Par. I humbly thank you, Sir: a truth's a truth, the rogues are marvellous poor. Int. Demand of him of what ftrength they are afoot. What fay you to that? Par. By my troth, Sir, if I were to live this present hour, I will tell true. Let me fee; Spurio a hundred and fifty, Sebaftian fo many, Corambus fo many, Jaques fo many; Guiltian, Cofmo, Lodowick, and Gratii, two hundred and fifty each; mine own company, Chitopher, Vaumond, Bentii, two hundred and fifty each fo that the mufter-file, rotten and found, upon my life, amounts not to fifteen thousand poll; half of the which dare not fhake the fnow from off their caffocks, left they fhake themfelves to pieces. Ber. What fhall be done to him? : I Lord. Nothing; but let him have thanks. Demand of him my conditions, and what credit I have with the Duke. Int. Well, that's fet down. You fhall demand of him, whether one Captain Dumain be i' th' camp, a Frenchman: what his reputation is with the Duke, what his valour, honefty, and expertnefs in war; or whether he thinks it were not poffible with well-weighing fums of gold to corrupt him to a revolt. What fay you to this? what do you know of it? Par. I befeech you, let me anfwer to the particular of the interrogatories. Demand them fingly. Int. Do you know this Captain Dumain? Par. I know him; he was a botcher's prentice in Paris, from whence he was whipp'd for getting the fheriff's fool with child; a dum innocent, that could not fay him nay. Ber. Nay, by your leave, hold your hands; though I know his brains are forfeit to the next tile that falls. Int. Well, is this Captain in the Duke of Florence's camp? Par. Upon my knowledge he is, and lowfy. 1 Lord. Nay, look not fo upon me, we fhall hear of your ordfhip anon. Int. What is his reputation with the Duke? Par. The Duke knows him for no other but a poor officer of mine; and writ to me the other day, to turn him him out o' th' band. I think I have his letter in my pocket. Int. Marry, we'll fearch. Par. In good fadnefs, I do not know; either it is there, or it is upon the file with the Duke's other letters in my tent. Int. Here 'tis, here's a paper, fhall I read it to you? Par. I do not know if it be it or no. Ber. Our interpreter does it well. 1 Lord. Excellently. Int. Dian, the Count's a fool, and full of gold. Par. That is not the Duke's letter, Sir; that is an advertisement to a proper maid in Florence, one Diana, to take heed of the allurement of one Count Roufillon, a foolish idle boy; but for all that very ruttifh. I pray you, Sir, put it up again. Int. Nay, I'll read it first, by your favour. Par. My meaning in't, I proteft, was very honeft in the behalf of the maid; for I knew the young Count to be a dangerous and lafcivious boy, who is a whale to virginity, and devours up all the fry it finds. Ber. Damnable! both fides rogue. Interpreter reads the letter. When he fwears oaths, bid him drop gold, and take it. Half won, is match well made; match, and well make it: Thine, as he vow'd to thee in thine ear, Parolles. Ber. He fhall be whipped through the army with this rhime in his forehead. 2 Lord. This is your devoted friend, Sir; the manifold linguist, and the armipotent foldier. Ber. I could endure any thing before but a cat, and now he's a cat to me. Int. I perceive, Sir, by the General's looks, we fhall be fain to hang you. Par. My life, Sir, in any cafe; not that I am afraid to die, but that my offences being many, I would repent out the remainder of nature. Let me live, Sir, in a dungeon, i' th' locks, any where, fo I may live. Int. We'll fee what may be done, fo you confefs freely; therefore, once more, to this Captain Dumain: you have answer'd to his reputation with the Duke, and to his valour. What is his honefty? ; Par. He will feal, Sir, an egg out of a cloister for rapes and ravifhments he parallels Neffus. He profeffes no keeping of oaths; in breaking them he is ftronger than Hercules. He will lye, Sir, with fuch volubility, that you would think Truth were a fool: drunkeness is his best virtue, for he will be swinedrunk; and in his fleep he does little harm, fave to his bed-cloaths about him; but they know his conditions, and lay him in ftraw. I have but little more to say, Sir, of his honefty; he has every thing that an honest man fhould not have; what an honeft man should have, he has nothing. 1 Lord. I begin to love him for this. Ber. For this defcription of thine honefty? a pox upon him for me, he is more and more a cat. Int. What fay you of his expertnefs in war? Par. 'Faith, Sir, h'as led the drum before the Englifh tragedians: to belye him, I will not; and more of his foldiership I know not; except in that country he had the honour to be the officer at a place there called Mile-end, to inftruct for the doubling of files. I would do the man what honour I can, but of this I am not certain. 1 Lord. He hath out-villain'd villany fo far, that the rarity redeems him. Ber. A pox on him, he's a cat ftill. Int. His qualities being at this poor price, I need not to ask you if gold will corrupt him to revolt. Par. Sir, for a quart-d'ecu, he will fell the feefimple of his falvation, the inheritance of it, and cut th' entail from all remainders, and a perpetual fucceffion for it perpetually. Int. What's his brother, the other Captain Dumain? 2 Lord. Why does he ask him of me ? Int. What's he?.. Par. E'en a crow o' th' fame neft; not altogether fo great as the first in goodness, but greater a great deal in evil. He excels his brother for a coward, yet, his brother is reputed one of the best that is. In a retreat he outruns any lacquey; marry, in coming on he has the cramp. 2 Int. If your life be faved, will you undertake to betray the Florentine ? Par. Ay, and the Captain of his Horfe Count Roufillon. Int. I'll whisper with the General, and know his pleasure... Par. I'll no more drumming, a plague of all drums! Only to feem to deferve well, and to beguile the fuppofition of that lafcivious young boy the Count, have I run into danger; yet who would have fufpected an ambush where I was taken? [Afide. Int. There is no remedy, Sir, but you muft die; the General fays, you that have fo traiterously discovered the fecrets of your army, and made fuch peftiferous reports of men, very nobly held, can ferve the world for no honeft ufe; therefore you must die. Come, headfman, off with his head. Par. O Lord, Sir, let me live, or let me fee my death. Int. That fhall you, and take your leave of all your friends. [Unbinding him. 6o look about 2 Lord. God bless you, Captain Parolles. 1 Lord. God fave you, noble Captain. 2 Lord. Captain, what greeting will you to my Lord Lafeu? I am for France. 1 Lord. Good Captain, will you give me a copy of that fame fonnet, you writ to Diana in behalf of the Count Roufillon? if I were not a very coward, I'd compel it of you: but fare you well. [Exeunt Int. You are undone, Captain, all but your fearf; that has a knot on't yet. VOL. LIL I Par Par. Who cannot be crush'd with a plot ? Int. If you could find out a country where but women were that had receiv'd fo much fhame, you might begin an impudent nation. Fare you well, Sir; I am for France too, we shall speak of you there. [Exit. Par. Yet am I thankful: if my heart were great, "Twould burft at this. Captain, I'll be no more; But I will eat and drink, and fleep as foft As Captain fhall. Simply the thing I am Shall make me live: who knows himfelf a braggart, Let him fear this; for it will come to pafs, That every braggart fhall be found an afs. Ruft, fword! cool, blufhes! and, Pârolles, live Safeft in fhame! being fool'd, by fool'ry thrive; There's place and means for every man alive, I'll after them. SCENE VII. Changes to the Widow's houfe at Florence. Enter Helena, Widow, and Diana. TExit. [you, Hel. That you may well perceive I have not wrong'd - And answer thanks. I duly am inform'd, To My husband hies him home; where, Heaven aiding, We'll be before our welcome. SV Wid. Gentle Madam, You never had a fervant, to whofe truft Your bufinefs was more welcome." Hel. Nor you, Miltrels, |