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81, 83, and 85 Centre Street,




chlorine upon, while exposed
to direct sunlight, 277.
Acetic acid, analysis of, 150.

synthesis of, from acetylen, 282.
in wine, estimation of, 354.
vapor, density of, 360.
Aceto-chlorhydrine from octyl-
glycol, 210.

Acetone, products of the oxidation
of, 347.

Aceton-sulpho acid, 363.
"Acetopathy; or, The Application

[ocr errors]

of Medical Chemistry to Acute
and Chronic Diseases." By
Francis Coutts. Edinburgh:
Bell & Bradfute; John Men-
zies & Co. 1870. 204.
Acetylen, chlorides of, and syn-
thesis of the chloride of Julin,

on chloride of, and on the syn-
thesis of Julin's chloride, 282.
Acetylinated ethyl, on the salts of.

By J. Alfred Wanklyn, 29.
Acherontia atropos, notes on the

Pupa and Imago of, by Mr. J.
Sidebotham, 157.

Acid, mode of division of a limited
quantity of, between two bases
applied in excess, 213.
Acids and alcohols, third paper,

containing the results of the
researches on the ethereal
derivatives of, 213.
Action of contact, researches on
the (catalytic force of Berze-
lius), 109.

Adirondack mineral springs, 219.
Agaricus, the white, two products
from, 173.

Agricultural College, Imperial,

Agricultural purposes, researches

on the use which can be made
of the offal and residues of
manufacturing processes for,


Agronomic stations and agricul-
tural laboratories, 45.
Aimba and Arcellæ, electrical ir-
ritation of, 176.
Air, atmospheric, at various

heights, composition of, 353.
decrease of the temperature of
the, in relation to the eleva-
tion above sea-level, 354.
presence of peroxide of hydro-
gen in, 352.

organic matter contained in the.
Note by Mr. Chapman, 199.
organic matter in. By Dr. R.
Angus Smith, F.R.S., &c.,

or gas under pressure, on a
method for obtaining a con-
tinuous current of, for blow-
pipe and other purposes. By
T. L. Patterson, 825.
vibrations of a layer of, corre-
sponding to those of a fixed
disc, 212.
Albolith, 354.

Albumen, consumption of, for in-

dustrial purposes, 291.
preparation of from blood, 99.
Alcohol, and spirits for amylic
alcohol, testing of, 347.
and water, combinations of, 51.
manufacture of, from Indian
corn, 111.

combinations of silicium with
the, 357.
Alcohols, some new reactions of,
by Mr. Chapman, 290.
the normal propylic, butylic, and
amylic, stability of the, con-
sidered as chemical species
(espèces chimiques), 284.
Aldehydes, condensation of, 364.
new studies on propylic, butylic,
and amylic, 284.

Alder tree, chemical constitution

of the colouring matter of the,

Algeria, mineral resources of, 42.
Alizarine, preparation of from
madder, 207.

the colouring substance of mad-
der, on the artificial produc-
tion of, By Prof. H. E. Ros-
coe, F.R.S., Owen's College,
Manchester, 332.

Alkaline lakes of California, 218.
sulphurets, uses of for the
purpose of bleaching fibres
and tissues of vegetable ori-
gin, 108.

Allylic compounds, direct combi-
nation of with chloride of
iodine and hypochlorous acid,
Alum, relation existing between

the variation of the crystal-
line shape of, and the men-
struum it is crystallized from,

Alumina, manufacture of sulphate
of, 38.

Amarine, on sulphate of, 49.
"American Pharmaceutical As-

sociation, Proceedings of the,
at the Seventeenth Annual
Meeting, held in Chicago,
D., September, 1869." Phil-
adelphia: 1869. 341.
Amido-dicyanic acid, on, 361.
Amides of polybasic acids, prepa-
ration of the, 214.
Ammonia, a base isomeric with hy-

drocyanide of (Cyanwasser-
stoff-ammonia), 280.
gunpowder, 278.

in atmospheric air, on the
estimation of, by Horace T.
Brown, 261.

Ammoniacal compounds, dissocia-
tion of, 285.
Amorphous phosphorus, activity

(wirksamkeit) of, for safety
matches, 355.
Amygdaline and phloridzine, con-
stitution of, 110.
Amylaceous matter, researches on

the artificial digestion of, by
the aid of maltine, 284.
Analysis of Hathorn spring water,

of the spring water from Santa
Catalina and Guadalupe (Ca-
nary Islands), 39.

on the methods of, and the
composition of various chem-
ical manufacturing pro-
ducts. By M. Gaston Tissan-
dier, 1, 149.
Andersonian University, 348.
Andrews, Thomas, M.D., F.R.S.,
on the continuity of the gas-
eous and liquid states of
matter, 242.
Anemometer, description of a

Angelic acid, reduction of, to
valerianic acid, 213.
Anhydrous nitric acid, new me-
thod for the preparation
of, 103.

sulphuric acid, some reactions
of, and a new method of for-
mation of oxysulphide of car-
bon, 213.

Aniline blue, 163.

colors, action of shellac upon
some, 211.

colors, injurious effect of im-
pure alcohol upon, 171.
red, preparation of without
arsenic, 170.

Animal black, analysis of, 149.
charcoal, estimation of sulphur
and gypsum in, 171.

fibre, separation of from vego-
table, 220.

tissues, action of Fremy's Os-
miamide upon, 290.
Annuaire du Bureau des Longi-
tudes, the, for 1870. 166.
Answers to Correspondents, 52,
116, 176, 220, 292, 366.
Anthracen, artificial preparation
of, 38.

carbonic acid, on, 213.
Anti-cholera tissue, 40.
Antimonoide, 112.

Apjohn, Dr., on the proximate
analysis of saccharine sub-
stances, 90.

James, M.D., Professor of
chemistry and mineralogy in
the University of Dublin, on a
new step in the proximate
analysis of saccharine mat-
ters, 230.
Apparatus for distillation and
concentrating liquids
vacuo, 43.


for the demonstration of the fall
of bodies, 44.
Apples suitable for cider-mak-

ing, chemical investigation of
the, 215.

Arable soils, analysis of the water

contained in, 173.

physical properties of, 98.
Ararat, Mount, observations on,

Areometer, combined, 355.
Arnot, William, F.C.S. Notes

from the Laboratory of a
Sugar Refinery, 125, 181.
Aromatic acids, synthesis of, 278,
284, 364.

hydrocarbons, on the refraction
equivalents of the, and their
derivatives, by Dr. Gladstone,
Arseniate, double, of magnesia

and ammonia, by Frederick
Field, F.R.S., 317.
Arsenic and copper, experiments

on some of the methods for
effecting the separation and
estimation of, by E. W. Par-
nell, 256.

detection and estimation of in
the rosaniline (fuchsine) of
commerce, 214.

free, and arsenic containing
aniline colours, on, 357.
in the soda of commerce, 37.
Arsenical green pigments, dan-
gers of, 277.
Arsenious acid, useful application

[blocks in formation]

theory, the, 95.

weights, 104.
Attfield, John, Ph.D.


try: General, Medical, and
Pharmaceutical, including the
Chemistry of the British
Pharmacopoeia." London:

John Van Voorst, 1869. 8vo,
624 pages, 31.

Aureola, the solar, constitution of,
and on the phenomena exhi-
bited by rarefied gases ren-
dered incandescent by means
of electric currents, 173.
Aurora Borealis, 359.

and other meteorological pheno-
mena seen and observed in
Piedmont, on Jan. 3d, 1870,

and zodiacal light, spectrum of
the, 220.

seen at Nantes, 172.

seen on 5th of April last, 363.
Autocollimation, Foucault's me-

thod of, and its application to
the study of parabolic mir-
rors, 285.
Automatic spectroscope, Brown-
ing's description of, 345.
steam boiler feeding apparatus,
with constant level, 87.
Avogadro's law, as derived from
the mechanical theory of
gases, 213.

theorem, application of to
chemistry, 175.
Azoxytoluide, 170.

BALLOON, on an explosive, by T.
L. Patterson, 326.

Balsam of Peru, 48.

Barometer, description of an ap
paratus for registering, by
photography, the reading of
the, 276.

for use in chemical labora-
tories, description of an im-

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