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At the Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East, held in Freemasons' Hall, GreatQueen Street, on Tuesday, April 30, 1822,

The Right Hon. LORD GAMBIER, Vice-Patron and President, in the Chair.

The Report of the Committee having been read by the Secretary, and the Statement of the
Accounts of the Twenty-second Year,

On a Motion by the Right Hon. the Earl of Rocksavage, seconded by the Rev.
William Dealtry, it was


That the Report now read be received, and printed under the direction of the Committee: and that this Meeting desires to express its unfeigned thankfulness to the Father of Mercies, for the blessings hitherto vouchsafed to the proceedings of the Society; and its increasing conviction, that the efforts of man, though directed to the highest end, must be in vain, without the aid of Him from whom "all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed:" and the Meeting would, therefore, not only attribute all past success to His favour and blessing, but earnestly urge on the Members of the Society, the importance of imploring the enlarged influences of the Holy Spirit on this and on all similar Institutions.

On a Motion by the Right Hon. Lord Calthorpe, seconded by the Rev. Theophilus
Blumhardt, of Basle, it was


That this Meeting witnesses, with pleasure and thankfulness, the enlarged means and labours of the various Societies for extending the Kingdom of Christ, both in the United Empire and on the Continent of Europe and in America; and anticipates the day, when every Christian Church throughout the world will yield full obedience to the command of Christ to make known the Gospel to every creature.

On a Motion by W. Wilberforce, Esq. M.P. seconded by the Rev. John W. Cunningham, it was


That this Meeting, on a review of the progress of the Gospel in the Liberated Negro Towns in the Colony of Sierra Leone, to whose rapid improvement decisive testimony has been received from persons to whose statements their character and official situation give peculiar weight-cannot but record its gratitude to Almighty God, for the way in which it has pleased Him thus to prosper the labours of the Society, in a Mission which has been attended with peculiar discouragements and trials.

On a Motion by John Herbert Harington, Esq. of Calcutta, seconded by T. Fowell
Buxton, Esq. M. P. it was


That this Meeting, while it views with thankfulness the extended labours of various Societies to evangelize India, particularly rejoices in the co-operation of the different Missiónary Institutions in the Established Church to this great end, and in the sanction and support which these labours receive from the highest Authorities; and feeling that the statements respecting the scene of the Society's exertions in the East, brought before the Members in the Sermon preached on occasion of the present Anniversary, furnish the most cogent motives for renewed and increasing labours, returns its cordial thanks to the Rev. Marmaduke Thompson for the same, and requests him to allow it to be printed with the Report.

On a Motion by the Rev. John Langley, Secretary of the Shropshire Association seconded by the Rev. John Brown, late of Belfast, it was


That the labours of the Society in promoting the revival of the Ancient Christian Churches round the Mediterranean and in Travancore, the religious instruction of the Children in the West Indies, the civilization and conversion of the wild but noble natives of New Zealand in the farthest extreme of the Eastern Hemisphere, and of the widely-scattered Indians in the lately-adopted North-West America Mission to the farthest Northern limits of the Western Hemisphere, have the cordial approbation of this Meeting; and it desires to commend these extensive spheres of operation to the persevering prayers of all the Members.

On a Motion by the Right Hon. the Earl of Gosford, seconded by the Rev. James
Haldane Stewart, it was


That the sincere Thanks of the Society be given to the Noble President of the Institution, to the other Vice-Patrons, and to the Vice-Presidents, for their continued protection; to the Treasurer, for his assistance; to such Clergymen and other Gentlemen as have, during the last year, prepared or supported Associations; to the Younger Friends of the Society; to those Ladies who, in various places, have very successfully exerted themselves. in promoting its interests; and to the Committee, for their exertions.




1. THIS Institution shall be designated "The Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East ;" and shall be conducted by Patrons, VicePatrons, a President, Vice-Presidents, a Committee, and such Officers as may be deemed necessary, all being Members of the Established Church.

II. The office of PATRONS of the Society shall be reserved for such Members of the Royal Family as may honour it with their Protection, VICEPATRONS shall be appointed exclusively from among the Peers, Spiritual and Temporal. The PRESIDENT shall be such Peer or Commoner, and the VICE-PRESIDENTS such Commoners, as may be appointed thereto.


III. Annual Subscribers of One Guinea and upwards, and if Clergymen, Half-a-Guinea, with Collectors of Fifty-two Shillings and upwards per Annum, shall be Members of the Society during the continuance of such Subscriptions or Collections. Benefactors of Ten Guineas or upwards, Clergymen making Congregational Collections to the amount of Twenty Guineas, and Executors paying to the amount of Fifty Pounds, shall be

Members for Life.

IV. Annual Subscribers of Five Guineas shall be Governors during the continuance of such Sub

scription; and Benefactors of Fifty Pounds and upwards shall be Governors for Life.

V. Members and Governors of Associations who contribute the above sums shall be considered as Members and Governors of the Parent Society.

shall constitute a quorum, shall be called at any time, at the requisition of the General Committee; or by any Thirteen Members, on addressing a Letter to the Secretary, specifying the object of the Meeting. Ten days' notice shall be given in three publie Newspapers, of any such intended Meeting, and of the purpose for which it is called; which shall be deemed sufficient publicity.

IX. None of the Rules of the Institution shall

be repealed or altered, nor any new ones established, but at the Annual Meeting, or at a Special Meeting called for that purpose.

X. An Anniversary Sermon shall be preached at some Church in London by a Clergyman appointed by the General Committee. An Annual Keport of the Society shall be printed for the use of its Members.


XI. The Committee shall consist of Twenty. four Lay Members of the Established Church; and of all such Clergymen as are Members of the Society. Eighteen Members shall be annually appointed from the Old Committee, and Six from the General Body.

XII. The COMMITTEE shall elect, at their

First Meeting in every year, either from among

themselves, or from the other Members of the Society, a Committee of Patronage, a Committee of Funds, a Committee of Correspondence, and a Committee of Accounts. Each of the said Com. mittees shall keep minutes of its Proceedings, and

VI. The Committee shall have the power of ap- shall report the same to the General Committee.

pointing such persons as have rendered essential services to the Society, either Members for Life, or Governors for Life.


VII. An Annual Meeting of the Members of the Society shall be held in London, on the First Tuesday in May; unless that day shall fall on the 7th of May, in which case the Annual Meeting shall be held, for that year, on Tuesday the s0th of April. To such Meeting, those Members of the Society shall be summoned by Letter who reside within ten miles of the Metropolis: when the Proceedings of the foregoing year shall be reported, the Accounts presented, and a Treasurer and Committee chosen.

VIII. A Special General Meeting of the Members of the Society, at which not less than Thirty

XIII. The Office of the Committee of Patronage is, to procure patronage and support to the Society; and to nominate, to the General Committee, proper persons, as Patrons, Vice-Patrons, and Vice-Presidents of the Society.

XIV. The Office of the Committee of Funds, is to circulate information respecting the Institution; to adopt proper means of augmenting the Subscriptions and Benefactions; to obtain Collec. tions in Churches and Chapels; and to nominate, from time to time, to the General Committee, suitable persons to act as agents for the Society in the principal towns throughout the Empire.

XV. The Office of the Committee of Correspond. ence, is, to seek for proper Missionaries, to su. perintend their instruction, and to correspond with them when sent out,

XVI. The Office of the Committee of Accounts is, to see that the Subscriptions are duly received, regulate the accounts, and undertake the charge of fitting out and conveying the Missionaries to their places of destination.

XVII. The General Committee shall receive the

Reports of the other Committees, shall appoint the places where Missions shall be attempted, shall direct the scale upon which they shall be conducted, and shall superintend the affairs of the Society in general.

XVIII. The General Committee shall meet on the Second Monday in every Month, and oftener if needful, the other Committees as often, and at such places, as shall be by them agreed on: their Meetings to be always opened with reading a Form of Prayer composed for that purpose, or one or more suitable prayers selected from the Liturgy. Five Members shall be necessary to compose a Ge

neral Committee, and Three each of the others.

In case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.

XIX. The Patrons, Vice-Patrons, and President, Vice-Presidents, and Treasurer, shall be considered ex-officio Members of all Committees.

XX. Governors, being Members of the Established Church, shall be entitled to attend and vote at all Meetings of the General Committee.

XXI. All Payments on account of the Society shall be signed by Three of the General Committee, in Committee, and the Secretary or Assistant Se


XXII. A Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Collector, shall be chosen by the General Committee; and whenever they shall deem it necessary, for the well-conducting of the affairs of the Institution, that any additional Officer be appointed, they shall have the power of so doing, subject to the approbation of the next Annual Meeting.

XXIII. Five Auditors shall be appointed by the Committee anually, for the purpose of auditing the Accounts of the Society, of whom Three shall be chosen from the General Body. Three shall be a Qaorum,

XXIV. The Life Subscriptions, or a sufficient part thereof, to be equal to the Subscriptions of the existing Members for Life, shall be placed in the Public Funds, in the names of Four of the General Committee; who, on their acceptance of the trust, shall sign a declaration of the nature of it, and that they will relinquish the same whenever called upon for that purpose by the General Committee.


XXV. In the appointment of Candidates for the Missionary Office, the following course shall be pursued. The Committee of Correspondence having found a person supposed to be suitable shall determine by ballot to nominate him to the General Committee. Previous to the day of nomination, each Member of the General Committee shall receive notice of such nomination. On the

day of nomination, a report shall be made by some Member of the Committee of Correspondence of his qualifications, and the General Committee shall then proceed to ballot for him, unless any Member shall declare that he wishes for further information; in which case the ballot shall be deferred till the next meeting of the General Committee. In the ballot of either Committee, the agreement of at least three-fourths of the Members present shall be necessary to his election.

XXVI. A Candidate thus chosen shall receive instruction in such parts of knowledge, and be prepared in such a manner for his future employment, as the Committee of Correspondence shall judge expedient.

XXVII. If, during such preparation, any Two Members of the General Committee should see cause to disapprove of his principles or conduct, they may submit the subject to a special meeting of the Committee; and, if deemed proper, the Committee may appoint another ballot to deter

mine whether he shall be continued as a Candidate; of which special notice shall be given to each Member.

XXVIII. Each Candidate shall consider himself as engaged to go to any part of the world, and at any time, which the Committee shall choose; respect however being had to his personal circumstances, or to any previous stipulation made by him with the Society. As soon as he quits England, he shall keep a regular Journal of his studies and proceedings; a copy of which he shall send, as often as opportunity shall serve, to the Secretary.

XXIX. Each Candidate, after due preparation, shall, if not admitted to Holy Orders, be appointed by the Committee to act as a Catechist. If admitted to Holy Orders, he shall be appointed a Missionary.

XXX. The Missionaries who go out under the direction of this Society shall be allowed to visit home, permission having been previously obtained from the General Committee: and after having laboured in the cause of the Society to the satisfaction of the Committee, at the Stations committed to their care, until age or infirmity prevent further exertion, suitable provision shall be made to render their remaining days comfortable. The General Committee shall have the power to assist also, in particular cases, the dependent relatives of those Missionaries, who, by devoting themselves to the service of the Society, are prevented from contributing to their support.

XXXI. A friendly intercourse shall be main tained with other Protestant Societies engaged in the same benevolent design of propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

XXXII. It is recommended to every Member of the Society to pray to Almighty God for a blessing upon his designs, under the full conviction, that, unless he "prevent us in all our doings with his most gracious favour, and further us with his continual help," we cannot reasonably hope to meet with persons of a proper spirit and qualifications to be Missionaries, or expect their endeavours to be crowned with success,

[blocks in formation]


Fuez Messeeh, Native Reader and Catechist.


Moonef Messeeh, Native Reader.


Anund Messeeh, Native Reader & Catechist. David Jysingh, Native Schoolmaster.


Abdool Messeeh, Missionary. John Lyons, Superintendant of Schools. John Crowley, Schoolmaster.




G. T. Bärenbruck, James Ridsdale,

and Issac Wilson,


Nallapen, Christian, and Sandappen,

Native Assistants.

Eleven Native Schoolmasters,
in Madras or its Vicinity.


John Devasagayam,
Native School Inspector.

Nyanapiragasam, Native Assistant Inspector.
Auben David, Native Catechist.

Native Schoolmasters for Thirty-one Schools.


C. T. E. Rhenius, Bernhard Schmid,


Robert Graham, Robert Lyon,
English Schoolmasters.

Twelve Native Tamul Schoolmasters.


Benjamin Bailey, Joseph Fenn, H. Baker, Missionaries.

Moses Isarphaty, Hebrew Teacher.

Thirty-five Native Schoolmasters.


Malayalim Schoolmaster.


Thomas Norton, Missionary.
Native Catechist.
Two Native Schoolmasters.


Jacob Joseph, Native Reader and Catechist. B. Johnson, Protestant Schoolmaster. Streenyvassel, Hindoo Schoolmaster.

[blocks in formation]
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