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The master Scot did mark so right, That he with bullet brast his brain, And hurl'd his heels his head above: Then piped he such a peel again,

The Scots he from their ordinance druve.

So by the Scots artillery,

The Englishmen no harm did hent; But the English gunner grievously Them tennis-balls he sousing sent. Into the midst of enemy's ranks,

Where they with ragious claps down rushed:

Some shouting laid with broken shanks, Some crying laid with members crushed. Thus the Englishmen with bumbards


Their foes on heaps down thick they threw,

But yet the Scots, with stomach stout, Their broken ranks did still renew.

And when the roaring guns did cease,
To handy strokes they hied apace,

And with their total power prease
To join with enemy face to face.
The Englishmen their feathered flights
'Sent out anon from sounding bow,

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Some leaving life did loudly yell. Some from his leg the lance did pull, Some through his stomach store was stickt,

Some bleeding bellowed like a bull, Some were through privy members prickt.

But yet the Scots still stout did stand,
Till arrows shot at length was done,
And plied apace to strokes of hand,

And at the last did battle join.
Then on the English part with speed,"
The bills stept forth, and bows went

The moorish pikes, and mells of lead,
Did deal there many a dreadful thwack.
The Englishmen straight east and west
And southward did their faces set;
The Scotchmen northward proudly prest,
And manfully their foes they met.
P. 101.

A poem of this kind, which enters so much into individual atchievements, stands peculiarly in need of notes for its illustration. A considerable number had been written by Mr Lambe, Vicar of Norham; who is described by Mr Weber as extremely deficient in many of the most essential duties of an editor; but who, from his opportunities of local information, might have it in his power to illustrate many circumstances connected with the subject. Considerable value, accordingly, has been attached to his notes, and such of them as are not altogether


together irrelevant, are retained in the present edition. Mr Weber has added others, which display judgement and industry. According to the poem, the body of King James was found af ter the battle, though so mangled as to be with difficulty recognized.Lambe adds the following note :

"The next day after the battle, the body of King James was found. He had received many wounds, most of them mortal, He was wounded in diverse places with arrows, his neck was opened to the middle, and his left hand, in two places, almost cut off, so that it scarcely hung to his arm. A great number of noblemen lay dead around the King, whose body, tho' much defaced, was known, at the first sight, by some private marks, by Lord Dacres, Sir William Scot, Sir John Foreman, and other Scottish prisoners."

P. 202.

The proclamation, copied from Lord Hailes, which was issued when the news were received at Edinburgh, is curious.

• The x. day of September, we do you to witt, for sa mekill as, thair is ane greit rumber now laitlie rysin within this toun, tueching our Soverane Lord and his army, of the quilk we understand thair is cumin na veritie as yet, quhairfore we charge straitlie, and com

mandis, in our Soverane Lord the Kingis

name, and the Presidents for the vest and Baillies* within this burch, that all manner of personis, nyhbours, within the samen, have ready their fensabill gier and wapponis for weir, and compeir thairwith to the said Presidents, at jowing of the comoun bell, for the keeping and defens of the toun against

chame that wald invade the samyn.

And also chairgis, that all women, and speciallie vagabounds, that thai pass

* On the 19th of August, 1513, the Provost, Baillies, and community, in respect that they were to pass to the army, "chose, and left behind thame, George of Touris, President, for the Provost, and (four other persons,) for the Baillies, till have full jurisdictioun in their absence." -Register of the City of Edinburgh.

to thair labours, and be not sene upouta the gait, clamourand and cryand, under the pane of banesing of thair persons but favors; and that the other women of

gude, pass to the kirk and pray, quhane

time requires, for our Soverane Lord and his army, and nyebouris being thairat, and hald thame at their privie labors off the gaitt within their houses, as affeirs.' P. 210.

A very large list of various readings is annexed, which shews the attention bestowed by the editor in the collation of different manuscripts.The language differs little from that of the present day; less, indeed, than could have been expected; and Mr Weber suspects, that more pains have been taken than could have been desired, to adapt it to modern perusal. A short glossary, however, has been added, which will remove any difficulties arising from this source. It appears to be very well drawn up; we found occasion only for the following remarks: Coil is made to signify " bustle, stir." Could Shakespeare have said, in this sense, " When we have shuffled off this mortal coil." A gleed half-penny being mentioned, it is said, " perhaps a shining or worn-off half-penny." A gleed half-penny appears to us evidently to signify a bent or crooked half-penny; and this is the only meaning which agrees with the tenor of the narrative. A peculiar contempt seems then to have attached to coin which stood in this predicament; thus Shakespeare makes one of his characters say: "A threepence bow'd would hire me, old as I am, to queen it." We suspect also there are a few omissions; we noticed convince, to conquer; conflate, to fashion.

The appendix consists of the following pieces :

1. Lamentation of King James the fourth, King of Scots, slain at Brampton, in the sixthe year of King Henry the eighth, anno Christi 1513; and the battle of Brampton, or FloddenField, fought in the yeare of our Re


deemer 1513, and in the sixth yeare of that victorious prince, King Henry the eighth. These two are from the Mirrour for Magistrates.

2. Skelton, laureate against the Scottes. This is a curious rhapsody. The following is a specimen :

Lo, these fond sottes,
And tratlynge Scottes,
How they are blinde
In theyr own minde,
And will not know
Theyr ouerthrow
At Branxton More!
They are so stowre,
So frantike mad,
They say they had,
And wan the felde
With speare and shield.
That is as trew

As blacke is blew,
And grene is gray.
Whatever they say,
Jemmy is dead,
And closed in leade,
That was their own kynge:
Fye on that winninge!
At Floddon-hilles
Our bowes, our billes
Slewe all the flowre
Of theyre honoure.
Are not these Scottes
Foles and sottes
Such boste o make,
To prate and crake
To face, to brace
All void of grace?
So proud of heart,
So ouerthwart,
So out of frame,
So voyd of shame,
As it is enrold,
Written, and told
Within this quaire?
Who list to repair,
And therein reed,
Shall find indeed.
A mad rekening,
Considering all thing,
That the Scottes may sing:

Fye on that winning! P. 169. 3. The lamentable complaint of King James of Scotland, who was slain at Scottish Field, anno 1513. By William Fulwell. This is from a book of Fulwell's, called call the " Flowers of Fame,"

4. Epitaph of Sir Marmaduke Constable, in Flamborough church.

5. Song, on the victory of FloddenField. By one Thomas Deloney. 6. The laird of Muirhead. This is the fragment of a Scots ballad..... 7. The Flowers of the Forest.

8. An inscription (in Latin) to the heroes who fell in the battle of Flodden. This is from Johnson's heroes.

9. A letter from Pope Leo X. to Henry VIII. This letter is curious, and does some honour to Henry; it relates to the burial of James. We cannot imagine what can have led the editor to suppose, (Note p. 325.) that it was a request from the Pope, that he would perform the last ceremonies for the Scottish King. On the contrary, it is evidently in compliance with an earnest request of Henry.The words are express

"Cupis Regis Corpus ad Urbem Londini deferri, et in Ecclesia Cathedrali Sancti Pauli dictæ civitatis pro Regia Dignitate sepeliri posse." P. 304.

The Pope, in favour to Henry, had excommunicated James, in consequence of which he could not be buried according to the rites of the church. Henry generously applies for the removal of this interdict against his vanquished rival, and is even willing, it would appear, to undergo a certain penance, in order to obtain his request.

10. & 11. Accounts of the battle of Flodden, by Pitscottie and Hall, 12. A ballate of the battalle of Flodden - Field, fought between the Earle of Surrey, and the King of Skotes. Of this, the editor says:

Of this very singular ballad, two copies exist in the British Museum (MSS. Harl. 293 and 367,) which have been carefully collated, and the principal vari. ations will be found at the bottom of the

page. The Editor did not obtain the copy till he was fortunately enabled to transcribe the poem himself, which prevented its being placed in the poetical part of this Appendix. The subject is slightly touched touched upon by Holingshed, and the style similar to the more unpolished kind of Northern Ballads. That the author was an adherent to the house of Derby is very evident; and whatever degree


Duke of Nor

of credit may be assigned to the marvellous parts of the composition, the concluding act of subjecting the Earl of Surrey (already folk) to whatever punishment his rival chose to inflict, must stagger our belief. From the two concluding lines it would appear, that the poem was produced af

ter the death of Thomas, Earl of Derby, and in the reign of Queen Mary or Queen Elizabeth. P. 366.

This volume is embellished by several plates, which will be valued by the antiquary; King James's sword and dagger, as preserved in the Herald's College, London; and the standards of the Earl of Huntly, and of

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and other varieties, compiled in the interior, and select Extracts from the Regulations for administering the affairs of the British Territories under the Presidency of Bombay, all which it is hoped shall prove of Utility, Interest, and Amusement, to Anglo-Indians, and their friends, as well as to the subjects of the company.

The price of each Copy will be twenty-five Rupees, to be paid on delivery of the work, which is ready to be put into the Press.

Mr Thomas Campbell, author of the Pleasures of Hope, will speedily publish a poem, entitled, Gertrude of Wyoming, with other poems.

In the course of the year 1808, the trustees of the Hunterian museum, Glasgow college, received the following donations:-Two silver medals, struck in the East Indies in 1784 and 1791, from John M'Lachlan, Esq. of Calcutta. The tooth of a mammoth, and a singular marine animal, from Charles Wilson, Esq. surgeon, Glasgow. A map of the city of London, from Mr Muirhead Loudoun, merchant, Glasgow. Part of a gold chain, found in the tomb of Archbishop Dunbar, near the high altar of the cathedral, Glasgow, from Mr Matthew Robertson, bookseller, Glasgow.

A model of the house of an Indian fa

mily of South America, with the several utensils; also, a number of serpents preserved in bottles, from John Douglas, Esq. merchant, Glasgow.A copy of Statius, printed by Aldus, in 1502; and a copy of Sallust, in stereotype, by Gedd, from James Smith, Esq. younger of Jordan-hill. A volume containing the correspondence of Dr Bentley with Graevius, and other men of letters, published in 1807, from the editor, Dr Charles Burney, of Greenwich. Catalogue of the library of the writers to his Majesty's signet, from the Curators. A stone turned up by the plough in the parish of Fenwick, supposed to have been an ancient instrument of war,


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MR Taylor (the Platonist) announces

that he has made some very important discoveries in that branch of the mathematics relating to infinitesimals, and infinite series. One of these discoveries consists in the ability of ascertaining the last term of a great variety of infinite series, whether such series are composed of whole numbers or fractions, Mr Taylor further announces, as the result of these discoveries, that he is able to demonstrate that all the leading propositions in Dr Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinities are false, and that the doctrine of Fluxions is founded on false principles, and as well as the Arithmetic of Infinites, is a most remarkable instance of the possibility of deducing true conclusions from erroneous princi. ples. Mr T. is now composing a trea. tise on this subject, which will be pub. lished in the course of next year.

Dr Arnold, of Leicester, has just put to press a valuable practical volume of Observations on the Management of the Insane, a subject on which thirty thirty years experience has eminently qualified him, to write.

A work, highly interesting to the English antiquary, under the title of An Historical Survey of the Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France, with a view to illustrate the rise and progress of Gothic Architecture in Europe, which had long engaged the personal inspection and laborious researches of the late Rev. G. D. Whittington, of Cambridge, is now in the press, under the direction of some judicious and honourable friends, and will soon be laid before the public.

Lieut. Col. Scott has in the press, a Poem on the Battle of Maida.

Mr Thomas Green, of Liverpool, a youth of seventeen, has in the press a volume of Poems, which will appear in January.

A volume of burlesque, dramatic, and miscellaneous Poems, by the same gen

tleman, is now in the press, and will shortly be published.

A Subscription Library, on a liberal. plan, has been set on foot at Lincoln; and we observe with pleasure, that its promoters are the principal noblemen. and gentlemen of that city and its neighbourhood.

Amidst a variety of new papers an nounced in different parts of the country, one is announced in that populous district of Staffordshire, engaged in the manufacture of pottery-ware, to be called the Pottery Gazette.

Mr Bigland has in the press, and in. considerable forwardness, a View of the World, which will extend to five octavo volumes. It comprises a tolerably mi. nute geographical description of the countries of the world, with an account of whatever is particularly remarkable in each, followed by a separate historical view of every nation and people.

The Rev. R. Nares is about to put to press a Dictionary on the plan of Johnson's, of the Middle Language of England, or the Age of Shakespeare! To what other absurdities will the childish speculations of the readers of black letter lead us?

The Rev. Mr Plumptre, of Clarehall, will shortly publish four Discourses on the Stage, lately preached by him at Cambridge.

Two volumes of Sermons by the late Rev. Theophilus Lindsey, are preparing for the press, and will appear in the ensuing spring. To these volumes, which it is intended to publish by subscription, will be prefixed a wemoir.

A work will speedily make its appearance, entitled the Brazıl Pilot, or a Description of the Coast of Brazil; translated from the Portuguese of Manoel Pimentel, principal hydrographer to K. John V. of Portugal. It will be accompanied bya considerable number of charts of some of its principal ports, from manuscripts of undoubted authority, never before published.

The Translation of the Scriptures into the Persian language, so long in preparation, and by many thought to be abandoned, has been for some time in the press at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and is expected to be ready for publication in the course of the year 1809. It will form an elegant quarto volume.

A new selection of the most favourite poe

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