May call it back again. Well, believe this, Not the king's crown, nor the deputed sword, If he had been as you, and you as he, You would have slipt like him; but he, like you, Ang. Pray you, be gone. Isab. I would to heaven I had your potency, And you were Isabel! should it then be thus? No; I would tell what 'twere to be a judge, And what a prisoner. 60 65 Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] Ay, touch him; there's the vein. 70 Ang. Your brother is a forfeit of the law, And you but waste your words. Isab. Alas, alas! Why, all the souls that were were forfeit once; Like man new made. Ang. Be you content, fair maid; It is the law, not I condemn your brother : 75 80 58 back] FF3F4. om. F1. Well,] and Hanmer. Well, believe] Well believe Theobald. 59 'longs] Theobald. longs Ff. belongs Rowe (ed. 2). 62 with one] not with So quoted by Keightley. 63, 64 As...he,] As in Capell. One line in Ff. 63-66 As...stern.] Three lines, ending you,...him,...stern, in Pope. 70, &c. [Aside to Isab.] Collier. Aside. Johnson. 73 that were] that are Warburton. 76 top] God Collier MS. 80 condemn] condemns Rowe. Were he my kinsman, brother, or my son, Isab. To-morrow! O, that's sudden! Spare him, spare him! He's not prepared for death. Even for our kitchens To our gross selves? Good, good my lord, bethink you; There's many have committed it. Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] Ay, well said. Ang. The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept: Those many had not dared to do that evil, Had answer'd for his deed: now 'tis awake, Takes note of what is done; and, like a prophet, Looks in a glass, that shows what future evils, And so in progress to be hatch'd and born, Are now to have no successive degrees, But, ere they live, to end. Isab. Yet show some pity. 91 95 Ang. I show it most of all when I show justice; 100 For then I pity those I do not know, 82 must die] dies Pope. 83 Printed as two lines in Ff, the first ending sudden. 85 shall we serve] serve we Pope. the edict first Anon. conj. the first the first, Ff. the first man Pope. he, the first Capell (Tyrwhitt conj.). the first one Collier, ed. 2 (Collier MS.). but the first Grant White. the first he Spedding conj. that the first Dyce, ed. 2 (S. Walker conj.). the first that he who first Davenant's version. did the edict] the edict did Keightley. 95 that shows what] which shews that Hanmer. 96 Either now] Or new Pope. Either new Dyce (Collier MS.). Either now born Keightley. 99 ere] Hanmer. here Ff. where Malone. Which a dismiss'd offence would after gall; Lives not to act another. Be satisfied; Your brother dies to-morrow; be content. 105 Isab. So you must be the first that gives this sen tence, And he, that suffers. O, it is excellent To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous To use it like a giant. Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] That's well said. Isab. Could great men thunder As Jove himself does, Jove would ne'er be quiet, For every pelting, petty officer Would use his heaven for thunder. 110 115 Split'st the unwedgeable and gnarled oak Drest in a little brief authority, Most ignorant of what he's most assured, Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven 120 Would all themselves laugh mortal. 104 Be] Then be Pope. 107 it is] 'tis Pope. 108 it is] om. Hanmer. 110 men] man Staunton conj. (Athen. 1872). 117 myrtle] Pope. Mertill F1F2F3. Mertil F4. Mirtle Rowe. yielding myrtle Keightley. but] F1. O but F2F3F4. but a Hudson conj. (doubtfully). 111 ne'er] neuer F1. 113 Would] Incessantly would Han mer. 113, 114 Would...but thunder!] One line in Steevens. 114 Heaven] sweet Heaven Hanmer. 116 Splitst] Splits F1. proud] weak, proud Malone conj. 119 assured] assur'd of Keightley. 120 glassy] grassy Lloyd conj. ghostly Gould conj. 122 make] Steevens. makes Ff. 123 all themselves laugh] laugh them selves all Keightley conj. Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] O, to him, to him, wench! he will relent; He's coming; I perceive 't. [Aside] Pray heaven she win him! 125 Isab. We cannot weigh our brother with ourself: Great men may jest with saints; 'tis wit in them, But in the less foul profanation, Lucio. Thou'rt i' the right, girl; more o' that. Which in the soldier is flat blasphemy. Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] Art avised o' that? more on't. 135 Let it not sound a thought upon your tongue Ang. [Aside] She speaks, and 'tis 140 Such sense, that my sense breeds with it. Fare you well. Isab. Gentle my lord, turn back. Ang. I will bethink me: come again to-morrow. Isab. Hark how I'll bribe you: good my lord, turn back. Ang. How? bribe me? 125 [Aside] Collier. To Lucio. John son. 126 We] You Collier MS. cannot] can but Anon. conj. ourself] yourself Theobald (War- 127 saints] sins Anon. conj. 132 avised] avis'd F1F2. advis'd F3F4. more on't] more on't, yet more Han mer. 140 your] you F2. 141 [Aside] Johnson. 141, 142 She... Such sense] As in Stee vens. One line in Ff. 142 breeds] bleeds Pope. quoted by Theobald. bends So 146 Isab. Ay, with such gifts that heaven shall share with you. Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] You had marr'd all else. Or stones whose rates are either rich or poor Ang. Well; come to me to-morrow. Lucio. [Aside to Isab.] Go to; 'tis well; away! [Aside] Amen: For I am that way going to temptation, At what hour to-morrow Shall I attend your lordship? Isab. 'Save your honour! 149 sicles] sickles Ff. shekels Pope. cycles Collier conj. Sirkles Collier MS. See note (VII). 150 rates are] Johnson. rate are Fr. rate is Hanmer. 153 preserved] reserved Daniel conj. 155] One line in Steevens. to me] om. Pope. 156 [Aside...] Johnson. 'tis well; away! it is well away. Singer (ed. 1). 157 [Going. Collier, ed. 2 (Collier MS.). Amen Amen! I say Hanmer. VOL, I. 150 155 At any time 'fore noon. 160 [Exeunt Isabella, Lucio, and Provost. 159 Where] Which your Johnson conj. 159, 160 Where... Shall I] One line in Keightley. 160 your lordship] you lordship F2. you Hanmer. 'fore noon] Rowe. 'fore-noone F1F2 F3. 'fore-noon F4. 161 'Save] God save Hudson (S. Walker conj.), reading At any...honour! as one line. Heaven save Keightley. [Exeunt...] Capell. Exeunt Lucio and Isabella. Rowe. Exeunt. F2F3F4. om. F1. SCENE VIII. Pope. 23 |