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ELEGY on the death of Adm. BYNG.
Atal viciffitude!

Was it for this that Fortune grac'd thy

Bestow'd thee titled honour, pomp, and place, And pointed out the way that led to worth,

To make thy death conspicuously base! Grant me, juft heav'ns! to breathe in defert air, And mourn my days in folitude forlorn, Rather than feat me in Ambition's chair,

If I must live and die my country's fcorn. Yet from the smallest to the greatest crimes Some little share of gentle pity's due. Britons! if 'tis with-held in other climes,

The poor offender claims the debt from you. 'Tis yours to follow radiant truth, to poise The fcales of juftice with an even hand: But then 'tis great, 'tis just to sympathise — Elfe wherefore breathe ye in a Christian land? Since he has paid the forfeit of the laws,

Indulge his friends the tribute of a figh: It will not wrong a fuff'ring nation's caufe; (eye. Heav'n loves the drops that flow from Pity's No longer let revenge purfue its blow,

Nor fcandal ftrive his mem'ry to degrade; Let deep oblivion bury all his wo,

And o'er his foibles fpread her friendly shade. Oh! then (if ye can grant a boon so great) Forgive the mufe, if o'er his mould'ring bier, In kind condolence for his hapleís fate,

She gen'rons drops the fympathetic tear. But if emerging forth from Time's dark womb Truth fhould exculpate his inglorious name; Will not each Briton reverence his tomb,

And future bards immortalize his fame? Thy foes must own, and while they own, admire, O Byng, thy calm compofure at thine end. Too late (thou victim to thy country's ire) Unbiafs'd reason fhews herself thy friend. March 21. 1757. BENEVOLUS,

On the Rt Hon. Mr WILLIAM PITT's difmiffion. "Hat lowring clouds again obfcure our sky,

Wand vail the glories of our rifing day?

No fooner had the golden morn appear'd,
No fooner had its beams our fpirits cheer'd,
But old distempers with returning fit,
Awake our fears, and banish hope with P-.
Difmifs'd, alas! because he would be just,
Be ftrictly honeft in the greatest trust;
OEconomise the favours of the c—,
And make all interefts fecond to our own;
Bid merit rife, fecure of its reward,
And Britons be their own defence and guard.

Go, go, great man! in ev'ry sphere approv'd,
By all applauded, honour'd, and belov'd;
Thy fall but crowns thee with a deathless name,
And lends new wings to thy unrival'd fame.

So drops the fun beneath our hemifphere, Yet fhines as bright, as warm, and pow'rful there; Unchang'd exifts a glorious orb of light,

Though we're invelop'd with a flood of night;

His infl'ence gone, through city, hill, and plain,
What fancies, blunders, and diforders reign!
w danger oft, fometimes of all bereav'd,
With bugbears frighted, willy-wifps deceiv'd,
But filching knaves, and rav'nous beafts of prey.
All nature groans, and wishes for new day,

From my retirement, April 28. 1757.


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Endu'd with ftrength, or fitted him for fpeed?
Didft' form his brawny neck, and shaggy mane,
That shakes its thunder round the distant plain?
Canft' make his ever-dauntless heart afraid?
Or fee him tremble at your paffing shade,
As feeble grafhoppers, that bounding fly
From tread of murd'ring foot, or else they die?
He paws, he fnorts, he lifts his head on high;
And flames from his tremendous noftrils fly.
Glad in his ftrength, he proudly treads the plain,
Arm❜d ranks on ranks but fill him with difdain.
Death-fraughted quivers joy his fearless heart;
He mocketh at the glitt'ring fword and dart.
In vain, with blows repeated, fhields refound;
Raging, in thought he beats the distant ground.
Scarce is the trumpet's well-known found believ'd,
But thinks himfelf by eager joy deceiv'd.
Among the trumpets, he forgets the rein,
Joy fills his heart," and pants in ev'ry vein."
He fmells the bloody battle from afar,
And, joyful, hears the din of thund'ring war.
Edin. April 1757.




Hat fhepherd or nymph of the grove
Can blame me for dropping a tear,

Or lamenting aloud as I rove,

Since Sufan no longer is here! My flocks, if at random they ftray,

What wonder, fince she's from the plain!

Her hand they were us'd to obey,

She rul'd both the fheep and the swain. Can I ever forget how we stray'd

To the foot of yon neighbouring hill, To the bower we had built in the fhade, And the river that runs by the mill! Then fweet, by my fide as the lay,

And heard the fond ftories I told, How fweet was the thrush from the spray, And the bleating of lambs from the fold! How oft would I spy out a charm

That before had been hid from my view, And as arm was infolded in arm

My lips to her lips how they grew! How oft the fweet conteft wou'd last

Till the hour of retirement and reft, What pleasures and pains each had paft, Who longeft had lov'd, and who best! No changes of place or of time

I felt while my fair-one was near, Alike was each weather and clime, Each feafon that chequers the


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In winter's rude lap did we freeze,

Did we melt on the bofom of May, Each morn brought contentment and ease," If we rofe up to work or to play. She was all my fond wishes cou'd ask, She had all the kind gods can impart, She was nature's most beautiful talk,

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The defpair and the envy of art. There all that was worthy to prize In all that is lovely was dreft, For the graces were thron'd in her eyes, And the virtues all lodg'd in her breast. The praife of VANITY. A fatire. Till to be vain is all the art I know, make van happy, and to keep them fo." From this one fource our greatest bleffings spring; The beggar vain, is happier than a king. This lends to trifles all their power to please, From crowns and mitres, down to rings and lace. Thrice happy gift by nature kindly given, To keep the balance of her bounties even. Its magic power each mortal must confefs, Great in proportion as true merit's lefs.

Critus, a poet, fterile, dry, and poor, Who fcarce can tag one couplet in an hour; Whom want and hunger hardly prompt to write, Who eats to-morrow, if he writes to-night; To him, blefs'd nymph, thou lend'st thy powerful With fancy'd merit fill'ft his empty head, (aid, While foft thou whifper'ft in our poet's ear, "There Homer's fpirit! Virgil's fweetness here! "Thy style correct, bold and fublime thy thought. "To what a pitch may poetry be brought! "That fame, be fure, pofterity will give, "With-held by envy while you poets live."

Behold Nigrina, on whofe haggard brow, Deep are imprefs'd the marks of forty-two; Whole body twifted fifty different ways, Baffles all power of stuffing, fteel, and stays; The dentist's fkill Nigrina oft has try'd, With pain and trouble fée her teeth fupply'd; In vain fhe tries with carmine to restore, Her former roles, blooming now no more; While from her mouth the peftilential breath Infects the room, nay fills the air with death; Without thy aid, Nigrina long had been A prey to envy, malice, and chagrin: Upheld, O goddefs, by thy powerful arm, She hopes to conquer still, and ftill to charm; With fancy'd grace fhe treads the mazy dance, With fancy'd art fhe darts the am'rous glance. While fome extol bright gold's attractive charms, Some with for peace, and others figh for arms; While fome in horfes place their fole delight, In focial converfe fome to pafs the night; This loves to fhine an empty sparkling beau, That far from fplendor flees, and idle fhew; This boafts his power of eloquence divine, And that his fkill to form the lofty rhyme: Give me for ever Van'ty to poffefs'; No gold I afk, no friend, no fparkling glass; My foul, content, fhall never more require The courtier's fplendor, or the poet's fire. Dundee, Jan. 7. 1757.

G. D.


A Letter from, Dantzick, dated A

pril 9. fays, that every week confiderable quantities of wheat and rye arrived there from POLAND, to answer the commiffions they received, not only from Hamburg and Lubeck, but also from Britain and Ireland; and that notwithstanding those commiffions, and the great confumption occafioned by the vicinity of the Ruffian army, corn was ftill at a moderate price.

According to letters from Hamburg, fo foon as the court of PETERSBURG was informed that the French army was in full march for Germany, orders were fent to Marfhal Apraxin to put the Ruffians in motion. Their purveyors were erecting magazines for their fubfiftence; and fo foon as a magazine was formed, they fent off a detachment to guard it. Late advices bear, that feveral detachments of those troops had taken post along the banks of the Niemen, in order to intercept the barges which carried corn from Poland into Pruffia; and that fome of their irregulars having entered the Pruffian territory, they had been repulfed with lofs. In the evening of March 17. as the Emprefs of Ruffia was returning from paying a vifit to the Chancellor Count de Woronzoff, a perfon in difguife had the impudence to prefent himself at the coach-door, and call to the coachman to ftop; but finding that the guards were going to feize him, he made off, and by the favour of the night efcaped; fo that his inducement to fo rash an attempt could not be difcovered.

There is advice from Ratisbon, that the King of SWEDEN has declared, that he is determined to fulfil his enjointly with his Moft Chriftian Majefty, gagements as guarantee of the treaty of Weftphalia, and confequently will act in conjunction with the French King, in order to put a stop to thofe evils which feem at prefent to threaten Germany with fo much bloodshed. It is faid, that his Swedish Majefty has been induced to take this step, with a view that France is to conquer Bremen and Verden from Hanover,

Hanover, and then make a prefent of feem to relish the rigour of his fervice. them to Sweden.

On the 23d of March his PRUSSIAN Majefty defired M. Hennin, charged with the affairs of France at Drefden, to depart in three days. The French minifter alledged orders from his mafter which detained him there; but being again required to obey the fummons, he fet out on the 25th, the Pruffian monarch furnishing horfes for his journey, and or. dering an officer to accompany him as far as the frontier of Saxony. Dangerous correspondences have been watched, discovered, and checked. The Countess of Ogilvie, one of the Queen of Poland's maids of honour, was arrefted on that account, but released on her Majesty's interceffion. The Count efs of Bruhl, wife of the prime minifter of that name, being alfo arrested, fhe made light of the affair; and being refolute to fee company, fhe was obliged to retire from the court and from Saxony.

In order to fecure a retreat in case of a miscarriage, Dresden is fo fortified as to resemble a fortrefs. At little diftances forts and batteries are erected, on which ninety pieces of cannon are mounted, and the whole is furrounded with an entrenchment capable of containing a large body of troops in cafe of neceflity. Pirna, where the Saxon army took their ftation laft campaign, has also been formed into a strong and pretty conve. nient camp. Advices having been received, that the Auftrians defigned to furprise the caftle of Konigstein, adjoining to that poft, the King of Pruffia wrote a letter to the King of Poland's governor in that fortress, to put him in mind of the neutrality he had engaged to observe, and to acquaint him, that if, after this notice, Konigstein fhould be haftily taken, his Majefty would attribute fuch an event to an understanding between him and the Austrians. In the mean time a detachment was pofted near the fortrefs, to fee that the governor did his duty.

Some tell us, that the Saxons who inlifted with his Pruffian Majefty upon their furrender laft year, do not at all VOL. XIX.

Whatever be the reafon, a detachment of the regiment of light horse, to the number of 150, deferted in a body; and the like happened in a regiment of infantry. A detachment of Pruffian troops having been sent in pursuit of them, this brought on a fkirmish, in which about 50 of the deferters were killed, while the remainder made their escape, owing to their defperate defence, crying out all the while, that they would neither give nor receive quarter. In confequence of this, his Pruffian Majefty has caused all the Saxon regiments be broke, and has incorporated the foldiers with his Pruffian regiments. When the Saxons defert to the Auftrians, they are sent into fome remote places in Bohemia and Auftria, where they are kept together. When the Queen of Poland was informed of those desertions, fhe expressed her difapprobation of them in the strongest terms, forefeeing that the country would be obliged to furnish other men in their ftead. Accordingly orders were foon iffued, requiring the magiftrates to deliver upwards of 4000 recruits with all fpeed.

The following is given as an authentic lift avowed by the court of Vienna, of her forces in the field, viz. in Bohemia, under the command of Prince Charles of Lorrain and Marshal Count Brown, including the troops from the Low Countries, and the auxiliaries from Wurtzburg and Mentz, 73,608; in Moravia, commanded by Marshal Count Daun, 70,192; a flying camp, deftined to block up fortreffes, under Count Nadafti, confifting of 19,880; making in whole 163,680 men. There are befides eighteen fquadrons of horse and dragoons expected from Poland, which, with the Saxon deferters, are to form a body of referve. On the laft of February the Princes Xavier and Charles, his Polish Majefty's two fons, fet out from Warfaw, in order to make the campaign under Prince Charles of Lorrain and Count Brown. The Pruffian army in Saxony, Lufatia, and Voigtland, was reckoned at about 95,000 men, and that in Silefia at near 50,000, in G g


whole 145,000, befides the troops in Pruffia to oppofe the Ruffians.

About the beginning of April the armies on both fides began to be in mo. tion, in order to approach one, another; his Pruffian Majefty leaving garrifons behind him in the principal towns of Saxony.

They write from Vienna of April 9. that the ftates of the circle of Upper Saxony not having obeyed a refcript of February 1. by which the Emperor injoined them to publish his avocatory let ters, and, within the space of two months, to inform the aulic council of the empire of the execution of this order; his Imperial Majefty has fent them a new refcript, dated April 5. drawn up in much stronger terms than the former. They are now allowed but one month's refpite and if within that term they do not execute what is commanded them, they are to be proceeded against with the utmoft rigour of the laws of the empire. The Duke of Saxe-Gotha conftantly refufes to fulfil what is reckoned a duty incumbent on him as director of that circle; and as in the reafons which this prince alledges to juftify his inaction, the aulic council think they fee nothing but a formal disobedience to the orders of the fupreme head of the empire, they are refolved to make fresh remonftrances to his Imperial Majesty against him. Thence it is obferved, that if the houfe of Auftria and France prove fuccefsful in the prefent war, we may poffibly fee all the Proteftant princes in Germany put under the ban of the empire. That council has delivered to the Emperor their final refolution against the King of Pruffia, by which the fifcal of the empire is ordered to cite that monarch as Elector of Brandenburg, and acquaint him that he is put under the ban, of the empire, and fo deprived of all his rights, privileges, and prerogatives, &c. and that his fiefs are forfeited to the fical.

His Pruffian Majefty has fent a new memorial to all his minifters at foreign courts, for enabling them to prove what he had a little infifted upon in fome former pieces, concerning the defigns form

ed against him, and the fcheme concerted at Vienna and elsewhere to extirpate the Proteftant religion out of the empire. The principal proofs of this are founded on Count Fleming's letters, which it seems his Majefty did not think fit to publish all at once, though he might have done it fome months fooner, being reftrained by a regard to a court with which he was not come to a rupture. This memorial is faid to be written in clearer and ftronger terms than any of the former.

In our laft [155.] we gave an account of a French army, joined by four regiments of Auftrians, being in full march to attack the King of Pruffia's defencelefs dominions in the neighbourhood of the Low Countries. This army had fcarcely fet foot on the territories of Juliers and Cologn, when it found there was nothing more to do than take poffeffion of the duchy of Cleves and the county of Mark, where every place was opened to it; the Pruffians who evacuated the posts there taking their route along the river Lippe, in order to join fome regiments from Magdeburg, which had been fent to facilitate their retreat. The Prince de Soubife, general of the French army, took poffeffion of Cleves, Wefel, and other towns, in the Emprefs-Queen's name; pursuant to which two commiffioners fet out from Bruffels, to make the neceffary arrangements, collect the revenues, and put up her Imperial Majefty's arms, &c. The town of Gueldres was the only place on that fide in which his Pruffian Majefty ordered a garrison to be left. On the first advice that the French were entered Auftrian Gueldres, they opened their fluices, which laid all the neighbourhood more than a league round under water. According to very late advices, Gueldres was invefted, and threatened with a bombardment.

The Duke of Cumberland fet out from St James's at fix in the morning of April 9. imbarked at Harwich, landed at Stade on the 14th, and arrived at Hanover on the 16th, in order to command the army of obfervation which was to be formed, and which they said


nal of it will be acceptable. We take it from the Gentleman's Magazine, as follows.

would confift of between 50 and 60,000 men. His R. Highness is accompanied by the Earl of Albemarle, Lord George Lennox, Lord Frederick Cavendish, Col "Dec. 26. cruifing off the coaft of Keppel and Weft, and Capt. Carlton. Galicia, at fix in the morning discoverIn the mean time they write from Vien- ed a fail standing in. We gave chace na of March 23. that the neutrality of under Spanish colours; and being but the electorate of Hanover was ftill the little wind, we rowed, and by that fubject of fome conferences at that court; means gained on the chace. At twelve that the King of Denmark endeavoured got within gun-fhot. She gave us a to regulate things on this footing; and gun; upon which we then down Spathat a courier was fet out for Paris with nifh colours and up English. She then difpatches concerning the means of ma- gave us a broadfide, and killed three king this meafure practicable. Some men. We did not return a gun till we obferve, that his Danish Majefty is far run clofe along-fide, and engaged her from relishing the fcheme for reftoring till three, when she struck. We found Bremen and Verden to Sweden. Be- her to be the Duke de Penthievre. fides the French army on the Lower Rhine, a letter from Francfort, dated April 12. fays, that 20,000 troops of that nation were advancing from Alface towards the Maine.

From GENOA we have advice, that the King of Spain lately demanded of the republic permiffion to land in one of her ports a body of Spanish troops, and then to march them through her territory to the duchy of Parma; which requeft being refused, as inconfiftent with the republic's neutrality, his Catholic Majefty has prohibited the importation of Genoefe manufactures into his dominions. This fituation of affairs they give as the reason why they have reinforced the garrifons of their maritime towns, and are repairing and augmenting their fortifications.

They write from NAPLES, that corn will be fent from thence for G. Britain fo foon as proper shipping is procured.

We alfo hear from Cadiz and Seville, in SPAIN, that a quantity of corn was fhipped at thofe ports for Britain; that the veffels which were loaded would foon depart; but that fuch as had only part of their loading on board were ftopped, till they fhould fee the iffue of the dry weather, which frequently happens about this time of the year.

The accounts received concerning the Antigallican privateer's prize have ftill continued to be various. As that affair has made confiderable noife both at home and abroad, we fuppofe the captain's jour

Jan. 6. At eleven this morning off the rock we took in pilots for Lisbon, and got within the harbour's mouth; but a trong gale coming on, fplit the prize's maintopfail, and drove her out to fea. We followed her out, and sent our small boat aboard her with fmall fails. The boat in returning with two men was loft. From that time to the 22d we were beating to windward, endeavouring to make Lisbon, but could not; therefore refolved to bear away for Cadiz, it being the firft port we could make; our diftrefs being fo great, the prize not steering, all her fails in pieces, and our fhips fo leaky that the pump was almost conftantly going; our bread almost expended, and not above ten days provifions left; befides receiving advice by the St Alban's man of war, of five fail of French men of war to convoy their Indiamen home. For thefe reasons we went to Cadiz.

Jan. 23. we arrived at Cadiz, but were obliged to perform quarantine for three days.

Jan. 27. the conful, vice-conful, and his clerk, came on board, and took the French officers depofitions; who wrote them themselves, and in the French language; who, among other things, voluntarily declared upon oath, that when they engaged us, they were diftant from the lighthouse of Corunna between two and three leagues; that they did not fee any fort or land, or hear any guns fired.

Feb. 11. we had leave from Adm. Navarro for our fhip to go to the CaG g 2


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