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tent of half a dozen years. It ought to be stored in a very dry place, and taken out of the package two or three times a year, to be properly aired.

3d, Before roasting, it ought to be carefully picked, and the cominon sort will be found to contain about oneeighth part of refuse, which is fit for nothing. This refuse greatly injures the flavour and quality of the Coffee, when prepared for drinking.

general use of Coffee. It is raised by our fellow subjects, and paid for by our manufacturers. Tea, on the contrary, is principally paid for with money." From whence it appears, that whatever may be the taste of our manufacturers, their wives, and daughters, it is most certainly their interest to prefer Coffee to Tea.

Let every man consider what he would be likely to do if trading as an individual-He would probably give a preference to the goods of that person who bought goods from him.

4th, Great care must be taken not to over-roast the bean, as too much of the fire destroys the flavour; but a competent knowledge of the properThe very same rule applies to general

anethod of roasting can be obtained only from practice and observation.

5th, The Coffee, immediately after roasting, ought to be put into a dry vessel, well stopped until used, which should be as soon after roasting as possible. The stopping it up tight is material to prevent the flavour from escaping.

6th, By those who have delicate stomachs, Coffee ought to be used with as little sugar as the taste will allow, otherwise it may create acidity.

7th, Tea is hurtful to many stomachs, especially at breakfast; and Dr Fothergill not only prefers the use of Coffee at that meal, but favours us with the following recipe, which he adopted himself with great success, finding that tea disagreed with him :"Let Coffee be made in the usual manner, only a third part stronger; let as much boiling milk be added to the Coffee, before it is taken from the fire, as there is water; let it settle; drink it with or without cream, as may be most agreeable." The Doctor observes, that this preparation is much more nourishing and beneficial than the wretched beverage of ordinary


I conclude with an extract from Dr Fothergill's tract: treating of Tea and Coffee, the Doctor says, "There is one material difference, which ought to turn the scale in favour of the more

trade, and comes home as directly, though perhaps not so apparently at first view, to every individual. If we wish the West India Colonies to take our manufactures, we must take their produce; they cannot take ours otherwise.


I shall only further state Dr Fothergill's opinion, that our West India Coffee, if kept as long as the Mocha Coffee, would probably be as good. It requires several years to bring that from Mocha into consumption, which is greatly in its favour; whereas the Coffee from the West Indies is generally used when very Coffee has been raised in hothouses in England far superior to any that ever came from Mocha, which Dr Fothergill ascribes to the great attention that was paid to its culture. If care, in a stove in this country, has such an effect on the quality of Coffee, what would a little attention effect in such a soil and climate as the West Indies. It is to be hoped the repeal of the duties, by inducing greater consumption, will direct the planters' more particular attention to the cultivation of the article, and that, in a few years, we shall be able to produce as good Coffee in our own colonies as that so much vaunted of from Mocha.

I am, Sir, yours, &c.

A. B.


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I Lately returned from a short tour, the recollection of which still yields me inexpressible pleasure. My road lay from Edinburgh to Linlithgow, Falkirk, Stirling, Dumblane, Perth, and Dundee; a tract of country which, I dare say, cannot be surpassed, whether it be considered in an agricultural, commercial, archæological, or picturesque point of view. I would recommend it to those whose accupations are sedentary, as well for their bodily as mental recreation, to make this tour in the month of August, when the country appears to the greatest advantage, and they may either walk or ride as may suit the state of their finances, or by way of variety, they may do both alternately. Had the surly Johnson taken this tour, he might have formed a different opinion of ancient Caledonia, but the truth is, his gloomy soul, instead of relishing, the scene, would most probably have been busied in collecting materials to feed his spleen, or give scope to his satirical propensity.

In this direction one can hardly travel a furlong till his attention is arrested by some new and interesting object. I shall point out a few which fell under my observation, as leading marks to others who may take the same rout, for to do justice to the whole would fill a volume.

Leaving behind the noise and tumult, the palaces and towers of the far-famed Edina, you travel through a country naturally fertile and highly cultivated, interspersed with woods, farm-houses, and gentlemen's seats, and arrive at Linlithgow, an ancient burgh, where the principal objects of attention are the ancient palace, overlooking a fine lake, and the site of the house whence Earl Murray the regent of Scotland was shot by Has Jan. 1809.

milton of Philip-Haugh, which the inhabitants still point out.

Descending from the height to the westward of this town, a finely variegated country bursts upon your sight, whose scenery and antiquities might employ the pencil of a Runciman to delineate, or the poetic talents of a Thomson to describe. Under you is the fertile Carse of Falkirk, and the wide extended Forth, studded with towns on its banks, and ships on its surface; an extensive plain, stretching out to the north-west, and bounded by distant and lofty mountains. In: the park of Culloden, is to be seen a part of the Roman Vallum still very entire, one of the greatest antiquities in Scotland, forming part of the famous pretenture, commonly called Graham's Dyke. In the church yard of Falkirk are the sepulchral monuments of the gallant Sir John Graham and Colonel Monroe. To the north of the town is the field where Wallace fought, and Graham, his faithful Achates, fell; and to the south, the muir on which the rebels were victorious in 1745. A mile west of Falkirk you pass the aqueduct bridge to Camelon, a Roman station, and the Pictish metropolis. The beautiful banks of the canal are skirted with pleasure houses, and on the far-famed banks of the Carron are situated the extensive ironworks, the exterior of which is a grand spectacle, though a view of the interior is with difficulty obtained. To the west lies the fine valley of Dunipace, generally interpreted Hills of Peace, but which appear unquestionably, both from their structure and name, to be grave hills, or sepulchral tumuli, as your correspondent Milo well observes.

To the east of Falkirk you traverse a rich and beautiful country, in which are situated the thriving towns of Grangemouth and Carronshore. To the north lies the Torwood, the haunt of the renowned Wallace, interspersed with with ruinous castles and towers, the quondam residence of Caledonia's doughty chieftains. Passing through the Torwood you arrive at Bannockburn, where a handful of Scots, animated with the ardour of liberty and independence, triumphed over the tyrannical and perfidious Edward. Having refreshed yourself at Stirling you may ascend to the castle, and from thence contemplate the beautiful and sublime of Nature's works. You next proceed to Dumblane, and there view a huge gothic pile, still venerable from the extent and entire state of its ruin, On the Sherriff muir, hard by, in in 1715, the whigs and tories fought and fled. At Ardoch you behold the deep intrenchments and extensive area of a

Roman encampment, the most entire of any in Britain. Thence you pass through a country, barren, yet not uninteresting, from the many bloody encounters of our doughty ancestors. Along the banks of the Erne it is pleasant and fertile; and arriving at Perth, your thoughts will be directed into a new channel, and almost lose the recollection of what is past. You here see neat and crowded streets, coaches, liveries, elegant houses, and shewy shops. In short, Perth may be termed a second metropolis, Passing along the bridge, you descry the old palace of Scoon, modernized by its present owner, and the Omnis terræ Tumulus, or Mote-hill, so famous in the annals of Scotland. Directing your course eastward, you traverse the pleasant and fertile carse of Gowrie, which may justly be termed the garden, as well as the granary of Scotland. You next arrive at Bonny Dundee, a name which appears to be almost a literal translation of the ancient Allectum. It however hardly merits this name, as the situation is low and unhealthy, and the streets crooked and irregular. Leaving this large town, you traverse" a rich fertile district. The sands of Barry and Penbride were the scene of a bloody battle betwixt the Scots and

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From 9 to 10.

Although this learned man gave no lectures during the time I was in Edinburgh, yet his particular goodness afforded me many opportunities of enjoying his learned and agreeable society. However much I believe such a man exalted above my praise, I shall merely write down what the general opinion, which a traveller can best trace out, says of him. Dr Gregory's extraordinary abilities excite universal astonishment. The studious youth attend his lectures with enthusiasm. The public value him as a distinguished practical physician.

One of the first questions which Dr Gregory put to me was, Whether I placed great confidence in the power of the medical art? " According to circumstances," was my answer : " In many cases I esteemit less than formerly; and I employ fewer active remedies, than in the beginning of my


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He did not consider Dr John Brown as at all a physician, and frankly owned, that he had not read his work; but that he knew, however, his theory, from the many theses which, as censor, he was obliged to read.

Dr Currie's method of treating fevers, by the affusion of cold water, meets Dr Gregory's approbation, although he has hitherto contented himself with merely washing his patients with it. He would also have no scruple, according to Currie's advice, to employ it in scarlet fevers. On this subject I shall say more in the sequel.

Dr Gregory has no experience of the uses of Digitalis Purpurea in consumption; and yet this remedy is of ten of remarkable service in certain cases. Tobacco, according to Dr Gregory, operates nearly in the same manner as the digitalis; and its operation is even more speedy. He praises the Nicotiana, especially in the Cynanche Trachealis.

Consumption occurs very frequent ly in Scotland. It is almost always from a scrophulous origin. Dr Gre gory places his sole confidence in the use of a warmer atmosphere, and in the avoiding of every thing which can excite cough. In general, with regard to scrophulous diseases, he is convinced of the pernicious influence of cold, and of the benefits of heat.

Dr Carmichael Smith's fumigations with saltpetre appear to Dr Gregory very useful. Still he places his chief confidence in the observance of cleanliness.

Among the books which have lately appeared in England, he is remarkably pleased with Dr Heberden's Praxis. A work, which has appeared under the title of Edinburgh Praxis, consists merely of a poor compilation,

Gregory is, with reason, very indig nant at the author of such a book. He promises us soon a work of his own, under the title, Prospectus Mer dicina Practica; till then, he hopes that an intelligent public will not judge of the talents of the Edinburgli professors from such poor productions as the book called Edinburgh Praxis.

With the greatest interest, I saw at Dr Gregory's, the picture of his, in every respect, valuable and memorable father. The acquaintance of Dr Gregory's sister, Mrs Alison, awaken ed in me the recollection of the work which her father left behind him, for her use, under the title of Legacy; a work, which I have formerly perused with great pleasure, and which I would wish to see in the hands of every young lady.

Clinical Lectures. All the profes sors of medicine in this University have a right to give clinical instruc tions; a right of which they avail themselves, with the exception of Dr Hope. In Winter, two professors give always clinical lectures; that is, each three months. During the Summer, a third supplies their place. In this manner, the professors exchange with each other. During the time I was in Edinburgh, this office fell to the lot of Dr Duncan. Before I speak of the method which he employs, it must be known, that the clinical lec ture-room is in the public hospital, of which I shall speak fully hereafter. No medical student is allowed to attend, till he has first paid a fee This consists, the first year, of three guineas. The second year, they give only two guineas. The third, only one, Afterwards, the class is open to them gratis. During the above-mentioned period, the students have permission, not only to attend the clinical lectures, but also to accompany the physicians and surgeons of the hospital in their visits to the sick. The chamber appointed for clinical lectures is confin

drawn up by indigent students. Dred and low. The number of sick of



ty and knowledge before the professor. True it is, that all hearers must not be admitted to the management of the sick; that privilege can be granted only to those who have already attended one year as mere spectators.

both sexes amounts to twenty. The writes down their cases himself: he is clinical lecturer chuses two of his trus- drilled to the formulary, and has, lastty scholars, who then perform the of-ly, an opportunity to shew his capacifice of assistant physicians. One of these attends the men, the other, the women. These assistants draw up accounts of the cases, and read them in presence of the professors, and of the other hearers, in Latin. They also state to the professor the daily report upon the state of the patients. In all feverish diseases, not only the quickness of the pulse is given, by means of a watch which indicates seconds, but also the degree of heat is given, by the thermometer. The lecturer then puts some questions respecting the patients, and dictates to his audience a description of the symptoms of the disease. Then, without farther inqui. ry, he explains the method of cure.The visit to the patient is then at an end. The clinical lectures are given twice a-week. In one of these, the clinical professor treats of the patients who have been newly admitted; in the other, he speaks of those dismissed, or dead. By this means the hearers have before them the descriptions written at the sick-bed, accompanied with remarks, which are here communicat ed to them.

This method certainly has its advantage. Still it appears to me hurtful in this respect, that the young physician has too little share in the clinical employments. The same fault is observable in the infirmary at Paris So long as young physicians are mere spectators at a sick-bed, they will seldom feel the same interest in their patients, as when they themselves take a share in their management. The method established at Pavia, Vienna, Wurtzburg, Wilna, and elsewhere, of giving to every student one or more patients to attend under the direction of the professor, is, without doubt, far more useful. The young physician is thus trained to the difficult art of making observations himself; he learns attentively to question his patients, and

A thing, on the contrary, which pleased me much in the clinical establishment of Edinburgh, is, that all hearers are in possession of the cases of the patients, and have even an opportunity given them of accompanying these cases with remarks. This, indeed, may very well be done in other clinical establishments, and is done, perhaps, by a few of the most industrious students. The greater number, however, (who doubtless have themselves to blame,) take as small an account as possible of the cases of the patients whom they have an opportunity of visiting. In Edinburgh, on the contrary, the students are in a manner forced to keep a diary respecting their patients.

It may be objected, that much time is spent in dictating the cases. This objection would not be without foundation, if the time, which is spent in thoroughly explaining and rendering useful a subject of such importance, could be considered as lost. Still, it is certainly better, when clinical students attend only a few patients, and examine thoroughly into their cases; than when, from the great number, they are forced to go over them only superficially.

It is asked, whether it is better to give the whole clinical instruction at the sick bed, or to communicate it to the students, afterwards assembled, in a separate lecture-room? In my opinion, each method has its advantage, and its disadvantage. Instruction at the sick bed infallibly makes a deeper impression on the hearers. The view of the patients also awakens many ideas in the mind of the lecturer, which, when


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