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is too groveling—too mean. It beclouds and finally drenches out an ennobling attribute-the soul of honor. Horticulturists who look at the delicious fruits protruding singly or in clusters from out the rich foliage of trees and shrubs with merely a calculating eye-estimating how many bushel-measures it will fill, and how much per bushel it will bring in the market, do not draw inspiration and moral and physical elevation from the beauty and fragrance which delight the senses of one who sees in it the generosity and infinite creative power of a Supreme Father. So with business men, and all others who esteem honesty as the best policy, and pursue it simply for the purpose of gathering up more dollars and cents; they do not experience those morally elevating and health-inspiring emotions which thrill the bosoms of those who live honorably because they love their fellow-men and the Father of all-because they delight in dealing justly with all mankind, and aspire to perfect manhood. Depend upon it there is a mine of health which reveals itself to all who live true to God, true to humanity, and true to themselves.

Invalids must not be Impatient.

Time is required to cure chronic diseases, and nothing is gained, but rather something is lost, by the use of what are termed immediate remedies. Ignorance of the fact, or a disregard of it, is the cause of failure with many (so-called) skilful practitioners, who, knowing the impatience of the invalid to get well at once, try to cure in a week or two, diseases which have been for months and perhaps years, accumulating in the system. My injunction is, have patience-take time—and I will give to those who place themselves under my care, treatment which will cure causes as well as effects, and at the same time be of no more trouble than the regular meals and sleep, while it works silently in the system, arousing the healing power of nature, and aiding it in regulating every diseased condition of the mental or physical organization.

To Consultants.

Those at a distance, who wish to avail themselves of my services need not hesitate because of their inability to visit me. I have treated, successfully, patients in all the States and settled Territories, and in all the civilized countries of the world. Send answers to the following questions, and I can judge correctly of

your diseases and temperaments. Those who prefer to indemnify me for my time and trouble in examining their cases, can inclose a fee of one dollar, and those who do not, need simply inclose a letter-stamp with which to prepay reply.

Answers to the following questions will enable me to judge nearly, if not quite, as correctly of the nature and extent of a disease as a personal examination. Many of the questions pertaining to complexion, height, weight, measure, etc., may appear, at first sight, trifling, but they are of first importance, because on answers to these I must depend in forming my opinion of the temperament of one whom I am not permitted to see; therefore, no one should pass over them in describing his or her case. When perfectly convenient to do so, in addition to answers to the questions, a daguerrotype, ambrotype, or photograph might be sent with the letter. Many invalids at a distance pursue this plan in consulting me, and, although it is by no means important, something may occasionally be gained by the patient so doing. All may safely confide in the Doctor in describing fully and frankly a case, or giving the result of treatment. I am daily in receipt of letters from pa tients giving the most gratifying accounts of the effects experienced in pursuing my advice, and which, if published, would greatly redound to my credit, but I never publish any letter or parts of letters, with the name of the author, unless his or her consent has been expressly given, and even then, but seldom, as the good results of my practice are becoming too well known to need any evidence of this kind. If you have or can procure a copy of "Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense " it would be well for you to read the parts referring to the symptoms of disease that you think yourself afflicted with before answering the questions, as you would then have a better understanding of your case, which would be of assistance to you. My address is given on page 910.

List of Questions.

In answering, correspondents need not say they are not troubled with this, that, or the other difficulty, but mention only the symptoms they have, as they look over the questions one by one. Correspondents are also requested not to simply say Yes or No, after putting down the figures before each set of questions, but state the symptoms fully. Write plainly, and with ink, if possible.

What is your name? What is the name of your post-office? County? What State? To what office should express packages be sent? By what express company? Have you previously writ ten regarding your health? If so, when? Have you the book, entitled "Evidences of Dr. Foote's Success?".

1st. What is the color of your hair? Eyes? What your complexion? Age? Height? Weight? Ever weighed more?... 2d. Is your skin soft and moist, or rough and dry? Is it sallow? .3d. Parents living? If so, at what age? If dead, of what did they die? Any hereditary disease in your family? Any disease common in it?..... ....4th. Are you affected with melancholy, or the "blues?" Any trouble of the mind? If so, what causes it? Have you ever had fits or spasmodic difficulties? Have you ever been suddenly frightened? What is your occupation? Ever overtaxed your mind with study or business? Are you troubled with loss of memory? Do you sleep well? Any disagreeable or amorous dreams? If wakeful, at what time of night? Are you drowsy during the day?.. ...5th. Have you any

deformity, by birth or accident? Ever been injured by an accident? Any pimples, salt-rheum, ulcers, boils, cancer, or eruptions? Been vaccinated? Did it produce any unusual soreness? Ever been poisoned internally or externally? Ever taken mercurial medicine? Have you any tumors or swellings? If so, what and where? Are you ruptured? Any lumps about the groins or navel? If so, do they disappear when you lie down? Or protrude more on sneezing or straining? Do you feel strong or weak in body? How far can you walk? Is your flesh firm, or soft and flabby? Do you like exercise or avoid it ? Are your hands and feet warm or cold? Are they moist, dry, or hot at


.6th. As to your daily habits: Are you regular to bed? How many hours sleep do you get? Do you use stimulants? Tea or coffee (how often)? Do you use tobacco in any form? Opium, or other narcotic? Do you eat much meat? Pork? Or rich pastries, pickles, condiments? Have you injured yourself by any bad habit ?...... 7th. Any trouble in the head: Headache, pains, neuralgia, in the front, back, or side of the head? Any dizzy sensations? Rush of blood to the head? Heavy, oppressed feelings? Any excess of mucous discharges from the nose or throat (catarrh) ?............8th. Have you weak or inflamed eyes? Any dulness or fault of vision? Stars, specks, or streaks floating before the sight? Clouds or mists? Any twitching of the lids? Pains in the eyeballs? Gumming during sleep? .9th. Any trouble about the ears? Defective hearing? Roaring or ringing? Earache? Discharges? Excess of wax? Dryness?.... ...10th. Is the tongue coated? All over? White or yellow? Any small red points, pimples, deep furrows, or wrinkles on the tongue?....

..11th. Any trouble False or filled teeth?

in the mouth? Diseased teeth or gums? Canker in the mouth? Dryness? Excessive moisture? Bad taste? Bad breath?............. .12th. Any affection of the throat? Irritation, discharge, hawking, tickling, soreness? Choking sensations? Hoarseness or weakness of the voice? Enlarged tonsils? .13th. Do you take cold easily? Where is it likely to affect you?...... .14th. Any symptoms affecting the lungs? Dry or loose cough? Nights or mornings? What is your chest measure in inches, under the arms, with full breath? Without? What is the number per minute of your pulse when lying down? Sitting? Standing? Any tenderness, pain, soreness, constrictions, or weakness about the chest? Do you raise matter from the lungs? Does it sink in water? Is it yellow, chunky? Is it streaked with blood? Did you ever raise blood? How often? Are you short of breath on slight exertion? Do you have swelled ankles? Chills during the day? Night-sweats? Flushed face afternoons? Have you had pneumonia, or any serious fever? Fever and ague?

..15th. Have you palpitation of the heart? Pains or soreness about the heart? Any unusual or disagreeable sensation there? Sense of stoppage?..... ......16th. Have you dyspepsia, heaviness, soreness, gnawing, burning, or pain in the stomach? Any sourness, wind, trembling, nausea, or sickness? Is the appetite good, poor, variable, or voracious? Are you, or have you been careless about what and when you eat?...... .17th. Do the bowels move regularly? Once or more times daily? Easily or not? Is there any bloating, tenderness on pressure, or griping? Have you piles? External or internal? Itching or bleeding? Have you fistula ? . . . . . . ...18th. Have you weakness, pain, soreness, or lameness across the lower part of the back? Pain or uneasy feeling in the lower portion of the bowels, over the bladder? Do you pass water often? Much or little at a time? Any pain or smarting? Is there much sediment? Red, white, brown, yellow, or gritty? Is there any unusual color or deposit in the urine? Any blood or gravel? Have you had any venereal disease? If so, what and when, and how long?............. ....19th. Do you have pains, weakness, soreness, numbness, or other disagreeable sensation in any part of your body not mentioned already?

...20th. Are you married? Ever been? Have you children? Are they healthy? If married and without children, do you desire them? Is husband or wife sterile? If children are desired, describe eyes, hair, complexion, height, weight, age of both parties, stating how many years married, and give all the information you can think of as important in enabling a physician to ascertain the cause of unfruitfulness on a separate sheet of paper. Have you read the chapter on "Local Inadaptation" in "Plain Home Talk," and studied Figs. 127 and 128? . . . . . . 21st. Do you have inHow many during a

voluntary seminal emissions day or night? month at night? How often and when during the day? Do you know the first or real cause? Are there any casual, direct, or present causes? Is your sexual power impaired? If married, is the seminal discharge premature? Did you have losses before marriage? Are your testicles diminished, wasted, swollen, en

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