At Lucknow, from which place, on his first visit he had been glad to escape privately, and on his second visit had escaped only by the circumstance of the Nabob's sudden death occupying the attention of his enemies so much that they did not interrupt his departure, he writes, February 3d, "How can I sufficiently express the goodness of Christ toward me! Those, whom I once feared, now shew me the greatest kindness! When I go out, I am surrounded by a crowd: my house is filled with visitors; and the poor people flock to me for medicines." Some Roman-Catholic Christians, in the service of the King of Oude, had expressed their great desire to attend regularly on Divine Service if he would settle among them, which the Protestant Christians there also much wish. An Aunt of the King of Oude, a woman of a masculine spirit, graciously received a New Testament from Abdool, and offered him her protection, should he choose to reside at Lucknow. Two Mahomedans of rank in the King's household interposed on two occasions, when some insolent adventurers threatened to annoy Abdool; and made known to them that they would resent any insult offered to him as if done to themselves. At least, these circumstances evince a disposition favourable to inquiry, where only hostility appeared few years ago. a Abdool's approach to Agra was, of course, known, and, as it appears anxiously expected by many. At Shekoabad, three stages from Agra, he found about fifteen Hindoos and Mahomedans, who had come from Agra so far to meet him: They shewed much joy," says Abdool, "and said 'God has been gracious in bringing you back; for since your departure we have suffered much from want of medicines:' they attended Family Worship." At Ferozabad, twenty more were waiting for him; and, at Aitamadpore, others were expecting his arrival. During the last stage, several met him on the road; so that, by the time he reached the Kuttra in Agra, he was attended by a multitude. There, he was received by several English Friends, who have all along taken a lively interest in the Agra Mission. "I praised God for his mercies," says Abdool, "and straightway had Public Worship; the Hindoos and Mussulmans joining aloud in the Amen *." Of Abdool's resumption of his labours, Mr. Crowley, the Schoolmaster at Agra, thus writes His returning to this too much and long-neglected Station an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Christ, I hope will have the happiest and most beneficial effects: indeed this is already manifest. * Other particulars of the voyage, extracted from the Journal, and highly characteristic of this faithful Christian, have been printed, since the Anniversary, at pp. 340-342 of the Missionary Register for August. The Journal itself is printed in Appendix X. Many Nominal Christians, who I have reason to believe have never entered a Place of Worship for many years ears past, have, since his arrival, become regular attendants on Sabbath Days. Blessed be God, for this mercy! The Church here, is now, on Sundays, very decently and comparatively speaking numerously attended; including, beside the followers of our Orthodox Church, several of the Armenian and Roman Catholic persuasion, and occasionally a few Hindoos and Mussulmans: the latter, I firmly believe, are induced to attend, only from a knowledge of dear Abdool's Ordination. On Abdool's leaving Calcutta, Mr. Corrie addressed to him, in behalf of the Corresponding Committee, the following expression of their wishes respecting his future course: You are now going forth as a Christian Minister: it is, therefore, necessary that I should state to you the wishes of the Church Missionary Committee, as to the manner in which you should exercise your Office. You are ordained, especially as a Minister for the Native Christians, and such as shall from time to time be led to embrace Christianity among your countrymen. It is not, therefore, the wish of the Committee, that you should administer Christian Ordinances in any place where a Minister of the Church-of-England resides, without the knowledge and consent of such Minister. At Agra, especially, where you will statedly reside, the Committee wish you to confine the administration of Christian Rites to the Kuttra, and to the Native Christians connected with it. In all situations where no Minister of the Church-of-England is stationed, the Committee leave you to the exercise of your own discretion; praying the Divine Spirit to guide you and keep you from all error, both of doctrine and practice, and to strengthen you in all goodness, and evermore keep you in the same. The Corresponding Committee add the following as the most recent intelligence: On Easter Sunday after Morning Prayer, three Women were baptized and four Children; after which the Lord's Supper was administered, several of the European residents partaking in the ordinance, though administered in the Hindoostanee language, with the Christians of the Kuttra, and several Roman Catholics and Armenians. A Gentleman resident at the Station incidently bears the following testimony in a Letter to a friend :-"Of Abdool Messeeh Lam happy to be able to say every thing favourable. He appears much respected by all classes of the people. I attended Service at the Kuttra, when he admistered the Sacrament; and was much struck by his impressive mode of performing the whole Service, and with the general demeanour of the Congregation." The Committee can only hope and pray that the grace thus far so conspicuous in this Servant of Christ may abound more and more, and that he may be kept stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Of the Schools, it is said In a Letter dated April 23d, Mr. Crowley reported to the Committee that the number of Scholars in attendance amounted to 76, besides 9 who pay a small premium, and 3 adults who attend in the evening, being an increase of about 20. There had been four examinations of the Scholars during the year, in the presence of different friends of education residing in and near Agra; who have on each occasion expressed their approbation, not only by words, but by becoming subscribers to the School. On a comparison of the Receipts and Disbursements, in the North-India Mission, from the 1st of July 1820 to the 30th of June 1821, with those of the preceding year as stated in the last Report, an increase of Expenditure will be found to the extent of 17831.-that of 1819-20 being, in round numbers, 39867.; while that of 1820-21 has been 46,153 rupees ; that is (reckoning the rupee, as before, at 2s. 6d.) 57691. This increase, as will be seen, arises partly from temporary causes, as the purchase of the Mission House at Burdwan, and partly from the augmentation of Labourers at that and other Stations. This Expenditure is independent of that incurred at home by the outfit and passage of Missionaries, and by supplies for the Printing Office sent from England. It consists of the following particulars, in round numbers: Calcutta and Kidderpore, 2751. - Burdwan, 17597. — Benares, 12801. - Chunar, 6021. - Lucknow, 75l.Meerut (for Kowabee), 1231.-Agra, 1561.-Hindoostanee Youths, under the Rev. Daniel Corrie, 2651.Late Rev. Benedict La Roche's Salary and Passage to England, 2991. - Printing Office Expenses 6197., deducting 1571. received for Printing, leaves Net Charge 4621. - Books, Stationery, Writers, Pundits, and Incidentals, 4731. The Subscriptions and Benefactions at Calcutta, with the Collection at the Annual Sermon, amounted to about 8071.; which sum, added to a Donation from Government of 3031 rupees or 3791. forms a deduction of 11867. from the charge on the Society. The Income of the Year was larger than had, on several grounds, been expected; for the Conversion of the Natives to Christianity is a subject not as yet generally popular. Education is widely encouraged; but direct Missionary Exertions will receive, until a higher sense of duty shall prevail among Professed Christians, but a partial support. As, however, true religion shall increase among the residents, and the object of Missionary Societies shall be more justly appreciated, more ample assistance will be rendered to them by those on whom, above all others, the obligation most seriously presses. The Corresponding Committee are alive to this subject; and will endeavour to raise on the spot such a fund as shall be adequate to all contingent expenses, such as the erection of Places of Worship, School Houses, and Dwellings for the Missionaries. Much has, indeed, been already done in this way, by the exertions of the Society's friends: the buildings belonging to the Society at Chunar and Burdwan are estimated at 35,000 rupees, of which 14,000 rupees arose from the sale of its House at Kidderpore; leaving 21,000 in permanent property, the produce of Contributions in India, independent of valuable premises at Agra and Benares which were presented to the Society. The Corresponding Committee will supply an encouraging review of the Mission. They remark Upon the whole, the Committee think they may be allowed to congratulate the friends of the Church Missionary Society on the general aspect of their affairs at this Presidency. The Word of the Lord does evidently not go forth in vain. In further proof of this, the following extracts from Letters of the Society's Missionaries may be adduced. Mr. Bowley writes-" A Young Man, calling himself a Devotee, called upon me from a village seven cos off. He said that he had heard from some of his neighbours (who had received books from me) that a Padre was at Chunar, who devoted his K time in instructing people, and discussing religious points with them. This had brought him to me. He said that the books introduced into the village caused a great stir; and that the artful and selfish Brahmins had made the worst of it by prohibiting the books, saying, that they contained atheistical doctrines, and that the person who distributed them was an Atheist. Thus, by spreading calumnious reports, they endeavoured to deter the people from reading them. However, such efforts on their part had the contrary effect on him, and he therefore made up his mind to come and judge for himself."Another thus writes-" The Prince asked of me, that himself and his colleagues might read the English Testament. On my asking his reasons for making this request, he answered that his Father had read Martyn's Translation of the New Testament; that he had copied it; and, on his death-bed, he desired his Son to study it, as he found benefit from it in his dying moments :" the Writer adds, "May we not hope that the loan of this book was blessed to him?" Another of the Society's Missionaries writes-" Amidst difficulties which at times much depress me, I yet have the strongest expectation of good from the School. Though it would be difficult perhaps to make the reasons for thus speaking evident to others, yet the altered feeling of many of the bigger boys is manifest." Another thus writes-" It affords me sincere pleasure to be able to say, that, by the blessing of God, we are proceeding in the work almost as well as can be expected under existing circumstances. If I understood the language better than I do at present, and could converse with them more freely, I believe great part of my time would be employed in answering questions respecting the Christian Religion. It is evident that many of the more thinking part of the Natives are dissatisfied with their own religion; and are expecting a new era now. These signs make me conclude, that the time is come, when no Christian should appear indifferent to what is about to take place in this part of the world. Jesus shall reign!" These sentiments of those, who, above all others, are most liable to become discouraged, added to what the Committee has collected from their correspondence detailed in this Report, afford sufficient ground to thank God, and take courage. MADRAS AND SOUTH-INDIA MISSION. From the Fourth Report of the Madras Corresponding Committee and other communications, the Committee will now present as succinct a view as circumstances will allow of the increasing exertions in this portion of the Society's Missions; while they renew |