Abbildungen der Seite

was carried on under the influence of foreign arms. The nation ftill deplores their fatal confequences, and fpeaks of them only with horror. To guard the republic against fimilar violences, it is neceffary that the fupreme authority fhould exift in this diet, which was freely affembled, and whofe falutary works received a general approbation at the laft dietines (acting with equal freedom) throughout the country. Befides, the negotiations with his ferene highnefs the elector of Saxony, are not yet brought to a conclufion. The final arrangement cannot be determined, but by the fupreme power of the diet. The moment will at last arrive when Heaven, merciful to our prayers, will restore us peace and tranquillity, and the prefence of a diet in its full power will be neceffary. And as the Ruffian declaration infifts upon a meeting of a new diet, which being controuled by a foreign army, would only be fubfervient to the commands of Ruffia, fo the prefervation, integrity, laws, liberty, and independence of the republic, require that the fame diet, a diet truly free, shall continue its care and deliberations.

You fee, citizens, what is your fituation; you fee what meafures your king and diet undertake for the common fafety. Let the defence of your country engage all your thoughts and attention; let the tricteft peace and union prevail among you in fuch a critical moment as this. Follow your king, your father, your commander; follow him whom you have raised to the throne from among yourfelves, and who, in his advanced age, is going with you to expofe his life in the common defence of his country. Let us encourage each other by words and examples, let us boldly encounter all dangers in fupport of our laws and liberty. Let us conquer all difficulties and dangers by our courage and fortitude. Let every man confider, that on the prevent fate of the republic, depends his own, that of his children, and his latest progeny. Thou God of arinies, God of our forefathers, who feeft the innocence and the juftice of our caufe, who knoweft the purity of our intentions, infufe and maintain the spirit of union and concord in the Polish nation; grant fuccefs to thofe arms, whofe object is not to fhed blood for the fake of ambition, of unjust spoil, or dominion over others, but folely to defend our National Laws and Liberty, which even thou alloweft to free and rational be

ings-to defend that country which thy Almighty Power has fo often protected, and which even now thou haft rescued from the brink of destruction, by the spirit of thy wisdom and councils. Á faithful king and nation implore thy affiftance, and will praife in hymns of gratitude thy providence and mercy.

Wifhing that this our address may the fooner reach the public knowledge, we recommend to all Ordinal commiffions of the Palatinates and diftricts, to infert this circular letter in all public records; likewife to have it read from all the pul pits, and published in all the parishes and churches, four following Sundays. Dated Warfaw,

the 29th of May, 1792.

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A letter from Warfaw, dated June 2, has the following intelligence: Yefterday, an exprefs arrived from prince Joseph Poniatowski, with the following account, dated at Winnica, the 27th of May: "Lieutenant Goleiowski of the nation cavalry, occupying an out-poft with_300 men, perceived a body of 2000 Ruffians approaching, who firft began the attack, while Goleiowski having returned the fire, charged the enemy fword in hand with fuch impetuofity, that their line was completely broken. A general action then began, which lafted two hours and half. Notwithstanding fo great a fuperiority of numbers, the field of battle remained to our troops; 300 Ruffians were left on the fpot; our lofs confifts in 30 killed and 24 wounded. This body of the Ruffians was chofen from the nation called Czarnomorce, bordering on the Black Sea, reckoned the braveft: it is they who took Berezina near Oczakow, and who led the van in ftorming Ifmailow. Elate with former fucceffes, and trusting to their numbers, they marched down with seeming contempt, and little expected fuch a warm reception from a handful of Poles."

Our different divifions are marching to Lithuania and to Ukraine, with the greatest expedition and alacrity. They had not a fingle deferter.-In Lithuania, we fee the greatest ardour for defending their liberty and independence. their ladies ftrive to encourage the youth to noble actions; inftead of cries and tears-unworthy of free women- they collected among themfelves 1500 ducats at Wilora, for the expences of the war.'




Continued from page 389 and 392.

ON the 11th of May, the National Affembly paffed the following decree, with refpect to the difobedient conduct of the troops under M. de Biron, (See page 388) in the affair of Mons:

1. The executive power is charged to form a court martial in any town, which the general of the north fhall appoint, to judge thofe guilty perfons of the 5th and 6th regiment of dragoons, who cried out, "Treason," and excited difaffection in the affair of Mons.


• The general shall fummon the 5th and 6th regiments to declare, who of their corps were the first guilty; and if they shall not make this declaration within a period to be appointed, those regiments fhall be broke.

3. If the regiments are broke, their ftandards fhall be torn and burned at the head of the army; and their numbers shall for ever remain vacanț in the French army. (The affembly were at first surprifed at the extent of the dishonour propofed; but, at length,. expreffed fome Latisfaction.)

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4. The executive power fhall give an account, every eight days, of the measures taken for profecuting fpies and traitors, who have excited the foldiers to difobedi


On the 16th of May, a letter was read from the fifth regiment of dragoons, in which had been the foldiers who in the af

fair of Mons took to flight, calling out we are betrayed.' This letter, which was figned by the lieutenant-colonel, with 200 privates, thanked the affembly for the decree which they had paffed to profecute those who should be found culpable, and expressed a hope that the great body of the regiment would be found pure.

On the 19th of May, the war minifter communicated to the national affembly the following intelligence from the marshals Luckner and Rochambeau :

The 17th of May, the poft of 80 men of the regiment of Vintmilie, who occupied the mall town of Bavay, returned from patrolling after fun-fet, with intelligence, that the enemy were advancing. A moment after, the enemy appeared advancing in three columns, coming out of the wood of Sarth, which is behind the town one of the three columns purfued the route of Maubeuge, the other that of

Valenciennes, and the third, which was in the centre, came direct to the town.

The enemy ranged their artillery, and fired; the town hung out a flag. This very small détachment had received orders from M. Rochambeau, only to act as a patrole round the walls of the town, and not to confider itself as a garrifon by oppofing a vain refiftance. The municipality declare to us, that this detachment fhut itfelf up in the town, fought with courage, although contrary to their orders, which were to retreat, killed fome men of the enemy, but having expofed themselves by their obftinate resistance, were taken prisoners.

'A detachment of huffars, which were out as a party of obfervation, performed a dexterous manoeuvre; they for a moment fupported the attack, and retired quickly without lofs by Quefnoy on Jalin, in good order. As foon as we were informed of the attack, M. de Noailles received orders to march an advanced guard, with three fquadrons of the third regiment of dragoons, three of the firft, and two of the fifth regiment of chaffeurs, two companies of grenadiers, and two pieces of cannon. M. Luckner accompanied this advanced guard commanded by M. de Noailles. M. Rochambeau then followed with a body of troops and artillery. He had given orders to the advanced guard to enter Bavay, if the enemy were not there in great force; and in the contrary cafe to inform the general of the refiftance. Every thing was difpofed for a vigorous attack of the enemy in this place.

'M. Luckner informed M. Rochambeau, by M. Monpentfier, that the advanced guard had entered the town at eleven o'clock; two hours after the retreat of the enemy. The enemy had entered the town to the number of 2500 men; the foldiers had wished to pillage it; the Auftrian officers prevented them. They retreated, carrying with them fix waggons loaded with forage; they had got beyond the wood of Sarth, when the advanced guard prefented itfelf before the place. The generals highly commended the good order, the filence, and the ardour which p vailed in the advanced guard, and the body of their finall army. General Rochambeau brought back his troops to their poft, after having left a detaclument at Bavay.


On the 23d of May, the mayor of Paris having been informed of a report which prevailed of the king's intention to quit this capital, gave notice to the commandant of the forces to be upon his guard.-The king was offended that the mayor fould take this precaution, and wrote the two following letters to the two administrative bodies, which at the requeft of the procureur general Syndic, the directory caufed to be pofted up through the city, the fame morning.

Letter of the King to the Directory of the

Department of Paris, May 23.

I fend you, gentlemen, the copy of a letter, which I have addreffed to the municipality, refpecting the letter which the mayor wrote to the commandant general of the national guard. You will eafily perceive the malice of the report circulated in the prefent critical fituation. I doubt not that the directory will redouble its vigilance and care for the maintainance of the public tranquillity. (Signed)


Letter of the King to the Municipality of Paris, May 23.


I have feen, gentlemen, a letter which the mayor wrote yelterday evening to the commandant-general of the national guard, in which he expreffes alarm refpecting my departure during the night; founded, he fiys, upon probable information. this intelligence he adds, reports of commotions and difturbances, and gives crders to increase the patroles, and render them more numerous. Why does the mayor, in confequence of fuch reports, give orders to the commandant-general, and communicate nothing to me, fince it is his duty by the constitution, to execute under my direction the laws for the maintenance of the public tranquillity? Has he forgotten the letter which I wrote to the municipality during the month of Fe

bruary? You will readily perceive, gentlemen, that this report is in the present sircumftances a new and horrid calumny, by means of which it is attempted to excite the people, and alarm them refpecting the caufe of the prefent difturbances. I am apprized of all the arts which are at prefent employed, and still in agitation to inflame the minds of the people, and compel me to leave my capital. But they hall all be in vain. While France has enemies to encounter at home and abroad, my place is in the capital. It is there I truft to be able to disappoint the criminal expectation of the factious.

I place an unreferved confidence in the citizens of Paris, in the national guard always refpectable, and the detachments of which employed on the frontiers have given new proofs of their excellent difpofitions. They will perceive, that their honour in the prefent moment requires them to redouble their zeal and vigilance. Guarded by them, and confident of the purity of my intentions, I will always be at eafe whatever event may occur; and whatever attempts may be made, nothing fhall alter folicitude and vigilance for my the welfare of the kingdom (Signed)


In the feffion of the 26th, a decree was iffued refpecting the refractory non-juring priefts, of which the following is the fubitance:

Any priest or ecclefiaftic, against whom a complaint fhall be made by twenty active citizens, fhall be provisionally arrested and confined. If guilty, he is to be ordered to quit the diftrict within twenty-four hours, the department within three days, and the kingdom within a month; and on a non-compliance with this fentence, he will be transported: the expence of which will be paid out of his pension (if he has any) if he poffeffes none, out of the public treasury.


AUSTRIA. Bruffels, May 18. INtelligence has been juft received here, that the little town of Bavay, between Valenciennes and Maubeuge, was yeilerday taken by the Auftrians, and 108 men, with four officers, who were there poled, nde prifonets. - Loxd. Gaz.

[To be continued. J


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eftimated at feven thoufand, and thofe of general Sztaray at but three. The French, after an obftinate refiftance, in the end gave way, leaving 150 dead, feveral wounded, three pieces of cannon, and all their baggage and ammunition; the lofs of the Austrians was four killed, and twenty-two wounded. No more particular circumftances of this action are as yet received.-Lond. Gaz.

Bruffels, June 12. Intelligence has been received by this government, that early yesterday morning a body of Auftrians, confifting of about 5000 men, at

tacked a French corps, commanded by M. Gouvion, who were encamped near a fmall town called Berfilly, directly in the line to Mons, and, after destroying all the batteries, carried the camp, and obliged the French to fhelter themselves in Maubeuge. The lofs on the fide of the latter was faid to be 200 men, and on that of the Auftrians only thirty.-Ib.


Liege, June 4. Yesterday evening died here, after a fhort illness, his ferene highnefs the bishop of Liege.-Lond. Gaz.


THE following address was presented
to his majesty :

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty, The humble Addrefs of the Lord-mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the city of London, in Common-council affembled.

Moft Gracious Sovereign, We, your majefty's moft dutiful and loyal fubjects, the lord-mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, in common council affembled, moft humbly befeech your majefty to accept our grateful thanks for the wisdom and benevolence evinced by your royal proclamation for fuppreffing thofe feditious publications and criminal correfpondences, which may be productive of the most alarming and dangerous confequences.

Your faithful citizens venerate the contitution of this kingdom, as established by the glorious revolution, and improved on fubfequent occafions, because it conects the honour of the fovereign with the liberty and happiness of the fubjects and their attachment is increafed from the confideration, that it contains the natural and regular means of advancing those objects with the change of times and improvement of circumstances.

We trust that the rest of your majefty's fubjects, enjoying with us the moft abundant national happinefs and profperity under your majesty's mild and aufpicious government, will also with us duly eftimate the value of thofe bleffings, and unite in the firmeft fupport of your majefty's endeavours to continue them, by preferving our excellent conftitution from the dangers of fpeculative and impracticable theory. Signed by order of court, WILLIAM Rix.

To which Address his Majefty returned the following moft gracious Answer:

I receive with the greatest fatisfaction this mark of your attachment to me, and to the government and conftitution of the and my kingdom as by law established; loyal city of London may always be af fured of receiving from me every mark of åttention and regard.'

[Addrefes, on the fame occafion, have been prefented, and are fill presenting, from all parts of the kingdom.]


On Thursday, at the conclufion of the feffion at the Old Bailey (at which no very remarkable trials occurrel) twentyeight capital convicts, whofe execution had been refpited during the king's pleafure, received his majesty's pardon, on condition of being tranfported, for their natural lives, to New South Wales. Two convicts for felony received fentence of tranfportation for fourteen years; thirtyfive for feven years; twenty-four to be imprifoned in Newgate; fixteen in Clerkenwell Bridewell: one to be privately, and twenty-one publicly whipped.--The feffions were then adjourned until Wednes day, the 4th of July next.


Being his majesty's birth-day, there was a great court at St. James', when an ode, written by Henry James Pye, efq. poetlaureat, and fet to mufic by Dr. Paríons, was performed. The court was very brilliant; and, in the evening, were illu minations, and other public rejoicings, expreffive of the heartfelt loyalty of a free and happy people.


At a court of common-council held lately at Guildhall, the refolution respecting the drawing of the lottery (See page 315) was refcinded.

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On Tuesday and yesterday very dangerous riots prevailed in Mount-street, Grofveror-fquare, in which the watchhoufe there, a well-constructed and handfome building, has been nearly demolished. The whole originated from the affembling of about forty fervants of fome neighbouring people of fashion, at a public-house, to join in a dance on Monday evening, in honour of his majefty's birth-day.-This, to certain over-zealous officers of justice, appeared an infringement of the peace, which they took upon them to put an end to by proceeding to the houfe, taking the whole company into cuftody, and confining them all night in the watch-house. Next day, however, they were all difcharged; but a few of the unfortunate people, who had been active in a riotous attempt at their liberation, fupplied their place, and by the exertion of the military all is now quiet, not without fome perfonal injury to a few who fuffered from repeated firings, which were deemed neceffary to quell the tumult. No life is loft.


Yefterday, the feffion for the jurif diction of the High Court of Admiralty of England commenced at the Old Bailey, when John Kimber was tried upon a charge of having murdered a negro girl.

Thomas Dowling, furgeon of the fhip, fwore very minutely to the cruel treatment of the girl, as ftated by Mr. Wilberforce, in the houfe of commons. (See page 291) But, on his cross-examination, he admitted, that he did not difclofe this circumftance in the Weft Indies after their arrival-nor at Bristol after their return, except to a few of his private acquaintance; but that he was fent to London to give evidence before the committee for the abolition of the flave trade; to give an account of the firing from on board flave fhips on the town of Calabar; and that he mentioned this murder to Mr. Wilberforce the day before he made his fpeech for the abolition of the flave trade, He admited too, that in the return he made according to act of parliament to a public office, there was no mention made of this murder; that that return was required by that act to be upon oath, but that he had not really taken that oath; that he had not kiffed the book, but that after it was prefented to him, he returned it to the clerk, and the entry was then made as if every thing was regular. In truth, the return was not his, but captain Kimber's; that no man, he believed, faw

the fufpending and flogging except him felf, Stephen Devereaux the mate, and two boys he had mentioned in his evidence. This he explained by stating, that the awning on the deck, when this was done, was barricadoed fo as to obftru&t the fight of thofe on the other part of the deck. He denied he had ever faid, he would be the ruin of captain Kimber.

The evidence of Devereaux was fimilar to that of Dowling. But he fwore, that he did not know he had ever been accused of mutiny on board a former ship in which he had ferved, and in confequence of which captain Kimber took him out of humanity.

Three witneffes contradicted the evidence of Dowling, as to his never having faid that he would ruin captain Kimber, pofitively fwearing that he had made ufe of thefe expreffions frequently.

Three witnefes alfo contradicted Devereaux on the point of his not knowing that he was charged with mutiny. They pofitively fwearing that he was charged with mutiny on board the Wafp; that he knew it, was told of it; and confeffed he was guilty of it; and that on his change from the Wafp, captain Kimber took him on board the Discovery at Calabar, out of humanity.

Several witneffes were called, who gave the captain a good character for humanity. The jury faid they were all fatisfied, and the prifoner was pronounced, Not guilty.

Mr. juftice Afhhurft asked, if any undertaking would be given that the two witneffes, Dowling and Devereaux, fhould be profecuted for perjury if the court fhould commit them. Mr. Sylvefter anfwered in the affirmative.

The folicitor-general obferved, that though thefe two witneffes had been materially contradicted in certain points, yet there was not one witnefs called on the part of the defendant to deny the tying, fufpending, and the flogging, which was the material charge against captain Kimber. Mr. Sylvefter fuggefted, that it was probable fuch evidence would be brought forward at the trials of these perfons for perjury.

Mr. Dowling faid, very coolly, that notwithstanding what the court had heard against him, he had spoken nothing but the truth upon this fubject. Stephen Devereaux, the mate, faid, that what had been fworn in contradiction to his evidence, was as falfe as God was true.

Mr. juflice Afhhurft faid to them both,


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