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report-as published in the Harbinger-from personal knowledge, but from the testimony of others, as he did not visit one half, and I believe, not one-fourth of the churches in either State; and hence this report is more credible than his, having all his documents and all the information we had previously obtained from writing to several hundreds of the most prominent men in different parts of the States, to aid us in coming to a correct conclusion! But HIS report can be published without objection, which was gotten up by one "irresponsible" man, who travelled a few months in only a part of two States, professedly on other business; and, at the same time, an acknowledgment connected with the very objection we are reviewing, that one responsible man travelled a whole year in only one State, with no other object in view than to collect its statististics, and even then failed to give a correct report!!! Truth is, we never expect a perfect Register, should twenty of the most "responsible" editors combine their efforts to compile it. But with a liberal and fraternal co-operation on the part of but a few others, the work, at its next issue, could be brought so near perfection as to fully meet the design of such a document. Imperfect as it now is, we have on hand the testimony of a number of excellent brethren, that they would not take one dollar for the "crude catch-penny thing," which they received without money and without price. Such brethren are thankful for the document, and that is all we ask-as it was gotten up expressly as a free-will offering. Six thousand readers can bear witness to this fact. The work will next year contain, in connexion with the statistics of the churches, an Almanac for the principal meridians of the United States. We hope the brethren will use every exertion to correct the mistakes which they may discover in the present edition, and add as many churches as possible, now omitted. For farther information relative to the merits of the work, see Millennial Harbinger, (current volume, page 599,) edited by our excellent brother Campbell, President of Bethany College, Va.We should be pleased to have brother Campbell's co-operation and assistance in completing the work for next year.

Brother Hall

Gospel Proclamation, of November.

BETHANY, VA., December 9th, 1848.

On my return home from Eastern Virginia, a day or two since, I saw, for the first time, the November number of the "Gospel Proclamation;" and on page 184 I find an article with the caption "Christian Register," in which you use my name, in my estimation, very improperly, placing me before the public in an attitude which I do not at all occupy with reference to that publication. In law, when a witness gives testimony, it is required that he should "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Permit me, then, as a brother, to tell you that in your allusion to me you have not complied with the above requisition, in that you have neglected to give the whole truth in your statement.

You know that when you first told me of your intention to publish a Register, that I replied it was impossible to obtain correct statistics from the churches;-that I had personally tried it, and had failed. You know I endeavored to dissuade you from the publication, and told you it would result in evil and loss to you. Your response was, that you had determined to publish it, and that you would make money by it, as you intended to sell it to those who were not subscribers to your paper at 25 cents per copy, and give it to those who were your subscribers; that you would thus save your list, as you would induce them to take the next volume by promising the Re ister to them, which would not be issued till the end of the first volume. Seeing that you were resolved to publish, I told you I would furnish you what documents I had, so as to have the Register as perfeet as possible. You know you came twice to my house to see me on this

subject, and insisted that I should visit you at a certain time for the purpose of correcting the proof-sheets of your Register. After some hesitation I consented; and, at my own expense, at the time appointed, I went and found you abseut from home!!!—and you did not arrive at home till late at night; and the next morning I left your place again. During this time I examined the first form of the Register, and told you I had made the corrections on it; not one of which you have made in your publication. The other portions of the Register, a part was in the hands of the Printer, and the rest in such confusion that I could not understand it. You said when it was set up you would send the proof sheet by mail, and I could correct it and return it to you. I never received the proof sheet; therefore, could not correct it.

With regard to my report of Illinois and Missouri, I asked you to publish it. You declined on the ground that it would conflict with the report you had received from brother Allen of Missouri, which you intended to publish in the Register.

Now I think I have just cause to complain of you-in that you rode from your house to Bethany, two or three times, to see me, whom you call 'one irresponsible man,' to get me to help you with your Register, and induced me to go to your place for that purpose, that you were found absent from home, and thus crowded the readings and corrections into two or three hours time; and what is more strange, neglected to make the corrections in your publication, and yet tell the world that I "pronounced that publication perfect, so far as my knowledge extended;" when, at the same time, in your article under consideration you admit that there is a difference between my report of Illinois and Missouri and yours; telling your readers that "he had with him the data which he had collected during his peregrinations through the above mentioned States; and yet, with my data before you and my report, as found in the Harbinger, which you had in print, you publish→→

"In Illinois, 157 churches, and 8573 members.

Missouri, 196 churches, and 11969 members. While I publish

"In Illinois, 162 churches, and 11636 members.

Missouri, 197 churches, and 16286."

If I pronounced your report correct, it was with the understanding that the corrections which I had made on the proof sheet of the first form, and would have made on the second when I received it, would be made before the Register went to press. BUT THIS WAS NOT DONE; for I find 17 errors in one page, and some of them of such a character that any proof-reader would pronounce them such. Again, there are errors in the names and places of residence of preachers, a specimen only of which I can now give, viz.-N. Short, at Newburg, Ky.," has been in Eastern Virginia for several years. "G. W. Elley, Danville, Ky." has resided for some two years at Lexington, Ky. "R. C. Ricketts, at Maysville, Ky.," has been for some time preaching at Danville, Ky., and Elder J. Young was the preacher at Maysville for one or two years; and so I could go on with pages of errors of this kind, but will conclude by saying that I desire to have it definitely understood that I do not, in any way, endorse for the Christian Register, believing it to be full of errors from beginning to end, and calculated to mislead those who depend upon it as correct.

Respectfully yours,

W. F. M. ARNY.

Amongst the many facts and reasons which call for a scriptural, rational, and efficient organization, the preceding statements may be regarded as furnishing some data. No man of any prudence or self-respect will undertake to direct the energies of any rising community, or to prescribe its usages. Should he do so, he will not fail to acquire the reputation of "a SERIES III.-VOL. VI.


dictator," and annihilate his own influence. Even Moses, the divinely commissioned Lawgiver and Prophet of Jehovah, and his family were, when acting under a divine commission, addressed in the character of usurpers and dictators by a portion of their own tribe-"You take too much upon you, ye sons of Levi! You take too much upon you! We are Levites as well as you!" I have received, within twenty years, two letters just of that genus, spirit, and letter-one of them recently, from a wouldbe manufacturer of sacred psalmody, and another from an anonymous caterer for a neighboring editor. But I paid no respect to either of them. They only were a slight memento that we had still, in this new world and present century, a few specimens of the Corah branch of the sons of Levi.

To prevent and to quash, at least to limit and restrain such leprous spirits in any community, there is no cure but a scriptural organization and a conferential appointment or agreement upon all matters of general interest. But on this subject we have some essays in prospect, and will only add that I dislike to place upon our pages the preceding documents; but I do it to prevent other, perhaps still more disagreeable exhibitions of the necessity of such a concurrence and co-operation in all matters respect ing the peace, the prosperity, and the success of any and every community. A. C.


THE Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a burning and a shining light. She is an example of the true progress of a nation-not that barbarian progress in the arts of war and bloodshed, of which such conquerors as Alexander, Alaric, and Tamerlane have furnished the examples; but the progress of human virtue, intelligence, civilization, and true happiness; not the progress which ruins neighboring nations, but that which improves, enriches, exalts, and adorns

our own.

Last year the people of Massachusetts voluntarily taxed themselves about a million of dollars for the support of common schools. There is not a native born child in the state, old enough to learn, who is not able to read and write. In the city of Boston, during the three months preceding the 10th of April last, 200,000 dollars were spent in building public school houses. The high school, just finished, in Cambridge, with two other school houses, cost $25,000.Another, of splendid and costly character, was lately finished in Charlestown. Another at Newburyport cost $25,000. Within the last year individuals have given 200,000 to Harvard College.

The state is building a reform school for vagrant and exposed children, which will cost more than $100,000. An unknown individual has given $20,000 towards it.

The state educates all the deaf, dumb, and blind. Last winter the Legislature made an appropriation to establish a school for idiots. These are the new charities and works of philanthropy in which Massachusetts is engaged. She has already finished such institutions as other states are now engaged in establishing. She is from thirty to fifty years ahead of the age. Following her example, let all endeavor to PROGRESS. Trenton Gazette.


HANOVER, Columbiana co. O., Nov. 16, 1848.

Ar at a meeting held at this time and place, it was resolved to request a publication of the following in all of our periodicals:

1. In regard to the Sunday School Library:-That brother J. G. Mitchell be a General Agent, to solicit donations and pledges for publishing the "Christian Sunday School Library."

2. That the brethren present, agreed to make an attempt to furnish manuscript or such selections as they may obtain for creating such Library.

3. That the committee for the C. S. S. L. in connexion with the meeting of preechers, meet in Wooster, Wayne county, Ohio, on the first Tuesday in May, 1849.

And in regard to the Bible Society—

1. To recommend brother J. E. Gaston, of the A. F. B. S. as an agent of that society.

2. That S. M. Smith, of that Society, present at this meeting, be requested to forward a copy of this resolution to the managers of the A. F. B. S. 3. That brother S. M. Smith be cordially invited to labor in his mission, among our churches.

A. S. HAYDEN, Secretary.

WM. HAYDEN, Chairman,

Dear brother Campbell-We are grieved to hear that severe affliction is still meted out to you. May the Lord of all grace and consolation sustain you in all your trials, bereavements, and labors.

We are making an effort, as you are aware, to do something for the object of the most interest and earnest solicitude of us all, viz: the proper and effectual instruction of our dear children and those of our cotemporaries, in the knowledge and obedience of the Saviour of the world. So far as we have been able to judge, there is a great and growing interest felt every where, on this subject. We feel unable to persuade ourselves to refrain any longer from making such effort as is in our power to obtain a Sunday School Library, as an efficient means to aid us in accomplishing this desirable object. But we find it a very arduous and responsible undertaking on many accounts, and, therefore, wish to obtain countenance, counsel, and aid of all the brotherhood, and especially of those in whom we are authorized to place the most confidence as possessing experience and wisdom in such labors.We have, therefore, thought good, with one consent, to importune brother C. especially to bestow such aid as may be in his power, either by advice, by writing, or otherwise; but at least to give the enterprise his countenance, by addressing the whole brotherhood on this subject through the press. Such notice of the subject as would bring it into favorable regard with all the people, we hope for, and if it should be accompanied with a good essay on the immense responsibility of parents, it would greatly aid us both in spirit and in the hearty good will of the people. We cannot think of proceeding without hoping for the concurrence of our editorial corps, and especially of the Harbinger. May we hope to see, as soon as convenient, in the Millennial Harbinger, that which will afford us the needed encouragement and advice.

And may the Holy and the Beloved endue us with all wisdom and grace to a work acceptable to God and eternally profitable to men.

[blocks in formation]

THERE are several subjects of transcendant importance that have been thrown into the shade because of other matters pressed and pressing upon us, because of our aggressive position. Few seem to realize, if at all to note the fact, that all reformations are positive aggressive movements, and have not only to fight for every inch of ground they acquire in the public domain of incorporated thought, volition, and action; but also to erect fortifications, and leave in their rear, garrisons to protect and retain the captives they have taken, and the fields they have won. They neither cultivate nor adorn the territories they have gained, till peace is established and the legitimacy of their possessions is conceded and recognized. Such, in a figure, yet more or less, is our present position. Our rights, however, are beginning to be recognized, and we must turn our attention to a more efficient organization in several important relations to ourselves and others. Amongst these, that suggested by our brethren in Ohio, is one of primary importance, and we promise them our aid in more ways than one. They will soon hear from me, more in detail, on the whole premises.

A. C


AMONGST the kind letters of sympathy and condolence, received during our late afflictions, we give to our readers the following, because of its likelihood to be a comfort to others in similar circumstances. It was written by my eldest sister, and without the slightest idea that it should ever be in print. A. C.


Dearly beloved brother and sister—

MANY thanks to you and your son Alexander for your exceeding promptness in communicating to us the peaceful release of your lovely Margaret from her long protracted sorrows and sufferings."Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord," and blessed be the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour-the Father of tender mercies,

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