Abbildungen der Seite

Avoid chills; do not wear wet clothes a moment longer than can be avoided. Wear a flannel belt round the stomach and loins; make use of plain, wholesome food in the solid rather than the liquid form; abstain from fruit, raw and ill-cooked vegetables, pastry, smoked and hard salted meats, and salted fish, pork, cider, stale or sour malt drinks, pickles, and all articles of diet that from experience are known to have a purgative effect. Avoid purgative medicines, particularly castor oil, Seidlitz powder, and salts. Be very careful that the water used as drink is of good quality. Abstain from stimulants unless prescribed as remedies under medical advice. In former visitations of cholera many persons, both rich and poor, resorted to the use of stimulants-wine, whiskey, brandy, &c., under the false impression that what was sometimes useful as a cure was also good as a preventive. This is a great error.


The Secretary of the Treasurer has turned his attention, in some degree from finance to cholera, and has published a long letter detailing his experience with that disease in 1832. It seems that he attended the sick on a large plantation in Mississippi, and was himself attacked by the disease. He highly recommends the practice of Dr. Cartwright, of Natchez, Miss., as follows:

1. To watch the first symptoms of the disease, and administer the proper remedies without a moment's delay. 2. To administer forthwith, after the first symptoms, a dose composed of ten grains ot camphor, twenty grains of red pepper, and twenty grains of calomel, to be taken in powders, if practicable; if not, in pills. 3. As soon as the dose was swallowed, to strip the patient and rub him gently but effectually with some stimulating ointment, by as many hands as could have convenient access, the rubbing to be continued so as not to occasion fatigue until the medicine produced its proper effect. "The cure was chiefly effected by the operation of the calomel upon the liver, in changing the rice water secretions to those usually produced by calomel, which generally took place, according to my recollection, in from one to two hours after the dose was repeated. The object of the camphor and red pepper was to accelerate the action of the calomel, as well as to rouse the energies of the system."

Under this system, of eighty-seven persons attacked by the disease in one neighborhood, only two deaths occurred.


The National Intelligencer has been furnished by Dr. Thomas Miller, President of the Board of Health of that city, with the following letter copied from a Constantinople paper of October.

SIR-Having been, in the hands of Providence, an humble instrument of discovering an infallible remedy for cholera morbus, even in the most desperate cases, I hasten to communicate to your estimable journal the treatment by which, with God's assistance, I have quickly succeeded in curing the patient. It is as follows:

As soon as the vomiting and diarrhoea begin, put the patient's legs up to the knees in water, as hot as the hand can bear, throw into it six or seven handfulls of coarse salt; let the legs be rubbed

for half an hour by two strong persons, using both their hands. Open the large vein of the foot, and let it bleed in the hot water from twelve to twenty minutes, according to the sex, age, and patient. During this time add more hot water as it becomes cooled, the natural animal heat will return immediately throughout the whole body, as well as consciousness. The patient will soon speak and ask for food. He will be perfectly able to resume his duties after one or two days.

Of sixty peasants attacked with cholera, of whom I have seen several, have been suddenly attacked while at work in the fields; others, after having retired in perfect health to bed, and been asleep part of the night, were awakened at dawn of day with the usual symptoms in the greatest intensity; and although assistance was rarely obtained before the expiration of an hour, or even one or two hours, all have been restored to perfect health in such wise as to be able to resume their business five or six days after being attacked. It has happened, though rarely, that the blood not flowing long enough, the patient has been bled a second time in the arm and not in the foot. In no case has the treatment failed.

A remarkable feature of the efficacy of the treatment is the immediate and perfect re-establishment of their health in all of the patients, who, instead of losing their strength, seemed, on the contrary, to have acquired new vigor.

In future the visit of the cholera will excite less apprehension in the public than an epidemic of influenza.

I have the honor to be, &c.


Former Consul-General of England in Egypt.


The following statements in relation to the cholera in Albany, N. Y., in 1832, are taken from the National Era. We do not publish them from a disposition to support a theory, but in the solemn conviction, as the Republican of this city well remarks, that they "go to prove that the cholera is a disease which is peculiarly destructive to persons of intemperate habits." The distinction between the different kinds of drinkers, in this statement, deserves particular notice:

After the cholera had ceased in the city of Albany, in 1832, an individual of high standing and character undertook the task of ascertaining the habits of every person who had died of that fatal disease, over the age of 16 years, in that city. At the time, a full report of each individual case was prepared and extensively circulated. The whole number of deaths, over 16 years, was three hundred and thirty-six.

Abstract of the Report. Males, 213; females, 123-total, 336.

White (natives) 171; colored (natives) 24; Irish, 108; English, 15; Scotch, 4; Welch, 2; German, 8; French, 1; unknown, 3total, 336.

Intemperate, 140; free drinkers, 55; moderate drinkers, (mostly habitual,) 131; strictly temperate, (all but one committed some ex

cess in eating, that one was neglected by an intemperate husband,) 5; members of Temperance Societies, 2; idiot, 1; unknown, 2— total, 336.

Before publishing the report it was submitted to the medical staff attached to the Board of Health residing in the city of Albany. The following certificate was appended to the report:

The undersigned, members of the medical staff attached to the Board of Health residing in the city of Albany, have examined the foregoing document of facts, and, as such, we take pleasure in recommending its publication and general circulation.




JOHN EIGHTS, Ch'n. Medical Staff.

B. P. STAATS, Health Officer.



HENRY BRONSON, attached to Northern Hospital.

N. B. Population of Albany in 1832, about 26,000; members of Temperance Societies, about 5000.


We extract the following from a letter of this prominent physician, published in the daily papers of this city within a few days past:

Dr. M' Dowell's letter on Cholera, to the citizens of the Great West, or the Mississippi Valley.

At this time the spasmodic cholera is raging as an epidemic in New Orleans, and it becomes all to be prepared for its attack.

New Orleans is now in a most favorable condition for it, and its shock will be felt, probably, greatest there now; but there it will continue all summer, and will be fed constantly with newly venturing victims from the north; while the great cities of the United States should expect it in warm weather. It is now reported to be in New York and in London, but in that latitude it is only sowing the seed to reap a summer harvest.

I have seen a good deal of cholera, and do not hesitate to say, after a close observation and attention on the living, and a close examination of the dead, that cholera is not a disease of inflammation, but of the opposite condition of things. The nervous energies of the body are overpowered and prostrated, and require a treatment of a prompt and powerfully stimulant character.

On looking over what has been written, and the success of each of the thousand modes advised, I must say that the only remedies to be relied on are-calomel, opium, camphor, and capsicum, (or cayenne pepper,) and if the purging be very great, sugar of lead.

This disease may be, and has been, cured by the following doses and by the following prescription, with great success in thousands of cases;

1. Dr. Cartwright gave the following prescription to 600 persons, and lost but two cases:-Calomel, gr. 20; capsicum, gr. 20; camphor, gr. 10-mixed and given when the diarrhoea commenced, and repeated until the vomiting and purging ceased-keeping the patient in a recumbent position, and giving pepper toddy.

2. Calomel, gr. 20; opium, gr. 2; camphor, gr. 10—mixed and given until the puking and purging cease, and using the warm pepper tea as a drink and keeping the patient in a recumbent position.

3. Calomel, gr. 20; opium, gr. 2; camphor, gr. 5; sugar of lead, gr. 2; mixed and repeated until the puking and purging cease.

"Doctors differ" is an adage not without some authority. Indeed, it is often fortunate for patients that they do differ. On the present occasion they have much reason to differ. This pestilence is a great mystery. We must, on all the premises, however, think for ourselves. And I, too, claim this privilege.

On the whole, I conclude that it is always best to have present a good physician-one or more. But as all cannot secure that aid, it is proper that, in anticipation of a visit from the cholera, the following articles should be on hand:-Calomel, Camphor, Cayenne, Laudanum, or Opium-with Antispasmodic Syrups and very exciting liniments, together with the means of bathing the extremities, accompanied with active friction by different persons at the same time. These are means which may be in much requisition.

If Dr. Cartright's prescription had been three or five grains of calomel, combined with as many grains of capsicum, and as many drops of laudanum and camphor, in pills, to be repeated every twenty or thirty minutes, till there was evidence of its affecting the liver, I should have theoretically given it my decided preference to all others, accompanied, as it might very advantageously be, with the heating cholera syrups of the Thomsonian school, as also in spasmodic action with warm bathing, heating liniments and vigorous friction of the parts most affected. But I am no doctor. Let every man be persuaded in his own mind. We have given to our readers all that we deem important on the premises. A. C.



THE 65th annual meeting of this Association was held at Hopeful Meeting House, Hanover County, October 7-9. In the absence of the principal and alternate, the introductory sermon was delivered by Elder J. B. Jeter, brother J. C. Crane was chosen. Moderator, and Elder T. M. Sumner, Clerk.

Mount Olivet Baptist Church was, on application, received into the Association, which now comprises 42 churches, and 13,405 members, viz. whites, 4,342; colored, 9,063. Added by baptism, 669. Net gain during the year, 373. The largest additions were to Black Creek, Hanover, 72; Beulah, King William, 62; James City, 40; Liberty, New Kent, 38; Grace SERIES III.-VOL. VI. 9*

Street and First African, Richmond, 37 each; and Sharon, King William, 35. There are four colored churches in this Association-two in this city, one in Williamsburg, and Elam, in Charles City County. The First African, Richmond, has 2476 members; the First Baptist, do., has the largest white membership-viz. 556.

Hopeful Church is on the upper boundary line of the Association, and several of the churches were not represented. Only fifty-two delegates were present, being much below the usual number. With one exception, the committees appointed at the previous session, failed to present or forward their reports. A report on Sabbath Schools was presented by a committee appointed during the meeting, from which we learn that eighteen churches reported 19 Sabbath Schools, comprising 199 officers and teachers, and 988 scholars. Converted, 27. Five churches reported schools without giving statistics, and nineteen churches have no schools.

The following resolutions were adopted:―

Resolved, That this Association cordially approve of the recent action of the Virginia Baptist Sunday School and Publication Society, in opening a Depository of religious books in the city of Richmond, and earnestly recommend the churches to assist and encourage that Society in this enterprize.

Resolved, That the churches be, and they are hereby most affectionately requested most earnestly to pray the Great Head of the Church to revive his work in all our borders, and to destroy, by the brightness of his coming, the Wicked One with all his power.

The following query was received from Black Creek Church:

Query. Is it lawful for a Deacon to make, sell, and drink intoxicating liquors?

Answer. While we subscribe to the principles of total abstinence, we must leave each church to the management of its own discipline.

The next annual meeting will be held at Beulah Church, King William county, Saturday preceding the 2d Lord's day in October, 1949.

If I am properly advised, the Dover Association is the largest in America, and the largest in the world in its reported membership. Its black membership is more than twice as large as its white membership: thus demonstrating how much more accessible the Regular Baptist gospel to the black than to the white population-to the slave than to his master. There are, however, a good many free blacks belonging to the First African Richmond Church, which has a membership of 2476 persons, probably the largest enrolled membership of any Protestant church in the New World. These, with three other communities called churches, are exclusively African in their membership. That in Richmond is very respectable in appearance, in manners, dress, general demeanor.— They have a white Bishop, who is probably better paid for his services by his church than any Baptist Minister in the State.

The First Baptist Church in Richmond has a white membership

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