Procrastination and Task Avoidance: Theory, Research, and Treatment

Springer Science & Business Media, 29.06.2013 - 268 Seiten
Procrastination is a fascinating, highly complex human phenomenon for which the time has come for systematic theoretical and therapeutic effort. The present volume reflects this effort. It was a labor of love to read this scholarly, timely book-the first of its kind on the topic. It was especially encouraging to find that its authors are remarkably free of the phenomenon they have been investigating. One might have expected the opposite. It has often been argued that people select topics that trouble them and come to understand their problems better by studying or treating them in others. This does not appear to be true of the procrastination researchers represented in this book. I base this conclusion on two simple observations. First, the work is replete with recent refer ences and the book itself has reached the reader scarcely a year following its completion. Second, when one considers the remarkable pace of pro grammatic research by these contributors during the past decade, it is clear that they are at the healthy end of the procrastination continuum. The fascinating history of the term procrastination is well documented in this book. The term continues to conjure up contrasting, eloquent images-especially for poets. When Edward Young wrote in 1742, "Pro crastination is the Thief of Time," he was condemning the waste of the most precious of human commodities.

Im Buch

Ausgewählte Seiten


Clinical Significance of Procrastination
Procrastination Research and the Behavioral Tradition
Behaviorism andProgrammed Systems of Instruction
Neuropsychological and Biological Variables
Tuckman Procrastination ScaleTPS
Conclusions on Academic Measures
Decisional Procrastination DP Scale
History of the Perfectionism Construct
Procrastination and Perfectionistic Parental Expectancies
Study 3
Perfectionism and Procrastination in LowThreat Situations
The Negative SelfConcepts of Procrastinators
Procrastination Life Stress and Adjustment
Toward a Model of Procrastination and Poor PsyChological
Chapter 3

The TelAviv Procrastination TAP Inventory
Summary and Future research Directions
Theoretical Notions Measurement
Procrastination and SelfWorth
Study 1
Treatment of Academic Procrastination
Assessing the Relations of Trait Procrastination with Agitation
Study 4
A Consideration of Some Other Theoretical Statements
Procrastination andthe Avoidanceof Diagnostic Information
General Conclusion
GeneralTreatment Philosophy Regarding CollegeStudent
Modifying Cognitive Distortions andtheAnxious Procrastinator
Group Treatment
Atypical Procrastination
Psychodynamic Treatment for Atypical Procrastination
Developmental and Educational Research

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