grange attacked the village of Cascante, gar abuse of the Spanish monks, and the to retreat to Borja. While this was go ing forward in Tudela, the 4th division, commanded by Gen. Lapina, which was in Cascante, two hours march from the field of battle, and had received orders to attack the right flank of the enemy, found 3000 French infantry and 1000 cavalry opposed to them, in the act of offering battle. Lapina immediately engaged, defeated, and pursued them to the heights of Tudela, whence he was attacked by the enemy's troops, who occupied the heights. Lapma retreated to the position of Cascante, where he defeated the enemy, and at the fall of night began to fall back to Borja; on his retreat, he was again attacked by the enemy, but new troops checked his progress, and the four divisions reached Borja, when they marched to Calatayud. where the line of Castanos was placed, which did not exhibit a better counte nance than the right, but abandoned the field of battle, leaving behind its artillery, and a great number of prisoners, The cavalry pursued the remains of the enemy's army to Mallem, in the direc tion of Saragossa; and to Tarracona, in the direction of Agreda. Seven standards, 30 pieces of cannon, with all their furniture, 12 colonels, 300 officers, and 3000 men have been taken; 4000 Spaniards have been left dead on the field of battle, or driven into the Ebro, Our loss has been trifling; we have had sixty men killed, and 100 wounded; among the latter is General Lagrange, who has received a bullet in the arm. Our troops found at Tudela a number of magazines. "Marshal Moncey had began his march upon Saragossa, while a part of the fugitives retired to this place; the left, which had been cut off, fled in dis. order to Tarracona and Agreda. Marshal Ney, who was on the 22d at Soria, ought to have been on the 23d at Agreda; not a man would have escaped.But this corps being too much fatigued, remained at Soria the 23d and 24th.He arrived at Agreda on the 25th, still sufficiently in time to seize a great number of magazines. One named Palafox, formerly a garde du corps, a man without talents, and without courage, a kind of in. significant monk, the true head of a party which acquired him the name of General, was the first to take flight. This is not the first time he has acted in that manner-he has done the same on all occasions. "This army of 45,000 has been thus beaten and defeated, without our having had more than 6000 men engaged. The battle of Burgos had struck the centre of the enemy, and the battle of Espinosa the right. The battle of Tudela has struck the left. Victory has thus struck our foe as with a thunderbolt, and dispersed the whole league of the enemy. "Gen. Mathieu arrived on the 25th at Borja, pursuing the enemy, and every moment taking fresh prisoners, the number of which already amount to 5000. No quarter was given to any of the peasants who were found in arms.We took 37 pieces of cannon." The bulletin concludes with a torrent of vul British nation. Spanish Account. The following is Gen. Castanos' account of the battle of Tudela, dated Aranjuez, Nov. 27. "General Don Francisco Xavier de Castanos reports, under date 26th Nov. from Calatayud, that on the 21st he re. ceived intelligence of the enemy Laving advanced by Oma, with 12,000 infantry, and 4000 horse. He immediately gave orders for the army to fall back the same night to a position extending from Tarracona to Tudela, the last point to be occupied by the troops of the army of Arragon, the fifth division of the centre, which was in Capatroso. When the order was received to retreat, the enemy was already in motion to attack, his advanced parties having advanced in the course of the morning against Calahorra with two pieces of ordnance, and taken post on the heights within gun-shot from Calahorra. Notwithstanding this movement, the army continued the retreat in the darkness of the night, with considerable trouble and the divisions reached their respective points, by marching that night, and the following day, and on the 22d the four divisions of the army were in the position which they had to occupy, without having sustained any loss. "On the 23d the advanced parties reported that three columns of the enemy were marching in the direction of Tudela; the generale was beaten, and while the troops of Arragon were passing the bridge, the enemy occupied the points of attack, which began at eight o'clock in the morning; at ten o'clock the whole line was engaged.Our troops maintained their position with the utmost valour, and the enemy was repulsed on all sides. He renewed the attack, and rendered himself master of an olive grove on the left, whence he descended with a tremendous fire, but was so well received by our gallant troops, that, after a most obstinate conflict, he was compelled to retreat. While our troops were pursuing the enemy on our left, another division of the enemy penetrated through Tudela on the right, and took our pursuing troops in the rear. This decided the fate of the day, and nothing was left for our army but to "The forces of the enemy in these actions of Tudela and Cascante amounted to from 36 to 40,000 infantry, and from 6000 to 7000 cavalry. Their loss has been very considerable, as has likewise ours in missing and prisoners; but the number cannot be accurately stated till the Generals of the divisions have made out and delivered their lists. " In a letter of the 27th, Gen. Castanos sends advice, that not having in Calatayud the means of subsistence, and having received notice that the enemy threatened to attack Samosierra, for these reasons, and wishing to be near the capital in case the French should endeavour to advance to it, he had determined to go to Siguenza." their attack on the Spanish right on the 23d, and defeated two divisions of Valencians and Murcians, who retreated, with considerable loss, towards Sara. gossa. Subsequent accounts state, that the Arragonese and Andalusian divisions did not suffer much, and had been able to retire in order, but the precise route taken by General Castanos's army is not given." There is little doubt that the loss of the Spaniards in this battle has been very considerable, but by no means to the extent given in the French bulletins. The communication between the south and the north of Spain seems to be much broken by the French armies, for no certain accounts are received from Castanos' army three days after the battle. BATTLE OF SARAGOSSA. It appears from the Spanish accounts, that after the retreat of Gen. Castanos, two divisions of the French army, under Marshals Bessieres and Ney, advanced as far as Saragossa, and commented another attack upon that city, which was still defended by the gallant Palafox. No notice whatever is taken of this affair in the French bulletins; and the only account we have of it is from the Spanish General himself, in the following report to the Supreme Junta :"Don Jose Palafox, General in Chief of the army of Arragon, under date of the ad December, sent the following report to the Supreme Central Junta: -" The enemy, from 12,000 to 15,000 strong, supported by 2000 horse, attack Of the battle of Tudela, the follow-ed on the ist instant the extensive line ing report is stated to have been issued from the Foreign office in London, as having been brought from Corunna by Col. Bond and two Spanish officers. "Accounts have been received from Saragossa, dated the 24th Nov. stating, that Gen. Castanos, upon hearing that the French were moving a corps upon Soria from Burgos, and passing the Ebro at Logrono, had assembled an ar my of 40,000 foot, and 4000 horse, and had taken up a position in an oblique line from Tudela to Borja. This position was unfavourable, as Tudela, the right and the advanced part of the position, was commanded by heights, and was indefensible. The French took advantage of this error, and having collec ted an army of 45,000 men, commenced of the canal of Arragon, near Saragossa. The bridge, defended by the intrepid Arragonese, was three times taken and retaken. The division of Asturian troops which serves with this army behaved with the utmost gallantry, and attacked the enemy with such uncommon intrepidity and spirit, that they completely routed and compelled him to retreat with the utmost precipitation, notwithstanding their great superiority in number. He left 2000 men killed on the field of battle, and was convinced by his complete defeat, that if he lately obtained some advantages, he was mere. ly indebted for them to casualties arising from circumstances, and to the want of subordination and discipline which prevailed among some of our troops. troops. Let them imitate the perseverance of the Arragonese, and their obedience to their General and Chiefs, and the enemy will soon experience, that neither the rapidity of his movements, nor h's boasted superiority in tactics, can subdue a nation which has sworn to live and die free. Spaniards, let us fulfil that sacred oath; God, the King, the country, our wives, and children, exact it from us-let us not frustrate their hopes; the hopes of all Europe, which has her eyes fixed upon us with admiration and envy. Truxillo, 10th Dec 1808." CAPTURE OF MADRID BY THE FRENCH. French Account. The following account of the opera. tions of the French army before Madrid is extracted from their bulletins: It appears from the bulletins, that on the evening of the ad Dec. Bonaparte arrived upon the heights that command that city, having been preceded by a force, consisting of dragoons and the Imperial Guards, which he found post. ed there. The Duke of Istria (Marshal Bessieres) then sent his Aid-deCamp to summon the town. On his arrival, he found that a military Junta had been formed, with the Marquis of Castelar at its head, and under him General Morla, Captain General of Andalusia, who was so instrumental to the surrender of the French squadron at Cadiz. There were in the town 60,000 men in arms, including 6000 troops of the line, the remainder consisted of armed citizens and peasants. The great est enthusiasm prevailed among the mass of the inhabitants. The Marquis of Perales, who had been accused of putting sand in the cartridges, had been massacred on the preceding day, and the cartridges ordered to be re-made: 4000 monks were employed in this work, and all the houses were opened to furnish provisions and every other necessary, to the defenders of the place. A Spanish General was sent out with a refusal to the summons, declaring the determination of the citizens to defend the town, and so great was their indignation, that the French Aid-de Camp, who was the bearer of the summons, narrowly escaped with his life. All this happened on the 2d, at which time the French infantry were three leagues from Madrid, and Bonaparte devoted the remainder of the evening to reconnoitring the place, and preparing a plan of attack. At 7 o'clock, a corps of infantry, part of the division of the Duke of Belluno (Marshal Victor) arrived, and the French proceeded to take possession of the suburbs. The Spaniards fled at the first fire, and the Duke of Beliuno spent the night in placing his artillery, preparatory to an immediate attack. At midnight the Prince of Neufchatel (General Berthier) sent a second summons to the citizens, the bearer of which returned at nine o'clock on the morning of the 3d, with an answer from the Marquis Castelar, requesting a suspension of arms for that day, to consult the constituted authorities, ascertain the disposition of the citizens, and promising a categorical answer early on the next morning. The French, however, had not relaxed in their preparations from the beginning, and in the mean time an attack was made and a breach effected, in the Palace of the Retiro, by a battery of 30 pieces of cannon, which they had brought to bear against it. The Retiro being a commanding situation, it was resolutely defended by the Spaniards. The French entered the breach, but did not obtain possession of it until after 1000 Spaniards had fallen in its defence. All the strong posts in its vicinity were of course occupied by the enemy. The French having made this progress, and fully prepared the means for storming the town, the Prince of Neufchatel sent another summons, at eleven o'clock on the morning of the 4th, stating, that every thing was ready for an immediate attempt to take the place by storm, and granting until two o'clock to send Commissioners to treat for the surrender of the place. The advantage already obtained by the enemy had not, however, the desired effect. No answer was returned until five o'clock, when Don Morla, one of the Members of the Military Junta, and Don Bernardo Yriarte, sent from the town, repaired to the tent of the Major-General. They informed him, that the most intelligent persons were of opinion that the town was destitute of resources, and that the continuation of the defence would be the height of madness, but that the lower orders of the inhabitants, and the fo. reigners at Madrid, were determined to perpersevere in the defence. Believing that they could not do it with effect, they requested a pause of a few hours to inform the people of the real state of affairs. The Major-General presented the Deputies to the Emperor and King, who addressed them thus: " You make use of the name of the people to no purpose; if you cannot restoretranquillity, and appease their minds, it is because you have excited them to revolt, you have seduced them by propagating falsehoods. Assemble the clergy, the heads of the convents, the Alcades, the men of property and influence, and let the town capitulate by six o'clock in the morning, or it shall be destroyed. I will not, nor ought I to withdraw my troops. You have massacred the unfortunate French prisoners who had fallen into your hands; only a few days ago, you suffered two persons in the suite of the Russian Ambassador to be dragged along and murdered in the public streets, because they were Frenchmen born. The incapacity and baseness of a General had put into your power troops who had surrendered on the field of battle, and the capitulation has been violated. You, M. Morla, what sort of an epistle did you write to that General? It well became you, Sir, to talk of pillage, you, ⚫ who, on entering Rousillon, carried off all the women, and distributed them as booty among your soldiers! What right had you to hold such language elsewhere? The expectation ought to have induced you to pursue a different line of conduct. See what has been the con. duct of the English, who are far from piquing themselves on being rigid observers of the law of nations. They have complained of the convention of Portugal, but they have carried it into effect. To violate military treaties is to renounce all civilization. It is placing ourselves on a footing with the banditti of the desert. How dare you then presume to solicit a capitulation, you who violated that of Baylen? See how injustice and bad faith always recoil upon the guilty, and operate to their prejudice. I had a fleet at Cadiz. It was under the protection of Spain; yet you directed against it the mortars of the town, where you commanded. I had a Spanish army in my ranks; I would rather have viewed them embark on board the English ships, and be obliged to precipitate it from the rocks of Es pinosa, than to disarm it; I would rather prefer having seven thousand more enemies to fight, than be deficient in honour and good faith. Return to Madrid-I give you till six o'clock tomorrow morning-return at that hour - you have only to inform me of the submission of the people-if not, you and your troops shall be put to the sword." This speech of the Emperor, repeated in the midst of the respectable people, the certainty that he commanded in person, the losses sustained during the foregoing day, had carried terror and repentance into all minds. During the night the most mutinous withdrew themselves from the danger by flight, and a part of the troops was disbanded. At ten o'clock General Belliard took the command of Madrid; all the posts were put into the hands of the French, and a general pardon was proclaimed. [The bulletin closes with a panegyric on the order observed by the French in taking possession of the town, the security enjoyed by the inhabitants, and with a tirade against the English, and another long one against the Duke del Infantado, which ends with stating, that " he will lose his titles, his property, valued at 2,000,000 of livres a-year, and he will go to London to seek the contempt and ingratitude with which England has always rewarded the men who sacrifice their honour and their country to the injustice of their cause."] Another bulletin gives further particulars of the tranquil state of Madrid, and states, that a French soldier found guilty of plundering a number of wat ches, was shot in the principal square.The disarming was carried on without difficulty. The King of Spain (Joseph) had formed two regiments of foreign troops, from the late Spanish army; one the Royal Foreigners, and the other that of Reding the younger, a Swiss General of a very different character from that of the Spanish General of the same name. The 5th and 8th corps of the French armies were but passing the Bidossa, very far from the line of the French army, and all the victories recounted were already obtained, and the business was almost completely settled. Another bulletin contains the following furious Proclamation and Decrees, issued by Bonaparte about the 10th December: PROPROCLAMATION BY BONAPARTE. " Spaniards! You have been misled by perfidious men. They have engaged you in a senseless struggle, and you have had recourse to arms. Is there one amongst you, who, after a moment's reflection upon all that has passed, would not be convinced that you have been the sport of the eternal enemies of the Continent, who take delight in witnessing the effusion of Spanish and French blood? What possible result would attend even the success of some campaigns? An endless war upon your soil, and a tedious uncertainty respecting the fate of your properties and lives. Within the space of a few months, you have been delivered up to all the afflictions of popular factions. The defeat of your armies has been the work of some marches; 'I have entered Madrid; the rights of war would justify me in making a signal example, by washing away in blood the outrages offered to me and to my nation; but I have listened to the dictates of clemency only. Some men, the authors of all your calamities, shall alone be punished. I shall speedily drive from the peninsula that English army which has been sent to Spain, not for the purpose of assistance to you, but to inspire you with a false confidence, and to mislead you. " I had declared to you in my proclamation of the 2d of June, that I wished to be your regenerator. To the rights which had been ceded to me by the Princes of the last dynasty, you wished that I should add the right of conquest. That shall not make any alteration in my intentions. I am even disposed to praise all that may be generous in your efforts; I am willing to admit that your real interests have been concealed from you, that the real state of things has been disguised from you. Spaniards, your destiny is in your own hands. Reject the poisons which the English have spread amongst you: let your King be assured of your affection and your confidence, and you will be more powerful and more happy than you have ever been. All that obstructed your prosperity and your grandeur, I have destroyed; the chains which have borne down the people, I have broken; a free constitution gives you a limited and constitutional, instead of an absolute monarchy. It depends upon yourselves whether this constitution shall still continue in your land. "But should all my efforts prove fruitless, and should you not merit my confidence, nothing will remain for me but to treat you as conquered provinces, and to place my brother upon another throne. I shall then place the Crown of Spain upon my own head, and cause it to be respected by the guilty; for God hath given me power and inclination to surmount all obstacles!" Given at our Imperial Camp at Madrid, Next to this proclamation come the proceedings of a municipal meeting at Madrid, on the 9th, consisting of heads of all the great bodies, &c. appointed of course under the eye of Napoleon. The Corregidor rose to inform the meeting, that he had been admitted into the Imperial presence, and came to acquaint them of the beneficent intentions of Napoleon and King Joseph towards Spain, adding that the fate of Madrid would be happy and prosperous, if the inhabitants adhered faithfully to the constitution, and acknowledged with sincerity, for their legitimate King, Don Joseph Napoleon I,; but otherwise their country would be reduced to a province of France. The meeting then came to the following resolutions: "Resolved to implore his Royal Majesty to indulge the capital with the presence of the King: That the Emperor should be again thanked for his kindness to the city after he had conquered it, and for his pardon of what had been done in Joseph's absence. To implore pardon for those whom fear had driven from the city, and for the peasants in arms. That property and religion be respected A tribute of gratitude was then voted to King Joseph, whose intercession with his brother had saved Madrid; that his Majesty be requested to favour the city with his presence, that, under his just and beneficent government, good order, justice, and tranquillity, may he restored within its walls. His Majesty is finally requested to employ his good offices with his Imperial Brother to pardon the absent, and the inhabitants who had taken up arms." After the exhibition of this imperial farce, we have a string of imperial decrees, which we can merely notice: cree. The first provides, that every person who shall be in possession of any portion of the civil or ecclesiastical imposts, shall cease to receive them, and those from whom they are liable shall pay them into the agents of King Joseph or the treasury.-Second DeAll Seigniorial Courts of Justice are abolished in Spain, and there shall exist no other jurisdiction than the Royal Courts of Justice. By a third Decree, the following persons are proscribed as declared enemies and traitors to France and Spain: The Duke d'Infantado, Duke de Medina Celi, Marquis de Santa Cruz, Count de Altamira, Pedro Cevallos, late Minister of State, Duke de Hijar, Duke de Ossuna, Count de Fernan Nunes, Prince of Castelfranco, Bishop |