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secuted next, against whom Mr Murray will be also a witness, and I make no doubt but he will be convicted.Mr Murray said he was the person who treated with the English, and had had severall meetings with the before-mentioned gentlemen, as he himself had told him. Lord T-b-t stopt Mr Murray when he named these gentlemen, and insisted that no person should be named, but such as was actually in rebellion, or concerned with Lord Lovat. The Lords did not sit on Thursday: Yesterday severall witnesses were examined, some of whom proved the receiving of letters from, and sending to the young Pretender; and by what I can learn, there is enough proved to convict him of treason. They continued examining witnesses till past four, when Lord Lovat told the Lords, he could hold out no longer, and that they must either adjourn, or make preparations for his funeral.. He was obliged in his request, and his tryall was adjourned to Monday morning. Yours, &c.

[blocks in formation]


By the late DAVID HUME. (Copied from a printed paper in the possession of a Gentleman of EDINBURGH.)

WHEREAS I, D-d H-me, Esq. of North Britain, Philo-Scot, have by great travel, and much study, for the benefit of mankind, discovered and brought to perfection my Opiatismos, or Universal Soporific, Antiophthalmic, Cacodemoniac Medicine, which stills, deadens, and infallibly cures all vapourish terrors or perturbations of the mind, whether occasioned by fraud, fornication, murder,

or adultery, whimsies of a future state, or fear of a judgement to come, as can be attested by the N-b-ty, Gen-.. -y, and Cl-y of that kingdom, in the metropolis of which I have peaceably practised for above these twenty years with astonishing success:

And now, prompted by the love I also bear my fellow-subjects of South-Britain, and embracing the opportunity of that favourable disposition I have long observed there to receive my wonderful medicine, and before it shall be abated by the visitations and calamities of war, which it does not yet appear to be:

I hereby give notice to the N-b-ty, Gen-y, my L--s the Bis-ps, the Cl-gy, and others whom it may concern, that upon the first day of July, and third year of this present war, I set out post from my bibliopolic mansion, with my retinue called Le gion: upon the third I put up at the Post-house, Newcastle; upon the fifth at ditto, Durham, and making three stages per day, I, di-b-lo vol-nte, arrive at White's, London, upon the 12th, there to begin my Scotific operations, and require the lieges to be every where ready to receive the benefit of my invaluable medicine, at the small price of Half a Crown, neatly stitched; to be taken at whatever time the patient is at leisure; abstaining from no exercise or regimen, except fasting and prayer, Anderson's* pills, and such like trumpery; and lest the medicine should at first sit uneasy, and be ready to throw up, the patient is desired to wash it down with a strong doze of wine, punch, plain brandy, or gin, in presence of those brave spirits of the military, or others, ever ready to administer strength to wavering minds,

* Mr Anderson wrote two Treatises in confutation of the pernicious principles of this author.

minds, and swear to their being fearless of all above and below.

And after my arrival in the great city, I hereby promise to exhibit this my powerful soporific, in modern monthly dozes, at the small price of Sixpence, with good allowance to such as shall take a quantity for sea service, and the benefit of the Navy, where it is taken with great success, except in an engagement and a storm, unless the Ad-1 shall happen to think otherwise.

N. B. To prevent counterfeits, my packets are sealed with my coat of arms; viz. a Lion Rampant;-the supporters, a Judge and Vulture: motto, Devorare Appetens.

Account of the burning of a POPE, by the STUDENTS of the COLLEGE of EDINBURGH, in 1680.

THIS curious transaction, and the severe punishment with which it was followed, is described in two small pamphlets published in London in the year 1681. The first * consists of three letters, giving merely a history of the proceedings, which one of them censures in very strong terms.The second + contains a letter of en

rate defence of the conduct of the stu dents, by one of their own number. From these various documents we shall endeavour to draw up, for the amusement of our readers, a short narrative of the whole transaction.

This determination of the students, to commit his Holiness to the flames, seems to have been formed for some time, and after mature deliberation.The following are the motives which are stated to have led to it. They considered the great progress which their popish adversaries had made in their conspiracies; " for," say they, "let none imagine that the popish PLOT is wholly disbelieved in Scotland." They considered also that they had never given any public proof of their aversion to Popery; that disadvantageous reports might thus be spread with regard to Scotland; and the conspirators might be encouraged to persevere in their hellish designs. "They resolved therefore to burn the

Pope;" and having concerted measures for this purpose, they bound themselves to support each other by a solemn oath, the breaker of which was to incur the penalty of half-a-crown. Having made a subscription to defray the expence, they employed a carver, "who erected them a wooden holiness, with clothes, triple crown, keys, and All

quiry from a gentleman in London, other necessary habiliments."

and in answer to it, a long and elabo

* The History of the late Proceedings of the Students of the College at Edenborough. Which hath occasioned

the King's Proclamation for banishing them fifteen miles from the said city.-In three several Letters to a worthy citizen of London. Published to prevent false reports. London. Printed for Richard Janeway, in Queen's-head Alley in Poternoster-row, 1681.

† A modest apology for the Students of Edinburgh burning a Pope, December 25.1680. Humbly rescuing the Actors from the imputation of disloyalty and rebellion, with which they were charged in a letter, &c. Printed as above.

these were completed on Thursday night, being the second night before Christmas, which was thought the most suitable day for displaying their wrath against antichrist.

By this time, however, the affair

had come to the ears of the Provost, who immediately set all engines at work to thwart it. He first sent for the Primier and Regents, whom he enjoined to order the students to desist from their enterprize, with menaces, that if they would not, he would make it a bloody Christmas to some of them. He then went down to the Abbey, to communicate the intelligence to the Duke (of York,)


and the Chancellor. Both were vio having previously lodged a train withlently enraged, and the latter threatened in him. We read of no opposition to bring troops into the town. Mean-made by the city militia; but on the

time the Principal had assembled the students, and given them, to subscribe, an oath, binding themselves " neither then, nor in future, to burn the Pope." A tew-Bearnes of the lowest classes signed this oath, but the rest indignantly rejected it. This intelligence being carried to the palace, it was determined, since persuasion had failed, to employ force. Several English students, who were suspected as ringleaders, were seized in their beds, and carried to the Canongate tolbooth. A proclamation was issued, directing all masters to keep their servants and apprentices at home on the forenoon of. Christmas. At the same time, all the forces at Leith and in the neighbourhood were brought into the Canongate, and most of the general officers remained all night under arms. Early in the morning, the Provost, contrary, it is alleged, to the privileges of the city, allowed troops to be introduced, and to take possession of the most advantageous posts. The Grass-market, being the ordinary place of execution, was made head-quarters, from whence reconnoitering parties were sent up to the Castle hill. The city militia were drawn up along the High Street to provide for its defence. Alguard was also placed at the college, where the first assemblage was expected. The ordinary guards at Holyroodhouse were doubled, for the security of the Duke's person. Undismayed, however, by this mighty preparation, the boys repaired to the High School Yard, where, according to appointment, they found the Holy Father in his pontifical robes. They proceeded, without opposition, to conduct him down the High School Wynd, and up Blackfriars, to the High Street. Here, finding there was no time to lose, they immediately read a short accusation, and then, amid a general ery of Parcat Papa, set him on fire,

Jan 1809.


first report of what was doing, General Daliel galloped in with his dragoons thro' the Netherbow port, and was followed by the infantry under the Earl of Marr. Lord Linlithgow was the first that came up; and he, according to some accounts, was able at once to disperse the cavalcade, while others assert, that in making a pass at an unarmed culprit, he fell off his horse prostrate before the image; the mob calling out to him that he was mistaken, for that it had no toes. On the coming up of the dragoons, however, the offenders dispersed, and the soldiers were ordered to extinguish the flames. This, however, understanding the combustible state of its interior, they were in no haste to do. Keeping at a cautious distance, they merely belaboured his Holiness with the butt end of their musquets, which the students alledge was a mode of treatment not much more respectful than their own. In the course of this operation, the head fell off; which a number of little fellows, "such as from their magnitude you could scarce suspect were yet so well-lettered as to spell Po-pe-ry," seized and carried it in triumph up the Castle Hill. The King's forces "missing so principal a part, like men of courage who scorn to be easily baffled, troop about, and put on brave resolutions, rather to die like men upon the place, than not recover what they had lost." The combat, it is alledged, was obstinate; the little myrmidons, being inferior to their adversaries only in discipline, car ried off half the prize; the other fell into the hands of a trumpeter.

Next day the students who had been apprehended on Friday night were examined before the Council by the King's Advocate, Sir Geo. Mackenzie. They were first asked, whether they had not been instigated by letter from the Lord Grey. Upon their

their obstinately denying, they were threatened with the Boot; an engine, says the English student, which I, who have been born in a freer air, may have leave, without reflexion, to call slavishly barbarous. Nothing of this kind being extracted from them, they were next asked, Whether they designed an affront upon any of the nobility? (the Duke of York,) to which they replied, that in the paper of agreement which they had drawn up, they had declared the contrary. Lastly, they were examined, Whether there had been any of the Whig ministers or citizens at any of their consultations? An equally positive denial being given, they were discharged upon bond for further appearance.

About this time, several scuffles took place between the students and soldiers; the former alledging, that the soldiers were uniformly the aggressors. The principal and professors having gone to the palace in order to make an apology to his Royal Highness, were at first denied access, but on a second visit, were admitted. The students were then apprehensive that they had, in their names, made a submission, and asked pardon for burning the Pope. Fired by this suspicion, they immediately got blue ribbons in their hats, with the motto, No Pope, They then went in a body to the Provost's house, and as soon as they were got into the High Street, set up a general exclamation of No Pope, No Pope. The student does not pretend to justify the whole of this proceeding, but insists that "lads are lads," and that he does not know who had reason to be offended with their conduct. However, the printer, who had put the obnoxious words on the ribbons abovementioned, being apprehended, they all laid them aside, though it is admitted that one or two imprudent students afterwards resumed them.

The storm, the fury of which had been daily augmenting, was raised to

its utmost height by an extraordinary incident. The Provost's house at Priestfield, near Edinburgh, was set on fire one night by fire balls. The activity of this personage in thwarting the proceedings of the students, and the enmity with which they were well known to regard him, made all eyes be turned upon them as the authors of this outrage. No positive proof however appears to have been found of their guilt. The student admits that some of them may have said that he deserved to have his house burnt, in the same manner as we say of any one that he deserves to be hanged, without any intention of inflicting that punishment. Many circumstances, he alledges, lead to the suspicion that it was done by their enemies, for the purpose of throwing the blame upon them. In particular, he states that a gunpowder barrel, with the castle mark upon it was found next day in that part of the park which is nearest Priestfield. It appears, however, that immediately upon this event, and without any trial or examination, government came to the resolution, of shutting up the college, and banishing all the students from Edinburgh. A proclamation was issued, "That whereas the Lords of Council were informed that several disloyal and malicious persons, frequenting Edenborough, had instigated the students of the college to enter into bonds and combinations, and to convocate in tumults, there was order taken for the securing of our peace; and it being made appear, that the students did enter into bonds and combinations, in which they did oblige themselves, among other things, contrary to the laws of this kingdom, to adhere to one another, if they were called in question for it; and in consequence of that seditious combination, did, on the 25th of December last, in a tumultuary way, assault and affront several persons, and did associate themselves with apprentices, and put up blue ribbons

ibbons as signs and cognizances to differ themselves from others, and for convocating themselves; for which being justly reproved, they did some days after run up and down the streets in tumults, disquieting the nobility and gentry of both sexes, and threatning the Provost as above, &c. Whereupon the Lords of the Council, by an act, ordered the gates of the schools of that college to be shut up, until they should be fully informed of the root and progress of these disorders, and satisfied by the punishment and submission of the offenders. Therefore to prevent any further seditious tumults, and disorders from these students, they are all commanded to retire 15 miles at least from this city, within twenty-four hours after publication of this proclamation, and not to come within our limits without leave of the Privy Council, under the pain of being punished as seditious persons, and contemners of the King's authority; and their paren 3, tutors, and all others, are forbid to resset or entertain them, without giving caution to the Clerks of the Council for their good behaviour."

which he served successively under the captains Cockburn, Webber, and Digby. The latter being appointed to the Biddeford frigate, took with him Mr Pasley, for whom he had conceived a strong attachment, and promoted him to the rank of acting lieutenant. The frigate was soon ordered to England, having on board 300,000/. in bullion. As soon as the vessel arrived at Portsmouth, Mr Pasley, with a proper escort, was dispatched to London with the treasure. Having lodged his valuable charge in the bank, he returned to Portsmouth without delay, and embarked on board the Dunkirk, to which Captain Digby had been appointed during his absence. This ship was one of those which proceeded, in 1757, on the unsuccessful expedition to the coast of France, and, though its issue was so ill calculated to procure either honour or promotion for those who were engaged in it, yet the merit of Mr Pasley had so powerfully attracted the notice of his commanding officer, that, on his return to Portsmouth, he found a commission as an established Lieutenant lying there for him, by which he was appointed to serve on board of the Roman Emperor fire-ship. He was very soon afterwards transferred from

Biographical Sketch of Admiral SIR this vessel, at his own special request,


SIR THOMAS PASLEY, Bart. Admiral of the White, was the fifth son of James Pasley, Esq. of Craig, in the county of Dumfries, North Britain, by Magdalen, daughter of Robert Eliot, Esq. of Middleholm Mill, in the county of Roxburgh. He was born at Craig, on the 2d of March, 1734, and having, from his early youth, entertained a strong predilection for the naval service, he entered in 1752, as a midshipman on board the Garland frigate. Very soon afterwards, he removed into the Weasel sloop of war, at that time under orders for the Jamaica station, and in

into the Hussar frigate, commanded by the celebrated Captain Elliot, with whom he removed to the Æolus of 36 guns. In this ship, he assisted in the capture of the Mignonne, a French vessel of 20 guns, which, with her consort, the Blonde, of 36, the Æolus fell in with off the coast of France; but, as the enemy immediately crowded all the sail they could set, the latter was fortunate enough to escape.In the year 1760, the Æolus was employed on the Irish station, and Capt. Elliot, as senior officer, commanded the little British squadron, which proceeded from the harbour of Kinsale in quest of the French, under Thurot, who had effected a landing in the north

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