Abbildungen der Seite

Pray do not suspect

That by this t reflect

On the statesinan's choice or his change; I'll not meddle with that,

Tho' I well know what

May be thought to be fully as strange.

If he proved an arrant rogue
While the Whigs were in vogue
For his being more rogue (than reason)
His projects are greater,
I'is pretensions are better,

And he'll not be condemned for treason, 4.

Day and night did he work
For erecting a kirk,

And gathering gold to a preacher;
But he turned as soon

As the Whigs were undone,

And left the poor desolate teacher.


By the kirk he erected,

By the gold he collected,
By all that fanatical rabble

He ne'er could expect
Such wealth and respect

As he doth from the whore of Babel.


From the Whigs he did come

Not the straight way to Rome,

But under our prelates found shelter; He took the great test

Which he perjur'd at last

For which he deserveth a halter.


From the Whigs he did run

In a by-way to Rome

But ne'er from our prelates found shelter They could not endure

To protect or secure

Such rogues os he from the halter.

For his taking the test,
Which he forswore at last

A pardon he'll get from the Pope;
But tho' he so do,

I confess it to be true,

He very well merits a rope.

'Tis not the way to appear

A true cavalier

To quit the protestant road;

To the king, I avow

He can never be true

That so oft hath played booby with God.


To the Morning Hour.


CHILD of the light, fair Morning Hour,
That smilest o'er yon purple Hill,

I come to woo thy cheering power
Beside yon murm'ring rill.

Nor alone-a thousand songsters rise,

To meet thy dawning, and thy sweets to share,

While every flow'r, that scents the honied air,

Thy milder influence feels, and shews the brightest dies.

And let me hear some village swain
Whistle in rustic glee along;

Or share some true love's gentle pain,
Breath'd from the milk.maid's song.
Wild are those notes, but sweeter far to me,
Than the soft airs, borne from Itaban

To which the wanton muse, and naked loves,

Strike the wild-warbling lyre, and dance in gamesome glee.

And rosy Health, for whom so long
Mid sleepless nights I sigh'd in vain,
Shall throw her airy vestment on,

And meet me on the plain:

Gay laughing nymph, that loves a morning sky,

That loves to trip across the spangled dews,

And with her finger, dipp'd in brightest hues,

My faint cheek shall she tinge, and cheer my languid eye.

Then will I hail the Morning Hour,

And singing bless the new-born day;
Or wand'ring in Amanda's bower,
Rifle the sweets of May;

And to my song Amanda shall attend,

And take the posie from the sylvan muse, For sure the virtuous Fair will not refuse, The Muse's modest gift, her tribute to a friend.

P. S. Several errors of the Press were in Mr Dyer's poem, ALFRED, printed in our last month's magazine, which the reader is desired to correct.

In verse 3. line 2. for

When Justice shakes her watchful stand, read

When Justice takes her watchful stand. In verse 4. line 2. for

And, Genius, call thy wreath of flowers, read

And, Genius, cull thy wreath of flowers.
In verse 7. line 6. for
They pant the thirsty lace to wield,


They pant the thirsty lance to wield.
In verse 8. line 3. for
Tho' still, its day of splendor set,

Tho' still, its day of splendor q'er.


Proceedings of Parliament.


Tuesday, January 21. THE Session of Parliament was this day opened by a Commission under the Great Seal, his Majesty finding it inconvenient to attend. The Commissioners were the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Chancellor, Lord Ellenborough, Lord Hawkesbury, and the Earl of Dartmouth,-and the Speech was read by the Lord Chancellor as follows:


"My Lords and Gentlemen, "In pursuance of the authority given to us by his Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, amongst other things to declare the cause of his holding this Parliament, his Majesty has directed us particularly to call your attention to the most decisive success with which Providence has vouchsafed to bless his Majesty's arms at sea since you were last assembled in Parliament. "The activity and perseverance of his Majesty's fleets have been conspicuously displayed in the pursuit and attack of the different squadrons of the enemy, and every encounter has terminated to the honour of the British Flag, and the diminution of the naval force of the powers with whom his Majesty is at war; but the victory obtained over the combined fleet of France and Spain, off Cape Trafalgar, has manifested, beyond any exploit recorded even in the annals of the British Navy, the skill and enterprize of his Majesty' officers and seamen; and the destruction of so large a proportion of the naval strength of the enemy, has not only confirmed, in the most signal manner, the maritime superiority of this country, but has essentially contributed to the security of his Majesty's dominions.

*His Majesty, we understand, enjoys good health, but a complaint in his eyes, which has continued for several months, prevented his attendance in Parliament.

Feb. 1806.

"His Majesty most deeply regrets that the day of that memorable triumph should have been unhappily clouded with the fall of the Heroic Commander under whom it was atchieved; and he is persuaded that you will feel that this lamented but glorious termination of a series of transcendant exploits, claims a distinguished expression of the lasting gratitude of his country, and that you will therefore cheerfully concur in enabling his Majesty to annex to those honours which he has conferred on the family of the late Lord Viscount Nelson, such a mark of national munificence, as may preserve, to the latest posterity, the memory of his name and services, and the benefit of his great example.His Majesty has commanded us further to inform you, that while the superiority of his arms at sea has been thus uniformly asserted and maintained, he has not been wanting in his endeavours to apply the means, which were so liberally placed at his disposal, in aid of such of the Powers of the Continent as had evinced a determination to resist the formidable and growing encroachments of France. He has directed the several Treaties entered into for this purpose to be laid before you; and though he cannot but deeply lament, that the events of the war in Germany have disappointed his hopes, and led to an unfavourable issue, yet his Majesty feels confident, that upon a review of the steps which he has taken, you will be of opinion, that he has left nothing undone, on his part, to sustain the efforts of his Allies, and that he has acted in strict conformity to the principles declared by him, and recognized by Parliament, as essential to the interests and security of his own dominions, as well as to the general safety of the Conti

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Russia, the strongest assurances of unshaken adherence to the generous and enlightened policy by which he has hitherto been actuated; and his Majesty has no doubt that you will be fully sensible of the important advantage to be derived from preserving at all times the closest and most intimate connection with that Sovereign.

The Royal Speech, contrary to expectation, gave rise to no discussion.The address, as usual an echo of the speech, (with the addition of a clause of condolence on the death of his late R. H. the Duke of Gloucester,) was moved by the Earl of Essex, seconded by Lord Carleton, and carried nem. diss. the opposition, of whom Lords Cowper and Grenville were the speakers, declining to bring forward the amendillness of Mr Pitt. ment they intended, on account of the The amendment, however, was read as a part of his speech by Lord Cowper. The pur. port tended to express the deep concern which the House felt at the disas

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons, "His Majesty has directed the esti mates for the year to be laid before you, and has commanded us to inform you, that they are formed upon that scale of exertion which the present situation of the country renders indispensible. His Majesty fully relies upon your granting him such supplies, as upon due deliberaters recently sustained by his Majesty's tion, the public exigencies may appear to require.

"It is his earnest wish to contribute, by every means in his power, to alleviate the additional burthens which must necessarily be imposed upon his people; and with this view he has directed the sum

of One Million Sterling, part of the proceeds arising from the sale of such prizes

made on the Powers with which he is at war as are by law vested in the Crown, to be applied to the public services of the year.

"My Lords and Gentlemen, "His Majesty is fully persuaded, that whatever pride and confidence you may feel in common with him in the success which has distinguished the British arms in the course of the present contest, you will be sensible how much the events of the war on the Continent, by which the predominant power and influence of France have been so unhappily extended, require the continuance of all possible vigilance and exertion. Under this impression, his Majesty trusts that your attention will be invariably directed to the improvement of those means which are to be found in the bravery and discipline of his forces, the zeal and loyalty of every class of his subjects, and in the unexhausted resources of his dominions, for rendering the British empire invincible at home, as well as formidable abroad; satified that by such efforts alone, the contest can be brought to a conclusion, consistent with the safety and independence of the country, and with its rank among the nations of the world."

Allies on the Continent; and to assure his Majesty, that the House would take the earliest opportunity of enquiring into the causes of these disasters, so far as they might be connected with ters; and to suggest such measures as the conduct of his Majesty's Minisverting the dangers which threatened should appear to be necessary for athe country.

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Lord Mulgrave presented copies of the Treaties entered into with Sweden and Russia, together with the accession of Austria thereto. His Lordship stated that certain articles of some of the treaties, as they might afford information injurious to other nations, were withheld. Of the propriety of this reserve, they who were to succeed to office would be able to judge. He himself was extremely anxious that the whole business should be finally discussed.

The Papers presented are so very long, that we can offer nothing more than the following outline of their contents:

No. 1. Treaty between his Majesty the Emperor of Russia, signed at St Petersburgh the 11th April--39th March, 1805.


Separate Article of ditto.

The establishment of an order of

One separate and secret Article, and things in Europe, which may effectually two additional Articles.

No. 2. Declarations of accession to the Treaty of Petersburgh, by the Ple. nipotentiaries of his Majesty, of the Emperor of Germany, and the Emperor of Russia, viz.

Count Stadion to Lord Granville Leveson Gower.

Count Stadion to Prince Czartoryski. Prince Czartoryski to Count Stadion. Prince Czartoryski to Lord Granville Leveson Gower.

No. 3. Convention signed at Helsingborg between his Majesty and the King of Sweden, the 3d December, 1804.

No. 4. Convention signed at Helsingborg between his Majesty and the King of Sweden, 31st August, 1805.

With the Emperor of Russia's guarantee, and his Majesty's acceptance of the same.

First and second separate and secret articles.

No. 5. Treaty signed at Peckaskog between his Majesty and the King of Sweden, 3d October, 1805.

The object of this country, and of Russia, as stated in the treaty of Concert between the two Powers, was to form a general league of the States of Europe, and to engage to accede of the present concert; and in order to accomplish the end proposed, to collect together a force which, independently of the succours furnished by his Britannic Majesty, may amount to Five Hundred Thousand effective men, and to employ the same with energy, in order either to induce or to compel the French Government to agree to the re-establishment of peace and the equilibrium of Europe.

The objects proposed to be accomplished by this grand league were:-The evacuation of the country of Hanover and of the North of Germany. The establishment of the independence of the Republics of Holland and Switzerland.

The re-establishment of the King of Sardinia in Piedmont, with as large an augmentation of territory as circumstances will permit.

The future security of the kingdom of Naples, and the complete evacuation of Italy, the island of Elba included, by the French forces.

guarantee the security and independence of the different States, and present a solid barrier against future usurpations..

To contribute as much as possible to the attainment of the above objects, his Britannic Majesty engaged to assist the different Powers with subsidies in the proportion of one million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds Sterling, for each hundred thousand men of regular troops, and so in proportion for a greater or smaller number.

To this Treaty of Concert, there are several separate articles, in one of which, the 6th, the two Powers, "aware of the necessity of a mutual understanding, at this time upon several principles, which they will evince in pursuance of a previous concert, as soon as the events of the war may render it necessary, declare that those principles are, in no degree, to controul the public opinion in France, or in any other countries, where the combined armies may carry on their operations, with respect to the form of Government which it may be proper to adopt, nor appropriate to themselves, till a peace should be concluded, any of the conquests made by one or other of the Belligerent Parties; and to take possession of the towns and territories which may be wrested from the common enemy in the name of the country or states to which by acknowledged right they belong, and in all other cases, in the name of all the Members of the league; and finally, to assemble, at the termination of the war, a general Congress, to discuss and fix the provisions of the Law of Nations on a more determinate basis than unfortunately has hitherto been practicable; and to ensure their observance by the establishment of a federative system, calculated upon the situation of the different States of Europe."

The Emperor of Germany acceded to the treaty of Concert concluded between this country and Russia, and engaged, as soon as the whole or part of the Russian troops shall have passed their frontier, not to treat for peace but on the basis which his Majesty has himself acknowledged to be indispensible for the safety of Europe; and if hostilities shall take place, to make neither a peace nor truce, but with the


consent of the allies, according to the stipulations of the treaty of concert.

The Emperor of Russia entered into a similar engagement. By our treaties with Sweden, the latter was to furnish 12,000 men—a subsidy was to be furnished by this country at the rate of twelve pounds ten shillings per man A sum of money, 50,000l. per annum. was also to be paid for putting Stralsund in a proper state of defence. His Swedish Majesty agreed to make Stralsund a depot for the Hanoverian troops which his Britannic Majesty might be desirous of raising, and an entrepot for British goods.


Lord Hawksbury, after an appropriate eulogium on Lords Nelson and Collingwood, and all who served under them in the memorable battle of Trafalgar,

moved the Thanks of the House to Lords Collingwood and Northesk, Sir R. J. Strachan, the Captains and other Officers of the fleet, and the Seamen and Marines. The Duke of Clarence, in seconding the motion, entered into a review of the professional life of Lord Nelson, and stated, that one of the most excellent features in the character of his late gallant friend, was that devout sense of religion, which he preserved in every er cumstance of his life. As a proof of what he had mentioned, he would read, with permission of the House, the last lines which Lord Nelson had written. So composed was he, that when the fleet was advancing to force the enemy's line, and before the firing began, which did not commence until after the line had been broken, he sat down and wrote what he should now read. The illustrious Duke then read a prayer, the first sentence of which was to the following purport:-" May Almighty God, whom I worship with all my heart, for the sake of my country and of all Europe, grant me a glorious Victory."-The last sentence expressed his determination not to forget" the duties of humanity;" and the prayer concluded with " Amen, Amen, Amen." The motions were then carried nem. diss. The Duke of Norfolk thought that Admiral Cornwallis, and also Sir R. Calder, were entitled to the thanks of the House, but he made no motion.


Tuesday, Jan. 21.

THE Speaker having read the Speech Francis Spencer moved the Address in a of his Majesty's commissioners, Lord short neat speech, which being seconded by Mi R. S. Ainslie, member for St mendment or division. Michael's, was agreed to, without a

intention to have moved an amendment Lord Henry Petty said, it was once his in words more consonant to the present situation of the country, with a view of enquiring into the causes of the disas ters which had befallen his Majesty's allies on the Continent, and how far they were imputable to his Majesty's that the serious indisposition of a Rt. councils at home. But as he perceived

Hon. Gentleman at the head of these his amendment painful to the feelings of Councils, might render the discussion of the House, he declined for the present to press it. Mr Fox approved of his Lordship's avoiding such a discussion at the present moment; but he thought the necessities of the country were such, that the House would relinquish its dubefore the subject was taken into consity, if it allowed any long period to elapse deration.-Lord Castlereagh, on the othe conduct of Ministers, whenever any ther hand, stated his readiness to defend charge of the nature alluded to should be brought forward.

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"I thank you for this dutiful and loyal address. Your condolence on the loss of my late brother the Duke of Gloucester, affords a new proof of your attachment to my person and family.Your cordial concurrence in my disposition to cultivate at all times an intimate connection with the Emperor of Russia, gives me the greatest satisfaction; and the assurance of your unabated vigilance and exertion, in the present posture of affairs, enables me to look forward, with encreased confidence, to such a termination of the contest as may be consistent with the safety and permanent interest of my dominions."


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