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Re-enter RUGBY.

Rug. Out, alas! here comes my master.

Quick. We shall all be shent. Run in here, good young man; go into this closet: he will not stay long. [Shuts Simple in the closet.] What, John Rugby! John! what, John, I say! Go, John, go inquire for my master; I doubt he be not well, that he comes not home.

[Singing] And down, down, adown-a, &c.



Caius. Vat is you sing? I do not like des toys. Pray you, go and vetch me in my closet un boitier vert, -a box, a green-a box: do intend vat I speak? a green-a box.


Quick. Ay, forsooth; I'll fetch it you. [Aside] I am glad he went not in himself: if he had found the young man, he would have been horn-mad.

Caius. Fe, fe, fe, fe! ma foi, il fait fort chaud. Je m'en vais à la cour, -la grande affaire.

Quick. Is it this, sir?


Caius. Oui; mette le au mon pocket: dépêche, quickly.

Vere is dat knave Rugby?

Re-enter...] Re-enter Rugby, hastily.

Capell. Enter Rugby. Rowe.

32 [Exit. Grant White.


34, 35 [Shuts S. in the closet.] Rowe.

35 Rugby] Rugabie Grant White (and elsewhere).

38 Enter...] Rowe. om. FfQ3.

39 SCENE X. Pope.

des toys] F3F4. des-toyes F1Q3F2. dese toys Theobald.

40 closet] closset Grant White (and elsewhere).

un boitier] Rowe. vnboyteene F1Q3F2.

unboyteen, F3F4

vert] Dyce. verd Ff Q3.

41 speak? a green-a box] speake? greene

a-Box Q3.

42 [Aside] Pope.

45, 46 ma foi...affaire] Rowe. mai (moi

F2F3F4) foy, il fait for ehando, Ie

man voi a le Court la grand affaires. FfQ3.

48 mette] mettez Theobald.

dépêche] de-peech FfQ3. Depéchez Theobald.

quickly] Quickly Rowe.

Quick. What, John Rugby! John!

Rug. Here, Sir!


Caius. You are John Rugby, and you are Jack Rugby. Come, take-a your rapier, and come after my heel to the


Rug. 'Tis ready, sir, here in the porch.


Caius. By my trot, I tarry too long. Od's me! Qu'aij'oublié! dere is some simples in my closet, dat I vill not for the varld I shall leave behind.

Quick. Ay me, he'll find the young man there, and be mad!



Caius. O diable, diable! vat is in my closet?

larron! [Pulling Simple out.] Rugby, my rapier!

Quick. Good master, be content.


Wherefore shall I be content-a?

Quick. The young man is an honest man.
Caius. What shall de honest man do in my closet?


dere is no honest man dat shall come in my closet.

Quick. I beseech you, be not so phlegmatic. Hear the truth of it: he came of an errand to me from Parson Hugh. Caius. Vell.


Sim. Ay, forsooth; to desire her to

Quick. Peace, I pray you.

Caius. Peace-a your tongue. Speak-a your tale. Sim. To desire this honest gentlewoman, your maid, to speak a good word to Mistress Anne Page for my master in the way of marriage.


52 Jack Rugby] Jack Rogoby Halliwell. Jack Rogue-by Grant White.

53 take-a] take Q3.

53, 58 the] de Capell.

56, 57 Qu'ai-j'oublié! Quay j'oublié Johnson. Que ay je oublié Theobald.

que ay ie oublie FfQ3.

57 vill] will F2F3F4

61 Villain] Q3. Villanie Ff.

62 larron] La-roone FfQ3

[Pulling S. out.) Pulls Simple out of the Closet. Theobald.

64 Wherefore] Verfore Hanmer. 64, 67 shall] F1Q3. should F2F3F4 66 What] Vat Hanmer.

67 dere] here Q3

Quick. This is all, indeed, la! but I'll ne'er put my finger in the fire, and need not.

Caius. Sir Hugh send-a you? Rugby, baille me some paper. Tarry you a little-a while. [Writes. 80

Quick. [Aside to Simple] I am glad he is so quiet: if he had been throughly moved, you should have heard him so loud and so melancholy. But notwithstanding, man, I'll do you your master what good I can : and the very yea and the no is, the French doctor, my master, -I may call him my master, look you, for I keep his house; and I wash, wring, brew, bake, scour, dress meat and drink, make the beds, and do all myself,


[Aside to Quickly] 'Tis a great charge to come under

one body's hand.


Quick. [Aside to Simple] Are you avised o' that? you shall find it a great charge: and to be up early and down late ;but notwithstanding, -to tell you in your ear; I would have no words of it, -my master himself is in love with Mistress Anne Page: but notwithstanding that, I know Anne's mind, that's neither here nor there.


Caius. You jack'nape, give-a this letter to Sir Hugh; by gar, it is a shallenge: I will cut his troat in de park; and I will teach a scurvy jack-a-nape priest to meddle or make. You may be gone; it is not good you tarry here. By gar, I will cut all his two stones; by gar, he shall not have a stone to throw at his dog. [Exit Simple. 102

Quick. Alas, he speaks but for his friend.

78 and need not] indeed not I Hanmer.

79 baille] Clark and Glover. ballow

FfQ3. baillez Theobald.

80 [Writes.] Sitting down to write. Capell. Exit. Collier MS.

81, 89, 91 [Aside...] Clark and Glover.

84 do you] doe yoe F1Q3. doe for F2. do for F3F4. do Capell.

85 the French] Ff. that French Q3. 87 wring] Rowe (ed. 2). ring FfQ3.

96 [Enter wt a letter Caius. Collier MS.

97 give-a] F1Q3. givie-a F2F3F4

98, 99, 101 will] vill Pope.

102 throw] F1Q3. trow F2F3F4

[Exit Simple.] Rowe.

Caius. It is no matter-a ver dat:-do not you tell-a me dat I shall have Anne Page for myself? -By gar, I vill kill de Jack priest; and I have appointed mine host of de Jarteer to measure our weapon.-By gar, I will myself have Anne Page.


Quick. Sir, the maid loves you, and all shall be well. We must give folks leave to prate: what, the good-jer! Caius. Rugby, come to the court with me. By gar, if I have not Anne Page, I shall turn your head out of my door. Follow my heels, Rugby. [Exeunt Caius and Rugby. 113

Quick. You shall have An fool's-head of your own. No, I know Anne's mind for that: never a woman in Windsor knows more of Anne's mind than I do; nor can do more than I do with her, I thank heaven.

Fent. [Within] Who's within there? ho! Quick. Who's there, I trow? Come near the house, I pray you.



Fent. How now, good woman! how dost thou?
Quick. The better that it pleases your good worship

to ask.

Fent. What news? how does pretty Mistress Anne?

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

114 You shall have An fool's-head] You shall have An-fooles head Ff. You shall have Anne-[Exeunt Caius

and Rugby]-fool's head Daniel conj.

110 good-jer] F2F3F4. good-ier F1. gou

jeres Hanmer. goujere Johnson.

good year Capell.

111 the] de Capell.

with] vith Pope. vit Capell.

112 my] om. Capell (corrected in Er


113 [Exeunt...] Rowe. Exit wth Rugby.
Collier MS.

117 do with] can with Hanmer.
118 [Within] Rowe.

119 1 trow] Rowe. I troa FfQ3. trow

So quoted by S. Walker.

120 Enter...] Enter Mr Fenton. Rowe.

om. Ff.

121 SCENE XI. Pope.

123 ask.] F4 aske? F1Q3F2F3.

Quick. In truth, sir, and she is pretty, and honest, and gentle; and one that is your friend, I can tell you that by the way; I praise heaven for it.


Fent. Shall I do any good, think'st thou? shall I not lose my suit?


Quick. Troth, sir, all is in his hands above: but notwithstanding, Master Fenton, I'll be sworn on a book, she loves you. Have not your worship a wart above your eye? Fent. Yes, marry, have I; what of that? Quick. Well, thereby hangs a tale: -good faith, it is such another Nan; but, I detest, an honest maid as ever broke bread: -we had an hour's talk of that wart. - I shall never laugh but in that maid's company! -But, indeed, she is given too much to allicholy and musing: but for youwell, go to.


Fent. Well, I shall see her to-day. Hold, there's money for thee; let me have thy voice in my behalf: if thou seest her before me, commend me.

Quick. Will I? i' faith, that we will; and I will tell your worship more of the wart the next time we have confidence; and of other wooers.


Fent. Well, farewell; I am in great haste now. Quick. Farewell to your worship. [Exit Fenton.] Truly, an honest gentleman: but Anne loves him not; for I know Anne's mind as well as another does. -Out upon't! what have I forgot?

[Exit. 150

132 above] about Steevens.

133 what of that?] and what of that?

Rowe (ed. 2).

143 we will] I will Hanmer.

147 [Exit Fenton.] Exit. Rowe (after

line 146). om. FfQ3

148 for] om. Rowe (ed. 2).

150 forgot?] forgot. F1Q3.

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