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Scots Magazine,




Description of MELGUND CASTLE. THE remains of this ancient edifice

are situated in the parish of Aberlemno, in Forfarshire, a little to the south of the Esk. It is noted as having been the property and ocasion

al residence of Cardinal Beaton, who makes so distinguished a figure in Scottish history. It afterwards became the property of the family of Murray of Melgund and Kinninmouth, from whom it passed by marriage to Lord Minto, its present proprietor. It has evidently been an edifice of very considerable extent and strength, tho'

now in a state of ruin. The present

is the first representation of it which has ever been given; nor can we help being surprised at finding no mention of it in the Statistical account and other works relating to the topography of Scotland. We shall be happy if any of our correspondents can more fully supply this want, by

communicating to us any interesting

historical particulars respecting it.

Proceedings of the Wernerian Natural History Society.

AT the meeting of this Society on 8th April, there was read the first part of a description of the Mineral Strata of Clackmananshire, from

the bed of the river Forth to the base of the Ochils, illustrated by a voluminous and very distinct Plan or Section of those strata, done from actual survey, and from the register of the borings and workings for coal in Mr

of Mar's estate in that dis.

trict; communicated by Mr Robert Bald, civil engineer, Alloa. In this first part, Mr Bald treated only of the alluvial strata. In continuing the subject, he is to illustrate it still further, by exhibiting specimens of the rocks themselves.

Mr Charles Stewart laid before the Society, a list of Insects found by him in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, with introductory remarks on the study of entymology. It would appear that the neighbourhood of Edinburgh has no very peculiar insects, and but few rare ones. - The list contained about 400 species; which, Mr Stewart stated, must be considered as the most common, as they were collected in the

course of two seasons only, and with out very favourable opportunities. It was produced (he added) merely as an incitement to younger and more zealous entymologists

At this meeting there were laid on the Society's table the first two volumes 4to, with a volume of figures, of Comte de Bournon's System of Mineralogy; presented by the author.


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Monthly Memoranda in Natural His- tion a fact which may perhaps prove


March 30. THE leaf-buds of the hawthorn hedges are in general bursting: in sheltered places the leaves are expanded.

April 3-5. Sharp frosts on these days have put a stop to the progress of vegetation.

11. The cold still continues, and to-day snow fell copiously. It melted quickly in the vicinity of Edinburgh, but it lies deep on Pentland Hills.

16: Heavy showers of snow and hail, with strong easterly gales, have destroyed much blossom of the apricot, peach, and plum trees. The Wheatear(Motacilla Oenanthe,) which had made its appearance in this neighbourhood in the end of March, seems now to have again left us, on account of the renewed inclemency of the weather. Not one is now to be seen,

20. Above a dozen of Eiderducks, here called Dunters, (a rare species,) were brought to market, having been accidentally entangled in nets set for catching padles or lumpfish in the Frith of Forth.

21. Hard frosts, especially during the night, continued almost without intermission since the begining of the month, have not only suspended vegetation, but have produced a shrivelled and burnt appearance on the young leaves of many shrubs and flowers; which the previous warmth had unfolded. Towards the end of April last year, we had several great falls of snow, but the cold was not nearly so intense as this year.

The effects of the uncommon severity of the past winter are now becoming evident in the flower-borders and in the kitchen-garden. Many peren. nial flower-roots which generally survive in ordinary winters, have been killed; and many beds of artichokes, and similar plants, have perished.

In regard to artichokes, I may men


useful to cultivators. In a garden at Lauriston I had several rows of very fine strong plants, which were earthed up in Oct. last, in the usual way. I had likewise some rows of slips or young plants, which were not in any way prepared for resisting the frost. now turns out that the strong plants which were carefully ridged up have all perished; while the neglected slips have survived. It seems evident, therefore, that the earthing up of artichokes is a bad plan; and, instead of proving a protection, is in reality calculated to enable severe frosts to penetrate to the remotest fibres of the roots. A slight covering of litter, without any ridging, will probably be found the best preservative.

It may to some appear a coincidence worthy of remarking, that it is, this year, exactly a century since the occurrence of the most memorable frost of modern times, - that of 1709; when innumerable birds were found frozen to death in our fields; when the intense cold extended even to the south of Europe, and blasted the orange and olive trees of Italy; and when some parts of the Mediterranean Sea were covered with ice.

P. S. CANINE MADNESS. In last month's memoranda we hazarded some remarks on the proclamations lately issued on this subject, and the consequent dread and anxiety which agitated the public mind. The authorised persecution of the dogs (for such did the proclamations virtually prove) terminated on the 14th April. Great has been the slaughter. The environs of the principal tan-yards in the neighbourhood may still be seen strewed with carcases stripped of their skins. In a warmer season, the effluvia from these might have proved not very conducive to the health of the inhabitants. We may possibly have been unfortunate in not acquiring the best information; but we must still say, that

every instance of supposed madness in our dogs since the beginning of March last, (for we have not learned of any real instance *,) might, we think, be distinctly traced to the orders themselves of the Magistrates and Sheriff, as its unintentional origin and cause. While we are happy to be able to make a statement so consolotary to the relations of those few children and others said to have been bitten, we certainly do not intend any reflections on our Magistrates; on the contrary, we give them praise for their vigilance and alacrity. Nor should it be accounted detracting from that praise, if we venture again to suggest to them, (in the event of any future alarm,) the propriety of an accurate investigation as to the foundation of such reports, before issuing any proclamations on the subject; and the great expediency of entrusting the execution of their orders, when issued, to policemen or other authorized officers only, and of absolutely prohibiting the interference of all tanners and curriers, and their apprentices, and of boys in general, under a penalty. Under such regulations, the Magistrates' orders might be equally well enforced, and would be as readily obeyed; while the inhabitants would be enabled to walk the streets without having their feelings shocked by being compelled to witness the butchering of mastiffs and pointers at every turn; the owners of harmless favourite dogs which

* If a single case of real canine mad ness has appeared in this city, on this occasion, and if real hydrophobia has, in any one instance, or in any degree, been the result, may we not hope that, in this seat of medical learning, such a case will not be suffered to pass unheeded, but will be minutely and accurately detailed? We expect, however, no such elucidation, although physicians and surgeons have attended the bitten; because we do not believe any real case has at this time existed, or is likely yet to oc


had accidentally slipped out to the street, might then hope to have them restored on payment of a small fine, instead of trembling to hear of their being massacred by curriers or blackguards; and a temptation to habits of cruelty and of theft would thus be snatched from idle, thoughtless, and profligate boys, some of whom have been known to be so bold in this iniquitous traffic as to entice away dogs from their homes with the view of slaughtering and flaying them.

We observe with sincere pleasure, that a medical gentleman of this city is endeavouring to call the attention of the public in general, and of medical people in particular, to the subject of hydrophobia, -a subject on which every one talks with fluency and confidence, while every one seems to be equally in the dark. To promote so important and interesting an inquiry, might, we conceive, be worthy of our city and county rulers, especially as they, and their predecessors in office, have, on different occasions, shewn themselves feelingly alive to apprehensions on this head, and laudably anxious to guard the public safety and health; and it is a subject equally deserving of attention and encouragement from the different literary and physical societies of this place. In the mean time, Dr ROBERTON, displaying no common zeal and liberality in behalf of the public weal, and of medical science, has come forward as an indvidual, and through the medium of the newspapers, has offered an honorary medal, in order to rouze attention and excite investigation ! “I "shall (he says) till the 1st of July "next, at No. 12, Prince's Street, re"ceive Essays or Observations on the " subject of Hydrophobia, marked with "the author's seal, accompanied by a "separate paper, sealed also with the " same seal, and inclosing the name of "the author.. I shall then select a " proper committee to examine these "essays, some time within a month " after

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Statistical and Military View of the
AUSTRIAN Dominions.

THE following statements, drawn
from various sources, may be in-
teresting at the present moment, when
a war, so deeply involving the interests
of all Europe, has just broken out.

The following list of the Austrian dominions and their population in 1792, is given by Mr Coxe. Archduchy of Austria, divided

into, 1, Austria below the Ems, sometimes called Lower Austria; and, 2. Austria above the Ems, including the district of Burghausen, sometimes called Upper Austria, .. Interior Austria, divided into the Duchies of Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola; the counties of Goritz and Gradisca, and the Littorale, or government of Triest,



1,600,000 2,700,000

.... 1,100,000


Kingdom of Bohemia,
Marquisate of Moravia,
Austrian Silesia,
Kingdom of Galicia and Lo-
domiria(dismembered from

Province of Bucovina (part
of Moldavia,).......
Hungary, divided into Low-
er and Upper,
Bannat of Temeswar, (now
annexed to Hungary,)







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Under the reign of Leopold the II. it was composed as follows: Infantry, 39 German regiments, 9 Hungarian, 2

Transylvanian, 5 Walloon, 2 Italian, 3 Artillery, 2 Garrison, 17 Frontier, in all 79, containing 220,000 men. Cavalry, 11 regi. ments Heavy Cavalry, 16 Dragoons and Hussars, and 1 Hulans, in all 28, containing 50,000 men.

The Prince of Lichtenstein estimates the present regular army at 271,800 infantry, 50,800 cavalry, and 14,840 artillery, in all 390,000. He reckons also an army of reserve of 50,000 and a militia of 25,000, independent of the Hungarian insurrection. This last is very numerous. It has not been in the field since the wars of Maria Theresa, when it repeatedly saved the Austrian monarchy.

The recruiting is supplied by the 200,000 Military conscription, which was introduced under the auspices of Joseph II. into all the Austrian dominions, : 3,000,000 except the Tyrol, the Netherlands, and the Hungarian territories. Each province is divided into a certain number of circles, each circle into four districts, every house is numbered,




700,000 and every family inscribed. Each .. 1,250,000 regiment is supplied by its peculiar cir280,000 cle; each of the four companies of the regiment by its proper district, where it is usually quartered in time of peace, No exemptions are granted, except to 19,750,000 the nobles, to families where there is only

Military district on the Turkish frontier,



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