Abbildungen der Seite

Shampoing, an Afiatic cuftom, St Croix, fire at 647

how performed 32


St Helena, mutiny at 499

Storms, flips damaged and de-
ftroyed by them, 54. 155. 658

Shetland Singular Phenome- Stevens, G. A. account of 404
non there 274
Siddons, Mrs, her character
At Edinburgh 330
Slaves, on the treatment and
converfion of thofe in the
British Colonies 317. Ac-
count of their treatment in
many different countries 318.
Worle treated by the British
than any other nation 319
Smuggling: First report of the
committee appointed to in-
quire into it 24. 83. How
carried on 24.

Suez. See India
Suicide, account of an extra-
ordinary one at Paris 43.
This crime more common in
France than in England 43
Sunday fehools, account of
their first institution 281
Taxes on tea and windows,
obfervations on them 339
Tea, its average prices for ten
years 305. Method of adul-
How cargoes terating it 630

are landed 25. Batteries e- Tea-trade, obfervations on it
rected in fupport of it ib. 625
Illicit importation by reland- Ten tribes of Ifrael, their re-
ing bounty and drawback volt compared with the dif-
goods ib. Force employed memberment of the British
to fupprefs fmuggling 26. empire 4

Taxes on tea a great encou- Tobacco; report of the com-
ragement to fmuggling 27. mittee on illicit trade con-
Of the abufe of permits 28. cerning it 183

Of wines 83. Brewery and Tragedy; account of the re
diftillery ib. On malt, can- prefentation of a Ruffian one
dies, and foap ib. On paper, 94

printed filks, licences, coach- Tucker, Dean, his opinion of
es, fervants, &c. 85. Second the disputes in parliament 63
report 11. Third report Tull, Mr, his principles of a-

233.302. 365

Snow, remarkable fall of, at
Paris 47. At different places
52. 53. 54

Soap: Report of the commit-
tee on illicit trade concerning
it 84. 368

Solomon's character compared
with that of K. George III. 4
South-fea iflands peopled by
the Malays 316

United Provinces; K. of Pruf
fia's letter to the states on the
infults offered to the Stadt-
holder 213. Tumult at Rot-
terdam ib. Imperial autho-
rity difregarded 214. Empe-
ror's requifition in confe-
quence ib. Definitive treaty
with Britain 269. Accufa-
tion against the P. of Orange,
and his answer 326. Empe-
ror's ultimate demand from
the States 431. Deputation

of the States to the Stadt-

holder 433. Conclufion of
his Highness's anfwer ib.
Duke of Brunswick difmiffed
from all his employments ib.
$44. Anfwer to the Empe-
ror's demands 495. Austrian
fhip taken by the Dutch 542.
Refolutions of the States-Ge-
neral ib. The country over-
flowed 594. Charge against
the Stadtholder ib. Impe-
ial ambaffador recalled ib.
Emprefs of Ruffia's memo-
rial 646

Volcanoes in the moon 454
Voltaire, M. his memoirs writ
ten by himself 345
Urn, an ancient one difcover-
griculture cenfured 207. Sir ed in Surrey 242
J. Anftruther's fuccefs on his Vulgar errors pointed out 342
principles 210
Water-fpout at Aberdeen 275
Turky; Plague at Conftanti- Wax-candles; report of the
nople 97. Treaty of peace committee on illicit trade con-
with Ruffia 97. 212. Print cerning them 184.
ing revived at Conftantinople Webster, Dr Alexander, mini-
212. Duty on the importa- fter of Edinburgh, fketch of
tion of British goods taken his character 61.
off 316. Plague in Dalma- Wheat exported from Canada,
tia and other places ib. Ter- account of it 262
rible earthquake on the fron- Wines, report of the commit-
tiers of Armenia 494- Fire tee on illicit trade concern-
and plague at Conftantinople ing them 83. 365
ib. Earthquake at Cephalo-
nia 594. Troubles in Syria
and Egypt 644

Spain. Mutual prefents be-
tween the Grand Signior and
King 157. Flota arrives in
fafety b. Account of the
expedition against Algiers 433.
A furgeon afcends with a fire
balloon and is much hurt by Vale, antique, fhewn by Sir
its taking fire 495
W. Hamilton to the Society
of Antiquaries 160

Stair on the national debt 36

Wolf killed by a child of eight
years of age 214
Writing, on the origin and
progress of it 413. Mofes
not the inventor ib
Young, Dr, anecdote of 512

Starch: Report of committee Vegetation, particles necefla. Youth; importance of their

on illicit trade concerning 183 ry for it 208

INDEX to the POETRY, &c.

ADvice to the fair fex, by

Dr Johnson 493
Acroftation, prologue to 644
Air-ballon 97
The Apparition, an ode 324
Ariofto, Hayley's character
of 96


Balloons, on the prevailing

rage for 266
B-gle, Miss, epistle from, to
Mifs L-tch 267
Brooke, Mrs, her ode to Fame

4 X

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Clergyman, worthy, recom- Humane Society, prologue fpo-
mended to a vacant benefice


ken at the benefit for 643
Interview, or Mira's with 45

Two Connoiffeurs, prologue & Johnfon, Dr, his advice to the
epilogue to 430
fair tex 493. Elegy on R. Le.

Cook, Capt. to the memory of

[blocks in formation]

a brother and fifter
miliar, to J. D. from W. G.
428. Horatian 429
Epitaphs: On Miles 266. Ona
hare 593 On G. A. Stevens 593
R Fables. Of the looking- glafs
and orange-tree 540. Of the
oak and the river 592
Fair fex, Dr Johnson's dvice

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

vet 44

Knight, F. verfes on fpring by

[blocks in formation]

Oak and the river, a fable 592
Odes-For the new year 1784,
44. To Fame 46. To Ten-
deinefs 154. To Mr Pitt, on
the entertainment at Grocers
Hall 211. For the King's
birth-day 324. The Appari-
tion ib. Homer 325
Pitt, Mr, ode to, on the enter-
tainment at Grocers Hall 211
Pope, fong by 380

Haddow, J. on the death of Prologues. To Reparation

Hare, epitaph on 593
Hayley's character of Asiofto


D's gift of Ferguson's Romata
history to 380

Reparation, prologue and epi-
logue to 96

Reynolds, Sir J. on his being
prefented with the freedom
of the painters company 592
Ribbesford wood, verfes writ-
ten under a yew-tree in 315
Richardfon's verfes to a lady
who left Petersburg for Eng-
land 380

96. Spoken at Mrs Smollet's
benefit 153. To Runnamede
154. To the Two Connoif-
feurs 430. Spoken at the be-
nefit for the humane fociety
643. To Aerostation 644
Profiitute, verfes for the tomb.

Homer, an ode 325
Hopkins, Mrs, verses on a ro.
bin by 592
Horace, b. 2. ode 4. imitated one of 45





Robin, verfes on one by Mrs
Hopkins 592

Rondeau on Love 494
Runnamede, prologue to 154
Siddons. See B-gle
Smollet, Mrs, prologue spoken
at her benefit 153
Spring, by F. Knight 212
Stevens, G. A. epitaph on 593
State-Wonders 212
Stolberg, Count, two odes by

324, 5.

Thiftlethwaite, A. verses by
on meeting a man with an
oak bough in his hat on May
Thomson, Capt. epitaph by,
on G. A. Stevens 593
Tunbridge-Wells, verfes writ-
ten at on Ld Mansfield 591
Twilight 642

Verfes-For the tomb-stone of
a prostitute 45. To a lady
who left Petersburg for Eng-
land 380. Written at Michael
Bruce's grave 492. On fecing
an infeription on a linen-dra-
per's tomb 494
Winter 643

Wish, Mira's 45
Wonders, state 211
The World turned upside down


Yew-tree, verfes written un-

Reading school library, on J. der 325


N. B. When a name occurs oftener than once in a page, the number of times is denoted by numeral
letters immediately after the number of the page.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Heffe-Caffel, Ps. Dalzell 223

Charlotte of, 554. Darc 662

Boyd 606
Broadmead 167

Frankland 607
Frafer 223

[blocks in formation]

Hodgson 662

Dick 447

Brooke 554

Frenchard 606


Holmes 391

Douglas 167

Bruce 554

Fullerton 111

Macpherson 167.

Home 55

Erskine $54

Brown 335 554

Fyers 335


Innes 391

Ferguffon 334

Bryce 55. 391

Glover 606

M.Vane 554

Irish Fairy 503

Forbes 167

Buchan 447

Gordon 391. 503.

Mansfield, C. 223-

Martin 167

Irish Giant 503

Jauncy 447

Four 447.503.662.
Frafer 662

Buchanan 664
Buckle 391


Medina 607

111. 554.

Meek 663

Jelps 554

Galway, V. 606

Burnet 606


Middleton 663

Jobfon 391

George 662

Cairncrofs 335

Greig 111

Johnston 111. 334 Gordon 223

Keith 391

Graham 663

Calder 606
Cameron 391

Guernsey, L. 391

Miles 111

Miller 663

Guthrie 607

Kelfo 503

Grant 447

Campbell 334 607.

Haldane 55

Moncrieffe $54

Kennedy 554

Haddo, L. 55.663

[ocr errors]



Montague L.C.167

Montgomery 223

Lenox 447

Hay 55

Carmichael 55


Morriton 280

Lockhart 223

Hogfpun 447

Carre 55

M'Kay 662

Kinnaird, L. 55

Caffey 606

Macleod 391. ii Leslie 123
Mecklenburg-Stre-Macdonell 55
litz, Pr. Charles Macleod 503
of, 554

Micklethwaite605 Maxwell 167

Caw, in fome copies

by mistake printed Haviland 504
Law 504
Chadwick 663
Chalmer 55. 167

Hay 55.391 663.
Henderson 335
Hepburn 167

Moray 223
Mofman 504
Mow 213

Muirhead 664

Murray 111. 447.

Nicolfon 504

Norfolk, D. 607

Harding 167

Hare 663

Harland 111

Maitland, L. 111

Mitchelson 447

Milan. Archd. 606

Clerk 55

Hill 334. 663

Mofman 554

Napier 606

Clowes 448

Hogg 223

Murray 280

Ofwald 111

Cochran 504

Home, C. 55

Ogilvie 168. 607

Ofwald 606

Napier, L. 223

Palmerston, V. 554 Cockburne 223

Home 55

Parker 664

O'Burne 503
Painter 554

Percy 55

Cologne, E. 223

Pringle 55. 223

Colquhoun $5

Park 503

Purves 391

Colvill 664

Ramfay 554

Riddell 662

Sophia Frederica, Conyers, B. 55
of Denmark 280 Covingtree

Hunter 55. 280.

111. Innes 213. 448

Penling 503
Pigou 554
Pifa 447

Hope 111. 606

Hughs 168



167. Steill 447


Jack 280


Stormont, V. 447 Craig 55

Jackfon 663

Pocklington 504
Prescot 663

Pringle 504

Robinson 223

Stuart 447

Craigie 663

Jamieson 167

Rule 662

Three 447.

503. Dalrymple

448. Jeffries 662


[blocks in formation]

Ruffel 55

Salton, L. 334

Traquair, C. 447 Day 280

Tufcany, D. 663 Delawar, C. 555
Twenty-eighth 167 Dickson 167

Sinclair 55. 334. Weftmoreland, C. Doig 503

Johnson 663


Jones 168. 503

Purves 223
Quynn 663

Raifton 111

Ramlay 111. 448

Ranfom 55. 606

Kemp 167

Kennedy $5

Rattray 554

Renton 448

Kerr 223

Reoch 280


Slack 503

Smith 223

Stirling 662

[ocr errors]

Douglas 55

King 663

Riddell 55. 503


Drummond 111

Laidlaw 223

Roberton 280


Duff 167

Lamotte 223


Dun. 607

Lang 663

Laurie 391

Legge 606

Thornton 447

Tinker 280

Traill 447

Walker 111



Aged 167. ii. 168. Dunbar III
ii.223.280.334,5 Duncanfon 55
391. ii. 447. iii. Dundas 664
448. ii. 503. iiiii. Dundonald, C.607
554.555.607. ii. Eden 606
663. iiii. 664. ii. Edgar 335

Wemyss 503

Williamfon 334
Yuil 662

Agnew 334

Aikman 55

Anderfon 663


Annaly, B. 223

ALlardice 391 Anfpach, Ps. 111

Edmonstone 111
Edward 167
Elliot 55 663

Elphinstone 448

Afturias, Ps.606 Afturias Pr. fon of Fairholm 554

Lennox $5
Leslie 111
Liege, Bp. 280
Lifter 607
Little 663

Luke 391

Falconer 223.335. 448

Robertfon 334.663
Rollo, L. 213. 11
Roupell 111
Rowand 607
Ruffel 504
Rutherford 55
St Clair 167
Sands 335

Sandy 663

Schaw 606

Scott 504
Scurrah 664

167. Seton 167

Sewell 391
Sharp 280

Lockhart 391
Love 391

Ekine 111. 180

Macalifter 663

Baird 391


M.Dowal 607

Balcarias, C. 447 Austin 334


Campbell 55

Balfour 334

Female child 664

Macewan 39.

Carnegy 280

Baxter 663

Ferguson 607

Mackay 167. 334.

Sinclair 335

Colt 606

Boddam 606

Cooper 223

Bogle 55

Ferrier 555

Firth 167

Mackenzie 111

Smith 280.503.607

Mackintosh 167. Smiton 391

Solomons 447

Dalrymple 606

Bowyer ss

Folter 503


Simplon 607. ii

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