required both talent and delicacy, was intrusted to Keats. This desirable object was executed with his usual address, and he succeeded in rescuing the Marquis, and about 10,000 men, whom he embarked at Nyborg, in Denmark, on the 11th of August. For the ability displayed on this occasion, RearAdmiral Keats, immediately on his arrival in England, was created a Knight of the Bath. In the latter end of May, 1809, the British government resolved on attacking the French naval force in the Scheldt; and Sir R. Keats was appointed second in command of the immense armament which sailed for that purpose. Our limits will not allow us to dwell upon this unfortunate affair; we therefore proceed to state, that he quitted the Superb, and was next appointed in the Milford, 74, to command the naval forces employed for the defence of Cadiz against its French besiegers. Here he established a flotilla, and remained until the autumn of 1811, when the fears for the safety of Cadiz being removed, he joined Sir Edward Pellew, off Toulon, as second in command of the Mediterranean fleet, being now a Vice-Admiral, with his flag flying on board the Hibernia, of 120 guns. He exercised these duties until extreme ill health compelled him, in October, 1812, to return to England in the Centaur. In the spring of the following year, having somewhat recovered, he was nominated Commander-in-Chief at Newfoundland, and Governor of that colony, with an assurance that if his health should be restored, more active employment would be assigned him. He sailed for the station with his flag in the Bellerophon, 74, and was soon immersed in the various duties of his governorship. In 1816, Sir Richard struck his flag, and retired into Devonshire, where he married Mary, eldest daughter of the late Francis Hurt, Esq., of Alderwasley, in Devonshire. He succeeded the late Sir George Hope as Major-General of the Royal Marines, 1818, and Sir John Colpoys as Governor of Greenwich Hospital early in 1821, where the various regulations brought about through his exertions, particularly for improving the system of diet and other comforts to the pensioners, will cause his name to be long and gratefully remembered in that noble asylum. Having thus performed his various duties throughout a career of active usefulness, both in public and in private life, he died from the effects of a paralytic stroke, on the 5th of April, 1834, most deep'y and sincerely lamented. P Sir Richard was a sincere Christian in his belief and practice, and both were characterised by an enlarged benevolence. He was a personable, smart, and strict officer; but, at the same time, a kind, intelligent, moral, and generous man, with a shrewd and penetrating discrimination. That he was a distinguished officer has been shown: but it may be questioned whether the great nautical talents he possessed were ever called into full play; for we have no scruple in placing him at the very head of our naval phalanx, having proved himself second to none in gallantry, genius, or talent. It was at first intended that the funeral of this great man should be private, but in compliance with the express wishes of his Majesty, it was performed with all the honours of martial observance. The ceremony took place on Saturday, the 12th of April, the anniversary of Rodney's great victory, and was attended by the Lords of the Admiralty, the naval officers of the King's household, and numerous admirals, captains, and lieutenants in full uniform. At a little before three r. M., the procession, headed by the band of the Royal Marines, formed in the great quadrangle opposite to the Governor's house. On the coffin being brought out, borne by eight pensioners who had served in the Superb, a party of artillery stationed with field pieces on One Tree Hill discharged minute guns until the body was deposited in the Royal Chapel, where the Rev. Dr. Cole, formerly Chaplain to the Foudroyant, read prayers over it. The firing, during this part of the ceremony, ceased, but was resumed on the reforming of the procession, and continued until the body reached the mausoleum in the burying ground of the establishment. The great square was lined with pensioners; and the upper quadrangle, in addition to lines of pensioners, was skirted by 100 nurses and 200 girls, while the whole course of the procession was marked by a battalion of Marines in single files, with reversed arms. Since the funeral, his Majesty has announced his intention of giving 500l. towards the erection of a monument, to be placed in the Painted Hall, in Greenwich Hospital, in memory of the lamented Admiral. For the foregoing Memoir we are indebted to the "United Service Journal." : No. III. WILLIAM SOTHEBY, Esq. F.R.S. F.A.S. &c. &c. MR. SOTHEBY was one of the most estimable men of our time; and his memory must be dear to all who love literature, and who appreciate great talent the more highly when they find it united with genuine goodness of heart, and with every kind disposition and social quality which ennobles human nature. He was truly what is comprehended under the term a gentleman, in its best and widest sense: amiable, courteous, well-informed, of liberal sentiments, humane, and generous. Shortly after his decease, a small volume appeared, entitled, "Lines suggested by the Third Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Cambridge in June, 1833; by the late William Sotheby, Esq. F.R.S. &c. &c." To that volume is prefixed an interesting memoir, the writer of which justly observes, that Mr. Sotheby was "one, who, though his life was far from eventful in the ordinary sense of the word, was too much beloved by his friends, and too much distinguished in the general world of letters, to be allowed to sink into the grave without some slight tribute of respect to his memory." A similar feeling will, we trust, be a sufficient apology for transferring this memoir to the pages of the Annual Biography and Obituary. Mr. Sotheby of Sewardstone, in the county of Essex, was descended from the younger branch of an ancient family of the same name, formerly settled at Pocklington, and Birdsall in Yorkshire. He was the eldest son of Colonel Sotheby of the Guards, and Elizabeth, daughter of William Sloane, Esq. of Stoneham, in Hampshire, and was born in London on the 9th of November, 1757. By the death of his father, when only seven years old, he was left under the guardianship of the Honourable Charles Yorke, afterwards Lord Chancellor, and of his maternal uncle, Hans Sloane, Esq. By them he was placed at Harrow, where he remained till the age of seventeen, when that active disposition which accompanied him through life induced him to enter the army, instead of completing his education at either of the Universities. He purchased a commission in the Tenth Dragoons, from which he immediately obtained leave of absence, and passed several months at the Military Academy at Angers, for the purpose of more fully studying the principles of his profession. This was the course usually adopted by young men of family and fortune, England not then possessing any institution of a similar nature. On quitting Angers, Mr. Sotheby spent the following winter and spring in the brilliant societies of Vienna and Berlin, and, returning through the South of France to England, rejoined his regiment towards the close of 1777. The love of literature, which at first displayed itself at Harrow, seems now to have taken a permanent hold on his mind. At Knaresborough, where the Tenth Dragoons were then quartered, he employed himself in the diligent and critical perusal of Shakspeare, and the other great masters of English poetry, and committed their finest passages to memory, thus early acquiring that command of poetical language, and facility of versification, which at a later period were so fully exhibited in his works. This did not, however, prevent him from paying strict attention to his military duties, or from maintaining a steady friendship with the officers of his regiment, -a friendship, in most instances, ter minated only by their deaths. He often reverted with much pleasure to this part of his life, and to the more actively employed portion of it in Scotland, when the Tenth Dragoons |