Abbildungen der Seite

The Committee think this a proper place to notice the formation of a Ladies' Society, for the especial purpose of supplying suitable articles of clothing to the Female Negroes in the West Africa and West Indies Missions of the Society. To the benevolence of Mrs. William Williams, of Portland Place, the Society is indebted for this seasonable aid to its objects. Many Ladies have enrolled themselves among the Members; and the Committee have particular pleasure in remarking, that Mrs. Fry and other Ladies have contributed parcels of clothing for the benefit of Negroes, made by the Female Convicts in Newgate. There is something in a Charity of this nature "twice-blessed" indeed; and benevolent Ladies may feel singular gratification, in employing their annual contribution to set reformed Female Convicts of their own country to work, for the benefit of Negro Girls and Women, rescued from vice and oppression, and brought under Christian Instruction.*


[blocks in formation]

* Further particulars of the Society are given in Appendix I.

92 8 6

680 13 11

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Paston & Werrington

36 24

86 2 4



17 15 4



33 0 0



206 0 0

785 14 2


59 4 10

72 16 4


673 17

4884 10 4

Peaton (Hampshire)


11 5 6 117 3 6
70 57258 15 4

Yoxall and Hamstall

9000 27500

When New Associations are formed, which comprehend smaller Associations that had been previously in action, the Contributions of those smaller Associations are placed under the total the larger, and the names of the smaller omitted in this List: as under the total of the South Buks are comprehended the Contributions previously paid from High Wycombe, Iver, Woobara, and other places


The most beneficial effects have been found to result, in various parts of the Country, from the formation of Associations,

The testimony of the late Rev. William Richardson on this subject has been already adduced. The Committee will quote that of another Clergyman, now living, respecting his own very populous Parish; and which is applicable, they doubt not, to many other places.

The Association (he writes) has been one chief means of reviving religion among us. It affords a ready way of shewing, and of strengthening, the reality and the energy of religion. As soon as a Young Lady, for example, becomes truly awakened to the concerns of Eternity, she finds, in collecting for the Association, a visible and striking means of doing good to the souls of others. In these Collectors we have thus an increasing number of serious persons; who will form, we trust, the centre of a large religious body among us.

It cannot, indeed, be too strongly urged on the friends of the Society, to form Associations in every practicable case, and to engage Collectors of Weekly and Monthly Contributions. This is far more easy to be accomplished, and far more effective, than those persons who have not fully entered into the subject would suppose. Temporary difficulties may, indeed, in some places, delay the measure; but there is every encouragement for the Clergy, in particular, to embrace the first opportunity of associating their Parishes with the great work of propagating the Gospel throughout the World.

A striking evidence of the truth of this statement occurred, during the last year, in the Parish of Harrow, near the Metropolis. The Committee will quote the words of their friend, the Vicar of Harrow, on occasion of his communicating to them the formation of the Association :

It has often grieved me, when pleading for the Society in distant parts of the kingdom, to feel that my own parish had not arrived at circumstances favourable to the establishment of an effective Association. You can well estimate my satisfaction, on finding our large National School Room crowded, on this occasion, with my parishioners pressing forward to cast their mites, with me, into the Treasury of the Society. Not less than 350 Penny Subscribers offered their names, who were increased afterward by 150 more from another part of the Parish-thus proving that the obstacles being removed which had impeded the course of parochial benevolence, it has, at length, set in with a full and strong tide.

It may naturally occur to reflecting persons, on witnessing such scenes as these, where the flock assemble so readily at the call of their Pastor, what those Clergymen lose who are negligent in cherishing a Missionary Spirit in their parishes. To say nothing of that peace of the bosom which arises from a consciousness of labouring to fulfil the great and last command of Christ, to make the Gospel known to every creature, such Clergymen deprive their people of the great personal, domestic, and parochial benefit which results from meetings of Associations of this nature; and they themselves forego that strong attachment of heart in the people, which accompanies the attempts of the Minister to rouse their zeal and love in works of expanded benevolence and mercy.

On this subject the Committee will extract some passages from the Reports of several Associations.

In the Report of one Association, the following just remarks are made on the advantages resulting from Public Meetings:

Your Committee fully concur with the Parent Committee, in highly appreciating the benefits which have resulted from the Public Meetings of the various Associations for Missionary Purposes throughout the kingdom. May we not appeal to those who have been present at these Meetings, whether they have not tended more deeply to impress upon their minds the awful realities of Heathen Darkness and Heathen Superstitions, to increase in their estimation the value of the light and privileges which we possess in a Christian Land, and to enlarge their desire for the extension of those blessings to the countries which as yet possess them not? And, surely, the self-denying labours, which on such occasions are brought to our notice, of those who have gone forth with their lives in their hands to foreign climates, may well suggest the inquiry, whether we, who are at home, are according to our substance contributing toward those more distant operations of Christian Benevolence, and according to our talents and opportunity rendering our per

sonal exertions in dispensing the blessing of religious instruetion in our own place and neighbourhood.

To the personal benefit derived from engaging in this charitable labour, the Report of one of the County Associations bears the following testimony:

It is gratifying to observe, in those places where Branch Associations are in most active operation, a growing conviction of the benefits conferred upon the inhabitants themselves, by the diffusion of a Missionary Spirit among them. In multiplied instances, a desire to assist in the conversion of others, is accompanied with a serious impression of the glad tidings of the Evangelical Revelation on themselves. Doubly blessed is the introduction of Church Missionary Objects into our parishes, if, while the hearts of our people are moved to unite for the suppression of idolatry among the Heathen, they feel a strong desire to inquire into the reality of their own conversion to the Gospel. This blessing having been experienced in several districts, it has been thought due to the Giver of every good Gift, to record it in this Report, as a testimony of gratitude to Almighty God, and as an encouragement to Ministers to go on with their Missionary Labours.

Your Committee cannot entertain a doubt, that similar advantages will be found, in other places, to result from the influence of Missionary Associations, in proportion to the extent and activity of their exertions. On this account, therefore, no less than for the sake of the Society, your Committee would rejoice to hear of the formation of such Associations, in every town and village of the County, where they do not already exist. For this purpose, it is, in the first instance, simply necessary that a few individuals, who have the cause of Missions at heart, should undertake to collect the voluntary contributions of their neighbours, and to circulate among them the Monthly and Quarterly Publications of the Society. Such endeavours, however small in their beginnings, will seldom prove unavailing. Should LARGE SUMS not thus be obtained, even the PENCE of the PIOUS POOR, accompanied with their prayers, will greatly enrich the Treasury of the Society: and your Committee venture to predict, that both the Contributors and the Collectors, in such small Associations, will, according to the Scriptural promise, in watering others, be watered themselves.

An extract from the able Report of another Association places in a striking light, the benefit arising to the Labouring Orders from associating themselves with this work of mercy :

We know the value set upon the widow's mite, and by whom! It is, no doubt, the unqualified meaning of the Society, and we are persuaded is well understood and acted upon by our

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