Abbildungen der Seite

Auriga, Cepheus and Ursa; Perseus the present moment, be altogether and Draco.

We mentioned in a former memoir the discovery of Pachioni respecting the composition of muriatic acid. A number of experiments on this subject were made at the Galvanic Society of Paris by M RIFFANT, from which it would appear that Italian philosopher has committed some mistakes in his investigations.

It appears from Caulomb's experiments on magnetism, that at 200 degrees of heat two fifths of it are destroyed, and the whole magnetism is destroyed at 7co degrees of heat.

Humboldt has found, that the shock of the torpedo is different from that of electricity. Its power is superior to electricity, but inferior to that of the gymnotes. A shock can only be obtained by irritating the animal. Its electricity is not conducted by metals, flame, or probably any other substance, and has no influence on the electrometer.

A new method of purifying oil, by M. CURADEAU may be seen in Nicholson's Journal, No. 51. p. 150.


Feb. 25th 1806. S

D. B.

View of the Administration and Character of Mr PITT.


THE life of this distinguished statesman affords almost as few materials for what can properly be called Biography, as that of the most obscure individual. No part of his life can be said to be private; from the first maturity of his powers all his time and exertions were devoted exclusively to the service of the public. Although however there be little room for a memoir of Mr Pitt, yet a short view of the character which he maintained during so long an administration, cannot, at


Mi Pitt was born the 28th of May 1759. Perhaps no man ever entered the career of politics with so many advantages both of nature and fortune. His father, the most illustrious statesman whom Britain had ever known, early discerned his talents, and spared no pains in cultivating them. We may form an idea of the ardour with which he applied himself, when a child, to those objects which were to occupy his manhood, from the order of Lord Chatham not to take William to the House of Lords, because if he heard any opinion differing from his own, he would infallibly rise up and oppose it.

Mr Pitt, after the usual course of study in the University of Cambridge, was entered a student of Lincoln's Inn, and made so rapid a progress in his legal studies, as to be soon called to the bar with every prospect of success. We understand that he once or twice went upon the Western Circuit, and appeared as junior council in several causes. he was destined to fill a more important station in the government of his country, than is usually obtained through the channel of law.


At the general election, 1780, he was nominated by some of the most respectable persons in Cambridge as a candidate to represent that University; but notwithstanding the high character he had obtained there, he found very few to second his pretensions. In the following year, however, he was returned for the borough of Appleby, by the interest of Sir J. Lowther. On taking his seat in the House of Commons, he enlisted himself on the side of the party which had constantly opposed the Minister, Lord North, and the American war, and which regarded him with a degree of veneration; recognizing in his person the genius of his illustrious father revived and acting


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as it were, in him. His first speech was in favour of Mr Burke's bill; and one of the first acts in which he took the lead in the House, was that which related to a reform in the representation.

On the death of the Marquis of Rockingham, the old Whig party fell into a state of disunion, nearly bordering upon dissolution. A new arrangement took place soon after, and Lord Shelburne became the first Lord of the Treasury, assisted by Mr Pitt, who astonished the country, and indeed, all Europe, by the phenomenon of a Chancellor of the Exchequer at the age of twenty-three.

His popularity at this period effectually screened him from every charge which his youth and inexperience might justly have warranted, and which were strongly urged against him by the adverse faction. The American war had become generally odious; and all hearts panted for a cessation of hostilities. This desirable object was, therefore, the first consideration with the new Ministry.

The combined powers having recently experienced great humiliations, afforded an opportunity which was not to be lost. A general peace accordingly took place; the terms of which however were reprobated by a considerable part of the nation. On this occasion, Mr Pitt delivered a most masterly defence of himself and his colleagues, which failed however of producing the desired effect. The administration, of which he was one of the most distinguished members, was therefore, short lived. On its dissolution, the young statesman withdrew into retirement, and afterwards went abroad for some time, visiting Italy, and several of the German Courts.

Soon after, at the age of 25, he triumphed over the efforts of the coalition, and was called to thehead of affairs, during a period of extreme difficulty and depression, when many Feb. 1806.

were disposed to exclaim that " the Sun of Great Britain was set for ever!" Her debts were immense, her finances exhausted, her commerce was reduced to a low ebb, and after a long and ruinous war, a great Empire, the fruit of former victories, had been wrested from her hands. Mr Pitt soon shewed himself eminently possessed of those talents which were requisite in order to raise his country from this depressed situation. An attention to commerce, which has raised Great Britain to such a high rank among the nations, has peculiarly distinguished his administration. The oldest and most experienced merchants have been astonished at his readiness in conversing with them upon subjects of which they thought themselves exclusively masters. Many who have waited upon him in full confidence that they should communicate some new and important information, have, to their great surprize, found him minutely and intimately acquainted with all those points to which they conceived he was a stranger. By the close attention which he uniformJy paid to the mercantile interests, he also secured to himself an exclusive basis of support, which enabled him not only to resist a most vigorous opposition, but to carry into effect financial measures until his time deemed impracticable. He was particularly acquainted with figures. Before he came into office, the public accounts were involved in obscu, rity, but he instituted such a plain and simple method of stating them, that every person could at the first glance comprehend them.

An inflexible constancy of purpose, equally proof against casual failure, and the most unsurmountable difficulties; a love of his country, and of the British constitution; an erectness of principle, and a pride originating in, and supported by conscious integrity: these were his chief chief characteristics as a Minister. -At the period of his coming to of fice, the most pressing and alarming circumstance was the immense load of public debt, which had accumulated without any effectual means provided for its redemption. Here, his most determined political opponents have proclaimed his merits, both in the adoption of a well-devised plan for its gradual extinction, and in the steadiness with which he adhered to it under the most pressing exigencies.

Mr Pitt had studied deeply the science of political economy, and had decidedly adopted those liberal and enlightened principles which had been recently unfolded upon that important subject. The fruit of these views soon appeared in his commercial treaty with France, by which the illiberal and pernicious restrictions, which had long encumbered the trade between the two rival na. tions, were almost entirely removed. In an admirable speech upon this occasion, Mr Pitt reprobated the idea that any two nations could be natural enemies. There ought, on no account, to be any jealousy between them; each gained by the vicinity of the other, which afforded a ready market for the productions of its industry. To the honour of the country it may be observed, that this measure was received with universal approbation. Soon after, a treaty of commerce with Ireland, founded on similar principles, was proposed, and carried in the British parliament; but was unaccountably rejected by that of Ireland, though chiefly calculated for the benefit of that country. The Union, which has been lately effected, will embrace all the advantages of this measure, besides others peculiar to itself.

The exertions of Mr Pitt, joined to the auspicious influence of the British constitution and national cha

racter, were followed with the most complete success. In a few years after this calamitous war, Britain not only repaired her losses, but rose to a degree of prosperity which eclipsed that of any former period. And, notwithstanding the enormous expences of the last war, its commerce and wealth continued yearly increasing. Of this the wonderful extent to which inland navigation was carried during that period, is at once a proof, and a sure ground to expect its future continuance.

In a subsequent period of his administration, Mr Pitt was placed in a situation of peculiar difficulty, by that violent tendency towards innovation which was produced by the example of a neighbouring country. The firmness, energy, and decision of his character, was on this occаsion of inestimable value; and was perhaps indispensably necessary for the preservation of our best interests. Internal commotions require strong exertions of authority; and Mr Pitt has been accused of carrying these to a length which endangered the British constitution. Now, however, that the storm has passed, and that the government alluded to has ceased to contain any thing conta gious, we find that our liberties have survived unimpaired; nor has any House of Commons more strongly asserted its independence, than that which is now sitting.

As a peace minister, Mr Pitt must we think be allowed to rank higher than his illustrious father; but in his warlike operations we do not altogether discover the same energy, promptitude, and ample provision of the means of success, which, with the latter, secured the prosperous issue of every measure which was undertaken under his auspices. As a war minister, Lord Chatham seems still unrivalled. It was under Mr Pitt, however, that the British Navy rose


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Perhaps the greatest defect in Mr Pitt's character, was in his calculation of future events, of which he was always disposed to form too sanguine an estimate. This has appeared on many occasions; and particularly at the conclusion of the war between Austria and France in 1800. At that period, Mr Pitt continued to urge the Emperor to a renewal of the war, and expressed high expectations of success, after the resources of that unfortunate monarch, exhausted by repeated overthrows, were obviously unequal to such a contest. Few indeed will now be disposed to deny that the general principle upon which he acted in his continental relations was founded on the most wise and liberal views of policy; but this characteristic disposition rendered him not always sufficiently judicious and temperate in its application.

Mr Pitt never shewed much inclination to become the patron of literature, or learned men; but was rather suspected of a hostile disposition towards them.

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of Europe. To rouse the powers of the Continent to an effectual resistance against French aggressions, had long been his favourite object, not only with the view of securing the safety of this country, but as he himself expressed it, from a regard to the happiness of mankind, because he thought it might afford, to the nations who were suffering under French tyranny, an opportunity of throwing off the yoke. At length, after many difficulties, he succeeded in organizing a confederacy, to which the nation in general looked with a considerable degree of hope, and from which his sanguine mind had doubtless anticipated every thing that was brilliant and prosperous. It is needless to say how deeply he must have been affected by those disasters which followed each other with such an unforeseen and terrible rapidity. His constitution, weakened by recent intense application, was unable to withstand the shock, and after a short illness this great man paid the debt of nature on Thursday the 23d Jan. 1806.

The following particulars of his last moments have been published by authority.

"Upon being informed by the Bishop of Lincoln of his precarious state, Mr Pitt expressed himself perfectly resigned to the divine will, and with the utmost composure asked Sir Walter Farquhar, who was present, how long he might expect to live. He then entered into a conversation of some length with the Bishop of Lincoln upon religious subjects. He repeatedly declared, in the strongest terms of humility, a sense of his own unworthiness, and a firm reliance upon the mercy of God thro' the merits of Christ. After this he received the Sacrament, the Bishop of Lincoln prayed by his bedside for a considerable time, and Mr Pitt appeared greatly composed by these last duties of religion. Mr Pitt af


terwards proceeded to make some arrangements and requests concerning his own private affairs, and declared that he died in peace with all mankind. His last words were, Oh! my country."

The most lofty disinterestedness for med a prominent feature in Mr Pitt's character. He shewedhimself superior, not only to every thing dishonourable, but to every thing which could have been in the least unsuitable to the dignity of his situation. Mr Fox, much to the honour of both, has repeatedly been the first to acknowledge this distinguished excellence in the character of his political rival. Never surely was there an example of a minister so long in possesion of the public money, who died in debt; and it must also be considered, that this debt was not the consequence of any tendency to profuse expenditure, but merely of that devotion to the public, which left no leisure for the arrangement of his domestic economy.

Letter from a Scots Gentleman to a friend in EDINBURGH, giving an account of the manuscripts which were then in the Scots College at PARIS*.


Paris, Sept. 23. 1716. N. St.


HAVE several times thought with much concern about you and our other good friends, since we pairted, and I assure you that neither distance or time shall ever extinguish the least valuable pairt of our friendship on my side. I have troubled you with this, pairtly to put you and all the honest club in David's to the expence of a bottle to an old commerads health, and that you may acquaint our friends of my health, and that I go to-morrow for Angiers, to study there this winter, for I have

* From the original, in the possession of the publishers.

been expensive in this place, contrary to my inclination, and no ways suita. ble to my present circumstances.

Now, dear Gip, as to business, I'me ignorant by prescription, and my humour is so peevish, that I abhorr all politicks at present, so I resolve to entertain you with a delicat French Ragout of old charters and writts belonging to our countrey in ancient times, and in this I'me the more intent, because I love the Land of Cakes, and will always reverence the memory of our ancestors. I was yesterday for 4 or 5 hours closed in the Scots College in this place, togither with a very learned antiquary and keeper of the records and library: understanding that I was remitted to my study of the law, he produced all their old writts on the table; and first we read ane old chartour granted by Robert the second, which is without doubt a clear solution of the debate concerning his marriage: the writt contains a donation of severall lands near to Hamiltonțin favours of a chappele founded in memory of his beloved spouse Elizabethe More, dum in humanis ageret; and indeed. the whole stile of the chartour runs with the outmost love and respect to her memory. This chartour is, dated very distinctly 1363. One Olifant, Lindsay, and severalls more, insert as witnesses, ten years before he was marryed to Eupham Ross; nor do I see the least ground of suspicion in this writt, it is writt very clear, all in contractions usuall in those days, but no such affected antiquity as very probably a forgerer would have used: the sealls are distinct, the first the Arms of the family of the Stewarts, sett in its ordinary way, and no supporters, the inscription Robertus rex Scotorum; the other seall is not so distinet, but represents the same arms in a shield sett angularly, or like a lozen (excuse my ignorance of Heraldry) with a horse issuing from the angle as the crest and no

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