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agreeable to the spirit of pure Theism, and free from the superstitions and absurdities-[mark, these are not my wo.ds, they are the words of the Hindoos themselves]-which at present characterize Hindoo ceremonies. (Applause.)

"3. In the meantime I shall observe the ceremonies now in use, but only in cases where ceremonies are indispensable, as in marriages and funerals, or where their omission will do more violence to the feelings of the Hindoo community than is consistent with the proper interest of the Veda Somâj, as in Sradhas. And I shall go through such ceremonies, where they are not conformable to pure Theism, as mere matters of routine, destitute of all religious significance, as a lifeless remains of a superstition which has passed away.

"4. This sacrifice, and this only, shall I make to existing prejudices. But I shall never endeavour to deceive any one as to my religious opinions, and never stoop to equivocation or hypocrisy in order to avoid unpopularity. [By the way, it would be well if some of our teachers of new things would conform to this rule --(applause)-but there is a monstrous difference in their practice. As you read them they warm up and warm up, and, as the boys say, they get hotter and hotter, but just as you think they are about to tell you what they mean, they elude your grasp, and their opinions remain as incomprehensible as ever. (Laughter and applause.) The covenant goes on to say-] 5. I shall discard all sectarian views and animosities, and never offer any encouragement to them.


"6. I shall, as a first step, gradually give up all distinctions, and amalgamate the different branches of the same caste.

"7. Rigidly as I shall adhere to all these rules, I shall be perfectly tolerant to the views of strangers, and never intentionally give offence to their feelings.

"8. I shall never violate the duties and virtues of humanity, justice, veracity, temperance, and chastity. [There is a catalogue of virtues for you.] (Hear, hear.)

9. I shall never hold or attend or pay for nautches [that is, native dances], or otherwise hold out encouragement for prostitution.

10. I shall encourage and promote to the best of my power, the re-marriage of widows, and discourage early marriages. "11. I shall never be guilty of bigamy or polygamy.


12. I shall grant my aid towards the issue, in the vernaculars, of elementary prayer-books and religious tracts, and also of a monthly journal, whose chief object shall be to improve the social and moral condition of the community.

13. I shall advance the cause of general and female education and enlightenment, and particularly in my own family circle.

"14. I shall study the Sanskrit language and its literature (especially theological), and promote the cultivation of it by means not calculated to promote superstition.


"To-day, being the day of the month of of the Kalyabda I hereby embrace the faith of the Veda Somâj, and in witness thereof I set my hand to this.'

Nor are these movements entirely confined to the Brahmo Somâj and its branches. The very last mails from India have brought us accounts of a petition having been presented to the Bengal Government praying for the emancipation of the females of Bengal from the pains, cruelties, and attendant crimes of the debasing custom of polygamy.' (Hear, hear.) This petition was signed by 21,000 Hindoes, among whom (says the Friend of India) are the highest in rank, learning, wealth, and sanctity in Bengal.' (Applause.) Every question connected with the degraded state of woman in India is just now being thoroughly canvassed by the natives themselves; and I doubt not that some decided movement like this against polygamy will soon be made against infant marriages. Last year Lord Shaftesbury, whose sympathies are as warm for the people of India as for those of his own country (great applause), invited to dinner all the native gentlemen who were in London studying for the bar or the civil service of India. And you little know the sacrifices they have made in doing so, for every one who has the courage to cross the seas, becomes by that act an outcast from the rest of his countrymen. (Hear, hear.) Some of them brought the ladies of their family. Altogether, perhaps, there may have been twelve or fourteen. Lord Shaftesbury's object was to let them see the better side of English social life, and not merely what might be picked up at Cremorne or such places. I had the pleasure of being present; and certainly it was a most instructive scene. Some of the native gentlemen were Parsees, some Brahmins, some of other Hindoo sects. I don't think there were any Mohammedans. One was a native Christian from Ceylon, just called to the English bar. They all joined in the English meal-that seems nothing to you, but to me it was the most wonderful sight I ever saw (Hear, hear)-without one thought of caste; and conversed in English like well-educated and enlightened men. I particularly questioned them as to the effect on their minds of their stay in England; and they said that, one by one, their views had

changed on almost every point. But they | pecting too great results. 2. Valuing too dwelt chiefly and earnestly on the evils of little the results obtained. On the one domestic life in India; and implored all hand don't expect a millennium on earth who had influence to move the Legislature before the coming of our Lord himself. to abolish polygamy and infant marriages, The conversion of 200,000,000 of heathen and educate the women. (Hear, hear.) is not to be done by pulling a bell at your Now each one of these young men will go fireside. It is the vast inheritance of the back to India, either as a barrister or a Saviour, and must be gathered in by toil civil servant, with all the prestige of learn- and waste of human life. But do not on ing and position; and every one of them the other hand be discouraged by the testiwill be practically a missionary of civiliza- mony of those faint-hearted witnesses who tion, preparing the minds of his country- return from the promised land with the men for Christianity. (Applause.) The report that 'the people be strong that dwell Parsees of Bombay are carrying on very in the land, and the cities are walled and similar reforms in their own body. The very great, and moreover we saw the chilMohammedans still remain the most diffi- dren of Anak there.' (Laughter and cult to move; and they are in danger of applause.) I, too, have gone up and seen drooping into the rear and being left be- it; and have flung at your feet a cluster of hind in all departments by the educated the grapes of Eshcol. (Applause.) It is Hindoos. Still here and there we hear of but a cluster' it is true; for time and some Mohammedan like Safdar Ali, who strength do not serve to gather more; but has the courage to inquire for himself, and it testifies that the land floweth with milk become a Christian. (Applause.) The last and honey' of Christian promise; and I mail mentions two incidents of great in- would say with Caleb, 'Let us go up and dependence among Mohammedans. The possess it, for we are well able to overcome first is the establishment of female schools it.' (Loud and long-continued applause.) throughout his terirtory by the Nawab of Put confidence, then, in your missionaries, Rampore in Rohilkund; and the second is the and sustain their hearts. I feel ashamed prayer for the Royal family being offered to offer my poor testimony in behalf of up (it is believed for the first time in India) such a band; but the questions that have in the great Mosque at Lahore, in the been put to me in England compel me to name of Queen Victoria. (Great applause.) say a word. I have been twenty-five years I alluded just now to a more advanced school in the Indian service, and have been thrown of Hindoo Reformers than the Brahmo into contact with many missionaries of Somâj of Calcutta, or the Veda Somaj at many Protestant denominations and from Madras; as a school who feel that Deism, many countries. I have found no angel though a step in advance of Polytheism, among them. They were all men. Some is no resting-place for the soul. (Applause.) were gifted by God with very high powers It was well said by one of the ablest mis- indeed, and some with very humble powers. sionaries in India (Dr. Mullens) that He All had some share of human frailty. But alone can make a new nation who can form I have never seen one who was not laboura new man.' (Great applause.) That He ing with a single eye for the conversion of is forming a new nation in India, is clear the heathen to the utmost of his ability, to every thoughtful mind. While the and setting the example of a holy Christian Hindoos are busy pulling down their own life. (Loud applause.) Well would it be religion, the Christian Church is rising for the State,if in any department of its serabove the horizon. Amidst a dense popu- vice, civil or military, it had such a body of lation of 200,000,000 of heathen, the little servants as the missionaries in India. Do flock of 200,000 native Christians may not discourage them then. Do not distrust seem like a speck, but surely it is that them. Send out more help to them. Think 'little cloud out of the sea, like a man's how little can be done by 500 missionaries hand,' which tells that there is to be a among 200,000,000 of heathen. I rememgreat rain.' (Hear.) Every other faith in ber the two first Protestant missionaries India is decaying. Christianity alone is who ever went to India-Zeigenbally and beginning to run its course. It has taken Plutscho. They were sent by Frederic long to plant, but it has now taken root, IV. of Denmark, great-great-great-grandand by God's grace will never be uprooted. father of our Princess of Wales (loud ap(Great applause.) The Christian converts plause), in 1705. They found not one have already been tested by persecution and Protestant or Christian in India! Rememmartyrdom in 1857; and stood the test ber Schwarz, and Rhenius, and the long without apostasy. And I believe that if line of evangelists and martyrs down to the English were driven out of India to- Ragland, Dr. Cander, Jamier, and Robert morrow, Christianity would remain and Noble. These men ploughed, and sowed, triumph. (Applause.) In conclusion, I but only reaped their tens and hundreds. would wish to guard all friends of missions And where are they now? Absorbed like against two great errors, the Scylla and the souls of the Brahmins? Or annihilated Charybdis of evangelical work. 1. Ex- like the souls of the Buddhists? No!

they are a portion of the 'great cloud of gations of native Christians, as at Tinnewitnesses' who encompass you now, as velly, give no rest to the bishops of India Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob encom- till they consecrate a native bishop (appassed the Hebrew Church. And they are plause), and leave the native Christian now thanking God for the 200,000 redeemed Church to walk alone. Christianity will ones over whose scanty numbers you are then be more indigenous in India than murmuring with faithless discontent. Mohammedanism has become in eleven (Hear, hear.) Murmur no more, but urge centuries; for instead of being propagated your missionaries to develop and complete by the sword of the stranger, it will be the native churches-to bring forward preached and evangelised by the natives of native pastors for ordination; and, where the soil. God grant that we may all live these have been secured, with vast congre- to see it."

Bome Intelligence.

He was a warm

PRESBYTERY OF NEWCASTLE.-The or- cellence of character. dinary meeting of this Presbytery was held hearted and affectionate friend, an honest, in the John Knox Church, on the 8th May. upright man, a sincere and humble Christian, Present: the Rev.T.W. Brown, Moderator; and an earnest and devoted minister, one the Revs. J. Jeffrey, J. Brown, J. Black, who earned for himself the respect and affecA. Wilson, S. M. McLelland, W. A. P. tion of those who knew him. The PresbyJohnmau, and J. Reid. The minutes of tery, sensible of the loss that has been former meeting having been read and sus- inflicted on them by the removal of their tained, Elders' Commissions from the Kirk deceased brother, and recognising the hand Sessions of Blyth, John Knox, North of God in this matter, express their deepest Shields, St. John's, Seaton Delaval, Scotch sympathy with the widow and the fatherless Church, and St. George's, Sunderland, and children in their affliction, and earnestly Gateshead, in favour of Messrs. John Hed- commend them to Him who has promised to ley, jun., James A. Davison, John Hedley, be a husband to the widow, and a father to sen., John B. Bushell, Joseph Willis, Robt. the fatherless."" The Moderator and Clerk Brewis, John T. Burnop, and John P. Say- were instructed to transmit an extract copy bourne, appointing them respectively to of this minute to Mrs. Anderson. Further, represent said sessions in this Presbytery the Presbytery, in view of recent afflicting during the current synodical year, were laid bereavements, and the numerous vacancies on the table, read, and sustained, and their occasioned by them and other causes now names were added to the roll. The Moderator existing, desire to humble themselves in the then read a paper on "The Functions, Respon- sight of God, to commend their congresibilities, and Duties of the Presbytery," and gations to his gracious regard, and, in a then, having intimated that the term of his spirit of dependence on the Divine blessing, moderatorship had now expired, Mr. Wil- to devote themselves with increased energy son, of Wark, was chosen Moderator for the to the work of the Lord. The Presbytery current year, and took the chair accordingly. then ordered the Church at Falstone to be Thereafter, on the motion of Mr. Black, declared vacant on Sabbath next, and ap-. the thanks of the Presbytery were given to pointed Mr. Wilson to moderate in the Mr. Brown for the excellent paper now session during the vacancy. Mr. Black was read by him; and the Presbytery agreed to appointed to address the people at North consider the subject of Presbyterial work Shields on the 17th, in room of Mr. Anderwith special reference to the suggestions son. The Presbytery then appointed the folcontained in said paper at next ordinary lowing members of Commission of Synod:meeting. The Moderator having formally the Moderator and Mr. Murray, ministers ; announced the death of the Rev. Al. Ander- Mr. John Hedley, North Shields, and Mr. son, of Falstone, and prayer having been Saybourne, elders. For the Committees offered with special reference to this visita- meeting in London :-Mr. McLelland and tation, it was agreed to insert the following Mr. John Hedley, Blyth. For the Home statement in the Record:-"The Presby- Mission Committee: -Mr. John Brown tery desire to record their sense of the loss and Mr. Robert Brewis. For the Board of occasioned by the sudden and early death of Examination :-Messrs. T. W. Brown and the Rev. Al. Anderson, minister at Falstone, John Jeffrey. Corresponding member of and their appreciation of his worth and ex- the Foreign Mission Committee :-Mr.

of examination to be prescribed to Mr. James McKenzie, student, which were approved. The Presbytery then adjourned to meet in the church at North Shields, on the 17th current, at eleven a.m. Closed with prayer.

Reid. The Clerk was instructed to notify | church. He then signed the Confession of these appointments to the Moderator of Faith and Formu a, and his name was added Synod and the Conveners of the several to the roll. Mr. Black submitted subjects Committees. The Session Records and Communion Rolls of Gateshead, Trinity Blyth, and Scotch Church, Sunderland, were submitted, examined, and ordered to be attested. The others were ordered to be produced at next meeting. The following were appointed members of the Evangelistic PRESBYTERY OF BERWICK.-This Court Committee, viz. :-Dr. Paterson, Messrs. met at Bankhill Church, on the 1st of May, Murray, Jeffrey, T. W. Brown, Black, and and was duly constituted. Sederunt: Rev. McLelland, ministers; Messrs. Hedley, sen., Messrs. Fraser, Teras, Cant, Valence, Davison Matheson, and Brewis, elders. McLean, Scott, and Dunn; Mr. Gardner, Mr. Hedley, sen., gave notice that at next elder. This being the time for the election ordinary meeting he would draw the atten- of a Moderator for the synodical year, he tion of the Presbytery to the subject of retiring Moderator, in accordance with the Church Extension within the bounds of theule of the Presbytery, delivered an address, Presbytery. Next ordinary meeting was subject "The Duty we owe as Ministers to appointed to be held in this place on the the Young in our Congregations." This was 12th June, at ten a.m. The Presbytery then followed by a somewhat lengthy and inteadjourned to meet in St. George's Church, resting conversation, members expressing Sunderland, on Thursday, May 17, at eleven themselves as to the high importance of the 3.m. The meeting was close with prayer. subject, and come also stating their own experience in their efforts to benefit the young. On the motion of Mr. Scott, retiring Moderator, it was agreed that Mr. Dunn be appointed Moderator for the current synodical year; and Mr. Dunn, by the Presbytery's desire, took the chair. There were laid on the table and sustained, Elders' Commissions from the Kirk Sessions of Bankhill, Horncliffe, Lowick, and Tweedmouth, in favour of Messrs. Peter Gardner, James Paxton, Andrew Lilley, and John Hall, appointing them respectively to represent said sessions in this Presbytery during the current synodical year; Mr. Gardner being present, his name was added to the sederunt. Printed copies of the extract from Statement for 1865, submitted by the Statistical Committee to the Presbytery at its meeting in April, 1866, were now given to the ministers for circulation among the members of their respective charges. Mr. Valence was appointed to represent the Presbytery in the Home Mission Commirtee, and Mr. Haig on the College, School, and Foreign Mission Committees, during the current synodical year. Fraser was appointed member of the Board of Examination of candidates for the ministry. Mr. Terras was appointed Correspondent member of the Committee on the State of Religion. Home Mission Schedules from Ancroft Moor and Horncliffe were laid on the table, examined, and ordered to be attested. Adjourned to meet at Berwick, on the first Tuesday of July, at twelve o'clock at noon.

ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, SUNDERLAND. -The Presbytery met on the 17th May, 1866, and was duly constituted by the Moderator. Presnt the Rev. Andrew Wilson, Moderator, the Revs. John T. Paterson, D.D., J. Jeffrey, T. W. Brown, J. Black, S. M. McLelland, J. Brown, W. A. P. Johnman, and J. Reid, ministers; with Messrs. Brewis and Davison, elders. The minute of last meeting was read and sustained. The Rev. John Davidson, of the Free Church, Langholm, being present, on the motion of Mr. McLelland, was associated. The edict appointing the induction of Mr. Wallace to take place this day, was returned duly served and attested. Objections having been called for and none offered, it was moved and agreed that the induction services do now proceed; whereupon, the Moderator ascended the pulpit and conducted Divine worship, preaching an able and appropriate discourse from Heb. i. 8. At the close, having narrated the steps taken to fill up the vacancy in this church occasioned by the retirement of the Rev. Dr. Paterson, resulting in the orderly election and call of the Rev. Geo. Wallace, he then called on Mr. Wallace and put to him the usual questions, to all of which he returned satisfactory answers; and was then by solemn praver inducted into the pastoral charge of this church and congregation, with all the rights and privileges thereto appertaining, and received the right-hand of fellowship from the brethren. Thereafter a solemn charge was addressed to him by Mr. McLelland, and Mr. Johnman delivered a suitable address to the people; and the services having been closed by the benediction, Mr. Wallace received the usual welcome from the people as they retired from the


THE PRESBYTERY OF LONDON.-The monthly meeting of this Presbytery was held on Tuesday last, Rev. Mr. Dinwiddie, Moderator. It was agreed to appoint the Rev. Mr. Edmonds Moderator for the next

half-year. The Rev. Mr. Wright and the Rev. | appointed one of their missionaries to China, John Matheson were appointed to represent would likely be licensed by he Free Presthe Presbytery at the Home Mission Board; bytery of Aberdeen in a few weeks, and the Rev. Mr. Prentice and the Rev. Mr. that the Foreign Mission Committee were Keedy were appointed to represent the Pres- anxious that the London Presbytery should bytery a the Foreign, College, and School appoint his trial for ordination about the Comittees; and the Rev. Dr. Roberts, the 20th June, in Hampstead Church, in order Rev. John Matheson, and the Rev. Mr that he might sail for his destination a few Davidson, of River Terrace, were appointed days afterwards. The Presbytery agreed to members of the Examination Board. Pro comply with the request, after which they fessor Lorimer asked that Mr. Wallace, adjourned. student in divinity, should be taken upon PRESBYTERY OF LANCASHIRE. The trial at next meeting of Presbytery, with a Presbytery of Lancashire met at Liverpool, view to license, which was agreed to. It on Tuesday, the 1st of May; the Rev. J. having been stated that the Synod Clerk had M. Ross, Moderator. Messrs. James Paternot yet transmitted the papers in the case of son and J. M. Ross were appointed the the Rev. Mr. Bonthorne, the Presbytery Presbytery's representatives in the College, Clerk was instructed to intimate to that gen- School, and Foreign Mission Committees, tleman the decision of the Synod; and the and Mr. J. B. Johnstone in the Home Committee that formerly conferred with Mr. Mission Committee. Messrs. D. Henderson, Bonthorne was reappointed with one or two G. Johnstone, and W. K. Moore, were additions. The Rev. Mr. Wright then drew appointed members of the Board of Examiattention to the importance of the Presby- nation. The Rev. J. C. Paterson regretted tery appointing parties to make a survey of to observe that the contributions for Foreign places beyond the boundaries of London, Missions from this Presbytery were small, where Presbyterian Churches could with and proposed that Mr. Thomas Matheson be advantage be set up; and of their expenses requested to take special charge of the being borne by the Home Mission Com- mission cause within its bounds. Mr. mittee of the Church, as was done in the Matheson consented, and promised to do case of the Lancashire Presbytery. He what he could to create a greater interest in also stated that he had been struck, on a our Foreign Missions throughout the Presrecent return from Scotland, to find that a bytery, and to obtain larger contributions. large population had been gathered together The Rev. Jas. Paterson laid on the table a at Peterborough by the works of the Great call from the congregation of Cardiff to the Northern Railway, and that there was a Rev. John Fordyce, of Dunse. It was number of Scotchmen now located there. sustained, and Messrs. R. Lundie and James Then at Gravesend there were two Dis- Paterson were appointed the Presbytery's senting churches largely sustained by Commissioners to prosecute it before the Scotchmen; and he had been told that if Free Church Presbytery of Dunse and the English Presbyterian Church were to Chirnside. The Rev. James Paterson_recome in they would secure a very good con- ported that the station at Nottingham had gregation without doing any material injury been erected into a sanctioned charge by to the other congregations there. Then at the Synod, and requested that a session ad Worthing, on the Sussex coast, he found interim be appointed. A session that the town was doubling itself every five appointed, the Rev. D. Blelloch, Modeyears, so great was the increase of the popu- rator. The Rev. J. M. Ross preferred a lation. It was in fact a Brighton in minia- similar request in behalf of Preston. A ture; and yet they had never made any session was appointed, the Rev. J. M. Ross, inquiry in order to ascertain whether they Moderator. The Rev. J. C. Paterson might not advantageously set up a congre- gave notice that he would call the attention gation in that rapidly rising watering-place. of the Presbytery at its next ordinary meeting Further, there was Weymouth, where there to the proposed regulations anent the adwas a large model prison, a large pro- mission of students to the study of theology. portion of the officials of which, he was The Rev. James Paterson presented a megiven to understand, were Presbyte-morial from the session and congregation of rians. Inquiry might also be made St. Peter's, praying the Presbytery to recogthere to see whether there was a Presby- nise him, and such of nis elders and conterian element that would justify them in beginning operations. The Presbytery, on the suggestion of the Rev. Mr. Matheson, agreed to apply to the Home Mission Board for a continuance of the grant to Devizes, the last grant having expired on the 31st December last. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne stated that Mr. Masson, who had been


gregation as might adhere to him, as the minister and congregation of the Everton Valley Church; and also to take all constitutional measures to provide a minister for the congregation of St. Peter's. He said he felt the step he asked the Presbytery to allow him to take was very solen and important. But he was encouraged by the

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