ferently from those around him; and, occasionally awaked by emotions and sentiments seldom experienced by the erowd, breaks out into impassioned strains, congenial to his feelings, unchecked by considerations of worldly prudence, and altogether regardless of what chiefly actuates the minds of these constantly in pursuit of their own interests. Now, taking mankind in cumulo, may it not be fairly asked, how many are governed by similar principles? or, to speak more unequivocally, how many are actuated and influenced by similar emotions, sentiments, and passions? If it be admitted, that hardly one in a hundred experiences, in the tenth degree, the warmth and enthusiasm of the romantic and disinterested poet; may it not, with equal propriety, be questioned, if one in an hundred can be a real judge of his effusions, or can enter cordially and critically into his particular beauties and excellencies? As well may we suppose, that a blind man is qualified to appreciate the excellence of the finest painting, or the beauties of a natural landscape; and yet, all pretend to judge and decide on what is foreign to their nature, their habits, and their propensities, with the same tone and pertinacity as the most enlightened critic and enthusiastic admirer of genuine poetry. Having thus briefly explained and defined what appears to me to be the real qualities, or principles of a divine art, and the natural deficiencies and restrictions which exclude thousands from any knowledge of it, I shall next endeavour, with equal brevity, to point out the causes which lead mankind to such absurdity and error, concluding with some observations on the consequences or effects of this indiscriminating criticism. In this short review, I mean not to include either the stupid or the illiterate, but such as, having enjoyed the benefit of a regular education, possess, at the same time, the natural gifts of a good solid understanding, and dis criminating judgement, on matters unconnected with taste, fancy, or refined sensibility. Among these, I shall, for the greater perspicuity, select three descriptions, namely, those who are bred to professions totally distinct and different from what is connected with the fine arts; 2dly, those who have no natural love or relish for them; and, lastly, those who, having run through the whole circle of literature, conceive themselves qualified to judge and decide on every branch in consequence of their being critically conversant with some of them only. However extraordinary it may appear, there can be no doubt whatever of this fact, that mankind are more disposed to talk about what they are superficially acquainted with, than on what they accurately understand. Whether this proceeds from a consciousness of their defects, and a desire to conceal them, or that, depending on the justness and acuteness of their reasoning and perceptions on certain subjects, they conceive themselves competent to judge of all, I shall not take upon me to determine; but in either case it is evident, that the leading principle or efficient cause is wanity, of which all mankind possess less or more. To be silent on any subject started in conversation, is certainly a little mortifying to those who wish to obtain a share, and are ambitious to display their knowledge; but to remain mute when topics are introduced which are considered familiar to all, would be tantamount to absolute stupidity and extreme ignorance. Under these familiar topics may be classed politics, religion, and poor poetry ! nor is there an instance in which any of them is introduced, but the whole company breaks out into one general torrent of criticism. The natural consequence is, that the last mentioned article (poetry) has not only a sad time of it, but is literally torn in tatters. The dry practitioner of the law-the the experimental patient chymist-the unfanciful dissector of plants, and anatomizer of frogs and caterpillars, are all intimately skilled in the language of metaphor, passion, sentiment and description; nor is the most minute beauty of epic, dramatic, lyrical, or didactic composition, hid from their all discerning taste and critical penetration. If not edifying or instructive, it is certainly not a little amusing, to hear these profound judges descanting on what they have not the smallest conception of, and floundering from one absurdity to another: but with regard to a different description of critics, amusement is altogether out of the question, for every thing is conducted with such intemperance, dogmatism, and over-bearing conceit, that the mind, as well as the ears of the listeners, is disturbed and pained with pedantic petulance. grave investigating mathematician- heard some of them assert, that sensi The class or description of men here alluded to, is that of the mere grammarian;-the cold, phlegmatic, painful plodder, over the construction of sentences, the analogy of words, the derivation of terms, and the affinity of languages. These men, from their having waded through the whole gulf of ancient learning, and, by a tenacious memory, retained innumerable passages trom Horace, Virgil, and Homer, conceive themselves not only competent to judge of every species of poetical composition, but altogether above contradiction. Woe be to the poet, or poetical judge, who presumes to oppose them!-they will lead you a dance through a maze of unconnected, unintelligible jargon, till you are bewildered, and spent with pedantry and stupidity; and, finally, knock you down with quotations that have no connection whatever with the subject in dispute. All you can do is to give up the argument, and leave these torpid, imperitable lumps of clay, to retain their own crude, indigested opiRions; and to maintain what I have bility and judgement were the same, for no other reason than this, that judgement and good sense are synonimous terms; and that, as sense is derived from sensus, so must sensibility and judgement be precisely the same ; in other words, that a poet possessed of the one must consequently be endowed with the other! The intention of the foregoing strictures, is to point out the extreme folly and absurdity of advancing opinions on subjects, which neither habit nor nature qualify us to appreciate, or comprehend; and, at the same time, to induce mankind to confine their remarks to what they critically know, and are qualified to judge of. Hunan talents and perceptions are as different and distinct, as they are wisely and wonderfully diversified; and instead of grasping at what we can never attain, mankind ought to rejoice at the barriers that oppose them.They are, in fact, the links that bind society more closely together; and were vanity and idle conceit a little restrained, and modesty a little encouraged, each would have cause to rejoice at the limited and just proportion allotted to him. But, unfortunately, for the progress of science, and the im provement of true taste, literary and professional men, instead of prosecuting studies particularly adapted to their natural capacities, range amidst devious paths that bewilder and lead them astray, without their ever arriving at the object of their ambition, which flies them as a phantom. Similar to the mere gingler of rhymes, and the fabricator of smooth versification, who, conceiving himself endowed with qualities essential to inspired song, scribbles on without ever attaining what constitutes the true poet. In a former paper, I took occasion to offer some observations on " poetic character, and literary fame;" may I hope that this well-intentioned hint to poetic critics will find a place in your Industry. HIS establishment was ATTICUS. as 30. Owing to the scarcity and high price of lint, which has prevented many private families from sending their usual orders for spinning, the Managers have been under the disagreeable necessity of refusing admittance to many starving applicants, and for the present to restrict the number of spinners to 15. Lace Manufactory. Account of the EDINBURGH House of to Ist of November 1808, the average number of lace-workers has been 24. Of these 11 are under 12 years of age. The number of yards of lace manufactured here from the 1st of November 1807 to the 1st of November 1808, amounts to 1613; - many pieces of the lace of so good a quality as to sell at the rates of ten, twelve, and even so high as eighteen shillings per yard. instituted sistance to aged females of respectable character, when thrown out of employment, and of training the young to habits of industry and virtue. This institution is divided into three distinct branches; the Spinningroom, the Lace Manufactory, and the School for Servants. On minutely investigating the circumstances of the persons admitted into the first of these, it does not appear that any of them could have found means of honestly supporting themselves. They must, consequently, either have parted with their integrity, or been reduced to beg through the streets, or have thrown themselves on their respective parishes for support. By far the greater number are, from age and infirmities, incapacitated from earning what would barely suffice for preservation of existence; but by the meal a-day, here given in addition to their earnings, they are enabled to live, and, from having the benefit of a light, warm, and cheerful room, to live in some degree of comfort. Besides the full amount of their earnings, an allowance of sixpence weekly is granted to the sick, and to the very infirm, and to those widows who are burthened with two or more children. The number of spinners kept here in constant employment has seldom been less than 24, and in severe seasons has sometimes been upwards of The girls who are here trained to habits of industry and application, are employed for ten hours of every week day; giving six hours of that time to lace-working, three to needle-work, and one to reading and spelling. Every girl is paid on Saturday for the lace she has worked through the week. A certain proportion of her earnings having first been deducted to pay for materials, and towards defraying the expence of the Institution, she has of the remainder one shilling and sixpence to carry home to her parents; and whatever exceeds that sum she deposits in her money-box, to form a fund for the purchase of clothes. The best proof that can be given of the utility of this school of industry, will be found in the good behaviour of the young persons who have been trained in it to habits of order and decorum. At Whitsunday last, rewards were given by the Managers to four young women, who had then been one year at service, and had conducted themselves to the entire satisfaction of their employers: Others have since then gone to service, who it is hoped will have an equal claim to approbation. probation. For as the plan of instruction is now considerably enlarged, there is every reason to expect that the progress of improvement will keep pace with the pains bestowed, and that the investigation annually to be made into the behaviour of those who leave the house will prove a source of heart-felt gratification to the ladies who have taken a particular interest in its management. If any of the young persons who have gone from the lace school into service, should, from sickness or other circumstances, be thrown out of place, they will be less destitute than other females in a similar situation, as they are capable of exercising a trade by which they may at all times earn a subsistence. But as it appears to be emiasnently for their advantage, as well as for the advantage of society, that they should learn to fulfil the active duties of their station, it is thought adviseable, that, before engaging in service, they should for a certain time be employed in the SERVANTS SCHOOL. The School for Servants have been lately added to the former branches of the Institution; and though the Managers have not yet been enabled (from the state of their funds) to put the plan on which it has been established completely into execution, they have, as far as the experiment has been made, great reason to be satisfied with the result. It will be observed, that in the lace school the children of the poor, (and in many instances they are of the very poorest,) are initiated in habits of application, cleanliness, and decorum; and that in the school for servants they acquire, with a knowledge of household work, habits of activity and arrangement.In both branches, the pains bestowed on their religious and moral instruction is seen to produce the happiest effects. Nor are the effects confined to the children. The parents, many of whom attend the Sunday evenings course of instruction, seem so fully sensible of the benefit derived from it, that there can be little doubt that the beneficial consequences will in many instances extend to them. The expences attending the servants school must be greater in proportion than those of the lace school: the girls in the latter having only one meal a-day (of bread and broth) from the house; whereas in the former they are maintained and clothed from the funds of the Institution. It is likewise intended that the girls admitted to the servants school shall have beds in the house, as soon as the state of the funds will enable the Managers to provide them. The number of scholars in this department is at present limited to six ; but if the plan is deemed worthy of general approbation, the Managers confide in the liberality of the Public, for bestowing the means of its extension and permanent establishment. In order to prevent any misapprehension of their views with regard to the Institution in question, the Managers think it necessary to observe, that it is not so much their object to make accomplished readers and needle workers, as to make active, diligent, and sober-minded servants, well instructed in their duty to God and man, and who have acquired habits which may accord with and support their principles. In the name of the Aged and Destitute, who have here found an asylum from despair, and in the name of the Young, who have here been protected and instructed, the Managers return thanks to the subscribers for the contributions that have already been so liberally bestowed. And as this is one of the few Charitable Institutions which is entirely dependent on Annual Subscription, they earnestly intreat a continuance of their Bounty. Subscriptions continue to be received at the House of Industry, and by the the Treasurer, Mr Muir, at the music shop of Muir and Wood, Leith-street. House of Industry, Canongate, Edin. Nov. 1. 1805.} The also. The attention of the town is upon Lord Lovat's trial, which has held this week, and will, 'tis supposed, continue most part of the next. articles of impeachment were opened by Sir Wm. Young, who was seconded by Lord Coke, and then the Attorney Letter on the Subject of LORD LOVAT's Generall spoke for near two hours: SIR, Trial. To the Editor. DEAR SIR, An Antiquary. I give you many thanks for the favour of your last letter, and think my self much obliged to you, for putting me in a way of being in some measure of use to you. I was with Mr Manby yesterday, who says, he has not had Dr Stukeley's Itinerarium curiosum for some time, neither does he believe it can be met with in the shop; but he does not know, but it may be had of the Doctor, who printed a few more than was subscribed for. The price in sheets is two guineas, and if you want it, I'll speak again to Mr Manby, who will send to the Doctor, and know if he has it. There have been 5 numbers published, of the heads of illustrious persons, since the last volume was completed. They were published four together, and will continue to be so, till a second volume is finish ed. But as they found the heads of severall persons were wanted separately, they will publish a great number in this way: when I find those you want, I'll take care to buy them for you; and if you chuse to have the five Last numbers, I shall buy them for you there were two witnesses examined the first day, who proved many instances of disaffection to the government, at different times, since the year 1719. Tuesday was spent in arguing and debating, whether Secretary Murray should be admitted as an evidence or not. The objection was, that he, not surrendering within the time limited by the Act of Parliament, became at tainted. In answer to which it was said, that he had surrendered in time, which he having pleaded in the Court of King's Bench, and the Attorney General having admitted the plea to be true, all was set right, and his testimony could not be impeached. And so it was resolved by the Lords. On Wednesday he was examined, and gave a very circumstantial detail of the rise, progress, and success of the last rebellion. He spoke for above two hours, and delivered himself in so polite and sensible a manner, that every body was charmed with him.He named Lord Bre, Sir J-n H-d C-n, and Sir W-ns W-ms W-n, as persons who had promised to assist to the utmost of their power, and at last brought the matter home to Lord Lovat, by proving his conferring with the young chevalier after the battle of Culloden, his receiving money from him, and raising men for his service. Mr Murray has made a full and ample discovery of the whole affair, and I do assure you, that party begins to be in a terrible alarm; for it seems to be generally believed, that the Parliament will inquire into that matter, and I hope punish past offenders, as well as make laws to prevent future rebellions.'Tis said Lord Traquair will be prosecuted |