APPENDIX I. SOME ACCOUNT OF THE "BRITISH LADIES' CHURCH MISSIONARY MATERNAL SOCIETY." THE following Circular will explain the benevolent object of this Society. Ir having been ascertained, by recent communications from abroad, that very considerable benefit would accrue to the cause of Missions, by affording a supply of Child-bed Linen and other articles of Wearing Apparel to the Missionaries for distribution among the Heathen; it is proposed to form a Society for the purpose of carrying this design into effect, to be designated the "British Ladies' Church Missionary Maternal Society, for the Western-Africa and West-Indies Missions. Such Ladies as may feel inclined to patronize this Society, are requested to forward their names to Mrs. William Williams, 37, Portland Place, under cover to W. Williams, Esq. M.P. and they are respectfully informed, Boys' Smock Frocks, Housewife that any of the articles of clothing which they might wish to select from Cloth. Rewards for Schools. Coloured printed the List herewith furnished, either to Girls' White Cloth Aprons with bibs. make or purchase, should be forwarded in a parcel, to the Chureh Missionary House, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, (carriage paid), superscribed-"To the Rev. Josiah Pratt, from the British Ladies' Church Missionary Maternal Society, from Mrs. ☑, or Miss -, &c." Those Ladies who feel indisposed to the trouble of making-up the articles themselves, may promote the good of another Charitable Institution, by purchasing sets of baby-linen ready made, of the Female Convicts in Newgate, under the direction of Mrs. Fry and the Ladies' Committee; thus affording employment to, and encouraging industry in, these un Frocks, various sizes. Pockets. Pocket Handkerchiefs. Work Bags. Cotton * Miss Donkin, Bath. Misses Dalby, Ladies' Seminary, Weymouth. * Mrs. Earle, Ladies' Sem. Harrow. Miss Frampton, Dorchester. Mrs. Fry, Plashet. Mrs. S. Gurney, Norfolk. Miss Gale, Leytonstone. Miss Jane Haydon, Guildford. Mrs. Money, Neasden-house. Hon. Mrs. Gerrard Noel, Harrow. * Mrs. Offley, Weymouth. Mrs. Onslow, Dorset. * Mrs. Piers, Weymouth. Mrs. Morton Pitt, Kingston-house, Dorset. Miss Paget, Exeter. • Misses Pratt, Doughty Street. Mrs. Richman, Dorchester. Miss Samler, Harrow. Miss Simpson, Ladies' Seminary, Stanmore. Miss M. Strachan, Weymouth. * Mrs. Wilberforce, Marden-park. • Mrs. Williams, sen. Moor-house, Herts. Mrs. Williams, 36, Grosvenor-sq. * Mrs. William Williams, Treasurer, 37, Portland-place. Mrs. Colonel Young, Exeter. • Miss Vausittart, Blackheath, APPENDIX II. INSTRUCTIONS OF THE COMMITTEE TO THE REV. JOSEPH BAILEY, MRS. BAILEY, AND MISS KNIGHT, PROCEEDING TO CEYLON, DELIVERED JUNE 1, 1821. DEARLY BELOVED IN THE LORD - The earnest applications for assistance which the Committee have received from the Missionaries in Ceylon, and the encreasing prospects of usefulness opening in that Island, have determined them to render further assistance to that Mission, by sending you thither. As two Missionaries are stationed at Kandy in the Interior, and two at Baddagamme in the South, Mr. Knight alone being left without a fellow-labourer while he greatly needs assistance, the Committee wish that you, Mr. Bailey, with Mrs. Bailey, should labour in conjunction with him; while the Society and assistance of his Sister will both encourage him in his own labours, and will enable you all to enter on some efficient plans for the good, it may be hoped, of the Female Children of the Heathen. The Committee refer you to the Instructions given, on former orca be surrounded. You feel, the Committee doubt not, much of your own weakness, and are going forth in dependence on Divine strength; but, if God spare you faithfully to labour for Him, you will attain, a few years hence, far deeper views of your own insufficiency, and a far more lively sense of your entire dependence on God both to strengthen you to labour and to bless you in your labours, than you can possibly now feel. It can never be too strongly impressed on your hearts, that Devotion, Diligence, Self-denial, and Charity, must shine forth in your characters and lives, if you would glorify your Heavenly Master. By a SPIRIT OF DEVOTION, cultivated by regular habits of private, social, and public prayer, you must call down light and strength from Him whom you serve. All will go on ill, if you fail here; but if you walk with God, in the habitual intercourse of a lively faith and fervent prayer, all will be well.. Great DILIGENCE is needful to the success of your work. Carefully guard and earnestly pray against a sluggish and indolent way of going through your work. Let it rather be your constant aim-TO DO AS MUCH IN AS LITTE TIME, AS YOUR STATE OF HEALTH AND OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ALLOW YOU TO DO WELL. This rule kept steadily in view, will rouse you from that listlessness, which is the snare of relaxing climates, while it will allow you all needful repose and relaxation, Not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit-serving the Lord. Seek to have a busy head, an active hand, a cheerful mind, and an humble and affectionate heart; and you will, under the blessing of God, be doing good wherever you go. A spirit of SELF-DENIAL must be wrought into your habitual frame. It was the spirit of your Heavenly Master; and He declares all those not to be worthy of Him, who do not deny themselves, and take up their cross, and follow Him, And He hath shewn, in others, what the grace of His Holy Spirit can effect, in conforming the Servant to his Lord. Such men as Martyn and Brainerd will rise up in judgment against those, who live in the indulgence of their own will. Your chief enemy is within. Selfindulgence, love of ease, desire of independence, and pride-these are our constant enemies, and such as are most difficult to be overcome. But the grace of Christ is sufficient for you! The maintenance, toward all men, of THE TRUE SPIRIT OF CHARITY, must be a ground of daily watchfulness and prayer. Cheerfulness and kindness will greatly conciliate all around you: not that you are, in any degree, to countenance others in sin; but, in your testimony against sin and folly, and particularly as you will witness them in blinded and deceived HEATHENS, there should be a wise and tender charity-no needless austerity of behaviour-no gloom of countenance-no forbidding distance; but the considerate spirit which the Apostle meant when he said, Be pitiful, be courteous. With the MISSIONARIES OF OTHER COMMUNIONS, you will cultivate, as Mr. Knight and your other Brethren have done, a spirit of harmony and love; while, in all your proceedings, you will maintain that consistency of conduct which arises out of your relation to the United Church, and which is best calculated to cherish permanent good-will between yourselves and Christians of other Communions. Much advantage may arise from cultivating a friendly intercourse with EUROPEAN GENTLEMEN near you; and, if they are disposed to enter into the Society's views, freely communicating with them on the objects and circumstances of the Mission. If you shall be found, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, to live in this Devout, Diligent, Self-denying, and Charitable temper, your light They would press strongly on your minds the IMPORTANCE AND DUTY OF KEEPING REGULAR JOURNALS. Mr. Knight has given the Committee great satisfaction, by the constancy and fulness of his communications. The Committee wish you, Mr. Bailey, to co-operate with him, in this, as in all other parts of his proceed ings; and they desire that a Journal may be kept at each Station, from which extracts may be made of all those parts which may be likely to interest the Society; and that those extracts may be sent home, signed by the Missionaries of such Station, by every practicable opportunity. In this Journal they wish you to record any conversations which may pass between you and the Natives, if calculated to discover their state of mind, their views, or their characterany incidents which may convey a knowledge of the actual condition of the Heathen-any facts illustrative of the tendency of Idolatry and Superstition; and of the nature, difficulties, progress, and success of your labours. Details of this nature, taken down from day to day, while the impression of them is fresh and vivid on your minds, cannot fail greatly to interest the Society and to enlarge its views. And let us remind you, that your success depends, not only on your labours among the Heathen, but on the way in which Christians here are excited to give, and intercede, and interest themselves to promote our great and holy cause. In connection with this subject, it is important to urge STRICT FIDELITY IN ALL STATEMENTS MADE TO THE Sơ CIETY. There are many persons in this country, and their number is encreasing, who have sufficient acquaintance, by personal observation, with the state of things in the East, to detect misrepresentations and exaggerations; and the detection of any statement which should prove to be actually of this nature, would throw discredit on Missionary Reports, and thereby injure that cause in which we are engaged. It is a great advantage of a regular Diary, in which conversations and facts and feelings are faithfully recorded, that it will very much serve to secure accurate and just statements; by correcting and enlarging the views of the Missionary himself, and by shewing him the necessity of not adopting first impressions; and will be often, therefore, a fairer representation of his actual circumstances and prospects, than his own conclusions and expeсtations. The ACQUISITION OF THE NATIVE LANGUAGE must engage your early and determined attention. Mr. Knight has earnestly laboured herein, and will be able to render you efficient aid; not only, indeed, in this point, but in advising you, in general, how to proceed in your labours. You will pay all due deference to his judgment, as the Senior Missionary on the Station. The Committee trust that they shall never be pained by hearing of any differences in your plans and wishes. You have, the Committee are persuaded, a lively view of those MOTIVES, which may well stimulate the heart of the Christian Missionary to aim at the highest excellence. But, imagine the case that you were to go through your work in an indolent and self-indulgent spirit; or in seeking your own glory, and pursuing your own ends-what, at the end of a few years, would be the result? You would become a burden to the Society-the hopes of your friends would be disappointed-you would lie down in sorrow, and rise be our joy and crown of rejoicing- By Order of the Committee, JOSIAH PRATT, B. D. Seç. London, June 1, 1821. APPENDIX III. INSTRUCTIONS AND ADDRESS TO THE REV. W. JOWEFT, RETURNING TO THE MEDITERRANEAN, AND TO THE REV. WILLIAM SAWYER, THE REV. JACOB MAISCH, AND THE REV. T. REICHARDT, PROCEEDING TO CALCUTTA; DELIVERED MARCH 7, 1822. Instructions of the Committee. DEARLY BELOVED IN THE LORD On the general subject of your Duties and Encouragements, as Servants of Christ among the Heathen, the Committee refer you to the Friend who has undertaken to address you on this occasion; and to the various suggestions, now become numerous and important, which you will find in the published records of the Society. Such circumstances as may be new in the respective Missions to which you are proceeding, they will now briefly touch upon, that you may be the better prepared, with the Divine Blessing, to enter on the work which lies before you. To one of your number, indeed, that work is become familiar. Mr. JOWETT has not now, as when addressed upward of Six Years since, to take the body of Instructions then committed to him in his hand; and to inquire, on his arrival at his des tination, whetherany and what part of those Instructions could be acted upon: he has assured us that he found them well adapted to guide him into practicable and promising fields of labour; and, though he feels that he has entered as yet but a little way into his work, the Committee are witness and the whole Society is witness, that it has pleased God to give him an abundant reward for all his labours, under much weakness of body and many privations, during the years of his absence from his friends and country. That, with the prospect still of future weakness and privations, you are returning, Dear Brother, with your Partner and your Children, to the renewal of your labours, is the best pledge to the Society, that your heart is given to the work in which you have engaged, and that you entertain an assured hope of its still further promoting Q |