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to. Mr. J. B. Johnstone, in name of the session, asked the Presbytery to meet at St. Helens on an early day to moderate in a call. The congregation, with aid from the Home Mission Committee, was prepared to guarantee an adequate stipend. The Presbytery agreed to meet at St. Helens on the 11th ult. Mr. Mitchell to preach and preside. We understand it is Mr. Robert Noble, of Muirkirk, who is to be called. Mr. Dickenson, in submitting the Wigan Home Mission schedule to the consideration of the Presbytery, ca led their attention to the fact that the Hewley Grant had not been made to Wigan for some time. He did not know whether the Presbytery could take a y steps to obt in it. After some conversation on the subject of the He lev Charity, Dr. Munro moved, and Mr. J. B. Johnstone se onded, that the Clerk be instructed to write to the trustees of he Hewley Charity, a king them to reco si er their decision. It was agreed to consider the remit from the Synod on the Union question.

station at Devizes, and that that duty should be entrusted to a special committee, as they did not think that it was one of those stations that at all came within the category of the congregations that they were appointed to originate and foster. He then briefly referred to the circumstances under which the charge of this station had devolved on them, stating that it was solely with a view to the securing of the old endowments which had been left there for Presbyterian purposes that the Synod had consented in April, 1865, to open the stat on. The question as to the appropriation of this endowment was still before the law courts, and he understood that they were less likely to get these endowments now than they were eighteen months ago. If these endowments were not obtained by this Church, Devizes could never be kept up even as a preaching station. That sation had cost the committee during the period that it had been in their hands £66 18., besides £16 upon the furnishing of the place, for which they got the fittings up of a very comfortable hall. Mr. Matheson then stated that members of the committee had surveyed several localities in and about London in order to ascertain their eligibility for planting congregations in them. He also stated that the Home Mission Committee had met at Liverpool sir ce the Presbytery's last meeting, and that they were very desirous to co-operate with the Presbytery's Church Extension Committee, and would work hand in hand with them in connection with all their stations, being prepared to give pound for pound expe ded upon new charges.

PRESBYTERY OF LONDON.-The monthly meeting of this Presbytery was held on Tuesday, July 10th, in Queen-square House. The Rev. Mr. Edmonds, Moderator. The Clerk stated that he had received two communications from the Home Mission Committee, the first agreeing to give a grant of £25 to the Devizes congreation, and the other stating that they would in the case of the Guernsey congregation make £100 as the basis of the grant, the arrangement to date from last January. Mr. Chalmers further stated that he had received a letter from Mr. David Maclagan resigning his seat in the Presbytery on account of his having ac- PRESBYTERY OF NORTHUMBERLAND.— cepted a situation in Edinburgh. The The quarterly meeting of this Presbytery Presbytery, on the suggestion of Mr. was held in St. James's Church, Alnwick, Chalmers and Dr. Hamilton, agreed to on the 10th of July, and was duly conexpress their regret at the loss they had stituted. After public worship, conducted sustained by Mr. Maclagan's removal, the by the retiring Moderator, the rell was latter remarking that it was very seldom called. Present: the Moderator (Rev. M. that even among their business men in Edwards, M.A.), Revds. J. Anderson, London they found one whose services DD., S. Cathcart, T. Robinson, D. S. were so valuable as were those of Mr. Fergus, M.A., A. Forsyth, W. Barrie, J. Maclagan. He was so clear-headed, so Benvie, A. F. Douglas, J. Brown, J. A. public-spirited, and could express himself Craig, R. Davidson, and J. Blythe, A.M. so forcibly and eloquently, that he was the (Clerk). Reasons of absence from Messrs. very model of a business man; and as Hoy and Huie were read and sustained. such they had found him as Secretary of Elders' Commissions in favour of Mr. the Church Building and Debt Extinction Alex. Hindmarsh, from the session of Fund. The Rev. Mr. Tulloch, of Living- Branton; of Mr. William Linn, from the ston, and Rev. Mr. Masson, being present, session of Widdrington; of Mr. Ralph they were associated with the Presbytery. Buglass, from the session of Wooler; and The Rev. Mr. Matheson verbally reported of Mr. William Bell, from the session of that the services had been carried on as Alnwick, were read and sustained, and their usual at Croydon s nce the last report bad names were added to the roll. Mr. Cathbeen given in. He also stated that the cart was chosen Moderator, and Mr. Blythe Presbytery's Church Extension Committee was elected Clerk, for the current year. were unanimously of opinion that they The Clerk laid on the table a communication should be relieved of the charge of the from the Rev. J. C. Paterson, intimating

that, pursuant to the instructions of Synod, the Home Mission Committee will send deputies to visit all the congregations within the bounds of the Presbytery as soon as we can receive them. The Presbytery, heartily sympathizing with the object contemplated by the proposed deputation, are prepared to give them a most cordial welcome, provided they can accommodate themselves to the arrangements which the Presbytery, from their knowledge of the circumstances of their respective congregations, deem absolutely necessary to secure success to the mission, VIZ. :-That provision be made by the Home Mission Committee for visiting the several congregations on Sabbath days, which the Presbytery think might be easily accomplished by the Home Mission in reasing the number of the deputies by drafting a supplement thereto from some of the ne ghbouring Presbyteries. The Presbytery also requested the Clerk to communicate to Mr. Paterson their decided conviction that, in matters affecting the financial condition of their congregations, the parties most likely to influence the minds of the people in increasing their contributions, would be the lay members of the Church; and they trust that these will for a large portion of the constituency of the deputation. The Presbytery then proceeded to appoint delegates to the several boards of the Committees of the Church, when the Moderator, Mr. Cathcart, and Mr. A. Hindmarsh (elder), were appointed to represent them in the Committees in London; Mr. Fergus and Mr. Ralph Buglass (elder), were appointed to represent them in the Home Mission Committee in Lancashire. Dr. Anderson and Mr. Robinson were appointed to represent them at the Board of Examination. The Presbytery resolved to take into consideration the remit on the College question, also the subject of a Bursary Fund, and the remit on the Union Committee, at next quarterly meeting, which was appointed to be held in St. James's Church, Alnwick, on the second Tuesday in October, at eleven o'clock.

PRESBYTERY OF BIRMINGHAM.-CALL TO THE REV. GEO. LEWIS.-The Presbytery o Birmingham met at Dudley on Thursday, the 5th July, and was duly constituted. The Rev. Jonn Crowe, of Hanley, Mode rator pro tem. Inter alia, the Moderator having intimated that the Presbytery were now prepared to proceed with the cons deration of the call from Chester, in favour of the Rev. Geo. Lewis, as previously appointed, the edict giving intimation at Dudley on Sabbath last was returned, duly attested. Parties were then called, when there appeared-for the Presbytery of

Lancashire, the Rev. David Henderson; for the congregation at Chester, Arthur Dickson, Esq.; and for the session and congregation at Dudley, Messrs. Houghton and Young. The Rev. Geo. Lewis appeared for himself. Thereafter, the several parties in the case addressed the Presbytery, and having been removed, the Presbytery proceeded to adjudicate; whereupon it was moved by the Rev. P. R. Crole, seconded by Mr. Gilchrist, and agreed to:-"That the Presbytery, having heard and duly considered the reasons of translation and statements of parties in this case, especially the frank expression of his views by Mr. Lewis himself, do hereby agree to the translation of Mr. Lewis from Dudley to the congregation at Chester; and do declare the congregation at Dud ey to be vacant so soon as the induction at Chester has been duly reported by the Lancashire Presbytery. This Presbytery, however, cannot part with a brother so much esteemed without expressing their sympathy with the congregation of Dudley in the loss they must sustain by his removal, nor without testifying to the warm regard and admiration which they entertain for him, their strong sense of the ab lity, diligence, piety, and faithfulness which he has displayed throughout the course of his long ministry, and their cordial desire and prayer that in his future field of labour God may continue to grant him a rich and abundant blessing. Parties having been recalled, the resolution of Presbytery was intimated by the Moderator, in which finding the Commissioners acquiesced, and craved extracts, which were granted.

BERWICK PRESBYTERY.-This Court met at Berwick on Thursday, the 3rd of May, and was duly constituted by the Moderator, the Rev. William Dunn. Sederunt: Messrs. Fraser, Cant, Valence, McLean, Scott, and Dunn, ministers; Messrs. Gardner and Luley, elders. The minutes of last meeting having been read and sustained, an Elers' Commission from the Kirk Session of North Sunderland, in favour of Mr. William Matthew, was laid on the table, read, and sustained, and his name was added to the rol. The Rev. Mr. Brown, Birdhope. craig, being present, was associated. The ministers of Ancroft Moor, Berwick, Horncliffe, Lowick, and Tweedmouth reported that they had made collections for the Foreign Mission, and it was recommended that the congregations within the bounds not having made_this_collection should do so immediately. The Presbytery appointed the Rev. William Haigh corresponding member of the Foreign Missions Committee; Messrs. Valence and Haigh, ministers, and Mr. Gardner, elder, memmers of Commission of Synod. The Pres

bytery, having considered the instructions England, the cure for this was just to set of Synod to the Home Mission Committee to send deputations to visit the sessions and congregations throughout the Church, for the purpose of recoma ending increased liberality, and bringing before them the Committee's plans for securing a higher minimum stipend, appointed Tuesday, the 16th of October, and evenings following, for the purpose of rec-iving the deputies, being, as they believed, the best season for securing the attendance of both elders and people. A Home Mission Schedule from Lowick was laid on the table, and examined. The Presbytery being sasfied that the amount stipulated by the office-bearers for minister's stipend is as much as, in present circumstances, can be raised, ordered the schedule to be attested. A conversation on union with other churches occupied the remainder of the time, and it was agreed that the consideration of this subject shall be resumed at next ordinary meeting, appointed to be held at Berwick on the first Tuesday of September next, at twelve o'clock at noon.

LIQUIDATION OF DEBT ON JOHN KNOX CHURCH, STEPNEY.-A social meeting of the members and friends of the above congregation was held on Wedne-day evening, the 27th June. Between three and four hundred persons took tea in the schoolroom adjoining the church. After tea they adjourned into the church, which was filled, and the chair was taken by Hugh M. Matheson, Esq., who presided with his usual urban ty and ability. The meeting having been opened with praise and prayer, offered by Mr. Edmonds, of Poplar, the Chairman addressed the meeting in suitable and appropriate terms, dwelling especially and very touchingly on the duty and privilege of entire self-consecration to God in all that we have and are. Mr. Dundas, elder, followed, who narrated briefly and clearly the resolution of the congregation three years ago to liquidate a mortgage debt of £900 and how, aided by a few liberal friends of the Church outside to some extent, and by the invaluable Synou's Church-building and Debt-extinction Fud, raised by the labours of Dr. Hamuton, they had now lifted the mortgage, and, with the exception of £100 repayable to the Synod's Fund, they had the satisfaction of seeing their church free of debt. He then dwelt briefly on the advantages of the Presbyterian system; and deprecated in strong terms the sad and undeniable fact that to many crossed the Tweed to desert the blue banner and forget the Church of their fathers. He further said that if, in many instances, they looked on with cold indifference at the efforts being made to revive and extend the Presbyterian cause in


about earnestly and vigorously to multiply
our congregations and extend the cause of
Christ, a work which would afford abundant
opportunities for the labour and energy of
al. The Rev. Mr. Dinwiddie then ad-
dressed the meeting in an able speech.
He dwelt much on the duty of personal
work and individual efforts in the cause of
the Lord Jesus Christ, and made special
mention of the China Mission, el quently
pleading its interests. He mentioned the
case of a lady-a member of his congre-
gation, who for four years past had been
laying aside a portion of her income for
missionary purposes, and whose preferences
inclined her to hold it, in the hope of the
Church undertaking some mission work
amongst the Jews, but whose heart had
been so strongly drawn out to feel an in-
terest in the Church's work in China, that
she had handed him the whole sum for
that mission. Captain Peter, elder and
treasurer of the congregation, addressed
the meeting on the state of its finance,
showing that this was satisfactory. The
Rev. Dr. Hamilton then addressed the
meeting, and was very warmly received by
the audience. He said that as
an old
friend of John Knox Church, having known
its whole history from its commencement,
having himself preached the first rermon
within its walls at its opening, and having
always felt an affectionate interest in its
welfare, he greatly congratulated them on
the event which brought them together, and
the completion of so good a work. Speaki g
of the position and prospects of the cause
in England, he expressed it as his con-
viction that some mod fication of the acci
dents of northern worship would be found
necessary in order to adapt it and make it
more generally acceptable to the English
mind. This could be done without in the
least affecting what was of the essence of
Presbyterianism. He thought we needed
to learn toleration, and not to put crotchets
in the place of principles, and illu trated
his meaning by one or two amusing ex-
amples. He then spoke on the desirable-
ness of union amongst Presbyterians, espe
cially in England; spoke of the affection
he cheris d for his United Presbyterian
brethren, of his joy at the progress the
Union question had made, and of his
fervent hope that, by the Divine blessing, it
might speedily be fully and wisely con
summated. The Rev. Andrew Blacs,
United Presbyterian Church, Stratford,
fully endorsed all Dr. Hamilton had sai t
on the question of Union, and longed for
its completion. He spoke of the mutual
friendship that existed between himself
and Mr. Keedy, of their occasional ex-
change of pulpits, and cordial co-operation.

The Rev. W. Alexander, of Chelsea, Moderator of the English Presbyterian Synod, rext ad fressed the meeting, expressing his sincere affection for and in erest in all that concerned the welfare of John Knox Church. A vote of thanks to the Chairman for his kind and able conduct in the chair was moved by Mr. Keedy and carried by acclamation, as was also a vote of thanks to the ladies of the congregation, by whom the tea had been provided, moved by the Rev. Mr. Fotheringham, of Tottenham. A collection was made during the evening amounting to £15 133. 81., and this sum, together with the proceeds from tickets, will yield to the funds of the church between £30 and £40.

PRESBYTERIAN SCHOOLS, WOOLWICH.— The annual public examination of these schools, by a deputation from the Presbytery of London, took place on the 19th June, in presence of a large number of visitors. The deputation consisted of the Rev. Dr. Lorimer and the Rev. W. Ballantyne. The children belonging to these schools number nearly 400, and are in the highest state of efficiency. The specimens of drawings and needlework, together with the quickness and ability with which the questions of the examiners were answered, reflected the highest credit on Mr. John Russell, head master, and the other teaches of the schools. After the classes had been examined separately, all the children were assembled in the boys' school-room, when an address was delivered by W. Rutherford, Esq., LL.D., who occupied the chair. Dr. Lorimer and Mr. Ballantyne then delivered congra ulatory addresses to teachers and scholars, after which prizes were given to the successful pupils of the last year.

CARDIFF.-It will be seen from the account of the proceedings of the Lancashire Presbytery, on another page, that the Rev. Mr. Fordyce, of Dunse, having accepted the cali to Cardiff, has been loosed from his present charge by the Free Church Presbytery of Danse.

ENGLISH DEPUTATION TO THE FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND.-Mr. Adam, of Aberdeen, who had attended, as a member of a deputation from the Free Church, the English Presbyterian Syuod, introduced a deputation from that Synod to the Assembly, consisting of Mr. Alexander, Moderator of the Synod; Mr. McCaw, of Manchester; Mr. J. C. Murray, of South Shields; Mr. W. K. Coubrough (elder), Liverpool; and Mr. J. C. Stevenson (elder), South Shields. Mr. Alexander first addressed the Assembly. He declared himself to be a thorough Free Churchman, and advocated with much earnestness the propriety of a union between the non-endowed

Presbyterian Churches. It was a mighty easy thing for them sitting in this fine house to talk reasonably, coolly, and philosophically about u ion, because they needed not to care whether they were united or not. But in England they were in a very different position. They were as the thousands of Israel, but it would require a microscope to pick up the Presbyterian Church in England. Hundreds of thousands in England knew nothing about their existence. Eight out of every ten persons had no idea of Presbyterianism but that Dr. Cumming was a Presbyterian. What they wanted, then, was visibility, and to be visible they wanted bulk. It was easy for the Church here to argue about it, but in England they must have it. They felt they would then be stronger to do the work required of them. The very fact of a union taking place between them and the Presbyterian Church in Scotland could not but attract attention, and if they had the great big heart of Presbyterianism throbbing and pulsing behind them, they cou'd not but effect a great work for good. He proceeded to show the great necessity which exi ted in England for the spread of their doctrine and worship; for, whatever difference might exist among them here, there was hardly a single pulpit in the whole country from which there went any doctrine higher than that Christ died for al men. They would find that such a union would have a reflex action. Popery was sprending in England with a forc, a rapidity, a power, a continuity, and a pertinacity of action only those engaged in work in the streets and lanes of the great cities knew, and if Popery got rooted there, where would they in Scotland be? He ha i often observed that, in the retributive providence of God, when people neglected their duty in one point, the effect was sure to come back upon them. Therefore, if they helped them they would just be helping themselves. Mr. McCaw next addressed the Assembly, and thanked them for the collection which had been made on behalf of the work of Church Extension in England. He pressed upon them the desirability of supporting the Home Mission in England, because it was to Scotch people that that mission was chi fly sent, and he submitted that the English Presbyterian Church was doing the work of this Church, and that if they did not occupy the ground the Free Church would require to have had her English Mission, just as she had her colonial and other missions. He therefore claimed their sympathy both in men and means, and asked the special attention of the probationers of the Free Church to the excellent spheres of labour which there lay before them. England

required a strong Presbyterian Church to Presbyterian Church in England to set counteract the Rationalistic and Romanistic congregations on foot in large towns in tendencies of the Church of England, England, and to support those congregawhich the Church authorities felt unable tions until they could stand upon their to check, and the State would not interfere own footing-- had not been so successful as with. He then stated that much progress might have been desired. But he did not had been made by the English Presby despair of that object being accomplished. terians in establishing congregations It was in the hands of energetic promoters, throughout all England. The Presbyterian and he was hopeful that the movement Churches should bend their energies upon would yet be accomplished. With referEngland, as being the stronghold of in-ence to the question of union, he reciprofluence and power in the empire, and the cated the sentiments expressed by the decentre of wealth and government. There putation, that if this union went on and was no finer field than England presented prospered, the closest possible alliance at the present day for the spread of the should be constituted between the PresbyPresbyterian system. He pointed to the terians of England and Scotl-nd, that they zal of the Church of Rome as an example might be virtually, if not formally, one to be followed in their efforts on behalf Church, though under distinct organizaof England, and concluded by praying that tions and governments. And he did believe blessings might come upon them and their that in the event of the union movement highly-favoured land. (Loud applause.) going forward, even though it should lead Mr. Murray asked, What is the mission to United Presbyterian brethren in Engof the Presbyterian Church in England? land being separated from Scotland and Is it to attempt the conversion of that united to their English Presbyterian friends, great country to Presbyterianism? No; they would be in that way able to exercise that is a romantic tancy worthy only of a an influence in England far greater than if Don Quixote. Is it to assault the Church they were a mere pendicle of the Church of of England, and seek her overthrow? No; Scotland, which would be the case in a such a line of action would be most British Church. And some such plan as unwise, because it would be beating the was suggested by the United Presbyterian air, and would bring on us weakness and Union Committee would give the benefit not strength. The function of our Church of the whole influence of Scottish Presbyis to take the oversight of the Presbyterianism in England. The motion having terians in England; to cultivate its native been agreed to, the Moderator conveyed to Presbyterianism; to receive and ererish the deputation the thanks and well-wishes Presbyterian immigrants from other countries; and to work our excellent system so wisely and well, with such judgment, and energy, and fairness, that others who may look at us may see how good it would be for them to join us. Having dwelt at some length upon the religious tendencies of the day, he concluded by advocating union with other nonconforming Presbyterian bodies. Mr. Stevenson brought ENGLISH DEPUTATION TO THE IRISH under the notice of the Assembly the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-The Clerk read arrangements made by the Young Men's Christian Association of London for the introduction of young immigrant Scotchmen to Presbyterian Churches and to salutary influences. Dr. Candlish moved the cordial thanks of the Assembly to the deputation, and supported the recommendation of Mr. Stevenson, that ministers of the Free Church should introduce to the ministers of the English Presbyterian Church those young men who were leaving Scotland for England. He next spoke of the advantages young men now had in going to Liverpool, Manchester, or other erge towns in England, to what were to be found a few years ago. He regretted that the effort in respect of which the deputation came to Scotland a few months ago-namely, to raise a fund to enable the

of the Assembly. He congratulated the deputation on the vigour with which the Presbyterians were carrying on their work in England, and on the close affinity which existed between them and the Free Church of Scotland, who were glad to welcome them and to aid them in every way they could in the magnificent work they were carrying on.

the minute of the English Presbyterian Synod, appointing the Rev. Thomas Alexander, minister at Chelsea, Moderator; the Rev. J. T. C. Gullen, minister at Swansea, and Hugh M. Matheson, Esq., as the deputation to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Mr. Magill, of Cork, introduced the deputation, and referred to the interest with which the Irish deputation had listened to the proceedings of the English Synod, at the last meeting of that body. Mr. Alexander then briefly addressed the Assembly. If in England the Synod had such a numerous body as the Irish Assembly, they would have had (he said) reason to be proud; and he could not help remembe ing the first gift of £800 which his Church in England received at the hands of their Irish brethren, and

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