Abbildungen der Seite


From thee, even from thy virtue!

What's this, what's this? Is this her fault or mine?
The tempter or the tempted, who sins most ?

Not she; nor doth she tempt: but it is I
That, lying by the violet in the sun,


Do as the carrion does, not as the flower,
Corrupt with virtuous season. Can it be
That modesty may more betray our sense
Than woman's lightness? Having waste ground enough, 170

Shall we desire to raze the sanctuary,

And pitch our evils there? O, fie, fie, fie!

What dost thou, or what art thou, Angelo ?

Dost thou desire her foully for those things

That make her good? O, let her brother live:


Thieves for their robbery have authority
When judges steal themselves. What, do I love her,
That I desire to hear her speak again,

And feast upon her eyes? What is't I dream on?
O cunning enemy, that, to catch a saint,
With saints dost bait thy hook! Most dangerous
Is that temptation that doth goad us on
To sin in loving virtue: never could the strumpet,


With all her double vigour, art and nature,
Once stir my temper; but this virtuous maid


Subdues me quite. Ever till now,

When men were fond, I smiled, and wonder'd how. [Exit.

164 Ha! Clark and Glover.

om. Pope.

At end of line 163, Ff.

166 by] with Capell.

172 evils] offalls Collier MS.

183 never] ne'er Pope.

186 Ever till now] F1. Even till now F2F3F4. Even till this very now Pope. Ever till this very now Theobald. Even from youth till now Collier MS.

SCENE III. A room in a prison.

Enter, severally, DUKE disguised as a friar, and PROVOST.

Duke. Hail to you, provost! so I think you are.
Prov. I am the provost. What's your will, good friar?
Duke. Bound by my charity and my blest order,
I come to visit the afflicted spirits

Here in the prison. Do me the common right
To let me see them, and to make me know
The nature of their crimes, that I may minister
To them accordingly.


Prov. I would do more than that, if more were needful..


Look, here comes one: a gentlewoman of mine,


Who, falling in the flaws of her own youth,

Hath blister'd her report: she is with child ;

And he that got it, sentenced; a young man
More fit to do another such offence

Than die for this.


Duke. When must he die?

As I do think, to-morrow.

[To Juliet.

I have provided for you: stay awhile,

And you shall be conducted.

Duke. Repent you, fair one, of the sin you carry?
Jul. I do; and bear the shame most patiently.


ACT III. SCENE I. Johnson conj.
A room...] Capell. A Prison.

Enter severally...] Dyce. Enter
Duke habited like a Friar, and
Provost. Rowe. Enter Duke and
Provost. Ff.

7 crimes, that I may] several crimes,

that I May Seymour conj.

9 Enter Juliet] Transferred by Dyce to line 15.

10 mine] name Staunton conj. (Athen. 1872).

11 flaws] F3F4. flawes F1F2. flames Warburton (after Davenant).

17 [To Juliet.] Theobald.

Duke. I'll teach you how you shall arraign your con


And try your penitence, if it be sound,

[blocks in formation]

Duke. Love you the man that wrong'd you ?

Jul. Yes, as I love the woman that wrong'd him. 25

Duke. So, then, it seems your most offenceful act

Was mutually committed?

[blocks in formation]

Duke. Then was your sin of heavier kind than his. Jul. I do confess it, and repent it, father.

Duke. 'Tis meet so, daughter: but lest you do repent, 30 As that the sin hath brought you to this shame, Which sorrow is always toward ourselves, not heaven, Showing we would not spare heaven as we love it, But as we stand in fear, —

Jul. I do repent me, as it is an evil,

And take the shame with joy.


There rest.

Your partner, as I hear, must die to-morrow,

And I am going with instruction to him.

Grace go with you, Benedicite!

Jul. Must die to-morrow! O injurious love,

That respites me a life, whose very comfort

Is still a dying horror!

'Tis pity of him.





26 offenceful] offence full F1.
30 lest you do repent] F4. least you do
repent F1F2F3. repent you not Pope.
Tyrwhitt conjectures that a line is
lost after this.

33 we would not spare] Ff. we'd not
spare Rowe (ed. 2). we'd not seek

Pope. we would not

serve Collier,

ed. 2 (Collier MS.).

we'd not ap

pease Singer conj.

34 fear,-] Capell. feare.



36 There rest] 'Tis well, there rest Hanmer.

39 Grace] So grace Pope. May grace Keightley (Steevens conj.). All grace Seymour conj. God's grace Hudson (S. Walker conj.). Grace go with you is assigned to Juliet by Dyce (Ritson conj.).

40 love] law Hanmer.


SCENE IV. A room in ANGELO's house.



Ang. When I would pray and think, I think and pray
To several subjects. Heaven hath my empty words;
Whilst my invention, hearing not my tongue,
Anchors on Isabel: Heaven in my mouth,
As if I did but only chew his name;
And in my heart the strong and swelling evil
Of my conception. The state, whereon I studied,
Is like a good thing, being often read,
Grown fear'd and tedious; yea, my gravity,
Wherein-let no man hear me I take pride,
Could I with boot change for an idle plume,
Which the air beats for vain. O place, O form,
How often dost thou with thy case, thy habit,
Wrench awe from fools, and tie the wiser souls
To thy false seeming! Blood, thou art blood :
Let's write good angel on the devil's horn;
'Tis not the devil's crest.



Enter a Servant.

How now! who's there?

Serv. One Isabel, a sister, desires access to you.


A room...] Capell. The Palace.

2 empty] om. Seymour conj.

3 invention] intention Pope.

4 Heaven] Heaven's Rowe. Heaven is


5 his] its Pope.

9 fear'd] sear'd Hanmer.

sear Heath

conj. stale Anon. conj.

hard Gould

conj. sere Hudson. See note (IX).

10 take] took Seymour conj.

12 for vain. O place,] for vane. 0

place! or for vane o' the place. Маlone conj.

15 thou art blood] thou art but blood Pope. thou still art blood Malone.

blood, thou art blood S. Walker

conj. thou art blood still Keightley.

17 'Tis not] Is't not Hanmer. 'Tis yet Johnson conj.

Enter...] Enter Seruant. Ff.

Ang. Teach her the way. O heavens!
Why does my blood thus muster to my heart,
Making both it unable for itself,
And dispossessing all my other parts

Of necessary fitness?


So play the foolish throngs with one that swoons;
Come all to help him, and so stop the air
By which he should revive: and even so


The general subject to a well-wish'd king
Quit their own part, and in obsequious fondness
Crowd to his presence, where their untaught love
Must needs appear offence.

[blocks in formation]

Isab. I am come to know your pleasure.

Ang. That you might know it, would much better

please me

Than to demand what 'tis. Your brother cannot live. Isab. Even so. - Heaven keep your honour !

Ang. Yet may he live awhile; and, it may be, 35 As long as you or I: yet he must die.

Isab. Under your sentence ?

17-19 Ного...way.] Two lines, the first ending sister, in Steevens (1793).

18 desires] asks Pope.

19 [Exit Serv. Malone. Solus. Johnson. 20 my blood] the blood Anon. conj.

21 both it] both that Pope. it both
Collier MS.

22 all] om. Hanmer, who makes lines
19-23 end at blood...both that...dis-
my] the Reed (1803).

24 swoons] Rowe (ed. 2). swounds Ff.

27 general subject...king] general, subject...king, Steevens, 1778 (Malone). subject] F1F2F3. subjects F4.

28 part] path Collier MS.

30, 31] How...pleasure.] As one line in

31 SCENE XI. Pope.
33 demand declare Hanmer.

Your brother] He Hanmer.

34 your honour] you Hanmer.

[Going. Rowe. Retiring. Malone.

35 awhile] Pope. a while Ff.

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