and 19th of June, 1834. The drawings occupied the first two days of the sale, and produced 568l. 11s. 6d. The paintings on the third day produced 1368l. 7s. Total, 19367.18s. 6d. The following were the paintings that brought above 20/.:-The Bolero, 22l. 11s.; a Sketch from Boccacio, 22l. 1s.; Nymphs binding Cupid, a Landscape, 321. 11s.; Sans Souci, 317. 10s.; Youth and Age, 21l.; a Sketch for the Subject of Intemperance, painted upon the Walls of the Staircase at Burleigh, 90l. 6s.; the Children in the Wood, 221. 11s. 6d.; a Fête Champêtre, from Boccacio, 93l. 11s.; Titania sleeping, 20l. 9s. 6d.; Venus, Cupid, and the Graces, 28l. 7s.; Calypso with Cupid and Nymphs, 46l. 4s.; the Vintage, 361. 10s.; O'Donohou, with Nymphs, 211.; a Nymph leading a Bacchanalian Procession, 321. 11s.; the Crucifixion, 26l. 5s.; Shakspeare's Characters, 80l. 17s.; a beautiful drawing of the same subject, but containing more characters, sold for 324. 11s.: they were bought by Mr. Pickering for the same gentleman. Among the drawings which brought the highest prices were several elegant designs for plate, executed for his late Majesty by Messrs. Rundell and Bridge. Another portion, we understand, is preparing for sale in the approaching spring. For a large portion of the materials with which the foregoing memoir has been composed we are indebted to Arnold's " Library of the Fine Arts," and "The Athenæum." 248 No. XIX. : GENERAL SIR JOHN DOYLE, G.C.B. AND K.С. COLONEL OF THE 87th Foot, or Royal IRISH FUSILEERS; AND GOVERNOR OF CHARLEMONT. This venerable and distinguished officer was born in 1756, and was the fifth son of William Doyle, Esq. King's Counsel, and one of the Masters in Chancery in Ireland. He was himself originally bred for the bar; but his elder brother, Welbore Ellis Doyle, having opened for himself a career of eminence in the army, about the commencement of the American war, John renounced the long robe for the sword, and in March, 1771, was appointed, by purchase, an Ensign in the 48th foot. In 1773 he obtained his Lieutenancy, and was wounded in Ireland upon duty. In 1775 he embarked as Lieutenant with the 40th regiment for America, and was present at the battles of Brooklyn, Haerlem, Fort Washington, White Plains, Springfield, Iron Hills, the surprise of Wayne's corps, Brandy Wine, Cheirs Stone House, Germantown, where he was again wounded, and at Chestnut Hill. At the first of the above actions the subject of this memoir was brought into notice by a trait of conduct combining the best feeling with the most animated courage. He was Adjutant of the 40th, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Grant, who was regarded as a father by the younger part of the corps: the Lieut.-Colonel was desperately wounded early, and the action becoming very hot where he lay, the young Adjutant, fearing he might be trampled to death, rushed with a few followers into the midst of the enemy, and dragged from amongst them the body of his friend; but, alas! too late, for he had ceased to breathe. This act of filial piety made a strong impression on all who witnessed it, and produced a handsome compliment from the Commander-inChief. In 1778 he obtained a company in Lord Rawdon's corps, the "Volunteers of Ireland" (afterwards the 105th regiment), and was present with it at the battles of Monmouth, Camden, Hobkirk's Hill, defeat of General Marion, capture of Fort Sullivan, and siege of Charlestown. He purchased the majority of the regiment in March, 1781, and was twice wounded while serving in it. In the attack upon Marion's corps he charged the State regiment of Carolina dragoons with his advanced corps of seventy horse; the killed, wounded, and prisoners of the enemy exceeding his whole force. After the fall of Charlestown, Major Doyle went up the country with Lord Cornwallis, by whom he was appointed Major of Brigade, and honourably mentioned in his Lordship's despatch relative to the battle of Camden. He served in the same action with Lord Rawdon, and was also included in that nobleman's thanks, in his public despatch after the battle of Hobkirk's Hill, and of which despatch he was to have been the bearer, had not the packet been sent by mistake to England before the arrival of the despatch at Charlestown. After Lord Rawdon's departure we find him acting as Adjutant-General, and public Secretary to General Gould; and after that officer's death, with Generals Stewart and Leslie. Subsequently his regiment was placed on the establishment of the army as the 105th, and ordered to Ireland, where it was reduced in 1784. • For several following years he remained on half-pay in Ireland; where he was occupied, in conjunction with his friend and patron, Lord Rawdon, in furthering every object of benevolence and patriotism that presented itself, during that period of stormy discussion between England and Ireland. At the commencement of the French war, in 1793, Major Doyle quickly raised a regiment, subsequently numbered the 87th, and obtained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. In the command of that regiment he embarked for the Continent, with the force under Earl Moira. He served under the Duke of York in the campaign of 1794, and repulsed an attack of the enemy at Alost, after having been twice severely wounded. The following statement from Earl Moira bears most honourable testimony to such parts of the services he performed as came under his Lordship's immediate view: "Colonel John Doyle, having applied to me for a testimonial relative to such parts of his service as I have had occasion to witness, I most cheerfully comply with his request. He was under my immediate command in America for part of the year 1779, and for the whole of 1780 and 1781. In every instance of the hard and trying business of those campaigns he maintained the high character he had before acquired for courage and zealous activity. It was my lot to see him in circumstances of peculiar difficulty, and I never observed more firmness, judgment, or ready resource in any man. Subsequent to my quitting Carolina, he had the opportunity of distinguishing himself much at the head of detachments. Latterly he was again under my eye, during the short time which I passed on the Continent. At the attack which the French made on Alost I had particular reasons to applaud the cool intrepidity with which he repulsed them at one of the bridges: though he there received two wounds, he did not quit his regiment until the enemy had given up the attempt. " I consider him as a most valuable officer, and fit to be confidently relied upon in any situation of danger. "MOIRA, Lieut.-General." In 1796 he was appointed Colonel of the 87th regiment, and sent in the command of a secret expedition to Holland. On his return he was appointed Secretary-at-War in Ire land; an office which he filled with a degree of popularity attained by few in such stations. He had acquired much consideration in the Irish House of Commons, and he employed it at all times for the benefit of the soldier: On one occasion, he electrified the House by his dramatic description of the energies of a Corporal O'Lavery of the 16th dragoons; who, on service, being employed to carry a despatch through a dangerous country, having been mortally wounded by the enemy in the breast, actually hid the paper in his wound, where it was afterwards found safely concealed by his blood! The gallant subject of our memoir subsequently served as Brigadier-General in Gibraltar, Minorca, and Malta; volunteered his services to Egypt; and was present in the actions of the 8th, 13th, and 21st of March: after which he was sclected by General Hutchinson to accompany him in the expedition against Grand Cairo. He was also at the affair of Khamanie; subsequently to which the army halted at the village of Algam. On the morning of the 17th of May (the army being encamped on the borders of the Desert) an Arab was conducted to General Doyle's tent, who brought intelligence that a body of French troops, which he computed at 2000 men, were within a few miles of the camp, with a large convoy of camels. General Doyle immediately took the Arab to head-quarters, reported his intelligence, and at the same time earnestly requested permission to pursue the enemy with such of the cavalry as might be in the camp. General Hutchinson acceding to his request, he repaired to the camp, where he learned that the Turkish cavalry had been defeated a day or two before, and that a squadron of the 12th dragoons had, previously to his arrival, been sent to watch at some distance; but he considered that every thing depended upon promptness and expedition: therefore, without waiting for the absent squadron, he left an officer to bring it on, and immediately struck into the Desert in search of the enemy. After a long pursuit, the cavalry came up with them, when they formed a |