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it shows kindness to those who earnestly begin to CHAP. follow its dictates.

"This is the case of the rajah. Whether from good motives or mere fear, certain it is, he has sent to his people such terms as they never before were acquainted with. He has taken off taxes, which were laid on them in his father's time; he has charged his soubadars to publish them, and the inhabitants confess, that if he religiously keeps those promises, they shall be very happy.

"As to the two articles of betel and salt, he will no doubt relieve his people very soon.

"With respect to the uncultivated fields, we know for certain that many thousand acres lie barren. But this is owing to the small number of inhabitants, which no survey will multiply.

"As to a proper survey made by an engineer, it has been made already by Colonel Ross, Major Stevens, Captain D. Good, and Captain Alexander Read; whether they have only begun, or perfectly finished it, I cannot ascertain. Sure I am that it was undertaken, and I was on the spot with the above-mentioned gentlemen when they actually were surveying."

The result of the preceding discussion in the Committee of Inspection was the postponement any coercive measures towards the rajah, and Mr. Swartz was left to try the effect of renewed






applications of a friendly nature. Alarmed by his representations, and fearing lest, after all, the committee should take the management of the country into their hands, the rajah at length reluctantly announced his determination to do full justice to his people. Rendered suspicious, however, by former experience, they distrusted his promises, and rejected his offers. The rajah then had recourse to the powerful influence of Swartz himself, and requested him to assure them, in his own name, of his highness's protection; and such was their confidence in his integrity, that seven thousand of the emigrants returned at once; others soon followed; and upon his reminding them that the best season for cultivating the land had nearly elapsed, they replied; "As you have shown kindness to us, we intend to work night and day, to manifest our regard for you." The poor people, anticipating better days, exerted themselves with such vigour, that the harvest was more abundant than that of the preceding year.

The governor and council of Madras were so impressed with the value of Mr. Swartz's services upon this important occasion, that they resolved on granting him a salary of £100 per annum, as interpreter to the Company at Tanjore, with a monthly allowance of twenty pagodas for a palankeen; and the resident was desired, in com



municating this resolution, to express "the high CHAP. sense which the board entertained of Mr. Swartz, and the satisfaction they derived from the hope that his zealous exertions in promoting the prosperity of the rajah of Tanjore and his country would be crowned with success."

"In these transactions," says the excellent missionary, ever intent on the great object of his life, "I had the best opportunities of conversing with the first inhabitants about their everlasting welfare. Many begin to be convinced of the folly of idolatry, and as we have a prospect of seeing this country better managed, that is, with more justice, it is to be hoped that it will have a good effect upon the people."

He next adverts to a benevolent institution of a very interesting nature, which the governor's lady was about to establish.

"As Sir Archibald Campbell," he writes, "showed the kindness of a father to this country, so his lady has acted the part of a mother to the poor female orphans. She has formed a plan, and begun to execute it, for educating poor daughters of soldiers, who have hitherto been miserably neglected, or if educated in private schools, were left without protection, and consequently soon fell into the hands of the destroyers. Lady Campbell's plan has the sanction and protection of government. A subscription has been set on



CHAP. foot, and more than 14,000 pagodas are already collected. The nabob has given a very spacious house, which he bought for 8,000 pagodas, for that purpose. Twelve ladies form the committee, and each of them is to inspect a month. Lady Campbell hopes that a similar institution for the education of boys, particularly soldiers' sons, will soon be made. Though this account is but short and imperfect, yet I am confident that it will be highly pleasing to the Society. The plan has often been proposed, but never put into execution till now. Every one who takes delight in the welfare of his fellow-creatures, will praise God for the humane disposition he has put into the heart of Lady Campbell. This is a most comfortable sign, and an evidence that God still intends to dwell among us. When the orphans are collected, and things are put into some order, I hope, as her ladyship has invited me to be an eyewitness, I shall be able to transmit to you a fuller account of this matter."

He then notices the provincial schools, which were to be erected upon Mr. Sullivan's plan; and after informing the Society that the school at Ramanadapuram was proceeding with tolerable success, he regrets that the external circumstances of the country did not seem favourable to the establishment of others. "The petty lords of districts," (i.e. polygars) he observed, "feel too

much oppression; but this it is hoped will be removed, and then those institutions will be admitted without impediment. They would facilitate the connexion between the Europeans and natives, and would open a door to the missionaries who visited them to converse freely with the principal people of the country, by which means divine knowledge might be conveyed to the natives in the easiest manner."-Mr. Gerické, he added, was preparing some young persons as instructors in these schools, and the same plan was pursued in his own school at Tanjore, where several European and native children were learning English for this purpose.

At the close of this letter, Swartz took occasion to request the Society to receive his young friend Mr. Kohlhoff into the number of their missionaries, assuring them of his conviction that he would discharge the duties of that office with integrity; and concludes by thanking them for the satisfaction with which he had read Dr. White's celebrated Bampton Lectures, a copy of which had been sent to each of the missionaries, praying that God would be pleased to open the eyes of the nations, and that the pious endeavours of the Society might be blessed with abundant





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