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ing the Cabinet a responsible body, he must think that argument conclusive. But, as Gentlemen seemed very fond of calling it a responsible body, he should wish Gentlemen to shew him where and how it was responsible as a body. If they recognised that selection from the Privy Council, they would introduce a novelty without precedent. He had not sat in many Cabinets. His opinion of a Cabinet was, that it was a meeting of persons high in office, to converse upon public affairs, and to give advice to the King. The best mode of responsibility was, to make the agent responsible. It was as Privy Councillors, and not as Cabinet Councillors, that responsibility attached.

Gentlemen were not prepared to say, that the Judges in the House, and the Master of the Rolls in the House of Commons, should not be Members of the Legislature. As to the judicial and the executive, there was the Lord Chancellor, always a Cabinet Minister. Where was the distinction between a criminal and a civil Judge? He could not discover that maxim in law. Jus tice Blackstone had said, that a Judge ought not to be a Minister of State; he begged leave, however, to demur a little as to his authority. He said, that the latter part of Charles the Second's reign exhibited the Constitution in a state approaching to perfection. Now, he could not think that he who held such an opinion could be a constitutional oracle. But what did that Judge really mean, when he said that a Judge ought not to be a Minister of State. He believed he meant to use the last term in the true English acceptation of it; not as the French, Germans, and Italians do, whose use of it may be best translated by our phrase, Privy Counsellor. The Right Hon. Gentleman then recapitulated the leading arguments of his speech, and observed, that the admission of a Judge into the Cabinet was not condemned by any thing that had fallen from the opposite side, and that it had the example of the best of times.

Lord Castlereagh, Mr Wilberforce, and Mr Percival spoke for the motion; Earl Temple, Lord Henry Petty and Mr Sheridan against it. The latter, alluding to the new opposition, said, he, for one, did not deprecate their exertions,

whether it were an attachment he felt to the old benches, or what was the cause, he did not know; but certain it was, he did not wish to see them hastily abandoned by their present occupants; and much as he admired the Administration, he did not even require a candid opposition, much less did he desire or expect a numerous one. He could endure the language of impatience from the Hon. Gentlemen in their altered predicament: one of them had lost a warm naval cloak (Mr Canning,) an other a splendid India shawl (Lord Castlereagh,) and a third a graceful professional robe (Mr Percival,) and it was natural to expect, they would feel a little the chill of disappointment.

The House divided,-for the motion 64, against it, 222.

In a Committee of Supply, the following sums were voted; ordinaries of the navy for 1806, 1,453,530l.; for building, repairing, and wear and tear of ships, 1,988,8351.; for hire of transports, 1,255,000l.; for prisoners of war in health, at home and abroad, 400,000l.; for sick prisoners of war, 45,000l.; for hospitals, &c. 30,000l.

Tuesday, March 4.

Mr Whitbread brought up a report from Lord Melville's Impeachment Committee. It stated that 10,000l. was due from Lord Melville to the public when Mr Trotter came to the Paymas tership, in January 1786. How this had come about could not be stated in the former reports. It had happened, however, before Mr Trotter became Paymaster; and as Mr Douglas had been the Paymaster during Lord Melville's first Treasurership, the Committee had examined as many of the late Mr Douglas's books as they could find. Lord Melville came to the Treasurership in 1782. Till the 6th of November 1782, the money issued from the Exchequer was paid into the Bank. From that time the course was altered, as 45,000l. was then issued to the Treasurer, only 40,000l. of which was paid into the Bank. The other 5oool. was deposited in an iron chest at the Treasurer's office. On the 22d of the same month 50,000l. was issued, out of which 47,000l. went to the Bank, and 3000l. was placed in the chest. In the following December 93,000l. was issued, of

which 90,000l. was sent to the Bank, and 3000l. was retained in the chest. In the subsequent January 5oool. had been paid on account of Mr Jellicoe, the Ex-Treasurer, so that the money paid into the chest then, was 16,000l. But of this sum only 3000l. had been applied to naval services, and the other 13,cool. had been given by the Paymaster to Lord Melville, on his receipts, in the following proportions: Nov. 11th, 1782, 500l.;——12th, 2000l;—22d, 1000l.;

peachment Committee, that Alexander Trotter had refused to answer the ques tions put to him by the Committee; he therefore moved that he be committed to the custody of the Serjeant at Arms, who should attend the Committee with Alex. Trotter whenever they required it.-Ordered.

Tuesday, March 6.

peachment Committee, that Mr Trotter Mr Whitbread reported from the imhad that day answered all questions in a manner satisfactory to the Committee; he therefore presented a petition from him, expressive of his contrition, stating that his refusal to answer questions did not proceed from want of deference or respect to the orders of this

24th, 3000l.;-Dec. 19th, 1000l. ;ditto 3000l. April 5th 1783, 2500l. Total, 13,000l. There was therefore, at the beginning of 1784 a deficiency in Lord Me ville's account of 13,000l. This deficiency was increased to 23,000l. by a payment of 10,000l. for Mr Jelli- Honourable House, but merely from a coe, which had been given to Lord Melville. In April 1783, the deficien- regard to his personal security, and cy was reduced by payments from Mr from the opinions which he had received from his legal advisers, and praying Grey, a clerk in the Navy Pay Office, with whom Lord Melville had pecunia- to be discharged. Mr Trotter was acry transactions, and from the house of cordingly brought to the bar, repriMess. Muir and Atkinson, to 7000l.—manded by the Speaker, and discharged.

The report proceeded to state the different times at which this sum of 16,000l. had been paid. No reduction of the 7000l. took place till 1784, when there was an attempt to transfer the deficiency from the one Treasurership to the other, but still the gross amount due to the public was 7000l. In 1784, this deficiency had been encreased to 10,000l. for the second Treasurership, but in 1785 it had again been reduced to 9000l. But 1600l. had been still left on the first Treasurership, so that put ting the deficiency of 9000l. for the second, and 1600l. for the first, together, there was still an undischarged residue of 10,600l. The report then proceeded to state, in a summary manner, the application of part of these surhs, as far as the Committee had been able to ascertain this point. Part had been paid to Mr Drummond, the banker, part to Mr Grey, the clerk above mentioned, and the 10,000l. paid on account of Mr Jellicoe had been advanced by way of loan to Mess. Muir and Atkinson. This, however, had been discharged."

The report, on the motion of Mr Whitbread, was ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed.

Friday, March 7.

The House proceeded to the consideration of the last report of the Committee for conducting Lord Melville's impeachment. Mr Whitbread moved, that the Committee do prefer a further article of impeachment against Lord Melville, on the matter contained in that report. He added, that the moment his Lordship should plead to that charge, the Committee were ready to proceed with the trial. The motion being agreed to, Mr W. brought up a report of the Committee to this effectThat the said Henry Lord Visc. Melville did take and receive, as Treasurer, or Ex-Treasurer of the Navy, divers large sums of money, amounting to 28,000l. or thereabouts, and did illegally and corruptly apply the same to his own use, or other illegal or corrupt purposes, and did continue so to employ them, after the passing of an act regulating the conduct of the Office of Treasurer of his Majesty's Navy.

The report was then received.

In a Committee on the army estimates for two months, the following estimates were agreed to:-Number of effective men 134,463-Expence of military establishments in Great Britain Mr Whitbread reported from the Im- and Ireland, 793,406 1.-Military estab

Wednesday, March 5.


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Mr Dillon asked a question of Mr Fox concerning the intentions of Ministers with regard to the claims of the Irish Catholics; to which Mr Fox answered, that his own conduct respecting these claims would be the same it had always been; but that the probability of success at present, was less than it may be at a future period.

Wednesday, March 12.

Mr Tierney brought up a bill for preventing unnecessary expences in the election of Members of Parliament. It provides, that no money shall, directly or indirectly, be given to electors as travelling expences, or as a compensation for loss of time, or for meat or drink, or under any other pretence whatsoever.

Friday, March 14.

Alderman Prinsep rose to move for certain documents, the object of which was to shew the unnatural and enormous disproportion of the trade carried on between the United States of America and the European Settlements in the Peninsula of India, compared with the imports of this country, which he stated to be in the proportion of three to one. When he considered the enormous expence those establishments were to this country-the great portion of our navy that was appropriated to the protection of these settlements-and the alarm and anxiety at this moment entertained for their security, he consider ed the subject as most alarming.-After a speech of considerable length, he concluded by moving for a return of lists of all ships or vessels, navigating under European or American colours, cleared out of Bengal from the year 1801, with the cargoes, and amount thereof; and also the British ships not chartered, to the latest time the same can be made up.

The motion was resisted by Mr Secretary Fox, and others, on the grounds, that the document required would afford but a partial and unconnected view of the subject, and that it would interfere with delicate and important nego. ciations now pending with the United States of America, The motion was withdrawn.

Wednesday, March 19.

The bill for renewing the Scotch bankrupt act was passed. It is to be in force till the 25th of March 1808.

Sir John Sinclair moved for an account of the grants from the funds of the forfeited estates in Scotland, and the balances and interest thereon, and the sum in hand.-Ordered.

Tuesday, March 25.

Mr Grey, in an appropriate speech, moved the thanks of the House to Admiral Duckworth, Admirals Cochran and Louis, and the other officers, seamen, and marines engaged in the late glorious action off St Domingo.-Or


Mr Rose took this opportunity of observing, that the fruits of this victory completed the number of ONE HUNDRED AND NINE sail of the line taken from the enemy during that Administration which Gentlemen on the opposite side had characterised as possessing neither ability nor foresight.

A message from the Lords announced that they had appointed Tuesday the 29th April for the trial of Lord Melville. Mr Whitbread moved, that the Committee of Impeachment be the Managers, and the Solicitors to the Bank, the Solicitors to the impeachment.Ordered.

Wednesday, March 26.

Mr Whitbread moved, that the House attend the trial of Lord Melville, as a Committee of the whole house. Mr R. Dundas (Lord Melville's son,) observed, that were the motion adopted, the trial must be conducted in Westminster Hall. He deprecated this mode of proceeding, as harrassing in point of time, and ruinous in point of expence to Lord Melville, whose private fortune was well known to be by no means large. The substantial ends of justice would be as effectually obtained, and in a fifth part of the time, at the bar of the House of Lords. Mr Banks, Mr Rose, Mr W. Dundas, Mr Percival, Mr Canning, and others, spoke to the same effect. Mr Tierney, Mr Fox, Mr Grey, Lord H. Petty, and others, supported the motion, on the ground that all possible publicity and solemnity should be given to the trial. The motion was carried without a division.


THE BUDGET. Friday, March 28.

Lord Henry Petty rose to state the supplies that would be necessary for the year, and the Ways and Means that were proposed to meet them. He began by stating the amount of the national debt, funded and unfunded. The funded debt on the 1st of January was 517,280,000l. and by the operation of Mr Pitt's excellent system of the Sinking Fund, there had been redeemed 123,476,000 1. The unfunded debt amounted on the 1st of January to 23,165,747 1. Great as this debt was, the country possessed the fair means of supporting the interest, and for its extinction, by means of the Sinking Fund. The permanent taxes amounted to 32,535,971l. and the sum which would go to the extinction of the debt amounted to 7,566,591 1. which bore to the whole debt a proportion of 1 to 68.

He then proceeded to state the sup plies for the year, viz. Navy, 15,281,000l. Army,18,000,000l. Ordnance,4,718,000l. Miscel. Services, 2,170,000l. Arrears of Subsidies, 1,000,000l. Vote of Credit, 2,000,000l. Total joint charge for England and Ireland, 43,669,000l. Add England's separate charges, 5,247,000l. -Total supplies, 48,916,000l. Deduct on account of Ireland, 5,297,5281.-Remains on accountof England,43,618,4724. In order to meet this supply, the Ways and Means were--1st, The Malt and Personal Estate duties, 2,750,000l. Proceeds of ships captured prior to the war, 1,000,000l. Profits of the Lottery, 380,000l. He next stated the Loan, 20 millions, (two millions being for Ireland) which he had concluded on terms highly advantageous for the country. The terms were, that for every 1ool. the subscribers received tool. in the Consols, and 661. in the 3 per cent. Reduced, making the interest for the money advanced only 41. 195. 7d. for every 100l.

The War Taxes was the next and most prominent article in the Ways and Means. After some observations on the advantages of raising a large part of the supplies within the year, he said, he proposed to raise the Property Tax to 10 per cent. on all property above 5ol. a-year, and to authorise the Commissioners to assess two years together. All exemptions were to be done away; but for the relief of small tradesmen and anauitants, he proposed, that after they

had paid the tax, upon their producing at the Tax-office the will or document constituting the annuity, and demonstrating the claim to exemption, the Taxoffice should make repayment.

He also stated, that the Governor, &c. of the Bank had agreed to receive the tax upon the dividends at the Bank, which would greatly facilitate the execution of the act. Thus regulated, he expected an additional five millions from the tax. He further proposed to add another million to the war taxes, by encreasing the Customs and Excise duties. The increased duties on wines should be reckoned among the permanent taxes, but the war taxes upon the articles in the Customs he proposed to increase by an addition of 25 per cent. from one-fourth to a third of those at present paid. On sugar he proposed an addition of 15 per cent. upon the consolidated duty that it at present pays. The increase on the Customs would thus produce 700,000l. The increase by Excise would be 300,000l. This was principally to be raised on tobacco (6d. a pound). The whole of the war taxes would then be 19 millions and a half, from which deducting a million and a half which would probably be outstanding on the 5th of April 1807, the sum of 18 millions of war taxes would remain, applicable to the service of the present year.

He now came to the new permanent taxes for defraying the interest and charges on the loan. First, he proposed to render the wine duty permanent, which would produce 500,000l. A tax of 40s. per ton on pig iron would produce 500,000l. The persons employed in that trade would be protected by a countervailing duty on foreign iron. He next proposed to equalize the duties on tea, making the coarse teas, hitherto exempted, pay the same duty as the fine, which would produce 70,000l., A tax on sales by appraisement, equal to half the auction duty, would produce 66,000l. Total produce of new taxes 1,136,000l. He then recapitulated the Ways and Means-viz. malt, and personal estate duties, 2,750,000l.-Produce of ships captured before the war 1,000,000l.

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Lottery 380,000l.-Surplus of consolidated fund 3,500,000l. War taxes 18,000,000l.-Loan 18,000,000l.-Total 43,630,000l.

The resolutions were all agreed to.

Historical Affairs.



PARIS, March 2.

THE opening of the Session of the

Legislative Assembly to-day was uncommonly interesting. All the places allotted for strangers were crowded early. About mid-day, the firing of cannon announced the arrival of the Emperor and King, who entered the hall, in which his statue, holding in one hand the Legislative Code, is erected.The head of the statue was, on this occasion, adorned with a crown of laurel.

The Empress had, a short time before, entered by another door; she was accompanied by the Princesses her sisters, and the Prince Royal of Bavaria, amidst shouts of, Live the Empress! Her Majesty seated herself in an arm chair near the statue, and received, with most gracious affability, the proofs of respect which were offered to her from every side.

Military music was played while the Emperor entered. The moment he ascended the throne, the Empress, and all the Members of the Assembly, stood up, and the Hall resounded with the exclamation, Live the Emperor!

At the desire of the Arch-Chancellor of the Empire, several Members who had not before been sworn in, proceeded to take the oaths. The ceremony being concluded, the Emperor arose and made the following speech:

"Messieurs the Deputies from the Departments to the Legislative Assembly:-Messieurs the Members of the Tribunate, and the Members of my Council of State.

"Since your last meeting the greater part of Europe has been united with England; but my armies never ceased to conquer, until I ordered them to cease to combat.

"I have avenged the cause of the weak states, which were oppressed by the strong. My allies have acquired encreased power and consideration.April 1806.

My enemies are subdued and abashed.— The House of Naples has for ever lost its crown.-The whole peninsula of Italy belongs to the Great Empire.—I, as the Chief of that Empire, am the guarantee of the Sovereigns and Constitutions, by which its several parts are governed.

"Russia has the capitulation which I granted alone to thank for the returni of the wreck of her armies. Possessing the power of overthrowing the Imperial throne of Austria, I have on the contrary confirmed it. The conduct of the Cabinet of Vienna will be such that

posterity shall not impute to me want of political discernment on this occasion. I have placed complete confidence in the assurances which have been made to me through the Sovereign of AustriaBesides, the high destinies of my crown do not depend upon the sentiments and views of foreign powers. My people will always maintain this throne, against all the efforts of hatred and envy. No saerifice will be difficult to them, whenever it may be necessary for the security of this chief glory of the country.

"Though educated in armies, and always in conquering armies, I must say, that in the last campaign, the deeds of my soldiers exceeded my expectations; and, at the same time, it is with the greatest satisfaction I declare, that all the rest of my people have also fulfilled their duties. In the midst of Mo. ravia, I have never ceased for a moment to experience the effects of their love and affection; and never have these proofs of attachment reached me, without penetrating my heart with the most pleasing sensations.

"Frenchmen, my hopes have never been deceived. Your love contributes more to my fame, than to the greatness and prosperity of your country. Magistrates, Priests, Citizens! you have all shewn yourselves worthy of that fire empire, which, for two ages, has been an object of conspiracies and envy for her neighbours.

"My Minister of the Interior shall


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