Duke. So then, it seems, your most offenceful act Was mutually committed?" Mutually. Juliet. As that the sin hath brought you to this shame,Which sorrow is always toward ourselves, not heaven; Showing, we'd not spare' heaven, as we love it, Juliet. I do repent me, as it is an evil; There rest. I Ang. When I would pray and think, I think and pray To several subjects: heaven hath my empty words; The general, subject to a well-wish'd king, Enter Isabella. How now, fair maid? Than to demand what 'tis. Your brother cannot live. Ang. Yea. Isab. When, I beseech you? that in his reprieve, Longer, or shorter, he may be so fitted, That his soul sicken not. Ang. Ha! Fie, these filthy vices! It were as good Their saucy sweetness, that do coin heaven's image, Isab. 'Tis set down so in heaven, but not in earth. Sir, believe this, had rather give my body than my soul. Ang. I talk not of your soul: Our compell'd sins Stand more for number than accompt. Isab. How say you? Ang. Nay, I'll not warrant that; for I can speak Against the thing I say. Answer to this ;I, now the voice of the recorded law, Pronounce a sentence on your brother's life: Might there not be a charity in sin, To save this brother's life? Isab. Please you to do't. I'll take it as a peril to my soul, It is no sin at all, but charity. Ang. Pleas'd you to do't, at peril of your soul, Were equal poize of sin and charity. Isab. That I do beg his life, if it be sin, Heaven, let me bear it! you granting of my suit, If that be sin, I'll make it my morn prayer To have it added to the faults of mine, And nothing of your, answer. Ang. Nay, but hear me: Your sense pursues not mine: either you are ignorant, Or seem so, craftily; and that's not good. Isab. Let me be ignorant, and in nothing good, But graciously to know I am no better. Ang. Thus wisdom wishes to appear most bright, When it doth tax itself: as these black masks Proclaim an enshield' beauty ten times louder Than beauty could displayed.—But mark me; To be receiv'd plain, I'll speak more gross : Your brother is to die. (As I subscribe' not that, nor any other, Isab. As much for my poor brother, as myself: That longing I have been sick for, ere I'd yield Ang. Then must your brother die. Ang. Were not you then as cruel as the sentence Isab. Ignomy in ransom, and free pardon, Ang. You seem'd of late to make the law a ty- And rather prov'd the sliding of your brother Isab. O, pardon me, my lord; it oft falls out, mean: I something do excuse the thing I hate, Isab. 4 I will proclaim thee, Angelo; look for't: [Exit. Isab. To whom shall I complain? Did I tell this, Then Isabel, live chaste, and, brother, die : If not a feodary, but only he, Ang. Which are as easy broke as they make forms. And fit his mind to death, for his soul's rest. [Exit. ACT III. Claudio, and Provost. In profiting by them. Nay, call us ten times frail; SCENE I.-A room in the prison. Enter Duke Ang. Isab. I have no tongue but one: gentle my lord, tell me, That he shall die for it. Ang. He shall not, Isabel, if you give me love. (1) Agree to. (2) Conversation. (3) Ignominy. (4) Associate. (5) Own. (6) Impressions. Duke. So, then you hope of pardon from lord Claud. The miserable have no other medicine, But only hope: I have hope to live, and am prepar'd to die. Duke. Be absolute 10 for death; either death, or life Shall thereby be the sweeter. Reason thus with life, If I do lose thee, I do lose a thing That dost this habitation, where thou keep'st, valiant: For thou dost fear the soft and tender fork of a poor worm: Thy best of rest is sleep, (7) Hypocrisy. (8) Attestation. (9) Reluctant. For what thou hast not, still thou striv'st to get; But, as it were, an after-dinner's sleep, I humbly thank you. Duke. Dear sir, ere long I'll visit you again. Duke. Provost, a word with you. Yet hear them. [Exeunt Duke and Provost. Lord Angelo, having affairs to heaven, Is there no remedy? Isab. None, but such remedy, as, to save a head, To cleave a heart in twain. Claud. But is there any? Claud. Claud But in what nature? Isab. In such a one as (you consenting to't) Would bark your honour from that trunk you bear, And leave you naked. Claud. Let me know the point. Isab. O, I do fear thee, Claudio; and I quake Affects, affections. (2) Leprous eruptions. (5) Preparation. (7) Shut up. So to offend him still: This night's the time Thou shalt not do't. I'd throw it down for your deliverance Claud. That thus can make him bite the law by the nose, Isab. Which is the least? Claud. If it were damnable, he, being so wise, Why, would he for the momentary trick, Be perdurably 10 fined ?-O, Isabel! Isab. What says my brother! Claud. Death is a fearful thing. To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot; Isab. Alas! alas! 0, faithless coward! O, dishonest wretch! Heaven shield, my mother play'd my father fair! Claud. Nay, hear me, Isabel, O, fie, fie, fie! [Going. O hear me, Isabella. Re-enter Duke. Duke. That shall not be much amiss: yet, as the matter now stands, he will avoid your accusation; he made trial of you only.-Therefore, fasten your ear on my advisings; to the love I have in doing good, a remedy presents itself. I do make myself believe, that you may most uprighteously do a poor wronged lady a merited benefit; redeem your brother from the angry law; do no stain to your own gracious person; and much please the absent duke, If, peradventure, he shall ever return to have hear ing of this business. Isab. Let me hear you speak further; I have spirit to do any thing that appears not foul in the truth of my spirit. Duke. Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. Have not you heard speak of Mariana, the sister of Frederick, the great soldier, who miscarried at sea? Isab. I have heard of the lady, and good words went with her name. Duke. Her should this Angelo have married; was Duke. Vouchsafe a word, young sister, but one affianced to her by oath, and the nuptial appointed: word. between which time of the contract, and limit of the Isab. What is your will? solemnity, her brother Frederick was wrecked at Duke. Might you dispense with your leisure, I sea, having in that perish'd vessel the dowry of his would by and by have some speech with you: the sister. But mark, how heavily this befel to the poor satisfaction I would require, is likewise your own gentlewoman: there she lost a noble and renowned benefit. Isab. I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be stolen out of other affairs; but I will attend you a while. brother, in his love toward her ever most kind and natural; with him the portion and sinew of her fortune, her marriage-dowry; with both, her combinates husband, this well-seeming Angelo. Duke. [To Claudio, aside.] Son, I have over- Isab. Can this be so? Did Angelo so leave her? heard what hath passed between you and your sisDuke. Left her in her tears, and dry'd not one of ter. Angelo had never the purpose to corrupt her; them with his comfort; swallowed his vows whole, only he hath made an essay of her virtue, to practise pretending, in her, discoveries of dishonour: in few, his judgment with the disposition of natures: she, bestowed her on her own lamentation, which she having the truth of honour in her, hath made him yet wears for his sake; and he, a marble to her that gracious denial which he is most glad to re- tears, is washed with them, but relents not. ceive; I am confessor to Angelo, and I know this to Isab. What a merit were it in death, to take this be true; therefore prepare yourself to death: do not poor maid from the world! What corruption in this satisfy your resolution with hopes that are fallible: life, that it will let this man live!—But how out of to-morrow you must die; go to your knees, and this can she avail ? make ready. Claud. Let me ask my sister pardon. I am so out of love with life, that I will sue to be rid of it. Duke. Hold you there: farewell. [Ex. Claud. Re-enter Provost. Provost, a word with you. Prov. What's your will, father? Duke. That now you are come, you will be gone: leave me a while with the maid; my mind promises with my habit, no loss shall touch her by my com pany. Duke. It is a rupture that you may easily heal: and the cure of it not only saves your brother, but keeps you from dishonour in doing it. Isab. Show me how, good father. Duke. This fore-named maid hath yet in her the continuance of her first affection; his unjust unkindness, that in all reason should have quenched her love, hath, like an impediment in the current, made it more violent and unruly. Go you to Angelo; answer his requiring with a plausible obedience; agree with his demands to the point: only refer yourself to this advantage,-first, that your Prov. In good time. [Exit Provost. stay with him may not be long; that the time may Duke. The hand that hath make you fair, hath have all shadow and silence in it; and the place made you good: the goodness, that is cheap in answer to convenience: this being granted in beauty, makes beauty brief in goodness; but grace, course, now follows all. We shall advise this being the soul of your complexion, should keep the wronged maid to stead up your appointment, go in body of it ever fair. The assault, that Angelo hath your place; if the encounter acknowledge itself made to you, fortune hath convey'd to my under- hereafter, it may compel him to her recompense; standing; and, but that frailty hath examples for and here, by this, is your brother saved, your ho his falling, I should wonder at Angelo. How would nour untainted, the poor Mariana advantaged, and you do to content this substitute, and to save your the corrupt deputy scaled. The maid will I frame, brother? and make fit for his attempt. If you think well to Isab. I am now going to resolve him: I had carry this as you may, the doubleness of the benefit rather my brother die by the law, than my son defends the deceit from reproof. What think you should be unlawfully born. But O, how much is of it? the good duke deceived in Angelo! If ever he re- Isab. The image of it gives me content already; turn, and I can speak to him, I will open my lips and, I trust, it will grow to a most prosperous perin vain, or discover his government. fection. Duke. It lies much in your holding up: haste (5) Betrothed. (6) Gave her up to her sorrows (7) Have recourse to. (8) Over-reached. you speedily to Angelo; if for this night he entreat] Lucio. How doth my dear morsel, thy mistress? you to his bed, give him promise of satisfaction. I Procures she still? Ha? will presently to St. Luke's; there, at the moated Clo. Troth, sir, she hath eaten up all her beef, grange, resides this dejected Mariana; at that and she is herself in the tub. place call upon me; and despatch with Angelo, that it may be quickly. Lucio. Why, 'tis good; it is the right of it; it must be so: ever your fresh whore, and your powder'd bawd: an unshunn'd consequence; it must be so: art going to prison, Pompey? Clo, Yes, faith, sir. Isab. I thank you for this comfort: fare you well, good father. [Exeunt severally. SCENE II.-The street before the prison. Enter Lucio. Why, 'tís not amiss, Pompey: farewell: Duke, as a friar; to him Elbow, Clown, and go; say, I sent thee thither. For debt, Pompey? Or how? Officers. Elb. For being a bawd, for being a bawd. Elb. Nay, if there be no remedy for it, but that Lucio. Well, then imprison him: if imprisonyou will needs buy and sell men and women like ment be the due of a bawd, why, 'tis his right: beasts, we shall have all the world drink brown and bawd is he, doubtless, and of antiquity too; bawdwhite bastard.2 born. Farewell, good Pompey: commend me to the prison, Pompey: you will turn good husband Duke. O, heavens! what stuff is here? Clo. 'Twas never merry world, since, of two now, Pompey; you will keep the house. usuries, the merriest was put down, and the worser Clo. I hope, sir, your good worship will be my allow'd by order of law a furr'd gown to keep bail. him warm; and furr'd with fox and lamb-skins Lucio. No, indeed, will I not, Pompey; it is not too, to signify, that craft, being richer than inno- the wear." I will pray, Pompey, to increase your cency, stands for the facing. bondage: if you take it not patiently, why, your mettle is the more. Adieu, trusty Pompey.-Bless you, friar. Elb. Come your way, sir :-Bless you, good fa ther friar. Duke. And you, good brother father: What offence hath this man made you, sir? Elb. Marry, sir, he hath offended the law and, sir, we take him to be a thief too, sir; for we have found upon him, sir, a strange pick-lock, which we have sent to the deputy. Duke. Fie, sirrah; a bawd, a wicked bawd! Duke. Nay, if the devil have given thee proofs Thou wilt prove his. Take him to prison, officer; Duke. And you. Lucio. Does Bridget paint still, Pompey? Ha? Lucio. Then, Pompey? nor now.-What news abroad, friar? what news? Elb. Come your ways, sir; come. [Exeunt Elbow, Clown, and Officers. What news, friar, of the duke? Duke. I know none: can you tell me of any? Lucio. Some say, he is with the emperor of Russia; other some, he is in Rome: but where is he, think you? Duke. I know not where: but wheresoever, I wish him well. Lucio. It was a mad fantastical trick of him, to steal from the state, and usurp the beggary he was never born to. Lord Angelo dukes it well in his absence; he puts transgression to't. Duke. He does well in't. friar. Elb. He must before the deputy, sir; he has Lucio. A little more lenity to lechery would do given him warning: the deputy cannot abide a no harm in him: something too crabbed that way, whoremaster: if he be a whoremonger, and comes before him, he were as good go a mile on his errand. Duke. It is too general a vice, and severity must Duke. That we were all, as some would seem to be, Free from our faults, as faults from seeming, free! Enter Lucio. Elb. His neck will come to your waist, a cord, 4 sir. Clo. I spy comfort; I cry, bail: here's a gentleman, and a friend of mine." cure it. Lucio. Yes, in good sooth, the vice is of a great kindred; it is well ally'd: but it is impossible to extirp it quite, friar, till eating and drinking be put down. They say, this Angelo was not made by man and woman, after the downright way of creation: is it true, think you? Duke. How should he be made then? Lucio. How now, noble Pompey? What, at the heels of Cæsar? Art thou led in triumph? What, Lucio. Some report, a sea-maid spawn'd him :is there none of Pygmalion's images, newly made Some, that he was begot between two stock-fishes: woman, to be had now, for putting the hand in the but it is certain, that when he makes water, his pocket, and extracting it clutch'd? What reply? urine is congeal'd ice; that I know to be true: and Ha? What say'st thou to this tune, matter, and he is a motion ungenerative, that's infallible. method? Is't not drown'd i' the last rain? Ha? Duke. You are pleasant, sir; and speak apace. What say'st thou, trot? Is the world as it was, man? Which is the way? Is it sad, and few words? Or how? The trick of it? Duke. Still thus, and thus! still worse! (1) A solitary farm-house. (2) A sweet wine. (3) For a Spanish padlock. Tied like your waist with a rope. Lucio. Why, what a ruthless thing is this in him, for the rebellion of a cod-piece, to take away the life of a man? Would the duke, that is absent, have done this? Ere he would have hang'd a man' for the getting a hundred bastards, he would have |