Scottish Chronicle. HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. ON Tuesday Jan. 14. this Society held their half yearly general meeting, in terms of their charter, at their hall in Edinburgh, when upwards of 100 members attended. The Earl of Dalhousie, Vice President, in the chair. Lord Primrose, Lord Glenbervie, and 28 gentlemen were admitted members. Sir John Sinclair stated, that he had had the honour of receiving a letter from his R. H. the Duke of Sussex and Earl of Inverness, approving in high terms of the institution, and wishing to be admitted a member. The Society accordingly elected his R. H. an honorary member by a shew of hands, and ordered his name to be put at the head of the list. The Rt Hon. George Rose was likewise elected an honorary member. Thereafter the Duke of Argyll was re-elected President, and the Marquis of Lorn, the Earls of Dalhousie, Moira, and Mansfield, Vice Presidents for the current year. Donald M'Lauchlan, Esq. Secretary. The Board of Directors' report for last year was then read by the Secretary, by which it appeared that a number of essays, had been received, (for which premiums had been adjudged) containing much useful information on different subjects, particularly on the species of our native plants and grasses most proper for cultivation, the properties and uses of peat moss, and the diseases of sheep; the Society directed these to be published in the 3d vol. of their transactions. On hearing the report of the Treasurer's accounts, the Meeting was gratified to find that the funds were so considerably increased, that a larger sum could be voted this year for premiums than on any former one. The Treasurer then stated, that their noble President, the Duke of Argyll, actuated by a truly patriotic spirit, and in pursuance of his intention formerly announced, had lodged with him the sum of roool, for the purpose of beginning and establishing a fund under the patronage and management of the Society, for the education of the younger sons of Highland gentlemen for the navy: -That his Grace had been induced to make this generous donation, from observing that comparatively few gentlemen from the Highlands entered into this honourable profession, which his Grace attributed to the expence of the necessary education, and their maintenance while midshipmen. His Grace considered that gentlemen of that country becoming officers of rank in the navy, would be an inducement to the people of the Highlands and Islands to engage in the service as seamen, where, as in the army, they would have an opportunity of being under the command of those to whom they felt a natural attachment.The Society expressed, in the strongest terms, their approbation of his Grace's liberality and patriotism, sowell becoming his high rank and dignity, and so consonant to his uniform conduct:-And directed the noble Chairman to write a letter to his Grace, thanking him for his munificent donation, and expressing a hope that an example so truly praiseworthy would be followed by many other Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Society, so that the institution now so nobly founded by his Grace, would not only be useful to those who were the objects of it, but would ultimately prove beneficial by adding to the naval strength of the empire. The Society remitted to the Directors, to consider and arrange a plan for the management of the Fund, and for promoting its increase. Sir John Sinclair then rose, and expres sed the satisfaction he felt at being able to lay before the Society, the printed sheets of the Poems of Ossian, in the original Gaelic, with a Latin translation; the whole of which work would be completed in about three months. This publication he was persuaded would not only remove the doubts which had been entertained, regarding the authenticity of these poems, but would also tend to excite a greater desire, than had lately prevailed, to be acquainted with Gaelic literature, with the music by which the Gaelic Poetry was generally accompanied, and with the language which contained those ancient effusions of natural feeling and genius. He would therefore submit the following motion, "That this General Meeting do instruct the Directors to take under their consideration the most effectual means of collecting and of preserving what yet remains of Gaelic literature and Music; and also take such steps, as may seem most advisable, for preparing and publishing a Gaelic Dictionary:--- That a general subscription for defraying the expence be opened among the Members of the Society, and other friends of literature, both at home and abroad, and that the Directors are hereby. authorised to subscribe One Hundred Guineas in the name of the Society " Sir John MacGregor Murray stated his conviction, that the object of it was of great great national importance; that he was satisfied a store of music, with some valuable gleanings of Gaelic literature, might still be collected. "I am old enough," said Sir John, "to have been delighted in successive seasons, before any translation was heard of, with many of the poems, which have been the subject of so much discussion, and I am happy to find that the publication of them in the original Gaelic, is now in such forwardness. Without pretending to be a critic in Gaelic, I know so much of it as to enable me, if necessary, to shew that in very many instances, even the talents of Mr MacPherson had proved unequal to do justice to his original. I believe no gentleman will be found, who is enabled, from a proper knowledge of the Gaelic language, fully to perceive and enjoy the incomparable beauties of these poems in the original, and has compared them with MacPherson's translation, who is not convinced that he was not the author of that original. I am most anxious that the Gaelic language, which possesses so much energy and excellence, should be preserved, and I think the publication of a proper dictionary will contribute greatly to that object." Sir J. M. Murray concluded by giving the motion his most decided support; which was unanimously approved, and the Directors instructed accordingly. The Secretary stated, that a Committee having been some time ago appointed for collecting the ancient Scottish music, General Robertson of Lude had, at the request of the Committee, sent to the Society two Harps, long preserved in his family, one of them brought from Argyleshire in 1460, the other a present from Mary Queen of Scots to a Lady of the family of Lude. That Mr Gun, of Edinburgh, who had turned his attention much to the subject of our ancient music and musical instruments, besides being a general scholar, had, at the desire of the Committee, drawn up a paper, which threw, much light upon the objects of their enquiry, and containing a description of these harps. The Meeting voted their thanks to General Robertson, for his ready attention to the request of the Committee; and recommended to the Directors to have Mr Gun's. paper, with proper drawings of these harps, published in the Society's Transactions, and empowered the Directors to give a suitable recompence to Mr Gun for his ingenious treatise. Mr Stewart of Allanton called the attention of the Society to a treatise lately published by Mr Wm. Aiton, Strathaven, entitled, "On the Origin, Qualities, and General Dirom, Mr Hagart of Cairnmuir, and other Gentlemen, having expressed their conviction of the utility and merit of Mr Aiton's essay; the Meeting authorised the Directors to afford such encouragement for the publication of a second edition as they should think proper. The Secretary stated that General Vallancy had lately transmitted to the Society some additional publications of the Dublin Society, with others of his own. The Society expressed their acknowledgements to that respectable and learned Gentleman for his continued attention, and recommended to the Secretary to communicate to him any additional publications made by the Society. In the afternoon, about fifty of the Members, attended the anniversary Dinner, at Fortune's Tavern, Sir John Sinclair, Bart. in the Chair, when many loyal, constitutional and appropriate toasts were drank. COURT OF JUSTICIARY. Monday Dec. 23. came on the trial of Andrew Belch, banker and merchant in Glasgow, accused of forging indorsations on several bills, at the instance of Mr James Dundas, accountant in Edinburgh, trustee on the sequestrated estate of the Merchant Banking Co. of Stirling; when objections were stated to the relevancy, and to the title to pursue, upon which the Court ordered informations upon these points. On the 3d Jan. the Court advised the informations, and unanimously found Mr Dundas had no sufficient title to pursue the action, upon the facts charged in the libel, the same being only with the concourse, and not at the instance of his Majesty's Advocate, and therefore dismissed the complaint, and the pannel from the bar, and found him entitled to expences.Mr Belch was, however, recommitted on a charge of fraudulent bankruptcy, and subornation of perjury, but was afterwards liberated on bail. Thursday the 9th Jan, came on the trial of Joseph Tod, labourer, for horse-stealing and highway robbery, when the pannel having pleaded guilty, the Jury found him guilty accordingly, and the Court ordained him to be transported beyond seas for life. Friday the 10th, Thomas Watling, some time painter in Dumfries, was tried for forging and uttering or vending, notes in imitation of the five pound notes of the Bank of Scotland. The prisoner pled not guilty. After two or three witnesses had been examined, the Lord Advocate intimated, that he believed he could not bring home the crime of uttering to the pannel; he therefore declined proceeding farther in the cause. The Lord Justice Clerk then shortly addressed the Jury, who returned a verdict finding the libel not proven, on which the pannel was dismissed from the bar. John Binns, soldier in the 2d West York regiment of militia, who was indicted to stand trial before the High Court of Justiciary, for a rape on Jean Eason, near Moreham, on the 23d September last, was married to her on the 10th by a Magistrate, and has since been set at liberty. Wednesday January 8, the flown Council of Edinburgh unanimously elected Archibald Campbell, Esq. to be City Treasurer, vacant by the death of James Dewar, Esq. -and also elected John Fairbairn, Esq. to be a Councillor, in character of fourth Old Bailie of said city. On Thursday Jan. 2d. the Town Council of Edinburgh unanimously elected Mr Carson, Rector of the grammar school of Dumfries, to be one of the Masters of the High School, in room of Mr Christison. The Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge held their annual meeting on the 2d Jan. when the Rt. Hon. Lord Napier was re-elected President, Alexander Duncan, Esq. W. S. Treasurer, and the Rev. John Campbell, one of the Ministers of Edinburgh, was elected Secretary of the Society. The Committee for managing the subscriptions have remitted to the Patriotic Fund in London, Six Thousand Pounds, in part of the sums already collected. The Committee for the erection of Lord Nelson's Monument are taking every necessary step to forward this measure. Mr Nasmyth has made a drawing of the intended Monument on the Caltonhill, as well as a sketch, exhibiting from Prince's Street the grandeur of its effect, and which the Sub-Committee have ordered to be engraved, for the general inspection of the public. We regret to find, that notwithstanding the penalties of the law, and the universal public reprobation of duelling, the practice still continues as frequent as ever. Among military men, the nice point of honour may be admitted as some excuse for their having recourse to such a mode of justifying hasty words or actions. But in the civil lines of life, the practice has met with just and general condemnation. On Thursday Jan. 9, a duel was fought on Portobello Sands, between Major Tulloch and Capt. Mackay, both of the icth or Invernessshire regt. of militia, when the Major unfortunately received a ball in his thigh, which had nearly proved fatal,---as notwithstanding the assistance of the most skilful surgeons, it was not extracted till the fifth day after. The Major is now in a fair way of recovery. The cause of the quarrel was some hasty expressions by the Major to Capt, Mackay, which the latter considered as reflecting upon his character as a gentleman. On Thursday Jan. 16th, another duel was fought on Musselburgh Links, between two young gentlemen, merchants in Leith, when, after exchanging two rounds without effect, the seconds interfered, and the matter was adjusted. The cause of this quarrel was a dispute at a game at cards. On the 20th Dec. a meeting of the same kind took place near Liverpool, between Col. Bolton of a Volunteer Corps, and Major Brookes of the Liverpool Fusileers, when the latter was shot through the head at the first fire, and died on the spot. .It was an old quarrel, and they had been bound over to keep the peace, and their bond only expired the day of the duel. On the 1st of January, another meeting took place near Nottingham, between Ensign Butler of the 36th regt. and Ensign Brown on the recruiting service, when the latter was shot through the heart, and instantly expired. A melancholy accident happened near Queensferry, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 7. A King's boat having gone out with Mr Petrie, the Surveyor, and the following seamen, viz.-Wm. Annan, James Davidson, William Neil, Thomas Neil, and James Muckle-they were out for some time, when Mr Petrie went ashore on business, but ordered Mr Annan, his depute, to go and visit a sloop; they had not proceeded far, when a sudden squall came on, which upset the boat, when all on board perished, except Thomas Neil, who was picked up by the sloop they were going to visit. They have all left large families to lament their loss. A subscription was immediately opened for their wives and families. The Life Boat procured for Fraserburgh, by subscription, is safely arrived there. It was on Monday the 20th December during a severe gale, launched, and without the least hesitation manned by Mr John Dalrymple, rymple, ship-builder in Frasersburgh, and ten seamen belonging to the pot, who, for experience sake, and much to th ir credit, rowed some consider ble distance zmong the breakers; and although the sea ran very high, they returned without shipping a single sea; full of confidence from the security which they felt in the boat. On this occasion, no other boat would have lived in the sea; and at a place where so many wrecks happen, it is to be hoped this ingenious invention may be the means of saving many valu ble lives. On Saturday the 4th January, a boy, with a horse and cart, in crossing the water of Leith, at the ford below Stockbridge, was carried down by the violence of the stream, and unfortunately drowned. The horse got out alive. Early on Thursday morning the 9th, John Thomson, driver of the Carlisle long coach, on the way from Cumnock to Kilmarnock, fell off and was killed on the spot. The guard, owing to the inclemency of the weather, having gone inside, the horses ran near two miles before he was missed. MILITARY APPOINTMENTS. Major-General the Marquis of Huntly, is appointed Colonel of the 42d regiment of foot, in room of Sir Hector Monro deceased; Major-General the Hon. John Hope, Colonel of the 92d, and Lieut.-Gen. Napier Christie, Col. Com. of a battalion on of the 60th. Lieut. Gen. Geo. Nugent to be Col. of the 62d regiment, vice Gen. Mathew 'deceast, and Lieut. Gen. Sir Charles Ross to be Col. of the 86th regt. vice Nugent. Gen. Sir Geo. Prevost is appointed Lieut. Governor of Portsmouth, in room of the Hon. John Hope, appointed to a command on the continent. DEATHS. 1804, Aug. 21. Of the wounds he received in the Hon. Col. Monson's retreat, John Burgh, Esq. of Eastmiln, surgeon to the 5th regt. of native infantry, Bengal: And soon thereafter his brother, Capt. A. Burgh, of the 8th regt of native infantry Bengal. Dec. 24. At Kotch, in Bengal, Lieutenant Robert Davidson, of the 12th regiment of Native Infantry, eldest son of Robert Davidson, Esq. of Pinnacle-hill. 1805. July 9. At Calcutta, Capt. Robert Brown, of the Bengal artillery, son of the late Mr John Brown, merchant in Glasgow. July 15. At Delhi, Capt. George Carnegie, fourth son of the late George Carnegie, Esq. of Pittarow. Ang. 10. At Berbice, Patrick Keith, Esq eldest son of the Rev. Mr Keith, Golspy, Sutherlandshire. At Charlestown, South Carolina, Mrs Haig, wife of Mr David Haig. At New York, aged 83, Israel Wilkes, Esq. brother of the celebrated John Wilkes, Esq. At Antigua, of the yellow fever, Capt. T. Henry Gray, of the guth regiment. Oct. 11. At St Helena, Mr Benj. Mason, sen. aged 8r years, the oldest inhabitant of that island. Oct. 13. At his estate of Argyll, Tobago, aged 69, James Campbell, Esq. President of the Council of that island. 16. At Jamaica, C. Scott Esq. third son of the late Francis Scott Esq of Harden. Nov.18. At New York, Mr Francis Kerr, second son of the late William Kerr, Esq. Surveyor General, Post-Office, Edin. Nov 18. At Greenock, Miss Elizabeth Campbell, and on Dec. 5. Miss Susanna Campbell, both daughters of Alex. Campbell, Esq. at Dallingburn. 31. Mrs Heard, of High-street, New Radford, after lying apparently in a trance for 8 days and 9 nights; at the expiration of which period, she recovered the use of her faculties, but shortly afterwards gave up the ghost -. At Thurlow, in Suffolk, at the advanced age of One hundred and twenty-five, Mr Crick, who had been upwards of 83 years a schoolmaster in that parish. -. Suddenly, aged 55, John Pearce, Esq. of Standen Hussey, near Hungerford, Capt, Com. of the Hungerford Volunteer Cavalry; a gentleman universally esteemed; but a nervous affection had brought on a despondency, and, tho' he was possessed of. 40,0001, he thought that he should become a parish pauper. Dee. 10. At Chertsey, Surry, in the 81st year of his age, Mr Tho. Love jun. master in the Navy, who lost his leg on board his Majesty's ship Prothee, (commanded by Admiral Buckner) in the glorious action of the 12th of April 1782, under Lord Rodney. He was the last of those officers who had received pensions for their services on that memorable day. 14. At Kildonan, Rosshire, Mrs Mackenzie of Kildonan, at the advanced age of 109 years, who retained her faculties till the last. 19. At Kirkaldy, Mr David Anderson, writer. 20. At Tullybelton House, Rob. Robertson, Esq. of Tullybelton. 20. At Totteridge, Hertfordshire, the Hon. Mrs Maitland, spouse of the Hon. Gen. Alexander Maitland. Mr ar. At Canongate, after a long illness, Mr William Purcell, late clothier at Water of Leith, much regretted. Dec. 21. At North Queensferry, Mr Alex. Greig, Superintendant of Quarantine, Inverkeithing. 21. At Annan, Andrew Johnstone, Esq. of Johnstone Field. 24. At Forfar, Mr John Barry, manufac turer there. 24. At the Manse of Sorn, the Rev. Geo. Gordon, minister of that parish, universally regretted. 24. At Edinburgh, in the fourteenth year of his age, much and justly regretted, Henry Francis Duncan, youngest son of Dr Duncan, sen. physician in Edinburgh. 24. At ditto, Mir James Dewar, merchant, and late one of the Magistrates of the city. 25. At Glasgow, Grizel Dick, daughter of the late Dr Rob. Dick, Professor of Civil Law in the University of Glasgow. 25. At London, the Hon. John Scott, son of the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor of England, and Member for Boroughbridge. Mr Scott was one of the most amiable men of the age; his manners were engaging, and his talents of a superior order. He had an unfortunate hesitation in his delivery, which would have prevented him from shining in public, but his attainments and judgement made him truly dear to all who knew him. Mrs Scott (the only daughter of Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart.) to whom he had not been married twelve months, was delivered of a son but a few days previous to this melancholy event. 25. At Finnich Malice, parish of Drymen, in her 93d year, Mrs Ann Stewart, relict of Mr John Smith, late one of the Commissioners of the Duke of Montrose. She was the last of four sisters, whose ages, taken together with that of their father and a brother, amounted to 537 years. 25. At Edinburgh, John Carnegie Fullerton, Esq. of Pittarrow. 26. At Clanville Lodge, in Hampshire, aged 78, after a few days illness, General Edward Mathew, Col, of the 62d regt. of foot, many years Governor of Grenada, and Commander in Chief in the West Indies. 26. At London, the Hon. Mrs Erskine, wife of the Hon. Thomas Erskine, M. P. an eminent counsellor. 27. At Riga, Mrs Ouchterlony, widow of John Ouchterlony, Esq. of Gwynd. 27. At Edinburgh, Robert Monteith, Esq. of Rochsoles. 28. The Rev. Mr James Sands, minister of Tingwall, Zetland. 28. At Totness, Capt. R. Cuthbertson, of his Majesty's royal marine forces. 30. At Musselburgh, Mr Patrick Gardner, late of the Excise. At London, Robert Lambert, Esq. Commissioner of the Navy, Lieut. Col. of the Ist Foot Guards. At ditto, Thomas Knox, Esq. late 29. At Edinburgb, Mrs Margaret Vere, relict of Richard Fisher, Esq. of Holbeach. 29. At ditto, Mrs Janet Home of Homebank, relict of James Smith, Esq. of Lonside. 30. At Edinburgh, in the 85th year of her age, the Right Hon. Lady Janet Dundas, relict of Thomas Dundas of Fingask, Esq. and daughter of Charles Earl of Lauderdale. -. At Lisbon, Mr Charles Hope, second son of Charles Hope Esq. commissioner at Chatham. -, At Dublin, Mrs Heatly, relict of William Heatly, Esq. first cousin to his Grace the Duke of Argyll, and daughter of William Montgomery, Esq. of Rosemount, by whose decease, without issue, the Earldom of Mount Alexander becomes extinct. Jan. 1. At Edinburgh, David Simpson Esq. of Teviotbank. -. At Dunse, Mrs Cunningham, spouse of the Rev. George Cunningham minister of that parish. 2. At manse of Kirkoswald, the Rev. Mathew Biggar, minister of that parish for 54 years. 3. At Leith, Mrs Ramsay, wife of Mr M'Naughton Ramsay, shipmaster. 4. At Dublin, Thomas Needham Esq: banker. 6. At Benham in Berkshire, after an illness of three days, his Highness the Margrave of Anspach. He has left his lady, (formerly Lady Craven) 150,0001. -. At Novar house, Rossshire, aged 80, Gen. Sir Hector Munro, K. B. and Col. of the 42d or Royal Highland Regiment. 6. At Dumfries, after a short illness, the Pev. Dr Wm. Burnside, minister of St Michael's Church.-His elegant taste, cultivated talents, and impressive manner, rendered him, as a minister of the Gospel, highly useful and acceptable to his flock. His virtues as a man, his warmth of heart, his cheerfulness, vivacity, and information, as a companion, in a particular manner endeared him to his friends and acquaintance. -As he was thus eminently esteemed and loved, his death is therefore the subject of general and deep regret. 6, At Musselburgh, Mr George Grinton merchant. 6. At Clifton, Miss Agnes Mackinlay, only child of Mr Archibald Mackinlay, merchant, Edinburgh. -. At Dublin, Lady Carberry. -At North Shields, Wm. Lamshaw, bagpiper to the Dutchess of Northumberland, and the most famous performer in all England on the small pipes. Jan. |