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ye on the paternal solicitude of your Monarch, who finds all his happiness in yours. FRANCIS.

Vienna, April 18. 1808.

The Archduke Charles has issued the following address to the German nation: "His Majesty the Emperor of Austria is forced to take up arms, because the French Emperor will not tolerate the existence of a State which does not acknowledge his supremacy of power, nor stoop to become subservient to his views of conquest; because he requires that Austria shall renounce her independence, unbend her energies, and surrender at the conqueror's discretion; because the armies of the Emperor of France, and of his dependent allies, advance against Austria with hostile


"The forces of Austria have risen, for self-defence and self-preservation, at the call of their Monarch; I am leading them on against the enemy, to prevent the certain attack he has prepared against us.

"We pass the frontiers, not as conquerors, not as enemies of Germany; not to destroy German institutions, laws, customs, and manners, and impose foreign ones; not to appropriate to ourselves the property of Germany, or to sacrifice her children in distant wars, carried on to destroy and subjugate foreign nations.-No; we fight to assert the independence of the Austrian Monarchy, and to restore to Germany the independence and national honours which are due to her.

"The same pretensions which now threaten us have already proved fatal to Germany. Our assistance is her last effort to be saved. Our cause is that of Germany. United with Austria, Germany was independent and happy; it is only through the assistance of Austria, that Germany can again receive happiness and independence.

"Germans! Consider your future fate. Accept the aid we offer, and co-operate with us for your salvation. We demand from you no exertions, but such as the war for our common cause requires. Your property and your domestic peace are secured by the discipline of our troops. The Aus, trian armies will not oppress, nor rob you; they respect you as brethren, chosen to fight jointly with us, for your cause and for ours. Be worthy of our respect; such Germans only as forget themselves are our


"Depend on my word, which I have more than once pledged, and redeemed, to save you! Depend on the word of my Emperor and brother, which has never been violated.

"CHARLES, Generalissimo."

These Proclamations and Addresses seem to allude to the people of Saxony, Bavaria, and Wirtemberg, and have excited in the French army considerable apprehensions of the fidelity of these auxiliaries to the cause of Bonaparte in the present cruel and unjust war. On the 12th of April, the Duke of Averstadt (Marshal Davoust) published at Nuremberg the following Counter-declaration in general orders to the army of the Rhine :

Hanau, April 12.

"SOLDIERS-His Majesty the Emperor of Austria commenced hostilities on the 8th inst. This was announced by his General in Chief on the 9th. They have taken up arms. The orders of the day delivered to the Austrian armies are merely the effusions of scurrility. This is not the way to attack the soldiers of the Emperor Napoleon. They threaten to overwhelm us with defeat and disgrace upon the plains of Ulm and Marengo. Your conduct will show what right they have to make use of these threats. Soldiers, our beloved Sovereign, when he was first Consul, offered, peace-the Emperor of Austria refused it. Marengo compelled him to accept of terms-the English broke the treaty of Amiens. Our Sovereign had collected his armies on the French coasts, and the Emperor of Austria availed himself of that juncture, and, without any previous declaration of war, violated the territory of our allies, and threatened ours. Ulm compelled the enemy of our Sovereign again to make peace. In the present instance, the Emperor of Austria has threatened the territory of our allies, without the least appearance of any difference between the two powers, and, conceiving himself in a situation to undertake hostilities, has actually commenced war. The directors of the Austrian Cabinet have a very great interest in the result of their libellous scurrilities. Woe be to those who dare to disseminate them, and by these means excite disturbance! the prompt execution of military law will be the inevitable consequence.

"Soldiers-In spite of those libellous reproaches, Germany has done honour to your discipline and good conductyou do not make war against the inhabitants; those unfortunate sacrifices to the views of the House of Austria, whene


ambition has stained so many of the pages of history with blood, and whose arrogance has again excited such agitation among the nations.

"A soldier of Napoleon must not only be free from censure, but without fear. If there be any of a contrary cha. racter in our ranks, and who shall so far transgress against the fundamentals of all discipline, as to dishonour his cloth by plunder or disobedience, punishment shall speedily follow.

"The results of this war are certain. We shall be supported by the Emperor Alexander, who is faithful to his engagements in peace or war, With his armies, whom you highly respect; with the confederate Sovereigns, whose wish is that we should avenge their cause, and secure them in future against the ambition of our eternal enemy; and, lastly, through the justice of our cause, victory must be ours. Your courage, and the genius of your Sovereign, when you see him in the midst of you, will be the most infallible assurance of your triumph.

"The Marshal Duke of AUERSTADT."

NAVAL INTelligence.

DESTRUCTION OF A FRENCH FLEET, On the 21st of February, the Brest Fleet, consisting of eight ships of the line and two frigates, left that port, under the command of Admiral Allemande, in consequence of orders from his master Bonaparte. According to the Admiral's report to the French minister of marine, these orders were to attack the two British squadrons of four ships of the line each, that were blockading l'Orient and Rochefort. The same evening he appeared off L'Orient, whence three frigates were to join him ;-but these could not get out till the follow. ing day, when (as the Admiral could not wait for them) they got into a very unpleasant situation, being chased by four British ships, and were obliged to retreat to Sables Roads, where aided by the forts, they defended themselves for three hours, and at length compelled the enemy to retreat. The Admiral reached Basque Roads on the 24th, when he did not meet with the British squadron, but the division of Rochefort (said to be three ships of the line) join

ed the Brest division in the roads of Isle

d'Aix. The French Admiral adds, that the enemy being driven from before L' Orient, Captain Tronde had been able to run out with his division, to fulfil the mission with which he had been entrust-' ed. (This division is supposed to be also three ships of the line, and its destination the West Indies.) Such is the French Admiral's account of this important expedition.

Admiral Stopford has, however, given a better and more satisfactory account of the French squadron. In his letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty, dated Feb. 27. he says, that being at anchor to the S. W. of the Chassiron light house, in the Cæsar, of 80 guns, with the Donegal, 80, Defiance, 74, and Amethyst, Amelia, and Naiad frigates, about ten P. M. he observed several rockets in the N. W. which induced him to get under sail and stand towards them. Next morning he perceived eight ships of the line and two frigates standing into the Pertuis d'Antioche, under French colours. He immediately detached the Naiad, by signal, to acquaint Admiral Lord Gambier, who had gone into Plymouth. The Admiral soon after gave chace to three French frigates, which were standing in for the Sable d'Olonne. Having anchored in a position which the Admiral thought attackable, he immediately opened his fire, which in a short time obliged two of the frigates to cut their cables and run on shore. The tide falling, the British squadron were obliged to stand out, leaving all the frigates ashore, two of them heeling much. The batteries protecting these ships were strong and nume. rous, and considerably damaged the masts and rigging of our ships. Donegal had one man killed, and six wounded; the Defiance two killed, and 25 wounded. On the 26th the Admiral was joined by four more ships, when he resumed the blockade of the enemy's fleet, which had anchored in Basque roads, protected by the strong batteries on Isle d'Aix. On reconnoitring closely, on the 28th, the Admiral discovered a large ship, supposed to be the Regulus, of 74 guns, on her beam ends, all her masts gone, and apparently bilged. One of the frigates, the Indienne, was lying on the beach in the same situation, and abandoned by the crew. The other two frigates were also on their



beam ends at low water, and a strong western swell setting in, it was expected they would be completely destroyed. In the mean time, on the receipt of the intelligence of the enemy's sailing, Admiral Sir John Duckworth was dispatched from Plymouth, with eight ships, to Ferrol and Cape Finisterre, to watch their passage in that quarter, lest such should be their intention. He then proceeded to Cadiz, from thence to Madeira, and returned to Plymouth about the 10th of April, without learning any thing of the enemy.

On the 5th of March, Admiral Lord Gambier sailed from Plymouth with four ships of the line, to resume the command of the fleet blockading the enemy in Basque Roads. Upon closely reconnoitring their situation, however, it was found impracticable to effect any thing against them with large ships, on account of the narrowness of the anchorage, which is also very rocky, and the strength of the batteries on shore. It was therefore resolved to attempt their destruction by fireships and rockets. For this purpose, Col. Congreve, the ingenious inventor of the rockets, sailed from Portsmouth on the 29th of March, in the Ætna bomb, with several fire ships, and accompanied by some officers and privates of the Royal Marines, who had become extremely expert in throwing the rockets. Lord Cochrane, who had but lately arrived from the Mediterranean, was dispatched at the same time in the Imperieuse, with a special commission from the Lords of the Ad. miralty, appointing him to conduct this hazardous enterprize. The attempt was accordingly carried into execution on the morning of the 12th of April, and a considerable part of the enemy's fleet destroyed. The following is Lord Gambier's report of the attack, which was published in a London Gazette Extraordinary on the 21st.

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quilon, of 74 guns; and Calcutta, of 56 guns) of the enemy have been destroyed at their anchorage, and several o thers, from getting on shore, if not rendered altogether unserviceable, are at least disabled for a considerable time.

The arrangement of the fire-vessels, placed under the direction of Captain Lord Cochrane, were made as fully as the state of the weather would admit, according to his Lordship's plan, on the evening of the 11th inst.; and at eight o'clock on the same night they proceeded to the attack under a favourable strong wind from the north-ward, and flood tide, (preceded by some vessels filled with powder and shells, as proposed by his Lordship, with a view to explosion,) and led on in the most undaunted and determined manner by Captain Wooldridge, in the Mediator fireship, the others following in succession, but, owing to the darkness of the night, several mistook their course, and failed.

On their approach to the enemy's ships, it was discovered that a boom was placed in front of their line for a defence. This, however, the weight of the Mediator soon broke, and the usual intrepidity and bravery of British seamen overcame all difficulties, advancing under a heavy fire from the forts on the Isle of Aix, as well as from the enemy's ships, most of which cut or slipt their cables, and from their confined anchorage, got on shore, and thus avoided taking fire.

At daylight the following morning, Lord Cochrane communicated to me by telegraph, that seven of the enemy's ships were on shore, and might be destroyed. I immediately made the signal for the fleet to unmoor and weigh, intending to proceed with it to effect their destruction. The wind, however, being fresh from the northward, and the flood tide running, rendered it too hazardous to run into Aix roads, (from its shallow water ;) I therefore anchored again at the distance of about three miles from the forts on the island.

As the tide suited, the enemy evinced great activity in endeavouring to warp their ships (which had grounded) into deep water, and succeeded in getting all but five of the line towards the entrance of the Charente, before it became practicable to attack them.

I gave orders to Captain Bligh, of the Valiant, to proceed with that ship, the Revenge, frigates, bombs, and small vessels, viz. Indefatigable, Aigle, Emerald, Pallas, Beagle, Etna bomb, Insolent gun-brig, Conflict, Encounter, Fervent, and Growler, to anchor near the Boyart Shoal, in readiness for the attack. At 20 minutes past two P. M. Lord Coch. rane advanced in the Imperieuse with his accustomed gallantry and spirit, and opened a well-directed fire upon the Calcutta, which struck her colours to the Imperieuse; the ships and vessels a bove mentioned soon after joined in the attack upon the Ville de Varsovie and Aquilon, and obliged them, before five o'clock, after sustaining a heavy cannonnade, to strike their colours, when they were taken possession of by the boats of the advanced squadron. As soon as the prisoners were removed, they were set on fire, as was also the Tonnerre a short time after by the enemy.

I afterwards detached Rear-Admiral the Hon. Robert Stopford, in the Cæsar, with the Theseus, three additional fireships, (which were hastily prepared in the course of the day,) and all the boats of the fleet, with Mr Congreve's rockets, to conduct the further operations of the night against any of the ships which lay exposed to an attack. On the morning of the 13th the Rear-Admiral reported to me, that as the Cæsar, and other line-of-battle ships had grounded, and were in a dangerous situation, he thought it advisable to order them all out, particularly as the remaining part of the service could be performed by frigates and small vessels only; and I was happy to find that they were extricated from their perilous situation.

Captain Bligh has since informed me that it was found impracticable to destroy the three decked ship, and the others which were lying near the entrance of the Charente, as the former, being the outer one, was protected by three lines of boats placed in advance from her.

This ship and all the others, except four ships of the line and a frigate, have now moved up the river Charente. If any further attempt to destroy them is practicable, I shall not fail to use every means in my power to accomplish it.

I have great satisfaction in stating how much I feel obliged to the zealous

co-operation of Rear Admiral Stopford, and Sir Harry Neale, Bart. the Captain of the fleet, as well as of the animated exertions of the captains, officers, seamen and marines, under my command, and their forwardness to volunteer upon any service that might be allotted to them; I cannot speak in sufficient terms of admiration and applause of the vigorous and gallant attack made by Lord Cochrane upon the French line-of-battle ships which were on shore, as well as of his judicious manner of approaching them, and placing his ship in the position most advantageous to annoy the enemy, and preserve his own ship; which could not be exceeded by any feat of valour hitherto atchieved by the British navy.

It is due to Rear-Admiral Stopford and Sir Harry Neale, that I should here take the opportunity of acquainting their Lordships of the handsome and earnest manner in which both these meritorious officers had volunteered their services before the arrival of Lord Cochrane, to undertake an attack upon the enemy with fire-ships; and that, had not their Lordships fixed upon him to conduct the enterprise, I have full confidence that the result of their efforts would have been highly creditable to them.

I should feel that I did not do justice to the services of Captain Godfrey, of the Etna, in bombarding the enemy's ships on the 12th, and nearly all the 13th, if I did not recommend him to their Lordship's notice; and I cannot omit bearing due testimony to the anxious desire expressed by Mr Congreve to be employed wherever I might conceive his services in the management of his rockets would be useful; some of them were placed in the fire-ships with effect, and I have every reason to be satisfied with the artillerymen and others who had the management of them, under Mr Congreve's direction,

I send herewith a return of the killed, wounded, and missing, which, I am happy to observe, is comparatively smail. I have not yet received the returns of the number of prisoners, but I conceive they amount to between four and five hundred.

I have charged Sir Harry Neale with this dispatch (by the Imperieuse ;) and I beg leave to refer their Lordships to

him, as also to Lord Cochrane, for any further particulars of which they may wish to be informed.

I have the honour to be, &c.


April 15.-P. S. This morning three of the enemy's line-of-battle ships are observed to be still on shore under Fouras, and one of them is in a dangerous situation. One of their frigates (L'Indienne,) also on shore, has fallen over, and they are now dismantling her. As the tides will take off in a day or two, there is every probability that she will be destroyed.

Since writing the foregoing, I have learnt that the Hon. Lieut. Col. Cochrane (Lord Cochrane's brother,) and

Lieutenant Bisset of the navy, were volunteers in the Imperieuse, and rendered themselves extremely useful, the former by commanding some of her guns on the main deck, and the latter in conducting one of the explosion-vessels. Names of the Ships in Aix Roads previous

to the attack on the 11th April. L'Ocean, 120 guns, Vice Adm. Allemande, Captain Roland.-Repaired in

1806; on shore under Fouras.

Foudroyant, 80 guns, Rear-Admiral Gourdon, Captain Henri.-Five years old; on shore under Fouras.

Cassard, 74 guns, Capt. Faure, Commodore. Three years old; on shore under Fouras.

Tourville, 74 guns, Capt. La Caille. -Old; on shore in the river.

Regulus, 74 guns, Capt. Lucas.-- Five years old; on shore under Madame.

Patriote, 74 guns, Captain Mahee.Repaired in 1806.

Jemappe, 74 guns, Capt. Fauvau.On shore under Madame.

Tonnerre, 74 guns, Capt. Clement de la Ronciere-Nine months old; never

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Hortense, Capt. Allegaud.

N. B.-One of the three last frigates on shore under Isle Madame. Return of Officers, Seamen, and Marines, Killed, Wounded, and Missing. Killed.-Wm. Flintoft, acting LieuGunner of the Mediator. tenant of the Cæsar. James Sergess,

burnt.) Lieutenants N. B. Clements, Wounded.-Capt. Wooldridge (much J. Pearl, (slightly burnt) of the Mediledonia, Master of the fleet. Mr R. F. ator. Mr Edward Fairfax, of the CaJewers, Master's Mate of the Theseus. Mr James Gaslard, Lieutenant of the Revenge. Mr Marsden, Purser, and Imperieuse. Mr John Conyers, (badly Mr Gilbert, Surgeon's Assistant of the scorched) Master's Mate of the Gibral


ficers, 26 men wounded; a man missing. Two officers, eight men killed; 9 of-Total 46.

From the latest accounts from our fleet, all the French ships which could not be destroyed, had succeeded in getThe whole of them are quite dismantting over the bar into the Charente.led, and several were ashore in the river. The Indienne frigate has been burnt. It is not believed that more than three out of the whole fleet, are repairable.

Several ships (among others the Imperieuse, Lord Cochrane,) have come to England from the squadron off Rochefort, with French prisoners taken in the all to about 1200. fleet in Basque roads. They amount in The killed and wounded are said to be about the same number.


It appears by accounts from Admiral Cochrane in the West Indies, that the three line of battle ships and two frigates, mentioned in the French Admiral's report as having gone out of L'tined for Martinique; but learning on Orient on a secret expedition, were dessession of the British, and that Guada. the passage that the island was in posloupe was blockaded by a British squadron, they had run into the Saints, a small island about two leagues from Martinique. Admiral Cochrane, as soon as he got notice of them, immediately steered for the Saints, where they were blocked up by four sail of the line and several frigates. The Admiral writes, that

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