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on Enakee's people, who had killed Temmarangha's Brother some time since. They killed and eat many; and brought away some heads, and many prisoners. They made their attack in the night, when all were at rest; or, in all probability, Enakee's people, who are very numerous, would have been too many for them.

July 8, 1821, Sunday. - Mr. Butler preached this morning from Acts viii. 21, and afterwards administered the Sacrament; and, in the evening, commented on the twenty-third Psalm. Employed, at different parts of the day, in instructing the Native Boys about us. During Divine Service in the morning, Capt. Graham arrived, and brought the gratifying intelligence, that Mr. Kendall and his Companions had arrived in New South Wales, all well, and may be daily expected here. Thanks be to God that He has heard our prayers! Had Shunghee died in England, I am not sure whether either our persons or our property would have been safe.

July 14.- A large party of Natives arrived from Wyemattee, to see Shunghee; who received them with a salute of many guns.

July 15, Sunday. - Shunghee is very sullen and disrespectful, since his arrival. He has not been to the Settlement yet, but remains at his hut, about a quarter of a mile distant, telling over his stores which our friends in England have bountifully supplied him with. It is evident that his iniud is poisoned against us. He says we are all poor people (cooks), and that we may go away as soon as we please. In consequence of his acting in this manner, the Natives around us are very insolent and overbearing; and the Native Sawyers have left off work, and demand either money or gunpowder in payment, or they will not proceed.

July 16. This has been a day of great vexation to us. The Natives are behaving in the most insulting manner, owing to what Shunghee

has told them. To enumerate their cruel speeches and mockings would be endless. The Natives whom we employ about the Settlement have done no work to-day, and have been as troublesome as the rest. This is the gratitude of these poor people for the benefits which they have received! God give us more patience to bear with them; and grant that we may not make any rash resolves!

It is clear

July 17.-Shunghee came to the Settlement to-day, for the first time since his return; drank some tea with us, but eat nothing. He behaved with great reserve. that there is something working in his mind against us: nay, he says plainly, that unless we will deal in muskets and powder, we shall have no pork, and had better go away.

July 31. - Shunghee breakfasted with us this morning, and wasin pretty good humour. The Natives around us are getting their arms and canoes in order, for another expedition.

Aug. 2. Shunghee and his Sonin-law busily employed in the Smith's Shop, getting their arms in order for a great fight of which they are thinking.

Aug. 5, Sunday. - We expected Shunghee at Church to-day, not having attended since his return; but he did not come, being too busily employed in preparing for war..

Aug. 10.-News has just arrived, that a Chief named Lalala has been killed and eaten, together with his Wife and several other Chiefs, by the Kiperro people. The Natives in this quarter are all preparing to go and seek revenge.

Aug. 12, Sunday. - We are informed that eight Slaves, or Prisoners-of-war, made their escape from a Chief at some distance: seven of them were soon caught again, and killed and eaten the other was discovered in a wood, not far distant; and, this day, passed our Settlement, half starved. We fear that this poor creature will share the fate of the others, unless the small portion of

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filesh upon his bones may be the means of saving his life.

Aug. 20, 1821. Shunghee brought a relation of his who is troubled with a pain in his breast and spitting of blood. He desired to have a blister applied, the effects of which he was well acquainted with in England. When he came to have the blister dressed, he brought his own scissars (which are tabbooed) to cut the skin, and a calabash to catch the water coming from the blister: he is wrapped up in the superstitious notions of his country; and his voyage to the other side of the Globe seems to have done him no good, but the contrary. He is averse to his Children being taught by us; and says that he wishes them to learn to fight, and not that which we wish to teach them.

Aug. 21.-A Chief, named Watarow, a near relation to Shunghee, took a spade from our boy, who was making charcoal; and demanded an axe for the charcoal wood which we had cut, or he would not return the spade. The ground in question, with the wood upon it, was purchased, some time since, by the Society; he had, therefore, no claim. But they seem determined to be awkward with us. Another Chief went into Mr. Kemp's shop, and took away two hoes. At Mr. Puckey's they took the bread out of the pan, as it was baking. After dark, a party of them got over our fence, and came blustering in; and said that they wanted food, and food they must have. They acted in the same manner at Mr. Butler's and Mr. Bean's. What will be the end of these things, we know not. Those Natives who work for us, take advantage of these events, and are insolent too. Our souls are vexed from day to day. O Lord, be with us, and teach us how to act !

Aug. 22. - The Natives are still overbearing and troublesome. The Chief, Watarow, who took the spade from our charcoal-burner, came and demanded a hatchet: one was given him, and he promised to return the spade. He then wished to have an

axe in addition: it was thought right, at this time of trouble, to give him one. He must then have a hoe for his wife; this also was given him. He then demanded another hatchet for his friend, which was refused; and, most likely, he will not return the spade. This man has, till now, been very quiet. He had no just demand; the land and every thing on it having been purchased by Mr. Marsden.

Aug. 23. A party of Natives arrived at the Settlement from Shukehanga this morning, and we were under alarm for Puckey's house, for a number of them, stark naked (their usual way when about to do mischief or to fight,) went to his door and were about to have broken it open, if the Chiefs of Kiddeekiddee had not interfered. We hear that it is reported by a neighbouring Tribe, that Shunghee has said, Mr. Butler shall not remain at Kiddeekiddee, but that Mr. Kendall is to come up. Shunghee's conduct is not that which we could wish, so soon too after his return from our native land, where he was kindly treated and bountifully supplied. There is no gratitude, at present, in his bosom.

Another party of people arrived from Shukeangha, to join the great expedition now fitting out for the eastward to revenge the death of Lalala and his Wife, who were killed and eaten by the Mogoeah people lately.

Aug. 24.-Shunghee having stated it as one of his grievances, that he had not a piece of scarlet-cloth, such as several other Chiefs had, I gave him a piece to-day; which seemed, for the time, to set his mind at rest: he put it over his shoulders, and strutted about with the consequence of a Roman Emperor.

Aug. 26, Sunday. -Blessed be God, we have spent a much more quiet Sabbath, than the preceding. I hope every one derived benefit from the Word. Rewa, who has always acted as our friend on every trying occasion, came into the Church when I was endeavouring to instruct the Boys; and made me to understand that he would take our parts no more, unless we gave him a gun.

Aug. 27, 1821.-This has been another day of noise and confusion. The Sarah's boat arrived this morning: immediately that she came in contact with the shore, some of the fierce people by whom we are now surrounded made a dash at her, and took the sailors' clothes and some new garments which were in the boat for our carpenters, and other things; and, in the evening, they made a similar attack upon a ship's boat (the Vansittart's) at some little distance from us; and took from them a musket, some pigs, axes, &c. They are become ferocious, and ripe for any evil; and, as they hold us in contempt since Shunghee's return, it is not unlikely but that they may, ere long, lay hands on our property. Surrounded by such men, our situation is as perilous as was that of Daniel: but the same Almighty Saviour, who shut the mouths of the lions, is our God; and, in Him, do we trust.

Shunghee breakfasted with us this morning: we mentioned the conduct of the Natives toward the boats' crews on the preceding day: he only made up a laugh at it; and said, it was common in his country.

Three canoes went down to the place of rendezvous, this morning, well armed with muskets &c.: the largest of them carries sixty men. More are to follow from this place, and many will join, from different Settlements in the Bay, and will assemble near Cape Brett, and will then proceed on the horrid work of killing and eating their fellow-creatures.

A Young Man, named Pahudu, who has been with us about eighteen months, forms one of the number: he possesses very good talents: he can write well, and would soon have learnt to read. He has behaved well, till lately; but it being now the fashion among his superiors (for he is only a prisoner-of-war) to be insolent and overhearing toward the Europeans, he thought that he also had a right to

be proud and lazy; and it is probable that we should not have been able to keep him long, if his Master had not taken him away, to provide and cook his food on the expedition.

A very valuable man of Mr. Butler's, who has behaved uncommonly well, a very hard working man (who was not long since wounded by a man jealous of him) is gone also !

Aug. 80.-Pakeeda, a brother of Tarreah, came and said that unless we sent his brother an axe, he would bring his people and strip the Settlement: we thought it prudent to send one, and to give a hatchet to the bearer. Other Chiefs came and demanded cartridge boxes to be made: we were obliged to comply. In this state things are at present: we are vexed and harrassed by them almost continually.

Sept. 1. One of the Shukeangha Natives took Mr. Bean's hat from his head, and would not return it without twelve fish-hooks: another stole Mr. Fairburn's rule out of his pocket; and a third stole our housedoor key.

Sept. 2, Sunday. - The morning of this Sabbath was interrupted by Moco, a Chief, getting over our fence, stark naked, to steal some bags which hung to dry in the courtyard: this was done in open day, when all eyes were upon him. They climb over our fences, and come into our houses; impudently insisting on having food, when we have it not in our power to give them. They interrupt us in almost every thing that we do: they seem determined to make us miserable, if we do not give them muskets and powder; which I am determined never to do, not only because I am commanded by the Society not to do so, but my conscience tells me that it is wrong to furnish these men with means to kill one another.

The armament now going out will consist, it is thought, of 2000 men; more formidably prepared for de-struction than any former expedition,

by the means which Shunghee has obtained: they intend to sweep every thing before them. The Lord prevent them!

Sept. 3, 1821. Another division of canoes leaves this place to-morrow, to join the main body. The Natives have been casting balls all day, in Mr. Kemp's shop: they come in when they please, and do what they please, and take away what they please, and it is vain to resist them: insult upon insult, we are obliged to bear from them; and when they return froin this fight, they will most probably be more ferocious. The time for this people seems at a distance: the pros pect of being useful to them seems cut off. O Lord, guide us with thine eye!

Sept. 4.- Four large beautiful canoes manned with from sixty to seventy men each, rowed up and down the river, for exercise and to show their skill. They move with wonderful swiftness, and are managed with great dexterity: Shunghee was dressed in his scarlet uniform, and thought more of himself than any Admiral of the Red ever did. There is an old Priest on board, who goes with them: it is said that he has dreamed that all the canoes were

dashed to pieces in a storm, and if he dreams the same dream again they will not go at present. We think they will have at least a thousand muskets in this armament, and plenty of powder and ball. The heart sickens to hear of the destruction which they talk of making.

Sept. 12. This seems a climate very favourable to horticulture: we have most European vegetables in perfection-asparagus as thick as one's finger, planted about eighteen months ago - peach trees, planted about the same time from stones, now five feet high, and some of them in blossom. Oh, that the people were equally good with the climate! I have given to the Chiefs, peach trees, vines, seeds of different kinds, &c. and when these come to perfection, they may perhaps remember with sorrow that they drove us away, which it seems likely they will do.

Sept. 20. The trees are in full bloom: every thing looks luxuriant and beautiful-the weather fine, similar to April in England. Many of the Natives having gone to the fight, and the rest preparing the ground for koomeras, we enjoy a portion of rest and quietness which we have long been unacquainted with.

Extract from the Communications of Mr. John King.

I HAVE collected from the Natives their notions respecting death and a separate state. They say, that, at the death of a Chief, his soul goes to the Treaingha, at the North Cape; and sometimes comes to speak to the relations left behind, in their dreams. They ask the spirit if he has seen all their departed friends, and how it fares with them: he says " I have seen them, and they are all well." The spirits dispute and fight, plant koomeras, have abundance of provisions, &c. in the other world. When a Chief dies, he becomes an Atua: his relations lament over the corpse, and pray that he will make clear and straight the road, and provide a place

for them. The Atua comes up the ladder to the top of the Treaingha, at times; and sits, and looks toward the place where he died, to know if his relations have performed the customary ceremonies: if these have been neglected, the Atua is angry. Six or seven months after the death of a

Chief, the body is taken up by his friends, and dressed in clean mats - his hair combed-and his head anointed with oil, and dressed up with white feathers, when they lament over it: the body is moved, several times, from one place to another: at last it is put into a cave, never more to be moved, and then all their crying and ceremonies are over.


(See Page 210.)



Feb. 8, 1821.- Went to Harman's, to elect Inspectors. We met in the house of a very aged pious slave. His great-grand children are of the little group of our Scholars; and it seems to be among his few outward comforts, to have the children with him in the evening to sing, &c. We find the slaves so ready to comply with any thing that we propose, that it is our endeavour, on all occasions, to use our influence to their benefit. After singing and prayer, we addressed them concerning the business in hand, and proceeded to elect seven of the most eligible to the office of Inspectors.

Feb. 27. The work of God is prospering at English Harbour, particularly among the young people and children attached to the Sunday School. I was much pleased at hearing an account of an African Girl belonging to the School. There is a deep work of conviction upon her mind. She says her little sins as well as big sins, and sins that she had committed while in her own country and had forgotten, now trouble her. A Mahomedan also has lately been brought to the knowledge of thetruth: his conversation has been remarkable: he once had a particular hatred to the Blessed Name of Jesus, but now that Name is his delight: he had an Arabic Bible given to him, some time ago; one of those left here by Lieut. Lugger.

March 8. - At Belfast, admitted thirty new Scholars; making, in all, 217. There appears an encreasing desire after learning, both in old and young. The young people begin to 'sing well: singing to them is a pleasing part of the duty.

Went from Belfast to Lower Waldron's. Here lives Relia Governier,

a very aged and pious Negro Woman. One of her daughters informed us, some days ago, that she called all her family who were at home to her bed-side, and told them that she felt as if the Lord would soon call her home, and she was much concerned for their souls. She earnestly exhorted them to secure the favour of God, and gave them much Christian advice, and then poured out her heart in prayer with so much fervour as greatly to affect all present. We found her in the same happy frame of mind.

Under the same roof we assembled as many of the Parents as could attend. In our usual way, we opened the Meeting with singing and prayer; and proceeded to lay before them our design in choosing Inspectors, with the duty required of them. All seemed heartily to agree to our plan. We appointed ten, one of whom is William Waldron, a great-grandson of the above-mentioned old woman, free and married, and about 36 years of age. As he and his Wife are religious people, we were glad that they entered into our views, and engaged to teach the children at all convenient opportunities. We left them with every reason to expect that much good will arise from such advantages.

May 20, Sunday. - Mr. Whitney, one of the Overseers on Lynch's Estate, remarked that there was a wonderful change throughout that estate

that when he came from England, he was shocked at the immorality which prevailed; fiddling and dancing fighting and quarrelling; but that, of on Sunday Evenings, followed by late, all this was done away, and something better had taken place.

May 27, Sunday. - A pious old

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