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great deal of fluctuation, leaning fometimes ftrongly to one fide, and fometimes to the other, now pursuing this meafure for restoring the public tranquillity, and then anon its oppofite. In ftead of caufing his declaration of Sept 2. 1754 [xvi. 442.] be uniformly executed, we were informed early last year, that a difpute had arifen between the feveral parliaments and the great council of ftate; and that, after fome difcuffions, his Majefty determined, that the grand council alone fhould have a right to take cognifance of ecclefiaftical affairs. This produced new remonftrances from the parliaments, and much difcontent. In the prefent fituation of affairs, it cannot be expected that we fhould get fo full and diftinct accounts of affairs from Paris as formerly. About this time the King declared his refolution to fupprefs forty places of counfellors, or fitting members, of the parliament of Paris, fucceffively as the gentlemen fhould die or refign, the number of which that refpectable body confifted, having poffibly been found of too much influence in the ftruggle they had lately maintained, with fo much fpirit and conftancy. The Dukes and Peers of the kingdom intended to affemble, probably in order to deliberate upon the difputes between the parliaments and the grand council, but were forbidden to meet. Upon this they caused a petition be prefented to the King, concerning the privileges they had always enjoyed, and chiefly that of affembling themselves whenever they faw occafion. This petition was figned by all the Peers, as we were informed; and it was affured that his Majefty fhewed great diffatisfaction upon the reading of it. No answer being made to this petition, they prefented a fecond, fetting forth, that one of their chief privileges being to affemble whenever the circumftances of affairs require it, the conftitution of the ftate is fuch, that Lewis XIV. and his royal predeceffors, never oppofed their meeting. We did not hear of this having received an anfwer more than the preceding one.

Far in the year a new fubject of ftrife

arofe between the parliament of Paris and the archbishop of that metropolis, the man who appears to have been the beginner and grand promoter of the prefent religious difputes. The parliament having twice fummoned that prelate to nominate a fuperior to a community of women called the Hofpitaliers; he made answer, that being by right prime fuperior of that houfe, he intended to govern it himself. Upon this the parliament ordered those nuns to chufe a governor for themselves; which they accordingly did. On the 19th of September the Metropolitan mounted the pulpit of the parish-church of Conflans, where his country-feat ftands, and pronounced the fentence of excommunication against thofe nuns, and their new fuperior, becaufe the latter had been chofen without his prefiding in the election. He at the fame time published a pastoral inftruction, threatening with excommunication all who should call in question the conftitution Unigenitus being a decree of the church, or an article of faith; or who fhould read, or make use of the parliament's arrets concerning the affairs to which that conftitution gave rife.

It is very poffible, that the Archbishop might be emboldened by what he knew was paffing at Rome on the subject. In effect the Pope emitted a new bull relative to it on the 16th of October, which was afterwards printed at Paris in Latin and French. In it the Pontiff declared, That the authority of the conftitution Unigenitus is fo great in the church of God, and it requires of all the faithful fuch a fincere veneration, fubmiffion, and obedience, that no person can refift it without incurring the danger of being eternally damned; that therefore the facraments ought to be refufed to all who act refractory to this bull in a public and notorious manner; that as to the notoriety of those refractory perfons, it is fufficient that they be authentically declared fuch by a competent judge, or that they declare themfelves fuch when the viaticum is brought to them, or, in fine, that their oppofition be fo well known that it is become a public fcandal. After having mentioned fome circumftances

cumftances which fhould be admitted as evidence that the viaticum is not to be refused to a perfon, he says, "But if any doubts remain concerning the fick perfon, and the fufpicion be weighty, the curate ought, in fuch case, without entering into any difpute, to fet before him, with great mildnefs, and in private, what are the grounds for fufpecting his fentiments, and exhort him to remove them, especially in that moment when the decifion of his eternal falva tion is depending; adding, that, to avoid all fcandal, he will adminifter the viaticum to him, if he defire it; but that, inftead of obtaining mercy at the hand of Chrift, he will render himself guilty of a horrid crime, and eat and drink judgment to himself." Some time after the declaration of Sept. 2. 1754 was iffued, the Pope had wrote a letter, in which he acknowledged his Moft Chriftian Majefty's right to regulate what related to the external adminiftration of the facraments within his dominions. It is not therefore to be easily supposed, that a pontiff of his learning and moderation would have emitted fuch a bull without the folicitation, or at leaft confent, of the French King, who has no extraordinary character for steadiness.

On the 7th of December the parliament of Paris iffued an arret for fuppreffing this paper, and faving to that court the providing in a proper manner against the inconveniencies which might refult from it. The 13th his Majefty went to the parliament-house to hold what is called in France a bed of justice, to which the princes of the blood and peers of the realm are called. Being feated on the throne in his royal robes, he declared, that he abfolutely would have the peace of the church restored, which had been so long disturbed by the ecclefiaftical disputes. After this a declaration was read, bearing, That all his fubjects must pay to the conftitution Unigenitus the refpect and fubmiffion due to it, though they should not attribute to it the denomination, characteristic, nor the effects, of a rule of faith; that it was not meant by the former prefcribing of abfolute filence to prejudice the arch

bishops and bishops in their right to teach the ecclefiaftics and the people committed to their care; nevertheless exhorting and injoining those fuperior clergy to keep within the bounds of Chriftian charity and moderation, and to avoid every thing which might difturb the public tranquillity; that civil caufes and actions concerning the adminiftration and the refufal of the facraments should be brought before the ecclefiaftical judges, in exclufion to all fecular judges and tribunals, who were injoined to refer those caufes to them; yet without prejudice to the appeal in cafe of abuse; that the clergymen charged with the adminiftration of the facraments, fhould not be liable to profecution, for refufing them to perfons whofe difobedience to the conftitution Unigenitus was evident in either of the two firft ways condescended on in the Pope's late bull; thofe clergymen in the mean time not being permitted to put to those to whom they administered, any indifcreet queftions tending to disturb the peace; and, in fine, that all which had been done upon occafion of the troubles fhould be fo entirely void, that the perfons against whom profecutions had been carried on, or fentences given, fhould be reinftated in their places and functions. Within a few days the ecclefiaftics of different orders who had been banished by the feveral parliaments, returned to their charges.

Though we have endeavoured to carry on the thread of that story unbroken, yet feveral other things happened the fame year, at different times, which are well worthy of notice. The declaration juft mentioned to have been made at the bed of justice, was attended with other royal acts and orders, which we shall here relate, becaufe of the remarkable confequences foon produced by the whole in conjunction. The Chancellor also read an edict of his Majefty, for fuppreffing the two chambers of the parliament of Paris called thofe of the inquefts and requefts; and, laftly, a declaration, containing fifteen articles relative to the difcipline of the parliament. At the clofe his Majefty added the following laconic addrefs." You have heard, Gentlemen,

my commands, and I know how to make them be obeyed, and fhall punish the infolence of those who difpute them." This bed of justice is reckoned one of the most remarkable in the French annals. At the reading of these declarations, and also of that relating to the conftitution Unigenitus, the countenances of the mnem bers of parliament, with thofe of fome princes of the blood and feveral peers, expreffed their grief and difguft. The Chancellor next proceeded to collect the votes. A profound filence was the interpreter of those who did not chufe to exprefs their diffatisfaction. After this the registration was ordered, by his Majefly's most exprefs command. The King, in withdrawing, declared again, that he would have his intentions executed, and forbade all deliberations on the fubject. Confequently there was no order or refolution of parliament; but 160 members, by a figned deed, formally refigned their places. Upon this all public bufinefs was fufpended; and the advocates and attorneys fhut up their chambers and offices. On the 20th of December the grand chamber repaired to Verfailles with a petition to restore the chambers of inquefts and requests; but were told, that his Majefty could not grant what they requested, because he ftill looked upon as vacant the offices of the inquefts and requests, who had given him their demiffion. Being returned to Paris, they deliberated upon this anfwer, and refolved to continue remonftrating; but it was affured, that the majority of them were determined to refign their employments alfo, if the King fhould perfift in refufing to grant the reunion of all the members of the parliament. We were informed, that, about the fame time, four princes of the blood were laid under arreft, for remonftrances which they made against what his Majefty did in this bed of justice. Thus food matters in the end of laft year.

Not only the parliament of Paris, but likewife the other parliaments throughout the kingdom were very refractory during the year, with refpect to the regiftration of edicts for the levying of

money upon the subjects. His Majesty having iffued three declarations on the 16th of July, for raifing an additional twentieth penny, and impofing some other new taxes, the parliament of Paris refused to register them. After different fpirited remonftrances by the parliament on that fubject, a bed of justice was held at Verfailles on the 21ft of Auguft. The King being feated upon the throne, the firft prefident addreffed him agreeably to a vigorous refolution of the parliament the evening before. His Majefty made answer, that he had nothing to afk of his parliament, but that they would register his three declarations for raifing money. The members of the parliament remained in a profound filence, and the Chancellor, pursuant to his Majefty's intentions, declared the registry. On the 23d the parliament refolved, that a verbal process should be made of all that had been faid and done on that occafion; in which it should be declared, that they had not given their opinion; that they adhered to their arret of the 20th, and protested against all that was done at the bed of justice contrary to the laws of the kingdom. That parliament made further remonstrances against the new taxes. The parliament of Toulouse remonstrated against the additional twentieth penny in very strong terms. A declaration for raifing that new fubfidy having been fent by the comptroller of the finances to the parliament of Pau in Guyen to be registered, they returned it, with a letter, containing in fubftance, that they did not fo much as think it neceffary to deliberate whether they fhould register it, fince it was abfolutely impoffible for the province to pay the fubfidy. The comptroller-general having fent the fame declaration a fecond time, they returned it again purely and fimply. It can be no great wonder, that during the courfe of thefe tranfactions we were told from time to time, that the minds of the people in general were violently agitated, efpecially fince they durft not, as in fome other places, let the fumes of their inward vexation expire in free talk.

Notwithstanding all these inteftine

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broils and heartburnings, the court of Versailles found means vigorously to testify her resentment against G. Britain, for taking measures to difconcert her scheme of incroachments in America. A great many troops were cantoned along the coaft towards the British channel, and we often heard of fome hundreds of flat-bottomed boats being prepared for transporting them. His Britannic Majefty having formally declared war on the 17th of May, it was anfwer ed by a counter declaration of his Moft Christian Majefty, published at Paris the 16th of June. Whether the French really intended to invade G. Britain, or only to give fuch an alarm as might tend to prevent the fending out of powerful fquadrons to different places for oppofing their defigns, is uncertain. In the mean time a numerous fleet of warships and transports had been got together at Toulon, That fleet failed the 12th of April, having from 13 to 15,000 land-forces on board, who debarked at Cieutadella in the island of Minorca on the 18th. The French ftill make a great noise about G. Britain's having begun hoftilities at fea, without a previous declaration of war, It has, on the other hand, always been infifted up on by the British, that France was evidently the aggreffor, by both invading their territories and commencing hoftilities in America; and that what was done at fea, was only with a view of ta king from a bad neighbour the means of continuing her injurious conduct. And here it is easy to observe, that the French were the first who invaded territory in Europe, and that their troops had actually landed in Minorca before the declaration of war on either fide. All the British forces on that island retired to Fort St Philip's, in the neigh bourhood of Mahon Gen. Blakeney, the governor of that place, had caufed the roads be fo thoroughly broken up and spoiled, that the French were not able to open their batteries before it till the 8th of May. The action which happened off that island on the 20th of May, between part of a British fquadron commanded by Adm. Byng, and

part of a French one under M. de Galiffoniere, in which the conduct of both Admirals was either refented or at least blamed by the people of their refpective countries, has been fo much the subject of converfation and difquifition fince, and must be fo fresh in every one's memory, that we fhall fay nothing of it here. The profeffed defign of Adm. Byng's going out, was to reinforce the garrifon of St Philip's, to prevent the landing of French troops on the island if it had not happened, or, if it had, to hinder their getting fupplies of men, provifions, and ammunition. Inftead of attempting to throw fuccours into Fort St Philip's, the British Admiral fhaped his courfe back for Gibraltar in a day or two after the action mentioned. The garrison at first confifted of but 3500 men, and got no reinforcement. One the other hand the French were from time to time augmented, so that upon the whole above 20,000 of them arrived, and every thing that they wanted was fent them. Notwithstanding this disparity of circumstances, the brave old Gen. Blakeney made a vigorous and a pretty long defence. A general affault having been made on the 27th of June at night, the French made themselves masters of some redoubts which put them in poffeffion of the fubterraneous paffages leading to the body of the fort. Next day the besieged found it neceffary to make propofals for a capitulation. It was agreed, that the garrison fhould march out with all the honours of war, carrying with them their whole effects which could be put into trunks, and fhould be tranfported to Gibraltar in fhips paid by his Most Christian Majefty. Thus did G. Britain lofe a place of great importance to her trade, which had been fortified at a vast expence, and with it a part of her national honour. Some have afferted, that the miniftry of London did not intend to keep Minorca. This they support by obferving, that during the equipment at Toulon proper measures were not taken for ftrengthening the garrison of St Philip's; that Adm. Byng was fent out fo late, with fo fmall and ill-provided a fleet;


and that juft before the French ambaffador left London, he had 270,000 l. Sterling remitted to him, which they infinuate to have been the price of the flow and awkward methods used for oppofing French enterprises. We do not pretend to give any judgment on the fubject. Whatever may have been the views of particular perfons, it cannot be doubted but that the British fovereign and the great body of his people much regretted and refented the lofs. When winter approached, the French troops in different incampments along the coaft of the channel broke up, and most of them retired to the interior parts of the kingdom.

After the King of Pruffia entered Saxony, we were from time to time told, that a powerful French army was ready to march, for the affistance of both the Emprefs-Queen and the King of Poland. During the year, however, whose history we are recapitulating, it did not ftir from home.

According to feveral accounts, the land-forces of France before the middle of fummer amounted to above 300,000 men. In the beginning of last year her navy was faid to confift of 111 veffels of all forts. During last year we had early advice, that at Breft and Rochefort they were building four fhips of 110 guns each; in fummer, that at Havre they had finished two frigates; and by a letter from Toulon, dated Nov. 19. that they had upon the stocks there two fhips of 74 guns each, and two of 64, with two frigates, and would foon put on a fhip of 116 guns, and another of 100. Ever fince the last war there has been a fcheme on foot in France for augmenting their fleet to an equality with that of G. Britain. This was at any rate to have been gradually carried into execution; and the prefent rupture between the two nations, only makes them ftrain every nerve in order to get it done the more speedily.

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full confidence that those countries would be protected by the French against all enemies. This was one of the novelties of laft year. The Dutch troops retired from all the barrier-towns, except Namur, in which alone they continued to keep garrifon.

G. Britain being threatened with an invasion, it was natural to suppose, that the court of London would demand of the UNITED PROVINCES the fuccours of 6000 men ftipulated by treaty, which fhe did on the 13th of February. The French used the utmost industry, by arguments, threats, and promifes, to keep the States-General from entering into the views of his Britannic Majefty. Even before the treaty between the EmprefsQueen and his Moft Christian Majesty was concluded, the Dutch declared, that nothing could be more agreeable to them than a strict neutrality; but at the fame time hinted, that if any attack were made on the continent of G. Britain or Ireland, they might probably be involved in the war. The French King expreffed his furprise at the refervation made with refpect to an attack upon the continent of G. Britain or Ireland; defired their High Mightineffes would explain themselves with more precifion upon the part they intended to take in that conjuncture; and declared, that he could not reckon among his friends, thofe powers, who, far from fulfilling the defenfive engagements they had contracted with him, would make a common cause with, and furnish fuccours to his enemy. On the 2d of March, thirty British transports arrived at Helvoetfluys, in order to receive the Dutch fuccours, but returned home without one of them on board. It was remarked, that the greatest oppofition to the imbarking of them was made by the province of Friefland and the town of Amfterdam while other places, more immediately expofed to the refentment of France, gave their confent. When the province of Holland, which is by far the moft rich and populous, went into that refufal, the body of the Nobles, the towns of Delft, Leyden, thofe of the fouth quarter, and several of those of the



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