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She shall not long continue love to him.
But say this weed her love from Valentine,
It follows not that she will love Sir Thurio.
Thu. Therefore, as you unwind her love from him,
Lest it should ravel and be good to none,
You must provide to bottom it on me;
Which must be done by praising me as much
As you in worth dispraise Sir Valentine.
Duke. And, Proteus, we dare trust you in this kind,
Because we know, on Valentine's report,
You are already Love's firm votary,
And cannot soon revolt and change your mind.
Upon this warrant shall you have access
Where you with Silvia may confer at large ;
For she is lumpish, heavy, melancholy,
And, for your friend's sake, will be glad of you;
Where you may temper her by your persuasion
To hate young Valentine and love my friend.
Pro. As much as I can do, I will effect :
But you, Sir Thurio, are not sharp enough;
You must lay lime to tangle her desires
By wailful sonnets, whose composed rhymes
Should be full-fraught with serviceable vows.
Duke. Ay,

Much is the force of heaven-bred poesy.

Pro. Say that upon the altar of her beauty You sacrifice your tears, your sighs, your heart : Write till your ink be dry, and with your tears Moist it again; and frame some feeling line





49 weed] Ff. wean Rowe. wind Keightley.

55 worth] word Capell conj.

walefull F1.

71, 72 Ay, Much] Capell. I, much

Ff. Much Pope.

76 line] lines Hudson (Jervis conj.).

69 wailful] F4. wailfull F3. wailefull F2.

64 Where] When Collier, ed. 2 (Collier 72 is] om. Anon, conj. MS.).

That may discover such integrity :
For Orpheus' lute was strung with poets' sinews;
Whose golden touch could soften steel and stones,
Make tigers tame, and huge leviathans
Forsake unsounded deeps to dance on sands.


After your dire-lamenting elegies,
Visit by night your lady's chamber-window
With some sweet consort; to their instruments
Tune a deploring dump: the night's dead silence
Will well become such sweet-complaining grievance.
This, or else nothing, will inherit her.


Duke. This discipline shows thou hast been in love.
Thu. And thy advice this night I'll put in practice.

Therefore, sweet Proteus, my direction-giver,
Let us into the city presently

To sort some gentlemen well skill'd in music.
I have a sonnet that will serve the turn

To give the onset to thy good advice.

Duke. About it, gentlemen!

Pro. We'll wait upon your Grace till after supper,

And afterward determine our proceedings.



Duke. Even now about it! I will pardon you. [Exeunt.

77 such] strict Collier MS. love's Jervis conj. Malone suggests that a line has been lost to this purport: As her obdurate heart may pene

trate. :

integrity:] idolatry: Lettsom conj.

integrity... Keightley.

81 to] F1. and F2F3F4.
84 consort] Ff. concert Hanmer.
86 sweet-complaining] Capell. sweet
complaining Ff.

94 advice] advise F1.


SCENE I. The frontiers of Mantua. A forest.

Enter certain Outlaws.

First Out. Fellows, stand fast; I see a passenger.
Sec. Out. If there be ten, shrink not, but down with 'em.


Third Out. Stand, sir, and throw us that you have

about ye:

If not, we'll make you sit, and rifle you.

Speed. Sir, we are undone; these are the villains 5 That all the travellers do fear so much.

Val. My friends,

First Out. That's not so, sir: we are your enemies. Sec. Out. Peace! we'll hear him.

Third Out. Ay, by my beard, will we, for he's a proper


Val. Then know that I have little wealth to lose:

A man I am cross'd with adversity;

My riches are these poor habiliments,

Of which if you should here disfurnish me,

You take the sum and substance that I have.

SCENE I. The frontiers...forest.] Capell.

A forest. Rowe. A forest, leading towards Mantua. Theobald.

Enter certain Outlaws.] Rowe.

Enter Valentine, Speed, and certaine
Out-lawes. Ff.

2 shrink shrinkd F2.

Enter...] Rowe. om. Ff.

4 you sit] F1F2. you sir F3F4 you, sir Capell (Errata).


5 Sir] O sir Capell.



6 do] om. Pope, who prints lines 5 and 6 as prose.

7 friends,-] Theobald. friends. Ff.

9 Peace! Peace, peace! Capell read

ing Peace...will we, as one line.

10 he's] Capell. he is Ff.

11 little wealth] F1. little FF3F4 little left Hanmer.


Sec. Out. Whither travel you?
Val. To Verona.

First Out. Whence came you?
Val. From Milan.

Third Out.


Have you long sojourned there? Val. Some sixteen months, and longer might have


If crooked fortune had not thwarted me.

First Out. What, were you banish'd thence?

Val. I was.

Sec. Out. For what offence?


Val. For that which now torments me to rehearse:

I kill'd a man, whose death I much repent;

But yet I slew him manfully in fight,

Without false vantage or base treachery.

First Out. Why, ne'er repent it, if it were done so. 30

But were you banish'd for so small a fault?

Val. I was, and held me glad of such a doom.

Sec. Out. Have you the tongues?

Val. My youthful travel therein made me happy,

Or else I often had been miserable.


Third Out. By the bare scalp of Robin Hood's fat friar,

This fellow were a king for our wild faction!

First Out. We'll have him. Sirs, a word.

Speed. Master, be one of them; it's an honourable kind of thievery.


18 Whence] And whence Capell, who

[talke apart. Collier MS.

reads 16-20 as two lines ending 39, 40 it's...thievery] As in Pope. As came you?...there?

35 I often had been] F2. I often had beene often F1. often had been F3 F4 I had been often Collier.

38 Sirs] Sir Hudson (S. Walker conj.).

a verse in Ff. It is a kind of honourable thievery Steevens (1778). It is an honourable kind of thievery Steevens (1793).

Val. Peace, villain!

Sec. Out. Tell us this: have you any thing to take to? Val. Nothing but my fortune.

Third Out. Know, then, that some of us are gentlemen,

Such as the fury of ungovern'd youth
Thrust from the company of awful men:
Myself was from Verona banished

For practising to steal away a lady,
An heir, and near allied unto the duke.


Sec. Out. And I from Mantua, for a gentleman, 50 Who, in my mood, I stabb'd unto the heart.

First Out. And I for such like petty crimes as these.

But to the purpose, for we cite our faults,
That they may hold excused our lawless lives;

And partly, seeing you are beautified

With goodly shape, and by your own report

A linguist, and a man of such perfection

As we do in our quality much want,

Sec. Out. Indeed, because you are a banish'd man,

Therefore, above the rest, we parley to you:

Are you content to be our general?

To make a virtue of necessity,

And live, as we do, in this wilderness?



Third Out. What say'st thou? wilt thou be of our con


Say ay, and be the captain of us all:

We'll do thee homage and be ruled by thee,

Love thee as our commander and our king.


42 thing] F1. things F2F3F4

46 awful lawful Heath conj.

49 An heir, and near allied] Theobald.

And heire and Neece, alide F1. And

heire and Neece, allide F2. An heir,

and Neice allide F3. An Heir, and

Neece allid F4.

51 Who] Whom Pope.

58 want,


want; - Theobald. want.

60 Therefore] F1F2. There F3F4-
63 this] F1. the F2F3F4

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