Pro. But how camest thou by this ring? At my depart I gave this unto Julia. Jul. And Julia herself did give it me; And Julia herself hath brought it hither. 100 Jul. Behold her that gave aim to all thy oaths, And entertain'd 'em deeply in her heart. How oft hast thou with perjury cleft the root! O Proteus, let this habit make thee blush! 105 In a disguise of love: It is the lesser blot, modesty finds, Women to change their shapes than men their minds. Pro. Than men their minds! 'tis true. O heaven, were man 110 But constant, he were perfect! That one error What is in Silvia's face, but I may spy 115 Val. Come, come, a hand from either: Let me be blest to make this happy close; 'Twere pity two such friends should be long foes. Pro. Bear witness, Heaven, I have my wish for ever. Jul. And I mine. 120 96 But] om. Pope. 100 [discouers her selfe. Collier MS. 102 'em] them Capell. 103 root] root on't Hanmer. roof Kerslake conj. 107 In a disguise of love] Transferred to the beginning of the speech, Taylor conj. MS. 112 all the sins] all th' sins Ff. all sins Pope. 113 Inconstancy] In constancy Hutchesson conj. MS. 118 be long long be Pope. 120-122 And I... Forbear,] As one line of verse, Dyce, ed. 2. 120 And] om. Dyce conj. And I mine] And I have mine Enter Outlaws, with DUKE and THURIO. Outlaws. A prize, a prize, a prize! Val. Forbear, forbear, I say! it is my lord the duke. Your Grace is welcome to a man disgraced, Thu. Yonder is Silvia; and Silvia's mine. 125 Come not within the measure of my wrath; Take but possession of her with a touch: 130 Thu. Sir Valentine, I care not for her, I: I hold him but a fool that will endanger 135 Duke. The more degenerate and base art thou, I do applaud thy spirit, Valentine, 140 121 SCENE V. Pope. Enter...] Theobald. Enter Duke, 122 Forbear, forbear, I say!] Forbear, forbear...duke] One line, S. Walker 124 Banished] The banish'd Pope. not behold Theobald. And Milan thee.] me. Wagner conj. thee; Perring conj. Cancel all grudge, repeal thee home again, 145 Val. I thank your grace; the gift hath made me happy. I now beseech you, for your daughter's sake, 150 Duke. I grant it, for thine own, whate'er it be. Are men endued with worthy qualities: 155 They are reformed, civil, full of good, And fit for great employment, worthy lord. 160 Val. And, as we walk along, I dare be bold With our discourse to make your Grace to smile. What think you of this page, my lord? Duke. I think the boy hath grace in him; he blushes. Val. I warrant you, my lord, more grace than boy. 166 Duke. What mean you by that saying? Val. Please you, I'll tell you as we pass along, That you will wonder what hath fortuned. 143 grudge] grudge' S. Walker conj. again,] again. Steevens (Tyrwhitt conj.). 144 unrival'd] vn-riual'd F1. arrival'd F2F3F4 156 reformed] F1. reform'd F2F3F4 160 include] conclude Hanmer. 161 rare] F1. all F2F3F4 164 page] stripling page Collier, ed. 2 (Collier MS.). lord] worthy lord S. Walker conj. noble lord Hudson conj. 165 blushes] blushes so Taylor conj. MS., reading the as one line. 167 saying? saying, Valentine? Collier, ed. 2 (Collier MS.). Come, Proteus; 'tis your penance but to hear 170 171 loves discovered] love discovered Pope. Loves discoverer Collier MS. Loves discovery Collier MS. (obliterated). 172, 173 That...happiness] Spoken by the Duke, Williams conj. [Exeunt. 172 That done, our...yours] Our day of marriage shall be yours no lesse Collier MS. NOTES. NOTE I. DRAMATIS PERSONE. We have followed Steevens and the later editors in reading 'Proteus' for 'Protheus'; for though the latter form is invariably used in the Folios, and was, in all probability, what Shakespeare wrote, yet in choosing the name he doubtless meant to compare the fickle mind of the lover with the changeable form of the god. We have written 'Panthino,' not 'Panthion,' because the authority of the first Folio preponderates in favour of the former, in itself the more probable form of an Italian proper name. 'Panthion' occurs in F1, among 'the names of all the actors,' and in a stage direction at the beginning of Act II. Sc. 2, but never in the text. 'Panthino' is found twice in the text, and once in a stage direction at the beginning of Act 1. Sc. 3. The blunder 'Panthmo, 1. 3. 76, which is the reading of F1, shows that the original MS. had 'Panthino,' not 'Panthion.' NOTE II. 19 1. 1. 28 sqq. Mr Sidney Walker (Criticisms on Shakespeare, III. p. 9) says we ought 'perhaps' to read 'No, I will not, for it boots not.' Doubtless he meant also to re-arrange the following lines, and so get rid of the Alexandrine at 30; thus: In love, where scorn is bought with groans; coy looks With heart-sore sighs; one fading moment's mirth,' &c. VOL. I. 13 |