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that there was the nucleus of a strong and with a desire to spread the Gospel Presbyterian congregation in Nottingham. He heartily, on his own behalf, and on that of his congregation, wished them Godspeed. The Rev. Dr. Blaikie, of Pilrig Free Church, Edinburgh, gave a long and deeply interesting address on "The History of Presbyterianism in Scotland during the last twenty-five years," which he characterized as a series of struggles like that which they had just begun. The address was listened to throughout with the deepest attention.

ALDERNEY PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION. On the evening of the 1st ult. the congregation at Alderney held their annual tea-meeting. The assemblage was large in proportion to the population of the place. Though the boisterous weather prevented the attendance of a number who would otherwise have been present, about 150, partly military, partly civilian, sat down to tea. The expectation of being able to raise, after paying expenses, an overplus wherewith to commence a Sunday School Library, was well realized, Sergeant Burnett, R.A., having announced before the close that he had as much as £5 in hand, and he has received more in the form of donation. The minister, the Rev. W. Charteris, was assisted on the platform by the Rev. Mr. Brewer, Primitive Methodist, and the Rev. Mr. Spilsbury, Wesleyan. Both of these gentlemen addressed the meeting in a very brotherly spirit.

amongst all classes in this great town. The Rev. J. C. Paterson spoke in high terms of his friend Mr. Lundie, and of his thorough fitness for the new sphere upon which he had entered, and added that he looked forward through Mr. Lundie's efforts to the extension of Presbyterianism in Liverpool. The Rev. J. Towers bore testimony to Mr. Lundie's ability and earnestness as a minis. ter, having been a fellow-labourer with him for upwards of fifteen years at Birkenhead. The Rev. C. M. Birrell spoke of the duties and responsibilities of a minister, and in connection therewith urged that the congregation also had their work to do, the leading features of which he pointed out. The Rev. Dr. Candlish offered a few remarks on the government of the church, and commented upon some of its leading features; he also referred to the induction of the Rev. Mr. Lundie, expressing his good wishes towards that gentleman, who he considered eminently fitted for the work to which he had been called. It was said there was a debt upon the church of £1,000, but he hoped the exertions of the congregation would be successful in liquidating it within a very short period. The Rev. V. M. White spoke in terms of commendation of the newly-appointed pastor of Fairfield, and hoped that success might attend his labours. On Sabbath forenoon, Mr. Lundie was introduced to his charge by the Rev. Dr. Candlish, who preached an able and eloquent sermon to a large congregation who filled the church in every part. In the afternoon the Rev. Hugh S. Brown preached; and in the evening the newlyinducted pastor of the church. The collections on the occasion amounted to upwards of £100.

SOIREE AT BLYTH.-On New Year's-day the annual congregational tea meeting, in connection with the English Presbyterian Church, was held in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute and the two school

FAIRFIELD, LIVERPOOL.-The Liverpool papers record the induction of the Rev. R. H. Lundie, M.A., to the pastorate of the Fairfield English Presbyterian Church, and state that the building was filled by a numerous congregation. The Rev. J. C. Paterson, of Manchester, presided, and preached a sermon from Esther v. 13, 14, after which he formally inducted the new pastor, and briefly addressed both the minister and the congregation upon the relationship thus established between them. In the evening, the members of the congre-rooms adjoining the church. The schools gation and friends held a tea party at Hope Hall, the chair being occupied by Mr. Graham. The Rev. R. H. Lundie addressed the meeting in reference to his removal to Fairfield, and the reasons which had induced him to accept the call. He hoped he would be backed by the earnest and devoted efforts of the congregation, and he looked to them the more seeing that it was a small one, and that every man would consequently have something to do. In reference to his connection with the church, he said he came there to be a minister of the Gospel, and with an earnest purpose to live on terms, not only of amity, but in brotherhood, with Christians of other denominations, animated by love to the Saviour,

were very tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens, and the hall with banners. The tables, which were profusely spread with all the delicacies of the season, were given gratuitously, and presided over by the following ladies:-Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Renwick, Mrs. Golden, Mrs. Keenly side, Mrs. R. Hettle, Mrs. Thomas Hettle, Mrs. Distow, Mrs. John Distow, Mrs. Gardner, and Misses Hedley, Gair, Newman, M. E. Smith, A. M. Smith, and Driskell. Notwithstanding the rather limited accommodation, upwards of 500 persons were refreshed with a bountiful supply of tea and cake. After the tea the usual social meeting was held in the church and lower school-room, which were filled

by a large and respectable audience. The them away from their native soil for the meeting was presided over by Mr. John smallest consideration given to their parents, Hedley, of Blyth, in the unavoidable ab- keep them in this country in the most absence of George Brewis, Esq., of Sunder-ject state of slavery, to gather money on derland. The Chairman opened the meet- their account. There are many trading in ing in a few introductory and appropriate figures and other articles in plaster or stucco, remarks, and afterwards called upon the some manufacturing them in their own Rev. J. Reid, M.A., the respected minister workshops, and some carrying them about of the congregation, to address the meeting. on sale. There are large numbers of Mr. Reid, after thanking the congregation Italian confectioners scattered all over Lonfor their special kindness to him during the don, as well as musicians and instrument past year, and also to his brethren in the makers, and many belonging to other proministry for their kindness in assisting him fessions, besides numerous visitors, who during his illness, made a few well-chosen either remain but a little time, to return remarks on their general and financial again to Italy, or are on their way to prosperity. He also suggested that the time had now come when it was necessary that they should begin to form the nucleus of a fund for the building of a new and commodious church, which the flourishing state of the congregation so urgently demands. Highly interesting and instructive addresses were also delivered by the Revs. S. M. M'Lelland, of South Shields, W. A. P. Johnman, M.A., of Darlington, E. G. Wall, of Bedlington, S. Clifton, R. Haworth, and J. Nicholls, of Blyth. The speakers were listened to throughout with unflagging attention by a densely crowded audience, and were greeted with repeated marks of approbation. The choir, under the able leadership of Mr. Robert Butterease, added to the enjoyment of the large assemblage by singing a selection of hymns and anthems with admirable taste and precision. A cordial vote of thanks was unanimously carried with acclamation to the ladies for providing the tea, the speakers, choir, and chairman.*

emigrate to America, Australia, or other countries. From this analysis of the Italian population in London, it will be seen that there is ample field for an Italian mission; and it would indeed seem a total dereliction of duty, were we to allow so many to come to this metropolis and go from amongst us without even attempting to introduce among them that Gospel which will make them wise unto salvation. It is with a view to do something towards this great desideratum that the Society for Promoting the Improvement of the Italians has been formed. Feeling that one chief object to be sought is the spread of education, the Society's first endeavour has been to open a class on Sundays for the study of the Bible, and a week-evening class for teaching reading and writing. At the first the attendance at these classes was seldom more than five or seven, but the labours of the Society begin to be better appreciated, and as many as forty or fifty Italians have already entered their names, for the school was to be organized on a large scale. A class for teaching chemistry applied to the arts is also in contemplation: rooms for the MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. purpose have been engaged in the very heart of the Italian district in Cross Street, SOCIETY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF Leather Lane, which, though limited in THE ITALIANS IN LONDON.-The first size, are certainly best suited for the purpose. annual meeting of this Society was held on But equally important it is to attend to those Wednesday, December 27, in the Lecture Italians who reside in other parts of the Hall of the Regent Square Presbyterian metropolis, and who cannot be reached by Church, Rev. Dr. Duncan, president of the any school fixed in any special locality. Society, in the chair, After some introduc- The largest number in fact consists of adults tory remarks from the Chairman, Dr. Leone who must be met in their own houses or Levi read a report of the proceedings of the places of business. For these the only Society during the last year, from which we means is an Italian missionary-one who, take the following:-"The Italians in Lon- knowing not only the language, but the feeldon, numbering in all upwards of 2,000, ings and wants of the Italians, is best able differ materially in their social position and to obtain their confidence, and induce them educational attainments. A large portion to think of the serious purposes of life and of them are seen every day in the streets eternity. Such a missionary the Society and lanes of the metropolis, obtaining a has, in the providence of God, happily precarious livelihood from the playing of found. The Count Tergolina, who has been the organ and other instruments. Many of warmly recommended by several Christian them mere boys, they are at the mercy of ladies and friends, is a man of great talent their masters, who having ruthlessly torn and great heart, and having himself, we *We regret that this piece of intelligence was trust, the grace of God, is fully able omitted last month by mistake. to speak to his countrymen the word of

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life. His reports from week to week are most interesting. He reads to the Italians and with them chapters of the Bible; he distributes Italian Bibles and tracts; he combats many errors; he inculcates on them sound moral principles; he refutes the teaching of priests; and, what is better, he sows among them the precious truths of Christianity free from the gloss of human tradition. To attract and to provide some source of intellectual enjoyment for the adult portion of the Italian community, it was thought desirable to have occasional lectures delivered in Italian. The first of these, delivered in November last, was largely attended by the Italians, and we trust that the second lecture, which will be delivered this evening, may prove as successful. What is most necessary for the best interests of the Italians in London is the establishment of an Italian Evangelical Church. There are in London German, Greek, French, Swiss, and even Swedish Churches, and we think that the time has come when a church should be provided for the Protestant Italians. The necessity is indeed apparent. Since as a matter of fact a large number of them are quite alienated from the Church of Rome, it is all-important that there should be a place of worship open for these men in accordance with their altered minds and religious views. Otherwise they are sure once more to become the victims of scepticism or incredulity. The Society is earnestly anxious to provide this great want, and they trust to meet with some able Italian Evangelical minister of the Gospel, who may conduct at least one Italian service every Sunday in some convenient locality. For these and other purposes the committee would express the need of extended support and co-operation. During the year one of their number, one most able to take part in the work, from his knowledge of the Italian language, and the grace of God in his heart, has been suddenly taken away. By the death of Robert Nichol a vacancy has taken place in the committee, which they trust will soon be filled by some earnest and pious youth, willing to give his hearty co-operation in promoting all these objects. The committee take this opportunity of tendering their best thanks to the college committee of the Presbyterian Church in England, for the use of their rooms for several meetings of the Italians, and to the British and Foreign Bible Society, for a large vote of Italian Bibles and Testaments, for free distribution among the Italians. In conclusion, the work now commenced will, we trust, redound to the glory of God. When we consider how identified are the Romans with the very writings of the Gospel; how earnest were the Italians in the first plantation of Christianity throughout the world; how

early even the work of Reformation commenced in Italy; and how much that country has done for civilization and science for ages past-it will be admitted that it is our bounden duty to endeavour to benefit the Italians in our midst to the best of our power, and that we are called upon by the tie of common faith and common aspirations to instil among them the word of eternal life." At a later part of the proceedings Signor Alessandro Gavazzi gave a splendid oration in Italian, the Rev. Dr. Hamilton presiding. There was a very crowded attendance, including about 200 Italians, and the subject was "The Future of Italy." At the conclusion of the lecture, the Rev. Dr. Duncan moved, and Dr. Leone Levi seconded, a vote of thanks to the eloquent orator, which was carried by acclamation, and after a few words by Count Tergolina to the Italians, with reference to the school in Leather Lane, the meeting separated.

THE ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN DEPUTATION TO SCOTLAND.-At the meeting of the Edinburgh Free Presbytery last month, Dr. Candlish intimated that there was a deputation from the English Presbyterian Church to visit Edinburgh in the month of March-he believed on the 18th of March-and he proposed that a small committee should be appointed to make the necessary arrangements for receiving them. The motion was unanimously agreed to, and Sir Henry Moncrieff, Dr. Candlish, Messrs. Cousin, Mann, and Crichton, and Sheriff Cleghorn, were appointed a committee accordingly. At the meeting of the Free Church Presbytery of Kirkaldy, the Rev. Norman L. Walker, of Dysart, begged to say a few words regarding a collection to aid the English Presbyterian Church in carrying on their mission operations in England. He thought that but for the efforts put forth by the English Presbyterian Church, the Free Church of Scotland would be under the necessity of having a separate scheme for England. The most important colonial mission of the Free Church of Scotland was England. The Church of England appeared to be very much in the position to which the Church of Scotland seemed to be verging-viz., that of having no creed; it was therefore of the utmost importance that the Free Church of Scotland should do what was in her power to assist the English Presbyterian Church. He hoped that every congregation within the bounds of the Presbytery would heartily respond to the call of the English Presbyterian Church.

WALDENSIAN DEPUTATION.-A deputatation from the Waldensian Church is to visit this country in a few weeks, for the purpose of raising £5,000 or £6,000, to enable them to carry out their schemes for the evangelisation of Italy.

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To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. SIR,-Can you give any good reason why the singing in our English Presbyterian Church should be a continual reproach to its members? Has musical education, which has reached nearly every class in society, been so ignored by the natives of "bonnie Scotland," that they are content to sing the praises of God in so dull a fashion? Our pulpits may challenge comparison with any in the kingdom; but what a contrast to the fervour and animation there displayed is presented in the coldness and apathy of the congregation when engaged in an exercise which, of all others, should excite in them a spirit of devotional warmth. That the fault is not in the national character, nor in the individuals who compose our congregations, may be safely affirmed. The poetic element has its home in the Scottish mind, and those

who conclude, from our style of singing in church, that we are deficient in musical taste, had better follow us to our homes or social meetings, and they will be quickly undeceived. No, it is only in church that we are dull, and heavy, and slow.

It is not difficult to arrive at the original cause of this. Our Church was formed at a time when not only small attention could be given to psalmody, but when it was of all things necessary to oppose a pure and simple worship to the sensuous exhibitions of the Church of Rome. And so we continue to exclude instrumental music; but it is a great mistake to suppose there is anything in the doctrines or standards of our Church that prevents our singing the praises of God in a way calculated to rouse the devotional feeling of the people. On the contrary, Knox and the early reformers were most careful in maintaining this branch of Divine worship; and in the " Directory" it is strictly enjoined that all

the congregation should join therein; that each person should have a Psalm-book, and those who could not read were to be taught, in order that all might unite in "making melody to the Lord." I have indeed been informed that the Psalm-book of that day had the musical notes printed at the head of each psalm, an example which might be followed in the present day with great advantage.

One cause of our remaining satisfied with the present state of things may arise from a general though unexpressed idea that it is not desirable to cultivate music for our spiritual exercises, and that there may be positive sin in making ourselves too perfect in this respect. Now, it will not be denied that the praise of the heart, whether musically expressed or not, is equally acceptable to God; but, on the other hand, it must also be admitted that perfect melody may be as sincere as the rudest discord. God has given his creatures the exquisite sense of enjoyment of sweet sounds, that causes them to linger on a summer night to hear the glorious outburst of the thrush or blackbird in preference to the dreary chirp of the sparrow, and it is vain to attempt to ignore it. But the argument for plain, uncultivated, inharmonious praise, will apply with equal force to the ministrations of the pulpit. We might say we want the Gospel preached to us in its naked simplicity we object to the embellishments of oratory and the polish of rhetoric-we doubt the piety of a preacher who is eloquent or imaginative, and prefer the plain narrative of the Gospel without argument and without illustration. But do we in reality prefer this bold style of preaching, and have we not splendid examples to show that true piety and genuine godliness may co-exist with the most extensive learning and talents cultivated to the utmost limit of human capacity? What is God's own way of teaching? Do we find nothing in the Bible but plain narrative or exhortation ? On the contrary, is not the heart of man appealed to in every variety of composition? Even the historical records of the earlier time are interspersed here and there with poetic imagery far surpassing human powers; such, for example, as we find in the song of Moses, when the Egyptians were swallowed up in the Red Sea, or the triumph of Deborah over the downfall of Sisera.

When the late Mr. Duncan and Dr. Munro stood up at the meeting of Synod in this town, a few years ago, to denounce the introduction of instrumental music into our churches, the sympathies of the great majority of the people were with them. But by an obstinate adherence to the present obsolete style of psalmody are we not

paving the way for the organ more effectually than its advocates ?

What is the remedy? That is not so easy to determine. Prejudice and longestablished use are opposed to any radical change. The formation of choirs, with the harmonious blending of voices under a skilful teacher, may do much, but not all that is required. There is a confessed want of variety in the versification of the psalms, and it is said to be impossible to adapt the music to them so as to bring out the expression of joy, or thankfulness, or adoration, which the words convey. With few exceptions our tunes are slow and melancholy. But there is no likelihood of our obtaining a metric translation of the psalms that could take the place of the present. Very grand and noble are some of them, and endeared to us in many ways, and some prefer them even to the prose translation. We may say it is prejudice, but it is a prejudice that would be difficult to remove. At the same time something should be done to make our song of praise what it was intended to be, not a dreary monotonous hum issuing from only a portion of our congregations.

It is a pity the Synod could not agree upon a Hymn-book. Surely there are men of learning, talent, and taste in our body who might have compiled a Hymn-book to satisfy all that will be satisfied. But it appears there is no hope of the Synod doing anything, and congregations should look to themselves. Suppose we retain our present psalms and paraphrases, would it be a very violent innovation to suggest that the psalm immediately preceding the sermon should be chanted either in the prose translation or in verse, instead of being sung in the present style? A whole psalm could thus be chanted instead of the three or four verses abstracted (I have no doubt often with difficulty) by the minister; and as it would be done with animation, it might have the effect not only of rousing the devotional spirit of the people, but of imparting a corresponding warmth to the minister, on whom the present apathetic attitude of many of his congregation during the singing of the psalms must have a depressing effect.

I throw out these hints with much diffidence, and will be glad if they call forth suggestions from those better able to discuss the subject than I am.

I am, sir, yours faithfully,

Newcastle-on-Tyne, Jan. 12, 1866.


[We have much more hope of the Synod than our correspondent seems to have, and we believe that if he will wait patiently till after its next meeting, he will find the

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