

III. His Majefty alfo demands, that her moft Faithful Majefty may be comprehended in this negotiation, and may return to a state of peace with France, without any ceffion or burdensome condition on either fide.

IV. On these conditions his Majefty offers to France the entire and unreserved reftitution of all the conquefts which he has made on that power in the East and West Indies, propofing at the fame time that a mutual understanding should be established as to the means of securing, for the future, the tranquillity of the two nations, and of consolidating, as much as poffible, the dangers of their refpective poffeffions. His Majefty offers, in like manner, the reftitution of the iftands of St Pierre and Mequilon, and of the fishery of Newfoundland, on the footing of the status ante bellum.

But if, in addition to this, his Majefty I. His Majefty demands therefore, were to have the right given to him by. 1. The reftitution to his Majefty the the exprefs ftipulations of the treaty of Emperor and King of all his dominions, Utrecht, of oppofing the ceffion of the on the footing of the ftatus ante bellum. Spanish part of St Domingo to France, 2. The re-establishment of peace be- his Majefty would then demand, in retween the Germanic Empire and France, turn for this conceffion, a compenfation, by a fuitable arrangement, conformable which might fecure, at leaft in fome de to the refpective interefts, and to the ge- gree, the maintenance of the balance of neral fafety of Europe. This arrange- the respective poffeffions in that part of ment to be negotiated with his Imperial the world. Majefty, as conftitutional head of the Empire, either by the intervention of the King, or immediately, as his Imperial Majefty fhall prefer.

3. The evacuation of Italy by the French troops, with an engagement not to interfere in the internal affairs of that country; which fhould be re-established, as far as poffible, upon the footing of the flatus ante bellum.

In the courfe of the negotiation, a more detailed discussion may be entered into of the further measures which it may be proper to adopt, refpecting the objects of these three articles, in order to the providing more effectually for the future fecurity of the refpective limits and poffeffions, and for the maintenance of general tranquillity.

II. With regard to the other allies of his Britannic Majefty, his Majefty de

V. In all the cafes of ceffions or reftitutions, which may come in question in the courfe of this negotiation, there fhould be granted on each fide, to all individuals, the most unlimited right to withdraw, with their families and their property, and to fell their land and immoveable poffeffions; and adequate arrangements fhould alfo be made, in the courfe of this negotiation, for the removal of all fequeftrations, and for the fatisfaction of their just claims, which individuals on either fide may have to make upon the refpective governments. MALMESBURY.

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Confidential Memorial on the Peace with
Spain and Holland.

The allies of France not having hitherto expreffed any defire or difpofition to treat with the King, his Majefty might

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