Me and thy crying self. Alack, for pity! I, not remembering how I cried out then, Will cry it o'er again: it is a hint That wrings mine eyes to't. Hear a little further, Pros. Were most impertinent. Mir. That hour destroy us? Wherefore did they not Well demanded, wench: 135 My tale provokes that question. Dear, they durst not, 140 In few, they hurried us aboard a bark, 145 A rotten carcass of a butt, not rigg'd, 150 138 Wherefore] Why Pope. 140 Dear,] om. Hanmer. 140, 141 they durst not, So dear] they durst not So dare Staunton conj. (Athen. 1872). Rowe (after Dryden). busse Black conj. hulk Kinnear conj. 147 sail] F1. nor sail F2F3F4. 148 have] had Rowe (after Dryden). 150 the winds] winds Pope. Thou wast that did preserve me. Thou didst smile, When I have deck'd the sea with drops full salt, Against what should ensue. Mir. How came we ashore? Pros. By Providence divine. Some food we had, and some fresh water, that 155 160 A noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo, Out of his charity, who being then appointed Rich garments, linens, stuffs and necessaries, Which since have steaded much; so, of his gentleness, 170 Sit still, and hear the last of our sea-sorrow. 152 cherubin] cherubim F4. 155 I have] I, who Anon. apud Rann conj. deck'd] brack'd Hanmer. mock'd Warburton. fleck'd Johnson conj. dew'd Anon. apud Rann conj. degg'd Hudson (Anon. ap. Reed conj.). eik'd Anon. conj. (Monthly Review). leck'd Bailey conj. deck'd the sea with] lack'd. The sea, with D. Wilson conj. 156 groan'd] groaning Anon. MS. (in Capell's copy of F3 and in Clark's of F1). 159 divine.] divine; F1. diuine, F1FF3. 4 162 who] om. Pope. he Capell. 165 steaded] Steevens (1778). steeded Ff. 169, 170 Pros. Now...arise: Sit] Mir. Now I may rise. Pros. Sit Bailey conj. 169 Now I arise] Now, Ariel Theobald conj. Continued to Miranda. Blackstone conj. Now, ire, rise! Jackson conj. Now I arrest Seymour conj. (doubtfully). Now I arrive Herr conj. [Resumes his mantle.] Resumes his robe. Dyce. om. Ff. Put on robe againe. Collier MS. P. rises. Cartwright conj. Here in this island we arrived; and here Than other princess' can, that have more time For vainer hours, and tutors not so careful. Mir. Heavens thank you for't! And now, I pray you, sir, For still 'tis beating in my mind, your reason For raising this sea-storm? Pros. Know thus far forth. By accident most strange, bountiful Fortune, Brought to this shore; and by my prescience I find my zenith doth depend upon 176 180 185 [Miranda sleeps. Come away, servant, come. I am ready now. Enter ARIEL. Ari. All hail, great master! grave sir, hail! I come To answer thy best pleasure; be't to fly, To swim, to dive into the fire, to ride On the curl'd clouds, to thy strong bidding task Ariel and all his quality. Pros. Hast thou, spirit, Perform'd to point the tempest that I bade thee? 190 173 princess'] Dyce (S. Walker conj.). Keightley conj. Princesse F1F2F3. Princess F4. 186 [M.sleeps] Theobald. She sleepe[s] princes Rowe. princesses Clark and Glover. See note (III). have] has Anon. conj. MS. (in Capell's copy of F3), reading princesse. 174 hours] lores Bailey conj. joys Collier MS. 189 SCENE III. Роре. 190 be't] F1. be it F2F3F4. Ari. To every article. 195 I boarded the king's ship; now on the beak, 200 205 Yea, his dread trident shake. Pros. My brave spirit ! Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil Would not infect his reason? Ari. Not a soul But felt a fever of the mad, and play'd Plunged in the foaming brine, and quit the vessel, Then all afire with me: the king's son, Ferdinand, With hair up-staring, then like reeds, not hair,Was the first man that leap'd; cried, 'Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.' 210 Pros. Why, that's my spirit! 215 But was not this nigh shore ? Close by, my master. 198 sometime] F1. sometimes F2F3F4. 200 bowsprit] Bore-spritt F1. Bore sprit F2F3F4. bolt-sprit Rowe. 201 lightnings] Theobald. lightning Ff. 202 O the] Of Pope. thunder-claps] thunder-clap John son. 205 Seem] Seem'd Rowe (ed. 2). 206 dread] F1. dead F2F3F4. My brave] My brave, brave Theobald. That's my brave Hanmer. 209 mad] mind Rowe, ed. 2 (after Dryden). 210 but mariners] but the mariners Hunter conj. but mariners Philadelphia Sh. Soc. 211, 212 vessel,...son] As in Rowe. vessell; Then all a fire with me the Kings sonne Ff. Pros. But are they, Ariel, safe? Not a hair perish'd; On their sustaining garments not a blemish, In troops I have dispersed them 'bout the isle. His arms in this sad knot. Pros. Of the king's ship, The mariners, say how thou hast disposed, And all the rest o' the fleet. Ari. Safely in harbour Is the king's ship; in the deep nook, where once Who, with a charm join'd to their suffer'd labour, Bound sadly home for Naples ; Supposing that they saw the king's ship wreck'd, And his great person perish. Pros. Ariel, thy charge Exactly is perform'd: but there's more work. 218 sustaining] sea-stained Edwards conj. unstaining Hudson (Spedding conj.). sea-staining Spedding conj. sea-drenched Gould conj. 224, 225 ship, The] Ff. ship The Hanmer. 225 thou hast hast thou S. Walker conj. 226 fleet.] Knight. Fleete? Ff. VOL. I. 220 225 230 235 229 Bermoothes] Bermudas Theobald. upon] on Pope. flote] float Collier (ed. 2). 235-237 Bound...perish] Two lines, the first ending that, Keightley conj. 2 |