- WORKS OF SHAKESPEAR IN NINE VOLUMES. WITH A GLOSSARY. Carefully printed from the Oxford Edition in -----Nil ortum tale.----- HOR. LONDON: Printed for J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman MDCCXLVIII. THE PREFACE. W HAT the Publick is here to expect is a true and correct Edition of Shakespear's works cleared from the corruptions with which they have hitherto abounded. One of the great Admirers of this incomparable Author bath made it the amusement of his leisure hours for many years past to look over his writings with a careful eye, to note the obscurities and abfurdities introduced into the text, and according to the best of his judgment to restore the genuine sense and purity of it. In this be proposed nothing to himself but his private fatisfaction in making his own copy as perfect as he could: but as the emendations mul A 2 کو |