ng at her mother's, he had become strongly attached. He saw that it was impossible for a young lawyer, whatever his abilities and diligence might be, to maintain a family, even with the most rigid economy; and he was unwilling to risk the becoming a burden on his father and uncle. The emoluments of a Professor of Law some of his principal facts and illus- were not, indeed, very great; but they were to maintain a family in a respectable manner; and, by his own exertions, he hoped to increase the number of students, on which, at Glasgow, the emolument of a Professor chiefly depends. The situation, too, if not brilliant, was highly respectable; and he was happy think, that those speculations on law and government, which had always been his favourite studies, were now to become the business of his life, the source of his income, and the foundation of his future reputation. P. ix. He obtained this office, and tho there was a very general expectation of his greatly improving the reputation of Glasgow as a school of law, yet his most sanguine friends never imagined he could have raised it to that height which it soon attained under his auspices. As Mr Millar's reputation rests chiefly upon his exertions in this capacity, his biographer has very properly entered into great detail with regard to the subjects and manner of his lectures. It had been formerly the custom to lecture in Latin, but this had been dropt by his predecessor, after whose example Mr Millar always lectured in his own language. This is supposed to have given him a great advantage over Edinburgh professors, who delivered their lectures still in Latin, and did not discontinue that practice till after Mr Millar's reputation was so fully established as to prevent the possibility of any competition. the Mr Millar never wrote his lectures, but was accustomed to speak from notes containing his arrangement, and ing to the discoveries made in the science, and the progress of the professor's speculations. Mr Millar is said to have excelled peculiarly in the easy, familiar, and agreeable manner, in which he delivered his instructions. He brought himself down to the level of his students, allowed them to state their difficulties and objections, and to canvass with perfect freedom the doctrines which he had advanced, Before, says Mr Craig, a professor can admit of such a practice, he must be completely master of his subject, and have acquired some confidence in his own quickness, at refuting objections, and detec ting sophistry. A fewinstances of defeat might be injurious to his reputation, to the discipline of the class. But, should he possess a clear comprehension of all the bearings of his system, joined to quickness of understanding and tolerable ease of expression, he will derive the most important advantages from the unrestrained communications of his pupils. He will learn where he has failed to convey his ideas with accuracy, where he has been too concise, or where imperfect analogies have led him into slight mistakes; and he will easily find a future opportunity to introduce new illustrations, to explain what has been misapprehended, or correct what was really an error. To the students, such a practice insures accurate knowledge; it teaches the important lesson of considering opinions before adopting them, and gives an additional incitement to strict and vigilant attention. Accordingly, to be able to state difficulties with propriety, was justly looked upon by the more ingenious and attentive, students as no slight proof of proficiency; and to be an active and intelligent mem ber ber of the fire-side committee, never failed to give a young man some consideration among his companions. P. xviii. The proper business of his office was to deliver lectures on the Roman Law; but as he found that this might be accomplished in half the course, he employed the other in lecturing on the general principles of jurisprudence. At another hour he began, some time after, to give a course of lectures on government; and as these occupied only three days a week, he spent the same hour on two other days in giving a course of lectures on Scots Law. Lastly, a few years before his death, he prepared and delivered a similar course on English Law. Few instances will be found of such extensive academical labours, the greater part of which were spontaneously undertaken. In his lectures on jurisprudence, Mr Millar was led to consider the foundation of morals; and upon this subject he had combined the opinions of his two friends Hume and Smith; considering utility as the essential and fundamental principle, while sympathy gives rise to those intuitive moral judgments which we are in the habit of forming. But his great and favourite subject consisted in those speculations upon the progress of law, government, and manners, of which he has given such interesting specimens in his two publications on the Origin of Ranks, and on the English Government. His lectures on government were divided into three parts, comprising, 1. The theoretical history of mankind, or the -principles which regulate their progress and civilization; 2. A view of the particular forms of government established in ancient and modern times. His work on the English constitution affords a valuable specimen of the manner in which this part of the subject was treated, and it were much to be wished that we had also the substance of that part of his lectures which related to other forms of government: 3. A view of the present constitution of England, as settled at the revolution. On Mr Millar's coming to Glasgow he found a literary society established, of which he soon became a zealous and active member. The business consisted in a discourse which was read by each member in his turn; and in a conversation or debate, which followed on the same subject. Mr M. was constant in his attendance, and never failed, during the period of forty years, either to deliver his essay or to take a share in the debate. His favourite subjects were those connected with the philosophy of mind; and as he had here embraced doctrines diametrically opposite to those of Dr Reid, perpetual, and often very warm discussions took place between them, which however never interrupted the har. mony of their private intercourse. Mr Craig gives also an interesting account of the manner in which he forwarded the improvement of the young men whom he received into his house. Besides these occupations, Mr Millar had some legal practice as an arbiter and what is called a " Chamber Counsel." He wrote also several anonymous political pamphlets, and some articles for the analytical review. Engrossed by his numerous occupations, he went seldom from home, but spent his summers at Whitemoss, or Millheugh, in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. Mr Millar was led by his favourite studies to take a very warm interest in the politics of the day; and we must say, that in his sentiments with regard to them, as delineated by Mr Craig, we do not discover the same soundness of judgement, and calmness of temper, as in his general speculations. culations. With regard in particular to his opinions during the period of the French revolution, Mr C. has entered into a detail, which, consi. dering how much they were tinged with the passions of the day, and how little they have corresponded with succeeding events, might we think, have been spared without any injury to his memory. He became a zealous member of those societies, which were formed for the purpose of promoting a reform of Parliament. His experience, however, was too great to allow him to support the plan of universal suffrage. He was decidedly of opinion that the exten. sion of the elective franchise should include only the independent and well. informed part of the community.Yet we think it extremely singular, that he should have hoped, through the medium of societies composed almost exclusively of the lower orders, to effect a reform from which that class was to be entirely excluded. Their discontent, instead of being appeased, must have been greatly increased, by a plan of reform which in itself certainly wears somewhat of a severe and aristocratical aspect. There can be no doubt, however, of his opinons upon this subject being perfectly, sincere and disinterested; since he refused an office of great emolument, and prospects of advancement, because it might have been construed into an engagement to support administration whose measures he condemned. The testimony of Professor Jardine, whose political opinions were directly opposite to his, is further decisive upon this point. an The character of Mr Millar is described as generous, sanguine, and full of sensibility; yet he was remarkably ambitious of stifling all symptoms of the latter. Afraid of intruding his grief on others, less nearly interested, or less violently affected, he was at the utmost pains to repress every exterior mark of affliction, every thing which might appear a demand on the sympathy of his friends. So far did he carry this command over his own mind, that a stranger might have mistaken his character, and supposed him perfectly tranquil, at the very time when he was in the deepest affliction. No man could more completely bring his behaviour to a tone in unison with the feelings of those around him: But in his anxiety to accomplish this, and his unwillingness to be any restraint on society, he sometimes perhaps went beyond the exact line of propriety, and gave an impression of severity and unconcern, which were far from belonging to his character. In the astonishing exertions of self-command he of ten displayed, it was scarcely possible that he should not occasionally be carried too far by the violence of the effort over his own feelings, and the want of confidence in his own strength of mind.Those who enjoyed his friendship were never deceived by such appearances of tranquillity. They saw them not as proofs of real ease, far less as proofs of indifference; but as the most unequivocal indications of an habitual attention to the feelings of others struggling against poignant distress. P..cxxii. For another valuable feature in his character, he was probably much indebted to his profound researches into human nature. Of these virtues, his uncommon candour in judging of his own claims, and those of others, was one of the most conspicuous. Never was his opinion warped by his private interest; never did he palliate or excuse that in himself which he would have blamed in his friend. His conduct was uniformly guided by the most delicate attention to the rights, claims, and expectations of others, by the strictest sense of honour. Always aware of the tendency of a man's interest, and desires, to pervert his judgment, against such partiality and self deception, he guarded with the most vigilant care; anxious not only to abstain from all injustice, but to avoid every suspicion, in his own mind, of his having done what any person informed of the circumstances, could possibly disapprove. After a long life, Mr Millar was, in May 1801, suddenly seized with a pleurisy, which carried him off. His son-in-law, Mr Mylne, gives the following account of his last mo ments. " In the midst of his family, he en"countered the severe trial presented " by the sufferings and prospects of a "death-bed. That trial he nobly sus"tained. His last scene was altogether 66 worthy of the part he had uniformly " maintained on the stage of life. Soon "after the very unexpected attack of "the disease which brought him to his "grave, he foresaw the issue, and awaited, it with the most perfect compo" sure. No symptom of impatience " of alarm ever escaped him: and no thought gave him pain but the thought " of being separated from his family, " with whom he had long enjoyed the "purest happiness, and to whose hap"piness has life was so important." or P. cxxix. the science, however, the former talent is the safest, and perhaps the most useful. In his style he has made no attempt at that eloquence of which this branch of science is pecu liatly susceptible; he aims only at perspicuity and precision, and this he has certainly attained very completely. Upon the whole, Mr Craig appears to have here supplied us with a very authentic and pleasing memoir of his deceased friend. Popular Ballads and Songs, from Tradition, Mauuscripts, and Scarce Editions, with translations of similar pieces from the Ancient Danish Language, and a few originals by the Editor. By Robert Jamieson A.M. and F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. 11. 1s. Constable and Co. Edinburgh. Cadell & Davies and Murray, London. IN our literary notices for May last, we gave a short account of the origin of this publication, and the circumstances which led to its appearance. It is now presented to the public in a form similar to the Min After his death, another volume was published of his View of the English Government, together with some essays, in which he endeavours to illustrate the moral effects produ-strelsy of the Scottish Border; and ced by the progress of civilization. These, with his Essay on Ranks, are his only avowed publications. How. ever fond of the science of metaphysics, he does not appear to have composed any thing on that subject.It is therefore as a writer on the Philosophy of History that his name will go down to posterity; and here, in point of precision and delicate penetration, he is perhaps unrivalled. He appears to us indeed to be rather deficient in comprehensive views. His talent consists rather in linking together events not very widely separated, than in ascertaining the great laws which regulate human affairs. In the present state of though the materials were somewhat exhausted, and the selection be not quite so happy as in that publi. cation, yet interesting and curious gleanings have still been made. It forms, therefore, a valuable supplement; and most of those students of ancient lore, who have possessed themselves of the former publication, will probably be desirous of adding to it this, which possesses, besides, an interest of its own from the foreign. translations with which it is enriched, and which form not the least curious part of these volumes. These Poems are divided into, 1. Tragic; 2. Humorous; 3. Miscellaneous; 4. Songs. The The first, we think, is the most interesting part of the collection.These ancient ballads are often in. deed feeble and desultory, but they occasionally exhibit strokes of natural pathos, rendered more affecting by its perfect simplicity. Few finer specimens of this can be given than in the concluding part of Fair Annie of Lochroyan, of which the Editor has given a copy, which he considers as more uniform than any former one. We shall begin our extract after Annie has been repulsed from the door of her lover. O, hooly hooly gaed she back, As the day began to peep; She set her foot on good ship board, And sair sair did she, weep. And "heigh, Annie!" and "how, Annie! O, Annie, speak to me!" But ay the louder that he cried " nnie," The louder rair'd the sea. rough, The wind grew loud, and the sea grew And the ship was rent in twain; And soon he saw her, fair Annie, Come floating o'er the main. He saw his young son in her arms, He catch'd her by the yellow hair, O first he kist her cherry cheek, "Tak down, tak down the mast o' And sair he kist her ruby lips; goud; Set up the mast o' tree; Ill sets it a forsaken lady To sail sae gallantlie. "Tak down, tak down the sails o' silk; Set up the sails o' skin; Whan there's sic grief within!" Love Gregor started frae his sleep, " I dreamt a dream this night, mither, That maks my heart richt wae; " I dreamt that Annie of Lochroyan, "O there was a woman stood at the door, Wi' a bairn intill her arms; O quickly, quickly raise he up, But there was nae breath within. O he has mourn'd o'er fair Annie, Till the sun was ganging down; Syne wi' a sich his heart it burst, And his saul to heaven has flown. P. 41. The conclusion of Sweet Willie and Fair Annie (on the same subject with Lord Thomas and Fair Elinor in the Reliques of ancient Poetry,) though it does not possess the same delicacy, is yet very affecting. Whan night was come, and day was gane, And a' man boun to bed, They werena weel lyen down, "Weel brook ye o' your brown brown bride, Between ye and the wa'; And sae will I o' my winding sheet, That suits me best ava. But ay the louder that he cried " An. nie," The higher rair'd the tide. |